I found half a kilo of hashish

I found half a kilo of hashish
I play runescape and I have literally no idea what strain it is and how to sell it
Ama thread

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Why runescape

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smoke it?

Strain is irrelevant make some shit up. Get at least 20 per gram if it seems like good shit if it's black nasty sludge charge 10

Send me it niggaaaa

To add if you sell in bulk give discounts obviously. But not huge discounts like 10 to 25 percent off based on how much they buy

With that much hash, selling it cheaper than anyone else will get rid of it faster and at no loss as it was free

send pic of it i will rate it

But less profit which is the end goal. I'm assuming he can't find someone to sell it all in bulk to for a good price for him since he doesn't sell drugs. Selling small quantities to close friends would be ideal. If he happens to know someone he trusts that wants it all for a good price that'd be great but im assuming he doesn't know anyone who wants to buy half a key of hash out of nowhere. And it's sketchier showing up with lots of drugs for lots of money. Small quantities over time to close friends for maximum profit is ideal.

Post pics. It could be dogshit for all we know

I never said sell it all at once I just meant do good deals even on small amounts

20 a g for top quality hash is a great deal in most places in the USA. They sell a gram for 30 where I'm from and this isn't in the middle of nowhere

I'm in UK and our hash is shit lmao get like an 8th for 20 gbp

Sounds about right, that sucks it's garbage tho m8

A gram of good hash is roughly equivalent to an eighth of decent or better weed. So OP if you know the local weed prices sell a gram for the price of an eighth and maybe knock 5 bucks off to help it go faster

black "men"

You in usa?

It's 20grams just weighing up
Also trap thread and Cred Forums style introduction
Im from Scandinavia

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Yeah and... I'm guessing this is your second reply

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whats your runescape name

gay white cuck posting gay porn again smh

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RuneScape still exists?