In average, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

In average, how many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

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None, cause smoking cigarettes are fucking gross and those who smoke are beta males who resort to seeking temporary relief via nicotine, instead of working on the problem that is causing them to be such a fucking beta male. So there you have it user, I don't fucking smoke.

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You must be fun at parties.

well, i smoke sometimes and I smash a ton of pussy. theory disproven.

You sound like an incel

*Never smoke any cigarette
*Never smoke anything at all
*Never drank alcohol
*Never took any drugs
*Never been to parties
*Never ate a burger
*Never drank coffee or tea
*Only drank a soda once

beat me to the asceticism game

34th year of my tobacco-free life.
Also, I'm 34.


Allergic to Nicotine, though, so there's that.

About 10. More if I'm drinking or particularly stressed out.

26 years old, I smoke about less than 2 a month. Started smoking less cigarettes since I got a juul. I use to smoke like two to three packs a month.

And fucking happy as fuck about it.

>used to smoke up to 3 packs per day

I Smoke around 20 - 30 a day.
Depends on the mood and where I am.

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How do you stop smoking that much? Hats off to ya for doing it!

when i smoked, maybe 5 average.

wasnt really a heavy smoker

never kissed a girl (except my mom)

I only smoke on Saturday nights. Usually have 10 while I drink

I quit about eight years ago, never looked back.

I quit smoking November 23rd of last year

Fukken fight me, tell me "I must be fun at parties"

Tell me I'm gay for not smoking and how dying 20 years early is "based and redpilled"

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I just stopped inhaling.
The thing with inhaling nicotine is it's almost instantaneous nicotine gratification which is a huge part of what makes cigarettes so addictive. Less than a year later smoking was more of a hassle than it was worth.
Still smoke the occasional cigar and even a good cig now and then. Never inhale again though.

I quit for 8 months then fell back into it hard

Your an asshat
You post proves it

There, knocked that chip off your shoulder. Come at me, bro

I only smoke cock

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Fuck I quited 4 days ago

m8 he's KHHV.

you PC bro?

Stopped smoking about 4 years ago. Used to smoke up to 40 cigs a day for at least 10 years.
Still smoking 1 cig from time to time, but that's like once or twice a month.

I use to smoke a pack a day but now I'm down to about 8 or so. If I'm drinking I'll smoke more, that shit goes together like chocolate and milk lol

Where do you live?

3 spliffs

Smoked for a few months a while ago might start getting back into it...tell me anons what is it that compels you to smoke?

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Zero. I like my lungs where they are at.