Hey Cred Forums, what the fuck is this? It appeared on my left leg overnight

Hey Cred Forums, what the fuck is this? It appeared on my left leg overnight.

Attached: 20200217_170223.jpg (3024x3024, 1.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=tic bite&t=h_&iax=images&ia=images

nigger aids

Ingrown hair


big ass pimple, pop it

AIDS - And not the good aids. Amputate the leg

Make a webm popping that fucker

gay nigger aids

Looks like a big zit to me. Give it a squeeze it should pop pretty easily

Pls pop and post results...for science

Attached: 1581923436950m.jpg (820x1024, 159K)

Might be a spider bite

you got bit by a nigger spider

Attached: pimple-on-vagina.jpg (400x320, 13K)

gay nigger spider bite, with gay nigger aids

A pimple, just let it takes its course-- if you pop it it'll just grow back. I've had experience, just wait until it's worked itself out. It's your body reacting to something in your skin.

Ingrown hair? Popping video please

cool pimple, bro

uh oh, looks like spiders are growing inside your skin

it looks like an irritated pimple

growing another nipple

It's "LLA" Stands for "Left Leg Aids" If you want to save you life, you're gonna have to chop off your whole left leg. Otherwise, rest easy, sweet prince.

That is an ingrown hair

bad news user, I just came from the doctor and he told me that you have nignog hepatitis type gay

you're pregnant

just a zit.

Coronavirus, you mongoloid.

my thoughts exactly.

Attached: 1273594301888.jpg (471x355, 27K)

bot fly larva preparing to hatch.


Fuck you

Poison. You gotta suck it out. NOW.

A fuckin pimple, bathe daily, use a wash cloth and lots of soap. Not that girly shit, it blocks your pores and causes pimples.

100% AIDS

It's your new clit you pussy

100000% AIDS! good knowing you, user. RIP

that is a tic bite

tic bites
duckduckgo.com/?q=tic bite&t=h_&iax=images&ia=images

go to your doctor
As soon as possible. Now, in fact

Bro pop it bro imagine the smell bro do it bro

get webmforbakas from softpedia and make a webm after recording the bursting of it on your phone, encode it with no audio and under 2mb to work here

>I've had experience
Thank god, I was worried there'd be no experts in here.

Squeeze and pop that juicy cheese balloon, and savor the pungent flavor of your free feta cheese!



Looks like cancer

Anybody wanna see my dick?

pop that mothercucker and post pic!

ingrown hair, infected hair follicle, pimple? Looks poppable.