Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?

Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?

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you poor, sad fuck. you probably thought this thread was going somewhere. and it's not going to.

and no, dumbass, all you have to do is google "what is acceptable tip" and you have access to a million tip calculators.

so please, go kill yourself.

whoa, are you ok?

Of course not. 20% minimum.

Actually 7% is very acceptable.

i'm fine, it's you Cred Forums faggots that are retarded. i mentioned in another thread that i check Cred Forums a couple times a year and am always happy to remember why i stopped looking at this site expecting to find anything interesting. you fucks are unoriginal, unfunny, and repetitive.

Cred Forums should be destroyed and 95% of the posters (especially OPs) should kill themselves.

no it isn't. ever. kill yourself.

15 minimum, 20 if it was good service. 25% if you have money and want to be a decent human being. but there aren't very many of you, if any at all, on Cred Forums. so i don't expect any of you to know what it's like to have some money to give to those who make your lives easier by making or delivering your food so you don't have to cook the shit you cook at home.

As if you americucks still fall for the tipping meme jeez

go find yourself another site, old man

Oh look! A fucking third worlder!

No that’s way too much

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0% - terrible service
5% - bad service, but cute waitress
10% - okay service
15% - good service
20% - blowjob under the table

You want a better tip, work for it

i'll go wherever i want, and say whatever i want. i know you want your reverse-safespace here where you're safe to say all the cool edgy and racist things you want, make threads where you try to get your post number to have 3 of the same digit at the end (OMFG SO KEWL) and engage in "post pictures that make you wanna be a homo and suck cock"

it's like edgy tumblr here.

you should just rename the domain from Cred to

You'll God damn like it.

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Who the hell gives tip? They're literally working for money, why the fuck should you dumb faggots ever consider giving your money away?

Nice dubs.

>tipping staff

bribing people to do their jobs

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5$ should always be the tip whether the meal is 10 dollars or 100.

lmao what a fucking loser

This, or completely abolished and have the employers pay their staff properly.


Faggots like you are the reason i order takeout and don't tip. Walking food over to me isn't a 20% value added service. I hope more people do the same so at least some of these low skill fucks get fired.

Fucking mindless brainlet, hang your pathetic self

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Does anyone tip when they do carry out?

Tip? that's for faggots

Tip culture is unacceptable. The bosses should just pay the employees more than force them to rely on other broke people. If we do away with monetary capitalism as a whole, we're good to go.

>20% - blowjob under the table
If you want the TIP


I tip whatever change is left under a Euro.

No user forcing a customer to choose how much someone makes is not okay

>Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?
how about decent wages so tipping isnt mandatory? then you get tips for your good work and make even more if youre good at your job. never understood this concept

I tip everybody well. Places I go to regularly I always give big tips. I want the staff to recognize me and give great service. I tip my barber very well and I expect better service there too. My wife even tips hotel maids

Are you even sentient?

I tip a dollar every time they come to the table unless its 3 or more

Any tip is acceptable. Servers literally fight for the tip system to stay because they get paid much more than min wage, and don't report their tips for taxes. They can also get welfare since bit reporting tips puts them below the poverty line. They should be grateful for any tip, you shouldn't be quilted into tipping, and this cancerous system needs to go away. Also, 5 dollar tip is great. Fuck the 20 percent bullshit, carrying a 100 dollar steak to your table doesn't require any more work than a 10 dollar burger, I shouldn't have to tip more just because my food costs more. My tip is usually just rounding up the bill, getting tipped 3-5 bucks an hour from each table just to walk around, on top of hourly wage, is plenty. It averages out to 15-20 and hour just in tips.

>me tip cuz me want good service
How about you stop giving them free money? If they do a good job, discuss it with them, compliment them, whatever that does not make you lose your money.

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Relax, broke boy. You don't have to tip if you don't want to

US waiters should stop being such pussies and stand up to their emplyers rather than ask for handouts. Why should customers tip someone for doing the job a slightly advanced conveyor belt?

This image spelled "black person" wrong.

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there should be death penalty for people expecting you to tip.
>bring plates
>take out plates
>gib me something extra aside from my salary

Imagine being such an Americuck you aren't paid enough to survive on just a wage and capitalism has forced others to pay your wages for shitty service

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I only tip if the waiter is hot haha

People like money. I like to pay people that do a good job.

Imagine being such a fucking cuck that you pay extra to make people give good service. How about, tipping isn't mandatory and if I get bad service in going to the manager because paying the company/business entitles me to good service. Workers don't get to pick and choose who gets good serbice, and ones that try to get fired.

The word you're looking for is sapient... You utter fucking retard.

broke wagecuck server detected

not my fault you're poor

you're a moron

>imagine being superior

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you are a moron


>US waiters should stop being such pussies and stand up to their emplyers rather than ask for handouts.
They don't even have to. Waiters being paid less than min wage is a half truth. Federal law states that if tips don't equal min wage, the employer must pay it out. But like I said here
Wait staff literally fights to keep this system because tips equal out to over min wage. In states where they changed the law to make min wage always required for wait staff, they have actually quit their jobs and protested to go back to tipping because they started earning less.

Bitch could've received nothing and would STILL have to be nice for her job.
You got something, maybe next time you'll get a nicer person who give you more.
Until then you have a fucking job, if you don't fucking like it fucking get a new one unless you're a unskilled retard.
Otherwise, keep your day job and cut the bitching.

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Working for a boss who's not paying is, is it acceptable ?

imagine being so broke you can't be gangster like the mafia was and hand out money to people who do shit for you

''heeheh broke boy lolol''
I make more in a year than you in your lifetime
Nothing wrong with that, but consider not doing it next time since they're literally working *for* money.
Sentient, sapient... both the same. Have you been dropped on the floor as a baby?Bitch i have a house, 2 cars, a wife and 2 amazing kids

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salary is $4/hr +tips on average

>t. Salty waiter
Cry more.

nope, work for the government, make enough money to feel like a mafioso when i start putting 20 dollar bills in people's pockets for doing me a service and not fucking it up

Who needs arguments when you can just drop stupid images on people who disagree with you.

If you dont like the system keep your broke ass home. You wont be missed

>like the mafia was
Is that before or after they shook down small businesses for (((protection money)))

Every tip is acceptable. It's extra money for you to just do your job. There's literally no grounds to ever complain about any tip when the overwhelming majority of people never get them and still have to perform.

lmao imagine being an americuck wageslave

get another job then. whats stoping you? you would have a normal salary if people didnt tip, cause otherwise nobody would work as a waiter. but sure, its better to rely on strangers to pay your salary rather than your employer. makes so much more sense...

>I make more in a year than you in your lifetime

confirmed 13 years old making shit up on the internet

>Bitch i have a house, 2 cars, a wife and 2 amazing kids

1.) no you don't or 2.) renting doesn't count, and neither does having a trailer, 2 cars don't count if you bought them for $500 apiece, your wife don't count if she's a 2/10, and your kids i guarantee are not as amazing as you think they are, especially considering what you're like.

I'll tip the maids unless its one of those refugee hiring places

4 bucks an hour? Work for 8hr, that's 32, enough for the days food. Wow, fucking magic!

Please explain to me why waiters are somehow entitled to the special privilege of tipping while no other job has that (maybe with the exception of hotel lobby boys, but they don't bitch about not gettign tipped)

lmao imagine being 15 in India and shitting in the street

or do you live in Zimbabwe and make your money growing fucking ... whatever the fuck you grow.

point is, you're retarded and should kill yourself.

The important part is that those tips are more than minimum wage. If you aren't then either you're working at a shithole or you're ugly.

Working at any semi-decent busy restaurant you're making more than your average whitecollar which is mind blowing.

>talk shit and look down on niggers and beaners for being criminals
>big up white niggers who are also criminals because they are white
Further proof that white people are brain dead fucking idiots. Kill yourself faggot hypocrite.

I'm the manager of a bicycle repair shop, about 50K a year.
I do have a house (360K cost), 2 cars which cost about 20K each and my kids are the top of their class. How about your situation?

people i tip -

food servers/waiters
food deliverers/DoorDash/Uber Eats
Taxi Drivers/Uber drivers
"hotel lobby boys"
anybody who can give you an upgrade in whatever you're trying to get. want an upgrade to a better room? tuck a little money in there and ask if they have a suite.

literally tons of fucking jobs other than "waiter"

you're misinformed. all cash tips are declared if you're working legally at an above-board restaurant, especially since the majority of tips are added to credit card transactions. the days of pooling cash and declaring nothing at the end of a shift is the past. the only industry that might be getting away with that is bartending.

if you have $100 for a steak, you have $20 to tip. you help some mother of two or struggling actor pay rent, you're a welcome customer the next time you come back, you feel good, they feel good.

if that doesn't sound good, then fuck it. be a prick and tip like shit. just don't be surprised if you end up with spit in your burger.


you're not making this very hard

Have you ever tipped anyone aside from a college drop out that walks your food 20 feet to you? Thought not, hypocrite.

lmao dude. you think $32 a day for 8 hours of work is a living wage? where do you live?

lol god damn dude. working so hard to prove shit to some rando on the internet.

"manager of a bicycle repair shop"

go fill up my tires with air you dork

Arabia. You can go to the store with 10 bucks, get some bread, maybe cheese and munch on that shit sparingly

>Terrible in education
>Overworked and underpaid compared to the 1st world countries
>low on happiness index
But hey, your 1% masters are doing well so America Fuck yea.

Tipping is bullshit. You can go fuck yourself if someone else's charity isnt good enough for you, you entitled little douche. This is why I hate the concept of tipping ; It used to be an act of generosity and a reward for excellent service and hard work, now its an expectation that you hand out even more money regardless of the quality of service or else the waitresses/food couriers will spit in your food if you ever order from that restaurant again. Why should I even tip the guy who delivers the food instead of the guy that cooks it anyways? Its not my fault your armenian restaurant owner pays you 2 bucks an hour ; if you want a tip, maybe you should try harder and stop getting your fee fee's hurt whenever your customer doesnt leave you enough money to quench your insatiable greed, faggot.

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I wanna stab the bitch.

Okay, but none of these except the waiters bitch about not being able to survive without tips. Also they don't threaten to deliberately do a shit job if they know they will not be tipped.

this fucking thread would've 404'ed so long ago if i hadn't saved it, so OP wherever you are, you should thank me for this shit. arguing with idiots on Cred Forums for an hour was my gift to you.

this just isn't the case. unless you're at a michelin star spot, in which case you're a professional waiter/maitre d/ somm whatever, you're making tops $30 an hour but you're only working four 6 hour shifts a week. that isn't white collar money. you also aren't getting a single benefit-- no health insurance, no paid days off, etc.

You want my business, you come to my business faggot

Tipping is welfare. Get a real job, cunt.

What is so amusing about this topic that compels you to post it every fucking day?

This user will always receive impeccable service with upgrades.

t. 5 star Concierge

and how are you paying rent? average monthly rent in america is $1025.

oh, and don't forget the tax you're paying on that $32 a day.

>If you dont like the system keep your broke ass home. You wont be missed
I already do. You think I trust a bunch of niggers and illegal spics to cook my food?

America is the greatest. Don't make us imperialize you.

You are actually retarded. Those serves make $2 an hour if they are lucky. Your tip is supposed to be the compensation that puts them at least on minimum wage. You sir are a faggot and I hope you enjoy boogers and cum. From my own experience serving I can tell you that the staff will remember you for not tipping and your food will be fucked with. No matter how fancy the place is you can expect boogers and cum for not tipping.

>reddit spacing
Apparently you aren't either, go back.

LMAO he thinks paying some retard 20% makes him civilised, only in the land of the free

You don’t tip a cashier, you don’t tip the cook, why the fuck would you tip the waiter? Lol

It's not my fault you work for tips

Sell your ass on the street, if you want to fuck fuck a goatIf they put shit in my food i will follow them after their job and give them a reason to treat me as if i was Salman

Why tip retarded kids willing to work for under minimum wage?

we get it, you saw reservoir dogs and now you think you can be the cool rebellious guy

anyway, dumbass, if you're at a restaurant and you tip your waiter, did you know that those tips typically get shared with the cook staff? DURRRRRR the guy that cooks it gets a percentage when you tip your waiter you stupid fuck.

and you know what the opposite of your fear of people spitting in your food is? you know what benefits you if you tend to frequent a restaurant and tip well?

PEOPLE REMEMBER YOU YOU SILLY SHIT. You get HOOKUPS. if i frequent a restaurant (that doesn't have a high turnover rate) and i make friends with the waitstaff or even just one particular waiter, chances are HIGH that i'm going to start getting extra shit.

I have a german food place i like to go to about an hour from my house. i tip well, i chat with the waitresses. i get free desserts. I get an extra side in my to-go bag.


Your wife must earn good money to help you pay for that shit

Fucking euro slime. At least i don't have to tip my federal 50%-60%. Of my wages. Seems like I'll keep my based freedom and throw servers 10 here and there while you give your Euro dictator all your money. Enjoy your taxes faggot

Non-american here.
If some retard walked food in hand to me, from the kitchen 20 ft away and expects a $10 tip, I'd honestly spit in their face.

>"fill up my tires with air you dork"

cheers mate, my sides are now in orbit

She works as microsoft tech commander, not sure about pay but seem good

So you are suggesting prostitution? They take tips too you fucker. Stay salty about a few bucks broke ass faggot.


and i do. not every single time, but i guarantee it helps my chances of getting something i want if i'm helping out the people that are the gateway to those things

respect to you Mr 5 Star Concierge. you are the 1-5% of people on Cred Forums that i don't think is a complete and utter faggot.

Welp god forbid you help a poor teen trying to work their first job. What a sin to help them out. Stay mad you broke ass euro faggot.

Third worlder spotted

Customers dont take tip, only ass and mouth snowboy

Sounds like you did no research. You would probably get decked for spitting your spic lips.

its below 10% so no

>all cash tips are declared if you're working legally at an above-board restaurant
Wrong. The only tips automatically declared are tips made with credit/debit. Cash tips are legally required to be declared, but it's on the worker receiving it to declare it as the cash goes directly to them. This is why they prefer cash tips, and will openly state that it's because they only declare a percentage of their tips to avoid suspicion of tax fraud, while still paying less taxes. Cash
tips are left on the table and go directly to the worker, and even in restaurants with tip pooling, the workers themselves divvy it up, so how exactly do you think the restaurant declares it?
>especially since the majority of tips are added to credit card transactions.
Again, wrong. Most people know cash tips aren't declared, and purposefully select no tip then leave cash so their waiter gets more of it.
>if you have $100 for a steak, you have $20 to tip.
What I have is irrelevant. Going after people with 100 dollars to spend on a meal is bullshit. Go after the owner and make him pay an actual wage. But waiters don't actually want that.
Kys, you subhuman nigger.

Here's my two cents as a Server (not a waiter, bitch). I make minimum wage + tips. I work 6 hours Friday to Sunday nights at a semi-upscale place in LA. What do I pull in? 150-250 a night in just tips (holidays it doubles). Most of that in cash (fuck you, I ain't paying taxes on that shit).
I don't grow, buy, distribute, stock, formulate the recipe, cook, discover your colon cancer, perform CPR on your fat ass. I bring your food and refill your water, I might also put a little something extra in your date's food if she's cute (you ever rub your dick with a lettuce leaf in the storagr room?).

Thanks for the $50 dollar tip, I do appreciate it. I might still spit in your shit tho.

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Exactly this

i already said, i work for the federal government. i have no direct contact with "customers" and so i don't rely on tips

but i make enough money to help out those people getting started in those entry level jobs, and those who are performing services for me, no matter what they are.

hell, i frequently pay co-workers to go down to the vending machines to get me a drink. i buy their drink and tell em to keep the change as well.

it's called "i can't take it with me" you fucking dum-dum

It shouldnt be the customer's responsibility to pay the employee's wages. Maybe we should throw all the Jewish and Armenian restaurant owners that use that bullshit slave labor loophole into prison, but Im not fucking paying 50 dollars for dinner and then shilling out an extra 7.5 bucks for mediocre service. If you want that money, Do the absolute best you can and maybe I'll even throw in a couple more bones than tipping standard, but dont expect even a dime in tips if you've nothing to offer but sub par service.

Lol I've denied serving people who didn't tip and seen them leave because others did the same. You know why? No tips. You sound salty that someone would even have tip as an option. Get aids you degenerate broke ass bum. Maybe mommy will give you some more dish to buy tendies and hentai.

no problem, glad someone else here is having fun, i got these lames angry cuz they're getting called out for being broke

>Those serves make $2 an hour if they are lucky.
Wrong. They are entitled to minimum wage. Federal law requires the business to make up the difference if they don't make it with tips.

My deepest respect to you sir.

Poor teen? Lol these kids make a lot more than my first fucking job, they need to stop accepting work under minimum wage? It’s not my job to pay some restaurants employees, I would rather pay the cook when I see him on his smoke break so they can’t count it as tips and give waiters any.

I'm in Sweden. And don't you think it's poverish, dare I say "third worldly"?, to ask for tips.

Decked by a teenage white girl or a pimply pizza boy? El goblina

Then start talking to your local politicians about that. Until then it shouldn't be the employee who keeps suffering because of your "principal". The servers have zero power to change anything and will always be thrown under the bus first. How about open your heart a little to a human struggling to make payments.

Sure thing, kid. I wish a waiter would try to deny me service based on me not giving them welfare!

Wrong shit bird. Restaurants consider tips part of your wages and therefore have never had to do that. I've worked 6 restaurants in my time and they all work that way. You have never worked serving obviously. Enjoy your lil bubble you live in.

Fag demands free gibs. Waiters really are the niggers of society.

??? I guess being nice and tipping someone who provides good service is bad.. oh well!

Nah but I’m not tipping above $5 if your service is shit cause I don’t plan on coming back. If it’s really good and you refilled the drinks and your polite then it goes up to $20.

Suckin at the taxpayers teet. We are coming for your job next faggot.

gibs confirmed

I've denied it and seen it denied before faggot. Nobody HAS to serve you. I have even seen managers ask customers to leave for having a habit of not tipping.

Same fucking replies as your last 74 threads; a tip is a fucking tip. If you don't like it, change jobs or perform above and beyond and be ready to suck me off if you want an exorbitant tip.

>People are nice so I give them money
Woah, Americans well and truly only care about money lol

Imagine having such low testosterone that you would pay another person to do a bad job for you.

>Wrong shit bird. Restaurants consider tips part of your wages and therefore have never had to do that.
That's literally what I said, you illiterate nigger. If they don't make min wage through tips, the restaurant pays the difference. Where they get the money from is irrelevant, they are still guaranteed a min wage. Saying they only make 2 dollars an hour is a deceitful half truth to guilt people into tipping.

FBI statistics

Hahahaha. Refill my drink, food bitch. I don't have time for beggars.

It's not mandatory. If you want a tip, do a better job. It's not to be expected. If you want to make tips mandatory, you increase the cost of the food and pay your servers a higher wage. Not complicated.

>Nobody HAS to serve you
Isn't that your fucking job?

>thinking the US ain't a third world country covered in glitter.


Same. I do carry out on my way home.

Hahahhahaa you guys get tips? Just accept your death

Even if they’re job was shit I’d rather they can at least buy a ramen in between looking for a different job.

It is the employers job to pay them a living wage. Blackmailing a customer into tipping is akin to mugging. Waiters make way more than minimum wage because of tipping and they are doing a job that requires no formal education. Mandatory tipping is only a thing in the US and Canada, everywhere else in the world servers still make an okay living without having to rely on handouts.

Yeah but it's a shitty one that comes with few consequences and getting fired is rare. So yeah lol I'll enjoy watching y'all cry about how nobody served you.

Ok, kiddo. What other shit doesn't happen in this fairytale world of yours? Because in mine there are dozens of dropouts tyat are ready to take your job, and the manager knows it.

Not every restaurant pays the difference shit hawk. That's my point. They won't and 90% never will. So enjoy supporting your Arab and jew overlords when you are too lazy to cook.

My man

Fuck you. Plenty of people aside from food walkers need assistance. I work in the medical field, ask me how oftem I'm tipped?

It's called unemployment. Systems exist besides handouts for niggers.

Nobody is blackmailing. You are obviously threatened even by the word "Tip" being on paper. Sure go ahead and give zero, but your ass is getting farts in your next order

If I don't get server, I leave. If I leave, the business makes no money. If I was your boss, I'd immediately fire you. But what do I know? Keep begging for chump change, oh and don't forget to refill my coffee bitch

Lol what server jobs have you had? Because where I live in a place called reality the number of people you encounter that you would even consider not serving is small. Y'all who don't tip.are the minority

To me it all comes out in the wash. A dinner that costs $100 with tipping is going to cost $100 is there is no tipping and management has to pay wait staff more.

The only reason I don't like tipping is that it make it harder for me to estimate how much dining out will cost.

Yeah I know but unfortunately it’s not exactly normal to tip your nurse. Except when she bends over pal.

How fucking thick are you? How is threatening to fuck with a customers food not blackmail?

>Not every restaurant pays the difference shit hawk. That's my point.
Except they have to. If your tips don't equal min wage, they are required by law to make up the difference. If they don't, you can report them and the government will force them to and will fine them. If you choose not to report them because you're a little cuck, that's on you.


If you leave new table comes in. There is no such thing as a table for one specific customer. Eat shit because ill just let you cry till a better customer shows up. Go write your lil Yelp review soy boy. Servers will fuck with you for life

No, never tip

It's not it's just equal treatment. You treat me like shit and I do it back simple. Don't go out to eat if you don't understand you fucking mongel.

True but shit happens people have bad days honestly I used to work a shitty server job at one point so I guess I can empathize a little.

>Federal law stipulates that employers can pay less than minimum wage, so long as their tips bring them up to at least the federal minimum wage
>so long as their tips bring them up to at least the federal minimum wage
>at least the minimum wage
Retard. But what do you expect from someone whos job description is "be a nigger"?

Except they just simply do not. So if you hate tipping then stop going out and giving the business money.

Also have reported restaurants with no results at least 4 times. Go live in your fantasy where the gov does things its supposed to.

Guys guys..
If you think about it, the boomer already gave 65 fucking dollars. How much more is he supposed to pay?

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So I either :
> make a smart financial decision and tip only for quality service at the cost of angry roasties spitting in my food if I ever go back
>shill out extra money for mediocre service in the vain hope that maybe someday they'll ever actually see me asmore than a walking talking wallet and start tallying goodboypoints and give me little cakes every now and then.
You could probably buy 10x more of those little desserts if you didnt give away all your cash to the hurr durr pretty lady like a Findom Beta Cuck.

come for my job then

this y'all?

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The church only needed 10%.

Learn to rotate fag. Wtf is this stupid pic

Never had a food walker job myself, but I've consulted plenty of restaurant's with piles of applications from other societal failures, and most of them aren't as delusionaly ungrateful.

lol this thread


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Tipping is not acceptable at all, employers should be compelled to pay a decent wage.

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More than you deserve, OP

Tipping 0$ is acceptable so 5$ must also be.

She probably got a shitty tip bc she gave shitty service. At the end of the day, it’s not like she’s going to cop to that. Her word makes for a ig story that her followers like so there you go. Not tipping = bad. Generally speaking, my tips are commensurate with the service I receive. So if you get a $5 tip on a $65 bill from me, that means you either need to improve your service or find yourself another fuckin job, zoomer. You fuckers are pretty entitled if you think you should get a tip by virtue of dragging your lazy ass out of bed and showing up for a job.

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>Except they just simply do not.
Then report them to the proper government agency.
>So if you hate tipping then stop going out and giving the business money.
I don't have a problem with tipping, I have a problem with the faggots in this thread that try and guilt you into tipping more, or pretending that more expensive food deserves a higher tip. Any tip is an extra act of kindness, so be grateful instead of being a greedy cunt.

Why do you hate low-wage employees so much?

Grow up. Stop projecting and trying to reason your failure of a career. I literally don't give a shit if you get paid barely enough to survive, I literally don't give a shit if you're buddy-buddies with the manager, I literally don't give a shit if you think you're tough for being a server (lol).

20% is only for great service, 15% for good service, 10% for average service. If they post less then that you are a shitty server. I tip 1% for utter shit service.

A tip is a commentary on the service otherwise we would have a system like Germany where tip is included in the bill, and then you give extra if you feel they deserve it, but isnt expected.

It doesnt matter if you think they need money, if you give them an unearned tip you are encouraging that poor behavior in the future.

$6.50 is too cheap.
$9.75 is exactly 15%.
$10 is the perfect tip.
$13.00 is exactly 20%

This fucking thread again?!?! Cry me a fucking river, you get minimum wage if tips aren't that great, if they are you get untaxed income... Fuck off and cry somewhere else you whiney cunt.

Because of limp wrists like yours. The guys that finds a cancerous tumor in your colonoscopy and saves your life doesn't get shit, but the dropout that believes society should hand him free gibs is given 20%, because "oh no, what might he think about me!?"

>you poor, sad fuck. you probably thought this thread was going somewhere. and it's not going to.

176 replies later. Now what ? you motherfucker get the fuck out of the thread go back to jerking off to tranny’s you stupid faggot

I usually just round up to the nearest dollar, so on a 65 dollar meal I'd give 70 (assuming this was pre-tax).

You bums that dont tip should try that when you are on a date. Huge turn off.

Damn americucks, why you so sad?

>If you don't give me free gibs, I will contaminate your food in a legally prosecutable manner.
Nigger level thinking

*nearest 5 dollar I meant

Haha so basically the 20% is just
>fuck you nigga cause i can
Nobody’s gotta ever get above 15 with you

Except it's not. Why don't you tip your cashier at the store then? Guess next time she should drop your carton of eggs on the floor because of that.
Waiters do a job that they get paid for by their employer. Just like every other fucking job. The price of a service always includes the work of the people behind it. I design electronics for a living, why don't people tip me and my whole team every time they purchase one of our products?

>Servers will fuck with you for life
Hahahah. If my food bitch was this entertaining I would consider tipping.

Or maybe live in a reasonable part of world, where the social norm doesn't force you into giving away significant sum of money for the most menial of tasks.

Know what else is a huge turnoff? A gold digger that is only with you for expensive food and to see you throw money around. Fuck off, roastie.

Yeah I’ve never dealt with that but if I did I would send a gift or something I think it’s important to show appreciation if someone saves your life. But I’m not tipping the doctor for my yearly check up. Or the nurse who gave me a flu shot.

I legit just got home from work and my last table of the day was a boomer with a $63 bill and they left me ZERO. they ate all the food and we talked and laughed a bit... some people just deserve to go home and find that there dog ran away.

bro, do you even nkow how HARD it is to wait tables? Im 200K in school loan debt to get my waiting tables degree. thats 6 years in school to learn to bring food 15ft from the chef to the table. This takes years to learn, like more than a Samurai apprenticeship bro. We need a living wage. Why do Doctors get to drive a Lexus when we should get at least the same lifestle.

Who is going to bring your food to you when we are gone?!! huh??!?!? Just gonna walk up to a a counter and get it yourself???


Tip me for this post

Sounds more like what size dick you take.

You want a living wage get a better job where your not a easily replaceable cog.

Damn bro, I never knew you had to train the sword to wait tables. I truly apologize, server-sama, I will change my way immediately!

>My actions are dictated by what women think of me.

>imagine living in a 3rd world country where you need to tip to get the service you're already supposed to get

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Oh lol, America, fuck yea

Fine, I have gotten nice gifts from SOME of my patients. If you really do as you say then you have my gratitude for being a good human.

You're a fool if you think its zoomers bitching about this shit. Its literally always millenials fucking complaining about something in between their dilation cycles.

Is there something wrong with women liking you?

You retarded faggot Americans and your tipping. I did not tip a single time whilst traveling the USA, it's your own fault that your shit country expects the customer to pay the salary rather than the employer.

Of course it is.

The server brings you a $5 burger.


The server brings you a $30 filet.

They brought one fucking plate out. Don't be bullied into paying them more because the food on the one plate costs more than the other.

That sort of thinking is crazy.

why do you tip a percentage of the bill and not a fixed number? it doesnt matter if someone brings me a 20$ steak or a 50$ steak it is the same work for the waiter

This then they bitch on social media get a real job

In general more expensive places have better servers and I tip them better. The price is a good indicator of what the tip should be

Work at the fucking marbles if you want more money than that. 5$ tip is heaven for some who live in non third world countries.

Enjoy your college debt.

>Be americuck
>Customer comes in to your place of employment
>Makes a decent purchase, helping you place stay in business and ensure you got to keep your job
>Cry and bitch that they did not leave any free gibs for you
>Cry and bitch that socialized healthcare is a theft

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What’s the best gift you’ve gotten?

When you live your life only doing things to appease women, you cant really be considered a true man. A true man sets standards for himself based on his own philosophies and experiences. A man chooses, a slave obeys.

lmao americans are cucked af

It would be great if restaurants and diners would pay their servers decent wages so customers would not have to tip.

On the other hand... The tipping system is the best way to "cull the herd" of people lacking the skills to be a good server. The tip is the incentive to do well by the customer.

Jokes on you he never went.

They are getting min. wage if they cant make it with tips, they are earning a fortune while others work for min wage how is this acceptable?
I love that americans are even dumb enough to defend this fucking mindset, the face of a cucked society.

Maybe because when paying the bill in a restaurant, the customer understands he isnt just paying the food, but the business as a whole, and the money he gives will be redistributed to every member of the team, under the form of a monthly salary.

That only works if the tip is not obligatory. Most other cultures work like that. Also, hot girls mostly get tipped for their looks rather than performance.

I don't tip, that just encourages owners to pay less.

why would I pay 70 if it is worth 65?

no one tips at mcdonalds shithead

what a massive faggot, you should've picked a different industry

When millennial thinks they are owed $20 tip for watching a food runner bring out their tables food, then have to refill drinks, and watch a busboy clear 4 plates.
Tips were invented for a reason - to make sure the waitress is serving the guests in a professional, expedient manner, knowing that how well they do determines the amount of tip, if any.
With all of the whiny millennials thinking they are owed a certain amount of the check automatically, I think that they should be paid a regular wage with no chance of tips.

A lot of minds would change real quick!

Not at all user, but you're seeing the problem in reverse :
In your eyes, "woman want X, therefore I do X. Now woman likes me".
It can be true, but only in a few scenarios, and not in a huge quantity.
Because too much of this is way more of a turn-off.
You should identifies your values and define them clearly, so if someone try to challenge them, you'll be able to explain your actions in a logical and polite but firm manner : you're setting your standards, and that's a huge turn-on for women.
So the formula is more like this : "I do Y, if woman likes Y, now woman likes me."

why wouldnt it be? stupid bitch should be lucky she got anything

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How the fuck did you get a 360k loan on 50k a year?

A tip is given in response to exemplary service.
If you receive poor service, no tip is necessary.

He probably had equity from something, maybe his previous house or investments. Do you not know how mortgages work?

no reason to tip on an even number
but if hot ass would give 5€

cause americunts haf shitti jobs that pay rili shittti so u haf to gif tip

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Cred Forums was never funny
it was always about the wins

Yes I do understand how they work. That's how I know he a ducking liar, kid

I thought the same thing when I saw those numbers. Wife has to be making good money

Nah just not poor. 50 dollars on a good meal doesn’t determine whether we pay the electric in our euro shit huts. Stay cucked by your country mud skin

>I think we should pay more for the cost of food so they can pay each employee over ten dollars more an hour
No, dipshit. I’d rather have the choice to not tip like I do now.

Lol you're acting like you prepped the food. Keep complaining you glorified bus boi.

I always tip at least 30% for a BJ from a decent looking female.

I think what he’s trying to say is you can avoid eating jizz by not going back to the restaurant you don’t leave a tip at. Or every place has a take out option. No one is forced to sit there and be served. Tipping is retarded, but I don’t want to eat jizz on my burgers. So when I don’t tip I don’t go back. I’ve seen horrors.

Take your bill, double it, then move the decimal over, then round up to the dollar

65 x 2 = 130

130 becomes $13.00

There's your 20% tip. You could probably go as low as $10 or if you're a richfag up to $15 or $20.

When you’re not a fat ugly neet you get them for free. Feels good.

>acceptable tip
What a cuck piece of shit you must be. Feeling obligated to pay someone for serving you something you are already paying for is some jew cuckery. You should tip based on the quality of service. If you don't have top notch customer sevice your not getting a tip from me.

that was me. *I* made this thread what it is. it would've 404'ed if not for me. i carried this thread to greatness.

>up to 20
We know Zoomers don’t have any money cause they identify as trees or toasters but damn man. $20 making or breaking you? Topkek

These money hungry whores.

Let’s face facts,

When did 20% become the new standard from 15%?

When milenials started working.

Food prices are online, the problem is fucking waitresses expect to be able to “afford” whatever they want AND STILL date the guy with a BMW, well into their 30’s.

And it gets laughable and pathetic when they hit that wall and they see guys they laugh at the decade before dating this crazier generation of 18-22 year olds.

As a young looking 40 yr old, why would I tip more than 15% or date someone over 22?

This. Pretty much sums up any waitress I know.

>having to bribe the staff to have sanitary food
how America isn't a 3rd world country again?


my tip is absolutely 100% based on how long my beer stays empty. I don't give a fuck if the food sucks, thats not your fault. I don't care if the order is messed up, that is probably not your fault. If my beer stays empty for more than about 3 minutes, your getting shafted. Unless I can see that you are super busy then Ill give you 5.

remove tip

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tipping is honestly the dumbest fucking system of payment / reward.

stupid fucking americunts keep clapping when your plane lands without exploding

If the retarded waiters didn't do this shit I wouldn't be so strongly against tipping. But it's obvious that they're just spoiled little kids who feel entitled to treats and lash out when they don't get any. It's basically extortion. Like if you'd turn down a door-to-door salesman and he sliced your cars tires in return.

if my beer stays empty your getting stiffed

i mean if waiters and waitresses worked for decent pay there would be no reason to tip

Fucking cheapass Millennials.

>stupid fucking americunts keep clapping when your plane lands without exploding
I always thought this was just a meme but I visted NYC last year and everyone started clapping as soon as we touched down. I was very confused

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You should learn what the 1st 2nd and 3rd world countries are and the orgin of the terms. You will seem a little less retarded.

This burger is $5
Plus taxes
Plus tip


Im an american and this only happens once in a while. I dont know what they are clapping for. A smooth landing maybe

If y'all didn't charge $20 for $1's worth of food, I'd tip more.

I'm sorry, but a Burger and Fries isn't worth $15, not to mention if I want a drink besides water.

There's a reason fast food is popular.

2 dollars regardless of the price of the meal. 2 dollars No more No less

It is probably a chain reaction where one stupid starts clapping and others instictively follow. But It was a first time experience for me on a flight.

not an american, but i actually think its partially several reasons.

Congratulating the crew on a good flight, excitement for reaching their destination, not exploding in a ball of jihad fury

You don’t have to tip. You’re paying for a service, the idea is you just don’t go back. Like it was said before America aren’t euro mud slimes, 20% won’t determine if we keep the lights on. So if you’re choosing to be cheap and go back that’s on you.

I'm sorry peasant, let me rephrase so even a pleb like you can understand :
when going to a place to get food, you shouldn't even ask yourself the question "does my food will be covered with jizz and/or spit?" because in a normal civilized country, people don't punish you because you don't give them more money than the displayed price.
If you don't understand that, may I suggest you to drink a galon of bleach?

>smart decision
>has the most negative consequences
>just tell the worker who depends on tips up front if you aren't going to tip
>you don't have the balls

Not at all, just don’t eat out if you can’t afford 10-20 extra bucks. Otherwise just do delivery. Like I said I regularly don’t tip but I know better not to be cheap then come back. What’s your issue?

>without exploding
>forgets citations from the 1000000 euro airliners that go missing
Guess no one cares about euros dying cause what do they matter topkek

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It is if you're not the one who cooked it.

If you're just a waiter or a waitress at a unfancy diner then I really don't think you deserve a huge tip.

>1.00 worth of food
Not everyone eats grade f meat europoor. Stick to potatoes with dirt and bread

amerifags paying people more for doing their job...

Nah, we just can afford to tip for good service. Stay seething in your poophut.
>American pays $20.00 cause it is a drop in the bucket
>euros: we could have freed our wives from Muslim imprisonment with that!!!! *autistic screeching*

at least en europe we have worker rights so people don't need tips to have a decent pay

Tipping culture needs to die. Charge the cost upfront and pay servers a flat wage. All you do is take orders and bring out my food. How is that any different than the minimum wage fag at mcdicks? I don't need to subsidize your low skill labor market.

>we could have freed our wives from Muslim imprisonment with that!!!! *autistic screeching*
>implying that systemic imprisonment of Europeans women at the hands of muslims immigrants isn't viewed as a badge of pride for cucked euros that think it's somehow progressing multiculturalism.

Attached: muslim-rape-gang-headlines-uk.jpg (640x487, 97K)

Learn how to use question marks too

That’s one service and most people aren’t poor (it’s America not Europe) so they get paid fine.

>at least en europe we have worker rights
Yellow jackets would disagree.

Truth, museuros

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Imagine thinking you're entitled to tips

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no, at least 10 bucks.

Yikes, how can euro mudskins recover?

i used to bitch about peoples tipping habits when i was delivering pizzas but nowadays if im somewhere i dont think im gonna return to I'll skimp the tip fuckin why not? it doesnt matter its just less money in my pocket. I'd skip out on the whole bill if i could.

>tipping is honestly the dumbest fucking system of payment / reward.
It's just another product of our kiked corporate state. It wasn't invented to be a good system. It started out with rich people coming in and pre-tipping to get faster service and better treatment than the lower classes already seated, then people of lower classes started tipping so they wouldn't get fucked over and ignored, then the Jew business owners started propagating and brainwashing to normalize it and lobbied the government to make server laws to save money, and now the retarded serfs actually defend this shit. Our country is absolute cancer.

Finally someone with a brain. There’s one million people complaining but you don’t have to tip anywhere.

yeah, france has far better rights than the us, and people still compain. it says more about the us than eu, really.

Thanks for reminding me how EU got fucked, cucked and raped by the Jew and his puppets

>far better rights in euro
>top hat license please
Ok boomer

uk is not eu

>country is cancer
>is still here
Dude you can live like a king in Europe for like a grand. See how butt hurt they are about a twenty dollar tip. Hell you may even be able to eat something other than biscuits.

>mfw i don't need to

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Are you a Millennial? If you can't afford to tip, stay home and eat your sloppy joe with a side of Doritos.

The yellow jackets are a bunch of retards. Basically they flipped their shit because France raised fuel prices to the same level as most other EU countries have. Then they just came up with some other baseless shit to riot about. I saw an unironical video of one of the de-fact leaders of the riot holding the newest iphone in her lavishly furnished home, complaning how she cannot survive through the month because of the high prices.

>doesn’t bother to check human freedom index
Top zozzle

enjoy your freedom when you can't pay for healthcare

>Uses metric system
>Can't drive
>Speaks only English

I pay for healthcare just fine, and I own a house. Stay madddddddd. Sorry I can afford my twenty dollar copay. Plus I don’t have to wait a year to see a doctor or get surgery europoor.

tip culture is retarded, a first world country should have a reasonable (living-enabling) minimal wage, not the customers fault Murica is a shithole country in this (and so many other ways)

honestly in a country where lawsuits are pretty much a hobby of the middle class, I don't see how staff in an eatery would get away with piss/jizz in food; surely you could examine your food thoroughly, and if you found something even remotely suspicious, fucking sue the cunts and get them fired, as they deserve

BTW I do tip here in the UK, usually around 10% and more if the service and food is good, but partly because it's *not* generally expected and people don't flip out if you don't. Faced with such an entitled attitude as some show in this threat, I'd tip absolutely nothing, not a cent, just for entertainment value...

Hey amerifats, whats this?

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I do stay home and cook my own food 99% of the time. But I cook lobster, steak, shrimp, salmon, scallops, and vegetables on a regular basis and I think my cooking is better than most restaurants. I make more than enough to go out to eat, but I refuse to subsidize a shitty practice.

enjoy your country

why so many levels of handbreak?

Server here. Don't care if you don't tip because you don't matter, your kids plate of chicken tendies and fries that I let you order out of pity wasn't going to get me more then a buck anyways. At the end of the day I'm still taking home ~$400 on an average weekend night without breaking a sweat because actual humans with social skills are the ones that matter, not you cucks. No one is spitting in your food or doing anything other than looking at your with remorse and pity.

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We are, we aren’t the ones in a thread about another country making baseless claims.
>hurrr America has no freedoms
>literally third on the index and 90% of European countries under them.
Keep going

>no one is spitting in your food
Server here, 100% false. How long have you worked in service?