
Enjoy fat white ass everynight
Shitpost on Cred Forums all nite and play Vidya

What went wrong user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I spelled night as nite so my dick fell off

>What went wrong user?
Poor guy bought into "woman" meme.

How is this video games?

I enjoy a fat white ass every night when Im not at work though
I still dont know what went wrong

literally who are these people
who gives a shit
you're supposed to talk about videogames on this board, you know?

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he gon get divorced

She's already mid-wall transition.

She's shamelessly pulling out the ass as a last desperate attempt. Sad.

fake ass is more pathetic than fake tits

>arched back + angle
yeah, fat "white" ass

am i a low test faggot if i think that's too much ass? it looks great but it would look better if it was just a little bit slimmer, no?

/r/asianmasculinity and /r/aznidentity
Jealous butthurt Hapas and mutts mad they're not white and live vicariously through the achievements of others so they can claim some false sense of victory.

They're discord is hilariously depressing. Someone post the pictures

He probably has lots of money

Most people here are too negative and socially insecure to attract anything remotely attractive other than ham planets

Build upon yourself through exercise to making dosh and the bitches will come

or you can continue being the pathetic bitch and live out your life in regret

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her ass was born to hold fat white cock in it

He's 100% getting cucked by white Chads
Guarantee this is an open relationship


Rent free

she's a twitch thot that makes way more than him
doubtful, amwf is one of the lowest divorce rates

Nothing. I married a sticc because I'm not into fatties.

This. He's suffering on the inside. Any true enjoyment he has with her is a poison chalice. That just makes the nagging and trying to please her forever game that much more exhausting.

Not really. I've seen the screenshots, it's real. I'm also not even white, user. I only mentioned it because someone else said why and I gave a reason. It's not vidya.

Could ask you the same. Imagine spamming the same shit in hopes to "trigger" people. Others lives may be not great but at least they're not cuck-posting 24/7 like you.

Have fun with your fleshlight.

I fell for the jbw meme.
Oh well fck girls

>exercising and making cash for bitches
absolutely pathetic user

You do that for yourself so you exude confidence which attracts women.
You will never be happy if you're poor and unhealthy.

Imagine white worshipping in 2020.
Your even more pathetic.

I'm also hispanic

imagine being so weak as a person that you are unable to find any happiness unless you constantly have a hot gf hanging around your neck. i can 100% say i was happier when single.

Nah for yourself you lil niglet the bitches are only a side reward from attempting to get out of the rat race

I for one I'm happy for kerllin and Android 18

May they live a happy joyful peaceful life.

So let me get this straight, there are people in the world so pathetic they spend their time on Cred Forums of all places doing nothing but posting cuck shit and bait just to make people angry and get (you)'s.

Jesus. That's really fucking pathetic.
I can't tell if it's more pathetic doing it seriously as some sort of vendetta or if it's more pathetic to doing it just as a way to get (you)'s.
What an embarrassment. I'm physically cringing here. That's incredible.

>live vicariously through the achievements of others so they can claim some false sense of victory.

So just like whites and anyone else on this website then. Sounds like they're in good company.

Different strokes for different folks.
I was pretty miserable before I met my wife.
Haven't felt that way since.

I wasted so much time being ugly when all along all I had to do was not be a lazy sack of shit lol

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why generalize an entire race of people when faced with criticism, Tenda?
are you a racist?

Sounds like your projecting too be honest.

i envy you then. i love my gf but it's nothing to write home about since neither of us are touchyfeely or constantly warm people. i miss college and shooting billiards with my mates.

>post facts

Chad detected?

Unemployed bald men who live with their parents are not populer among women.

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Use this knowledge and start now user
You can still become peak you
I believe in you

i'm 5'2

If you really want to know, I spent five years in a relationship with a manipulative abusive bitch who completely fucked up my self-esteem and confidence about relationships. Seven years later I still get panic attacks whenever the possibility of sex or another relationship comes up and I've indirectly rejected a lot of women because of it.

Not asian but Cred Forumstards live vicariously through their race's achievements as well.

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my first gf was bipolar and really did a number on me before cheating.
Now whenever a woman shows interest I scream internally and slither away from her as fast as possible.

>Going around lurking Asian incel discords too feel better about yourself for being white.

Yea your a loser.

good thing this thread isn't about them, huh Zhang?

How is her ass just so giant though? Also wasn't she in some leaked video of her taking it up the pussy and ass at the same time? The girl in that video had a massive ass too.

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Hi chang

i was too busy making off topic threads on Cred Forums when i could've been getting pussy, that's how empty my life is

>99% of Cred Forums will never unlock this achievement

lamo, losers

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Technically it is.

do your slit eyes impede your reading comprehension?

Imagine the smell

What was the point of this thread?

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I actually envy the dude most than everyone because the idea of a girlfriend who shows her top tier AAA+++ amazing ass off like that gets me off

girls like that are nigger loving whores with zero agency

It's fucking enormous. She must be in that gym EVERY single day.

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don't care, all women are whores

>live with their parents.
In this day and age its kinda hard to find a house since the gov prioritize giving out houses to "refugees" imigrants where i live. I'm on the "waiting" list for 5 years already.

At least i'm not bald...

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I mean they've been together for a long ass time, so if what you're saying is true, he's into being cuckolded or she's extremely cunning and good at hiding her nigger escapades.

>his smile
how does it feel to smile like that, like genuinely smile like that?

Just too see how many incels I can trigger with a photo.

Working pretty well don't you think?

I'd live inside her buttcheeks

God damn, I love being white. Look at all this eternal ass blast and jealously in this thread. Damn, it feels fucking amazing being white. Just existing is enough to make these mutt goblin shitskin non-white bitchboys eternally buttblasted.
>good looking just by straight comparison to non-whites
>taller than non-whites
>live in the best countries in the world
>all your whores want us
Must suck not being white.

Hang in there, bro. I thought i would never smile like that but there is always someone, just keep on a look out.

>Sounds like your projecting too be honest

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most likely because he has a girlfriend with a giant ass next to him

Nothing went wrong

I'm gay

Name? daddy need to coom

and he must be in that ass EVERY single day

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No he doesn't at all. Nice try fag.


also he is pretty clearly at minimum mixed white or one of those whites who doesn't "look" white because he's like 1/16th native

Good, I'll give them the only agency they should need

I think it's well known that they're in an open relationship and she's allowed to fuck other guys. There's also a video of her somewhere.

Done spamming blacked threads OP?

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Do you think she fucks black guys?

>Just too see how many incels I can trigger with a photo.

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the one in that pic is her bf not her husband

Idc not reading.

You don't seem to get it. Your lurking around Asian incel discords and subreddits. Because your trying to cope with the fact how much of a loser you are.

Your just a sad projecting incel. It's clear as day.


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Lol thread full of triggered incels.

I'm out.

>that whole post
Ironic coming from you.

Retarded whore

Nothing unique about her, there are lots of pretty retarded whores out there.

does he even have enough pp to reach in her?

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imagine making this post
imagine being so insecure you have to loudly and proudly announce this absolute faggotry in an effort to establish not for other people but for yourself that you're totally different from all the "raging incels" ITT
tldr you're a faggot incel kys

Triggered white incel detected.

Reminder just spam chink webms everytime you see off-topic interracial posts and they out themselves easily.
Blacked posters and anti-white threads are mostly made by asians, western born asians from reddit to be specific.

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haha you're so fucking mad look at you

rage harder incel

Check this out for example.

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How is this even possible? This does against everything the incel community told me!

I love looking at this chick but really wish she would wear high heels more often.

lol dumb bitch this is Cred Forums