Reminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in

reminder if you voted for this piece of shit you deserve to have your face pushed in

beaten up back to whereever or whatever fucking place you came from

literally no one i know in real life likes this guy or says his name in a good manner

let me see one of you maga hat cunts walking around here.. you wouldn't even know until it happened. the things i'd do to you

you've been warned

Attached: dumbfuck.png (875x583, 669K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump 2024!

Attached: y2uNb2I.jpg (645x729, 77K)

I dont need a blowjob that bad, mike.

I'm your huckleberry

Attached: 1580960475121.jpg (640x724, 65K)

He didn't even build the wall or anything

Attached: Stupid town patrick.jpg (261x152, 12K)

Lmao come at me libfag , I'll put your teeth on the side walk and then skull stomp you

Lmao come at me libtard, I'll put your teeth on the side walk and then skull stomp you

dilate another 4 years faggot

Medicaid foodstamps detected

Imagine being angry at an old orange man who likes to golf and get the poor off foodstamps

You can vote for the next guy that's gonna legalize us or you can be another piece of shit like ice and the rest of the nacos.

Acuerdate que el malinchismo no es bueno

I don't put ranchero music or reggaeton in full blast like I should you fucking retard.

I never betrayed my country. Fuck you communist.

70 percent of voters describe the nation's economy as excellent or good and 29 percent describe it as not so good or poor. That is just slightly lower than the all-time high set on December 16th, 2019, when 73 percent said excellent or good and 25 percent said not so good or poor. Gonna lose dipshits

Who the fuck would be able to beat my ass on your side when your diet mainly consists of soy and semen?
Hit the gym before you talk shit little cuck

piece of shit Dem

Dems are showing their true faces. They're no better than the terrorists our brave troops fought overseas to keep this country safe.
A crimson tide is coming.


Man I am so pumped I hope the left Does a Civil War Boogaloo once he gets reelected.

They're trying. In the last week, the left has committed a terrorist attack in Florida, walked up to the WH gates and threatened to assassinate the president with a knife, and smacked a 15 year old kid around for supporting the US. Any who aren't willing to repent and get on the Trump Train need deported or shot, effective immediately.

Eat a dick fascist.

He promised to build a wall but instead he built a fence man. How do people still support him when he hasn't even done that.


>lottery giving a shit about a wall everyone knew was campaign bait like 1000$bminth and college debt forgivementss.
>not even noticing he’s been packing the courts with republican judges
That’s my dawg,

rumor has it when dems win they will publish a list of those who voted for him and make it public, so you know, people can go and 'debate' his supporters

Yeah tell everyone that you sage’d the thread. That will sure show them.

Seems unlikely given that ballots aren't linked to your ID in any way (at least where I'm at), but if they could, they would. You know every one of his social media followers has a target on their back.

>Doxing is always illegal, whether it is done against a federal employee, a state employee, or a regular person. There are federal and state laws that specifically address doxing government employees. With regular citizens, doxing falls under various state criminal laws, such as stalking, cyberstalking, harassment, threats, and other such laws, depending on the state.

>Dems win
Now I know this is ylyl

There won't be enough Dems left come 11/3 to win Rhode Island if they were all packed into the state.

That meme is really turning out to be retarded faggot cringe

>That meme look accurate but I'm whining.


So you’re for voterID then?

They're all just lizard people trying to drive the divide between the people and you fell for their rhetoric hard you dumb fuck.

>the things i'd do to you
lib code for anal rape.

You must be from commiefornia. Opinion dismissed. Come to Texas and talk your shit and see how fast you get your ass stomped.

no more dreams. only tears.

Bro. Reread what you just said and assume someone was saying the same thing from an opposite point of view. There's no need for such drastic measures over a difference of opinion. If you really love the United States, so much, then have some love for the freedom of speech, no matter how stupid you think it might be.

Don't let the tribalism train run over your principles.

I love this country. They want to destroy it, and they want to destroy anyone who loves it. Enough is enough.

His principles seem to largely involve not slapping children or running over waving knives in people in public.
I'll take his tribalism over your moral preaching.

Last I checked, our official policy was not to negotiate with terrorists, but the left is pushing in that direction, where they can't handle not being in power, so they start driving vans into crowds of patriots out of sheer hate.

>Reminder that if your opinion, life experience, and worldview isn't exactly the same as mine, then you deserve to have violence inflicted against you

Lol, classic libtard logic

The reverse is perfectly fair in that case, too. They'll regret their recent actions.

>citation needed

I didn't vote for anybody in 2016 but I wanted Trump to win
now seeth and cope harder and end it

then go at it with my siblings please