What is b's outlet to suppress homicidal rage from building within them

What is b's outlet to suppress homicidal rage from building within them

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I call people faggots on the internet, faggot.

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Graduating jr high would be a good start.

I did not have the patience for this shit in jr high believe me.

Nothing, because that only happens to edgelord fucking losers who just got shot down while coming off an anime binge

Fuck off

I relieve my inner angsty teen by listening to heavy edgy metal

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I mostly just want to set things on fire with my mind. So I play a video game where that's a major component.


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I was using it as a figure of speech my dude, I was just curious what other people's odd little idiosyncrasies were


Right on. Headbanging on the way to work, or is it more of a come down off the day kinda thing

Yea, I've seen your posts a few thousand times.

No way he going higher than jr high.


I went to college for a year and ended up perusing a trade instead. 5 years in and loving it. Any user who doesnt know what they want to do should really look into the trades. Theres money to be made with little to no debt obligation.

Knocking down cairns

You're a cheeky cunt I'll give you that

Currently, alcohol.

I'm trying to cut that out though.

You'll get there man, it's an uphill battle but you'll get there



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That's it man. Vent it. If that's how you do it god bless ya

Technically you're not an arsonist if you use your mind


Which ones?


i do school shootings

miss the old Cred Forums? join autistic shitposting anime server


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Jerk off. A week no busting I turn into a supreme gentleman.

Stop fucking building these things. It's not a way to "leave your mark". Building a cairn is literally the opposite of "leave only footprints". Put some fuckin respect on the wilderness you zoomers. If you see these you be to knock them down.
>I rage post on b

You're unironically retarded if you think a cairn is some kind of affront to nature. By Wednesday everything I built is going to be reduced to nothing. On an unrelated note do you hate the standing stones of western arizona?

I look at rekt threads and laugh at the misery of the stupid assholes who get themselves killed on camera.

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That's a good point. How many people die a day with no real record of it.