Why is Brazil considered a third world country?

Why is Brazil considered a third world country?

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feudalistic cast system hierarchy with geographic seperations, the third world part is investment opportunity, but people are mostly concerned and security which would need like... zomia tier ex cia led mercenary private contractor offshoots who could tee up the capital connections as well if they have financial constituents who know the right people. do the whole of south america up to panama max range.

>70% niggers
Yep, third world confirmed

emphasis on light vertical lift on lift off systems. and hook up with proprieters like nextel project etc, local scouts, knowledge, hookups, suppliers, shipping/transport/drug networks, payment, banking, investment securities turnover. weapons, armerment. local govs. laws. few considerations, heads of divisions. be the way to do it. competing contractor heads would naturally form syndicate quasi price/competition fixing at the higher levels based on asimilar backgrounds/alignments..

Unrealistic standards from sheltered white urbanites who only travel in a tourist capacity

Why are import taxes (on things like tech, for example) so high in Brazil?

dredgeline slavecast feudalism, portuguse emperor

Because muh local industry

Dull knifes guns that jam crime
Crime and shantytowns

Because there is a lot of niggers and idiots leftist / altrights. It's really a hell in here.
FYI : You can't defend yourself with a gun and the criminal receive human rights / presumption of innocence by the state.

Third world is a Cold War term meaning not to be aligned with the soviets or the capitalists

as a third world country Brazil is often considered a third world country.

Internal protectionism of the gross product
For dummies : To orotect local factories who are heavily over-taxed.
Over-taxation is a problem here.

*To protect
I Hate my phone

their prostitutes start at 13... that's a clear indicator...

In a nutshell: the government is overtaxing everyone so they can steal more public funds? How are businesses not moving abroad by now?

Pretty sure I once heard that the definition of a third world country was simply and country that didn't declare a side in WW2. Switzerland was smart, they declared themselves neutral. The others were too busy throwing shit at each other to notice what was going on.

This is because Brazil has undergone a systematic process of cultural deconstruction for many years in which corruption, adultery and exploitation have become common and acceptable social practices.

Example 1: it has the highest tax practiced in the solar system.

Example 2: a detainee's family has financial assistance from the State.

Example 3: it suffers from a purposeful bureaucratic dysfunction imposed by the State to prevent economic development and private initiative.

R.I.P. Brazil

define third world

What do Brazilians sincerely think of Bolsonaro? Have (some) things changed for the better since he's in office?

legalise cannabis. uruguay is angeling ur entire nation for u. use it. ditto their welfare system


a lot of people forget or dont know that Brazil had more european immigrants than any other country between the 15th century and 19th.

They have, that's why nobody wants to invest in local businesses. It's a huge problem the government is currently trying, and failing, to handle as the price of the USD skyrockets.

For reference, I own an art studio working with design, translations, storyboarding and general commissions. Most of our equipment I've had to smuggle into Brazil because a professional screen tablet, an absolute must, used to cost around 7-15k BRL when I started, smuggling one in cost 3k, coupled with traveling expense to go pick the thing up I was still 6.5k BRL cheaper. Ditto with the PC parts required.

Nowadays we have based companies like Huion selling tablets at a more realistic 2k BRL price-range, but we still had to source it from a warehouse directly as opposed to buying it off a retailer.

Another example, Brazilian clients pay very little and they pay late, around 600 BRL for 25 pages (roughly 24 BRL or 6 USD per page) paid 35 days after signing the contract.

International clients, on the other hand, are more than happy to pay us 60-100 USD per page (240-400 BRL), so where we'd get paid 600 BRL for 25 pages we instead receive 6-10k BRL for exact same amount of work (which is actually a lot cheaper for them, and a lot more money for us).

This is the exact same reality for pretty much every company out there that can do business with international clients. My studio barely takes on any national clients unless it's an easy job.

the bit about defending yourself with a gun is absolutely innacurate, and the bit about "human rights" to criminals and "presumption of innocente" can only be conceived by someone who has no understanding at all about law, either brazilian or otherwise. That is not and will never be the reason why brazil has problems.

proportional to slaves

Amazing how easy it is to bait /b nowadays

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oh and I forgot to mention, while BR clients pay over a month after signing initial contract, international clients pay up front first thing.

So for now unless there's a really good reason to I pass on most national jobs and just stick to working with overseas clients. Even eating the tax I'm a lot better off than not doing it.

And I know full well what this means, a local crew misses out on storyboarding or a local writer misses out on having art for his book/comic. Well, sucks for them. Some crew/writer/company in the US is willing to pay 10x what the local ones are willing to. We go where the money is, and there's no money in Brazil, so there's no reason to scrounge for local clients.

Now make this the reality of pretty much every Brazilian company out there that has the choice between sticking to national or international clients and you sort of understand why our economy's in the shitter.

my arms broken im half a man at the moment care

Portuguese ≠ European

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My family owns a farm that would be perfect for canabis production, the second they legalize it we're growing the stuff.

Example 2 is wrong. This was overly advertised in our latest squirmish for power here ("left" vs "right", imopeachment, bolsonaro and so on...). The right made a big deal of this, by oversimplifying or creating false information, and a lot of people simply accepted it.
This so called assistance is merely an early withdrawal from funds available to the detainee's family if the detainee was employed and contributing to a social security fund. His family can receive the amount that he already would be able to receive, if theyprove the necessity.
This is not a "gift", but a right. It also guarantees that the punishment will focus on the criminal, and not his family.

Those who argue that the criminal should lose the money that he contributed to the social security fund (as in "he commited a crime, he should have no rights") usually have no information on what tools are effective to decrease criminality rates or social inequality (which are closely related), and tend to think of criminal punishment as a mean to fuflfill a sense of revenge, and not a tool to decrease criminality.

Brazil is the third world country of the third world

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fuck yes. make sure u invest adequetly in protection/security. work the fields.


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You see, there is a endless "favor exchange" between business and govt. That is the reason they "don't leave the country in their boats".

Brazil is basically Russia with niggers

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Expect the machete bois to pay you a visit
>Chop chop

not just portuguese, also italians and germans

Very much this. My wife is Slovakian, used to live in the UK, and moved to Brazil so we could get married, since it'd be easier here, and chose to never leave, she loves it here and says that we're basically an Eastern European country in everything but ethnicity and the lack of winter/snow. Everyone thinks we're crazy for staying instead of moving to the UK, me I'd rather stay. I'm paid in USD here anyway and they're worth more here than in Europe.

the german seed pool was obliterated by schizophrenic american gene post ww2

Trust me, until this point we've been nothing but cattle/milk farmers, and we've got our fair share of people trying to either invade or rob us blind. And we've always been able to drive them away with a few well placed shots to the back of their heads, or a few well placed hacks to their throats.

You don't take another man's earnings down here and expect to live.

Huh? You suggesting Portugal isn't in Europe?

if you are paid in USD and live in nice areas living in Brazil can be paradise. The opposite is also true though.


He has clear intelectual limitations. I have met two businessmen that met him in official business, with the government, both from the brazilian "right", and both stated clearly that he is an idiot. One of them, from the aviation business, said he wouldn't hire him to be a doorman. But they still prefer him to the left winged government.

Brazil has been experience a slow recovery from he absolut stop we had after the collapse of the civil construction business (derived from serious criminal issues), and the global crash. Things are slightly better, and economic sucess is the key to everyone's happiness, i guess.
I am not an economist, so I am not able to identify if his government (specially the measures taken by the ministry of economics Paulo Guedes) is directly responsible for the slow recovery.

In every other area, it's a huge disaster. He is putting either military or completely crazy people in power, and the results are exactly what you would expect.

There is a lot of energy being spent in retarded measures: fighting against "globalism", defensding the "christian values" of a "traditional family", avoiding cultural manifestation from the "evil left", and so on.
This is bad, and pretty ridiculous in all areas, but i think the worst, so far, are humn rights, enviroment and international relations. International relations is by far the worst - it was one of the few areas where brazil was respected, and nowadays it's almost like a bad joke.

0,01% Italians and Germans
>Stop lying to yourself Da Silva

blacklist the usd, print it on hemp


genetic blacklist dclxvi

I was actually thinking of getting some real estate in a brazil, like a nice beach town given how cheap it is right now and I think if a WW3 or economic collapse happens brazil wont suffer as much as the US. any suggestions?

Of course it isn't, neither is Spain

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true story, one time one managed to sneak into our farm and threaten my uncle with a knife to his side, told him to drive the tractor to a remote location, I assume so he could kill him and drive away with it. My uncle stalled the tractor on purpose, to which the dude hopped off and tried seeing what's wrong with it, he got jumped, knocked out and "mysteriously" run over by the tractor, which went over his head.

Police were called, they thanked us for making their job easier. My uncle got to live and the idiot who jumped him got a closed casket funeral. Nobody tried stealing our tractors again.

Take a look at the gore threads

lol there's more italian descend people in Brazil than anywhere else, and 2nd amount of germans after the US

those are all in shitholes not the nice areas. ive been to the country numerous of times before, violence and that kind of stuff is mostly segregated in the favelas or poor areas.

That's some first world country stuff right there

We live in a nice area in a moderately big town in the southeast. We don't want for much and are slowly working on the house we own. It's a comfy life, more than a lot of others down here.

Don't fuck with farmers. That's like... basic fucking knowledge.

Right means an obligation to third parties equivalent to the benefit acquired.

Order means a place for everything and everything in its proper place.

The chain is not a justification for someone (family members) to enjoy a benefit that does not belong to them, since they were not the ones to contribute to social security.

At no time was any loss of entitlement to previously acquired benefits mentioned, if any; before proposing to any form of public debate, learn to read, interpret and discern arguments without committing distortion or confusion.

If you ignore all that's bad Brazil is pretty based ngl


>ke a nice beach town given how cheap it is right now and I think if a WW3 or economic collapse happens brazil wont suffer as much as the US. any suggestions?

Stick close to São Paulo and in very rich neighborhoods, or completely away from everything else (like in secluded beaches of the northeast). We have very nice places, and relatively secure, but there are also very dangerous states and cities.

I would stay away from Rio de Janeiro. It's relatively small and even though its still safe for tourism (stick to the rich neighborhoods), i think its an eternal pressure cooker, bound to explode.

yeah i have family in Rio so go often, I like beach towns so was thinking somewhere in Rio, Bahia or RN like Itacare or Pipa

dont listen to this liberal nigger fagget blabering bullshit all around

Shit, at least you're living off your passion.

Italian inspired architecture

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>São Paulo

Fuck that, go to Minas or Goiás. Lots of moderately sized cities there that are now slowly growing and have great economic potential and very chill people, also the food there is amazing.

São Paulo is literally Brazilian CA. Nothing but pretentious twats and expensive shit as far as the eye can see.

In this case get a cheap apartment in downtown Rio, they're beautiful and not at all expensive. And it's certainly a lot better to live in Rio than SP. Trust me, I've lived in Both, São Paulo made me want to fucking die.

Do you even understand the definitions of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world?

1st world is America, western allies during the cold war.
2nd is tyre Soviets and their allies.
3rd is everyone else who's unaffiliated.

That's why Brazil is a 3rd world country.

Now go back to bed.

Classic German style

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ignore this idiot, he has 0 idea of what he's talking about.

Fuckin' A brother.

>second world doesn't exist but buril third

yeah fuck sao paulo, if it wasnt in Brazil i would think its like Quito or something.

She is from Brazil. I'm fine with living in a third world country!

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labor -> cannabis plantations


Found the libtard

About this, doesn't Brazil have a lot to gain from expanding into the Amazonian jungle? I mean, there's lots of jungle area in Brazil to spare anyway, and the space could be used for farming and such.

If you ignore all that's bad Nigeria is pretty based ngl


That's like comparing Japan to Burma.

Brazil is full of pedophiles anyway

Get this, the govnmt protected an area too big to fiscalize, now instead of legally destroying the jungles are being destroyed and the money being sent to other countries

Age of consent here is 14, with the parent's consent you can go as low as 12. It's not pedophilia if it's legal.

Is it?

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Then you are the 1st person to have this information, I congratulate you.

sauce on this novinha

under puberty is

When your grandma runs out of sopa do macaco just have some brain snacks

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You can also get skinned alive in Japan if you fuck over the wrong people so, yes. Yes it is. People who get killed down here for this shit are involved with organized crime. Nobody cares when they die because it's one less animal on the streets.

Down here you don't end up stuck in a tire pile, doused in gas and set on fire for no reason. If this does happen to you, means you're involved with organized crime in some way, and we're more than glad you're dead.

thats 4 nothings

Serious question for BRs, are you guys aware of any eugenics program going on in your country? Why most super models come from there? Theres whites in other south american countries too.

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genetic melding pot = higher chance for winning the genetic lottery.

The reason other SA countries have a higher white/black ratio than Brazil is because they, no joke, used the "if you fight my wars you're free" for slaves. They successfully killed off the overwhelming majority of them. No such thing happened in Brazil.

Stop lying to yourself, this happens on a daily basis in macaco country

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And it shows

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The payment to the social security fund is actually made to provide, in a lot of cases, to the dependants of the one making the payments. His family, in this case. The fund is not only money you put away for a future withdrawal in case you need it, but also money you put away in case your family needs it if you cannot provide for them anymore.
So it is not " a benefit that does not belong to the family", but is a benefit commonly aimed at preserving the family in times of need. Obviously, the circunstances that the dependents can withdraw the cash are specific and foreseen by Law - the arrest of a worker who has contributed to the fund and whose family needs it being one of them.

About the loss of acquired benefits, you are right, it was not mentioned earlier. That is the reason i said "those who defend it", instead of simply assessing that you defended it. As i am sure you know, it is a very common argument here in Brazil, and was brought up in almost every situtation when i heard someone argue against the "presidiary fund". they usually go hand in hand with the catchphrase "human rights to correct humans", or the very similar "if yuo wanted rights, you shouldn't have broken the law".

Since it's a very common argument, I figured it could be tackled right away. If i was not clear enough in the aspect that i was not attributing that to your post, i'm sorry.

The original post was a very simple one-liner, i was merely pointing out arguments commonly presented to defend that point of view.

Good, they should pick up the pace then. Have more CPFs cancelled successfully. These people are a fucking blight, and nobody mourns them offing each other.

Down here we have a saying: Tá com dó? Leva pra casa.

Means, you pity them? Take them to your home.

but the portuguese also killed off most of the indigenous people compared to other SA countries.

Looking for European hierarchy

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Why does some of the best porn come from Brazil?

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minas or goias are very nice places to live.
I really like living in sao paulo, though... i guess to each their own.
It is a lot of pretentious twats and expensive shit, that is true;

what you trying to shill user? brazil has lot of poverty, but nobody is starving like in india or africa? they could feed their entire population over and over again.

Beautiful nature

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More of an unfortunate accident. The vast majority of Brazililan native deaths were caused by disease. Yes there was a period of outright hostility between natives and Portuguese, but as soon as settling aside differences started they were more than happy working together, but then they were wiped out by European diseases introduced to the country.

Medium/small cities don't have that problem even in são paulo tho, this is mostly an issue in big metropolitan areas

That's a man, you flamboyant faggot

but compared to the hispanic countries, brazil doesn't have that much native population.even the US and Canada have more.

They took in African slaves for the sugar trade. They ruin everything when you take the chains off.

Here's the thing though, despite me having lived and grown up abroad I was still born in Bahia and my education was from a public school in a relatively small town, this has never been a problem anywhere else. It was in São Paulo. People went out of their way to be assholes in my workplace, and friends were fucking mean because "lol small town Baiano bumpkin", and because I'm a fucking lunatic I just up and fucked off.

Oh and the Pizza there sucks fucking balls. Only good food São Paulo had was asian.

Brazilian surgeon

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The denial is strong with these faggots


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The reason for that is two-fold.

I - the diseases spread insanely quickly in the jungle, and getting through the insane vegetation with a guide is already a huge fucking undertaking. So help couldn't arrive fast enough which meant a lot more deaths.

II - a lot of natives integrated to colonial life fairly easily. You'd be surprised how many natives simply up and left for the cities first chance they could, hell they still do that when they can.

There's a lot of claims that the Portuguese just up and massacred the natives when in reality the majority were killed off by disease and those who remained just decided to go live in the cities, and more often than not they'd be accepted with open arms.

So private contractors are working with corrupt politicians to sell the Amazonian wood abroad at an undervalued price? That would be similar to what's happening here in Eastern Europe. I'm from Romania, and our forests are disappearing like crazy through illegal deforestation and export.

> Italians and Germans

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Question still stands.

The performances are nowhere near of europeans and Americans pornstars

It's mostly being used to clear out farm areas, from what I gather, farmers will do "favors" for authorities and politicians over cooperation and often exclusivity of lands

Maybe, but Brazil has probably the hottest girls.

Why not ?

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Meh not really, most of them have really hairy buttocks

Nice !

Yes, we could expand our soy and cattle production to the amazonian forest. the vhallenge would be how to do it without completely fucking up our very rich fauna and flora. It would be impossible to prevent deflorestation altogether, but it should be carefully implemented. What the present government has been saying (the europeans completely destroyed their own forests and animals in order to become more industrialized, got rich doing it and now they want us to preserve our forests instead of doing the same) is not false - and it is very similar to the positions of China and the USA: fuck all of you, i will not forego my possible economic advantage in favor of a possible global benefit. That is a very hard matter to discuss, because it includes incalculable future benefits (like possible future scientfic discoveries derived from the biological diversity in preserved areas).
I think that there should be room for expansion, as it is inevitable, but we should be more worried about preservation than we are right now. I am personally worried, as everyone is, i guess, about the sustentability of a uniquely economic approach to complex ecossystems such as the amazon.
I also remember discussing this with my faather-in-law, and he showed me interesting numbers regarding brazilian agriculture: we had a comparatively low production per hectare than americans. He was researching some sort of automated system to measure the fields and produce more per hectar (only using agro-defensives in spots where they were needed, for instance) in a conjoined research between são paulo and some american state. He was arguing that we could be focusing in producing more per hectare, instead of focusing on more hectares planted - and that would satisfy both sides, i think.
Another interesting aspect here is that the simple area expansion of primary products (soy and cattle) is usually good in the present, but not great in the long run.

its true faggot. i know the common image of brazil is a mixed monkey, but the fact remains

1st sentence on Wikipedia Spain entry:
"Spain, a country on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula..."

I (brailian) prefer international pornstars. I guess the grass is always greener !

Take a look outside your window flip-flop ninja, it's all brown people

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>body hairs
Easily fixable. They have really pretty faces tho.

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Uh, niggers I guess. Amirite?

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They all look like pic related

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That's considered pretty? Maybe for brazilan standards

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Eh.. both are pretty. The one I posted has a thinner and more feminine nose.

"Hottest girls"

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No aircraft carrier

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i prefer this one

this looks very brazilian. I also think most women here look like her

>cherry picking

This is how blonde brazilians look like

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But we do have like... all kinds of women here. That's a great benefit from the racial mix and match that is brazil.
Also, I hear that is why Brazilian passports are very sought out in the black market - brazilians include almost every ethnicity int he world, so a brazilian passport for a chinese, european, indian or african looking person is easily passable.

Cool, which favela do you live?

... she is bald.

ITT: Dengue

Time to update your glasses prescription

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I didnt mean my neighborhood, i meant brazil in general! I work and live in nice areas of the city of São Paulo. Work in the financial district, and live in a very jewish neighborhood.
We got our fair share of beautiful women. The income concentration (is that correct in english?) plays a crucial role in this, i think.

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no u

Cum 2 brazil pl0x

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And she's a beauty pageant or something

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AHhahahaha! I dont think she is. The tiara is probably for her birthday party. Some people in brazil have a big parties for a girl's fifteenth birthday (like mexicans "quinceanera" or americans "sweet sixteen").
I would guess that is a picture of that.

>genetic melding pot = higher chance for winning the genetic lottery

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photoshop and (((propaganda)))

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Because third is as low as the scale gets.

For virgins in North America that's considered 4/10.

BR here. This guy is telling the truth. País de Macaco

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South here (Santa Catarina).
What you (macacos) doing this hot afternoon.
>Me chilling

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Brazilianfag here.
We had a long line of crooks living of extreme corruption for decades, fueling inflation and them unemplyment - to stop them, we elected the radical left and THEY got even more corrupt. To fuck them off (we got 7x1 thanks to them) we elected the radical military right, the MOST radical of them all... but he´s turned soft and let the corrupts on the supreme court and congress tell him what to do. Oh, and we pay 90% in taxes on ANY product - no matter if it´s an import or not, because UNSTOPABLE CORRUPTION.

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>Oh, and we pay 90% in taxes on ANY product

Why buy anything then?

Because it is one you mong


Try to survive without buying food, idiot.

Thats why so many people smuggle eletronics into brazil, it's easier to fly to the us to buy a computer than it is to buy an equivalent in here



because it's a major shithole


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