1. Stop posting just yellow threads. Although this is good for awareness it will barley stop coomers from posting shit

2. Invade porn threads. If you faggots put all your autism into posting yellow in threads than more likely than not porn threads will reach their image limit.

3. Make this permanent. Even if this works we need to always be prepared for battle. If we forget this revolution coomers will return.

Hopefully this helps defeat those coomer simp retards

Attached: images (2).jpg (275x183, 13K)

Last time this happened the coomers won the battle, this time.. i don't have much hope.

Also if you think that just posting good threads will work than your retarded. Good threads will be drowned out by coomers and yellow which is another reason we shouldn't just post yellow threads.

coomers will always win, theres a reason why Cred Forums isn't on 4channel and why other boards are, but these faggots have the notion that Cred Forums ever was anything besides porn threads.

100% agree also bump



Chek'd, you have to hope, it's all we've got. We wouldn't lose anything by trying, OP is right. The strategy is off, posting random pictures of yellow is just as annoying as the coomers after a while, create good content and include some yellow somehow. Maybe photoshop a little yellow stamp on the pics just to get the point across but cease all the shitposting, thread killing, faggotry. We could argue that "the shitposting kills porn threads" but it also kills the potentially good threads.

There always was porn on Cred Forums but in more modern times it's gotten out of control

No, there's not any more than there used to be, people just react to it differently so anything that isn't porn gets saged into oblivion, which makes it look like there's more porn.


False. Your newfaggotry is showing

Newfag tries to pretend that he knows old Cred Forums

Op is based


I wouldn't make such a bold claim if I didn't know, it's pretty fucking obvious, there was the same amount of porn with the addition of cp. The difference is that people don't give a shit about anything else so nothing lasts anymore. Pretty basic logic if you don't have shit for brains, there's so many potential raids and actual good conversation getting ignored BECAUSE of the newfags, that's what changed. Fucktards.

Invading and subtilty is the key here.
We need to fade away and they will never know who's memeing and who isn't

There's so many good raids and conversations being ignored due to the coomers drowning them out with their porn threads.

Or, ya know, just make good threads.
Fill/b/ with good threads and drive the porn threads out.

Invading porn threads won't do you any good, at most you will mildly annoy the people in the thread, but it won't get rid of them.

The other issue is that since Cred Forums is a random board, it became the place to put shit when you dont have a proper porn board. You have /yaoi/ /gif/ /d/ Cred Forums etc, but those are specialized porn boards.

Since there is no random porn board, or a random gay/random straight porn board,they need somewhere to do it, and Cred Forums is the only place with loose enough rules and a loose enough topic to do it.

>Also if you think that just posting good threads will work than your retarded. Good threads will be drowned out by coomers and yellow which is another reason we shouldn't just post yellow threads.

>Or, ya know, just make good threads.

You're SO full of shit. GTFO NOOB.

Of course, I guess maybe it's half and half but my point is still pretty solid. It's due to the newfags and how they handle porn now, they just can't anymore. They ignore and recreate.

You fucking idiots fail to comprehend that the newfags are all for the porn, I have yet to meet a single newfag that's against it. When I was a newfag I loved the porn, years later and it's just fucking excessive and annoying.

Just spam porn threads with gore n' scat

That's the problem

Just saw this.....

Attached: 2020-02-17 20_39_39-Window.png (564x188, 46K)

>Invade porn threads.
>because this won't alienate anyone or make us seem desperate or anything

>Make this permanent.
>because it worked so well the last couple of times