Just think this homeless looking old geriatric faggot is the best the libtards can do

Just think this homeless looking old geriatric faggot is the best the libtards can do.

Attached: bernie-sanders pooping.jpg (696x385, 30K)

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As opposed to the Republicans who's best sells american troops to saudies to protect their oil?

Damn straight, nigger!

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shitty disco:


good disco:


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Vote for me the old Jew cocksucker whos gonna ruin your country

Attached: pooped again.jpg (665x340, 43K)

Be afraid. Bern it down, faggot.

Yang was the best that America could do - whoever wants to be pres, the clock is ticking - 2024 and its Yang time.

Bernie is a fuckin' joke - Trumpers are literally giving him votes in primaries just because its an easy out if he gets the nom.

Not kidding.

Attached: yang for america.jpg (1200x1614, 383K)

>cucked after 2 states

Attached: 9000 keks.png (655x653, 443K)


Bernie Sanders will be the next President of the United States of America, and there is nothing you or the DNC can do to stop him.

We are witnessing, in real time, not only the death of the Democratic Party as we know it, but more importantly the dismantling of the two-party system that has long crippled our nation's advancement.

Thank you to the Trump voters, whether you love or hate Bernie, for getting the revolution started. It is time for us to finish the job.

Yeah, lower turnout than for Obama - that wont touch Trumps current numbers.

If you do some reading from recent polls, Trumps approval rating and the Republican party approval rating are at the highest theyve been since Trump was elected and for the last 3 decades respectively.

Meanwhile, the Never Berners are blowing up the net. Bern has zero chance.

In fact, if you ask a Trump voter they'll tell you, just like Trump has stated, they're drooling to get Bernie to be Trumps opponent. Easy fuckin win for them.

Yang has a nearly 50% republican base. Yang 2024 will be nice.

Til then its literally all but a guaranteed 4 more years of MAGA and I'm not even a Trump voter.

Although, I know a fuckload of folks here in Missouri that are dems and have told me they will vote red for the first time in their lives or simply sit out if a "socialist" (which Bernie even calls himself) is the Dem nominee.

Shit dude, its everywhere. People hate his ass and he is almost 80. Nobody in the free world wants to follow a fucking 80 year old that cant even stand up straight anymore.

Would you consider your 80 year old grandparent the head of your family?

America needs a dad, a leader, a man. Not a grandpa on his deathbed from a shit hole like Vermont. No offense vermont.

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Do you think he's taken a dump on any other democrats chest?


You're right, your Missouri brothers and sisters
would never become rich like your phony POS messiah Trump.

Carry on, you ignorant F*cks.

they gotta choose between a faggot or a socialist.
It's like they WANT to lose.

unironically cant wait for Bernie to be president. All the MIGAtards gonna go full snowflake crybaby

Lol at least he doesn’t look like a gay faggot tranny.

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Lmao holy shit he looks fucken gay. No way I’m voting for trumo now he looks like a gay faggot tranny

Right, keep dogging the split states. I'm sure MO, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, etc wont stay red thanks to idiots like you.

I actually live in one of the more blu parts of MO and I've watched it go red all around me over the last 6 years.

I didnt want Trump and I dont even actually know anyone IRL that voted for him but my state went to him and I can tell you from what I hear at work, local social media, etc - its going red again this year.

I've yet to meet in person a single Missouri resident that is for Bernie.

I work the entire midwest, even down to Texas - Bernie is literally the only dem that lifelong blu voters tell me they wont support or would even go red to stop.

I didnt want 8 years of Trump but when you alienate your base with a candidate like Bernie, if he gets the nom - everyone I've spoken to suggests its another 4 MAGA.

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Wgeb you get aids from being such a faggot and can't afford your meds, you'll probably still think the same thing

Dems did the same for Trump in 2016 primaries.

Attached: giphy (16).gif (500x341, 1.81M)

You do realize that your vote doesn't count during a presidential election.

cmonnn get the dubs

Attached: dubs.jpg (355x355, 8K)

I welcome this jew wholeheartedly

Orange orangutans are the best. WINNING.

Also how do I talk to the womenz.

>free education
absolutely useless. what, a bunch of 18-23 yo get to choose a bullshit major and party for free? nobody should be going to uni unless it's for STEM. go to a cheap community college if you actually want to study an art. otherwise take up a trade. automation is real.
>free healthcare
this is the only point that matters to me. i'm 23. i don't have insurance, i won't make enough money to comfortably leave my mom's house until i'm at least 25. god forbid when i am living on my own i have some medical emergency. if trump enacted free healthcare, i could give a fuck about the rest of his presidency.

i need to do more research, but i think healthcare is what's going to make me vote for bernie if it's trump v bernie. there's one thing i want from the government, one fucking thing and i don't care who gives it to me.

OK, Boomer.

So does he have a good chance of being pres? Have not been following American politics.

Nice falseflag libtard. Is your hair purple? TRUMP2024

Nice try DNC

redpill me on yang. i could get by without free money, but it'd be cool. what else does he do?
dems went full retard 2016, it was hillary-ous. they put in the most un likeable, cold hearted criminal bitch that only feminists wanted. no wonder people voted trump.

Trump has a council of Jews including Kushner. He formally recognised Jerusalem for fucks sake. Bernie's a Jew, but he isn't a bitch to Israel. It's why they're making it hard for him.

Do you think he would bang Karl Marx?

Communists consider everything equal live, dead, small, big, smart, dumb, young, old...

this is the perfect post regarding the upcoming events. bernie will lose by a wider margin than hillary

how is that a falseflag? that's my actual opinion. i'm young and most of the shit trump has done hasn't affected me at all. if trump's 2020 platform started touting free healthcare, it'd be a good enough reason to consider voting for him.

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keep dreaming

even more likely for a Trump victory then

none whatsoever realistically


>but he isn't a bitch to Israel
They all are, user. The Dems are just less extreme but are more extreme in domestic matters. Somebody like Patrick Little has zero chance of even getting on the ballot much less becoming president. Look what happened to Jim Trafficant. You can not be in the ZOG and be anti-Zionist and explicitly pro-White at the same time. That female nigger Ilhan Omar is only tolerated because it is anti-White and makes Trump look good and so Israel and jews benefit from it.

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>Nobody like Bernie and he is unelectable.
This is a dumb meme in total contradiction to nearly all polls.

Seethe, libtard.

KKK back to stormfront

Good question

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