Are they real or just a meme?

Are they real or just a meme?

Attached: anonymous.png (1200x1200, 190K)

A meke duh. user couldnt hack your mom if they tried

Meme. They ded.

>They ded.
Were they even a thing though?

From what I gather. There was a one black hat hacker group called Anonymous. And then anonymous were kind of freedom fighters, reaching their peak when trying to draw attention to freedom of speech and net neutrality (because of SOPA, PIPA), by attacking websites of corporations that tried to take it away.

The latter wasn't even an organized group more like an equivalent of a Cred Forums raid. Someone just called an "attack" at a certain time posted it on YT or some forum and it was up to the people if they want to join.

Of coure they're real, they're us.
You are anonymous right now, as am I and everybody else on Cred Forums.
Pic related

Attached: Anonymous.png (1150x1052, 182K)

They are dead
And they are gay just like everyone else on Cred Forums

If OP would stop samefagging we could have a real conversation.

An idea can never die

only and this are me except for the Original Post.

fuck, I meant

People stopped using Anonymous ideology because they listen to much to politics.

The OGs of the Anonymous movement all divided into hundreds of small hacker groups due to conflicting beliefs/morals/ideology etc

>is this meme a meme

A meme about fags doing something created by fat neckbeards who do bothing, adopted by talented shut-in hacker groups with ambiguous economical and political agendas

Attached: Screenshot_20200217-165204.jpg (1080x2340, 656K)

Attached: images.jpg (701x1080, 133K)

We're long gone now and spread out to different boards.
The hivemind still exists but it's difficult to keep in touch.

They're just leftist communist faggots now and very cringe

Its like being gay nowadays. 30 years ago you could be gay but you had to be careful but not now. Same with anonymous. Saying your legion is like saying I like pickles. Who cares?

just a meme
its the login to


For being real they sure af don’t do a god damn thing to expose anything anymore. They could trace all this dark money the US government launders or bust child sex ring networks or get Hillary’s emails or Trumps emails. They ded AF