Should I fuck my (3rd) cousin?

Should I fuck my (3rd) cousin?
It's a long story Cred Forums, but the short and sweet of it is I have a shot at banging my cousin from India. She's 19.

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I am so goddamn horny and this is a sure thing. I just need to go for it.

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post more of her

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I wouldn’t even think twice.. bangarang!!

what kind of relationship are we talking about here OP? you say India so I'm worried there's going to be some arranged marriage stuff going on

I am born and raised in America. She is from India. No arranged marriages on the horizon for either of us yet. She probably will get one in 5 years or so. maybe later.

She really is a very sweet girl, but also very sex starved and perverted.

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All you motherfuckers from India are related. Fucking Patel's.

And.. I wouldn’t even worry about arranged marriage! Fuck, she hot bro!! Will treat you like a king!!

How do you know it's a sure thing?

also she's your 3rd cousin which I believe isn't considered full on incest in Murica... I would just recommend making sure she doesn't get knocked up or anything, due to the increased chance of the child being inbred

as well as a good probability of your incest being revealed if you're going for the discreet route

These Patels need to stop breeding. Fuck. Hope the coronavirus hits hard there.

incest being in air quotes


Yeah chief, no brainer.

Like I said, it's a long story but it's just a ton of flirting that has progressed to us kissing last night. She has been living in my city for the past few months doing an internship. She's staying with some other relatives on her mom' side. We have hung out a lot.

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Also, I have a total attention whore friend who was out with us last night, she's the titcow on the right in this pic. She's insanely sexy but only fucks rich Indian surgeons/lawyers. But I think that my cousin was jealous of us talking.

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Your a fucking retard for thinking about it.
Incest is incest. Morally and genetically wrong.

>Should I fuck my (3rd) cousin?
>It's a long story Cred Forums
no need
>but the short and sweet of it is
fuck off and do it newfag. report back for riches and fame.

Any suggestive texts and things like that?

Would never use an Indian for a lawyer or a surgeon. Only take there money for inferior work and charge them premium. Most are to retarded to understand what quality is. Shit you call them nasty hoes attractive.

Most of the Indian surgeons in the US are really, really good. The one on the right is hot as hell you fucking tard.

OP: FUCK your cousin right now!

This. She's an Indian, which makes her a subhuman retard. If you're gonna fuck it, wear a body suit condom and turn on the AC. If it was every a thought in your head, I would also advise against wasting a single brain cell trying to have a relationship with that. Godspeed dude

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OP is a pajeet as well you dumb ass. Hence that being his COUSIN.

OP hasn't confirmed or denied what kind of mutt they are. On average, third cousins share 0.3% - 2.0% of their DNA, and around 10% of third cousins ain't got shit between them genetically.

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Then you must see beauty in a turd. Because she is a cow. I guess they want to look like what they worship.

Bullshit they are worse than Jews and as corrupt

The surgeons are good. They are some of the best in the country. You can go get your appendix taken out by some affirmative action dyke or nig-nog.
Of course they are corrupt and jew-like. Nobody's arguing against that. They also smell like shit, but that's not the point.

I cant agree with that. They are not the best surgeons. They are unsanitary. As well as overall inbred retarded.

OP here. Sorry to disappoint but I am in fact Indian.
Anyways, I'm going to have sex with my cousin. Cred Forums has spoken and I can't let this opportunity go to waste.

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Are they in SoCal?

No.......... Would us saying no stop you? You're on here just bragging that you're going to fuck your relative? That's how limited your pool of options is ? We all know how rape happy India is. Get some indoor plumbing and learn how to use fucking toilet paper.

I would fuck her while she wears her lengha.

He already said he was born and raised in America, the same as you I presume. Fuck off.

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We are witnessing, in real time, not only the death of the Democratic Party as we know it, but more importantly the dismantling of the two-party system that has long crippled our nation's advancement.

Thank you to all Trump voters, whether you love and/or hate Bernie, for getting the revolution started. It is time for us to finish the job.

Third cousin is basically a stranger. No taboo, imo, and no risk of chromosomal mishaps due to the ol family tree not branching enough

Oh well since he said so.... autis newfags believe everything on here. This one must be real just like the one about the guy who was molested by his family member and is about to inherit millions or billions of dollars. A girl like that doesn't fuck her relatives. OP needs to be ridiculously rich or movie star looks for a girl to risk embarrassment to our family by fucking her relatives !!!!! Horniness is not a reason to risk this level of shunning and embarrassment.

>OP needs to be ridiculously rich or movie star looks for a girl to risk embarrassment to our family by fucking her relatives

Good thing I'm wealthy as fuck.

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That's a Salwaar Kameez, not a lengha. But I would fuck her regardless of which she was wearing. This chick is cute. Not exactly a stunner but cute.

Horniness is ALWAYS a reason to risk shunning


How many gas stations do you own Pajeet?

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3rd cousins don't have to worry about inbreeding, but it's still not a great story for anyone but Cred Forums.

Go for it. She's pretty cute.