Carpet burn healed over and it's getting bigger and hurting. Diagnose me Cred Forums

Carpet burn healed over and it's getting bigger and hurting. Diagnose me Cred Forums.

Attached: IMG_20200218_002321~2.jpg (2160x2771, 1.31M)

Ingrown hair probably


looks like a bad case of ligma

Infected, lance and squeeze it and post results

Diagnosis, faggotry. Assfucking on a floor. Are you the pitcher, or the catcher, you disgusting piece of shit?

You are retarded, sir.


Attached: 2deanr.jpg (307x164, 5K)

looks like infection. not staff or nerve gas. could be an infect hair follicle. it should heal over time.

or you could die. i guess you will find out soon.


Staph. Get that seen to unless you potentially want to lose your leg.

Thanks for the responses Cred Forumsros. I got it from BJJ not assfucking by the way user but thanks for your input none the less. Gonna avoid a GP seeing I might get a case of the Corona while I'm waiting in the room.

who's steve jobs?

your son is dead ma'am
he got hit by a car
the driver was an alcohol

Most people that roll will run into staff/MRSA at some point. Very manageable at the early stages. Typical antibiotic treatment. If you go too long without getting it diagnosed and treated it will find it's way into your blood and really fuck you up. GL:)

Thanks user maybe I should get it checked. Your advice might have just saved my leg

pull the central hair and squeeze the feta cheese out of it

Pop it and post a picture after

Not a pimple, nigger

In the future, avoid rolling with guys with obvious open sores or abnormally large bandages. Make sure your gym cleans the mats daily or find a gym that stays on top of that shit, especially if you're looking to compete. You don't want to be on an antibiotic regiment in competition. It will weaken your body for it's duration. I'm always willing to help fellow jits guys. Again gl:)

Ligma balls

aight then cut it and post pic after

take a sharpie and outline the redness. Wait a day and if it's gotten bigger, seek help. If not then your body is fighting it off and you're good to go.

Emergency, we can smell updog

I thought this was a hoot

How does a man not maneuver himself throughout daily life as to not rub off their knee hair. That shit got rubbed off my knees days after it first grew at age 13. Wow!