Why hate black people? They're people like everyone else...

Why hate black people? They're people like everyone else. Sure they cause crime and are stupid but so is every other race. Why the hate?

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They mad

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Despite being 13 percent of the population

yah but most of them don't cause crime so that means nothing.

Because the overwhelming majority don't except responsibly for there failures... they just play the race card.

how do you know that most blacks play the victim card?

lets make this short

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fuck niggers

most blacks don't cause crime tho.

Haha good one user

its true

black people are the most friendly among all the races. dispel the myths. these incels would never know this because they dont leave the house. therefore they only see what they want to through the media.

yeah, get rid of lies about races by lying about races. good call, user.

The actual answer. There are other races who suck on paper but none of them send white people into a rage when they're seen in porn with white women.

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Says who: the manlet pedo with a stripper's name that got bodied by a retarded nigger?

truth be told, is murder even that bad?

you are right i was a faggot for that

stop projecting your traumatic experiences onto others. i recommend therapy.

ya that was some fag shit

Don't act like you didn't see that debate.


It's a throwback to early tribalistic behavior. They're a different color so the reptile part of our brain considers them a different species/subspecies. It's pretty stupid, but completely normal. You should take note that they have the same innate distrust of other races.

That said, we also have a natural predisposition to immediately killing and eating non-human animals yet we somehow manage to repress that urge enough to farm them.

Because they're genetically inferior and they throw every good opportunity society gives them right back.

They're all bush, uneducated, violent, dirty retards.

I guess you hate everyone that you consider to be "genetically inferior" whatever the fuck that broad term even means anymore.

And just because a small portion of an entire demographic makes excuses for their failures does NOT mean the entire demographic or even most of them do. Your logic is equal to the claim that all whites are racists and rednecks.

Grow up.

Niggers truly are dumb animals

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They are hated everywhere, must be a reason.

So are whites. Must be a reason. Do you know how stupid you sound?

We found him Cred Forumsois

Haha no, everybody wants to be white. Non white men and woman want a white partner, blacks are a fetish at most and that only thanks to Jewish tricks.

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Bernie Sanders will be the next President of the United States of America, and there is nothing you or the DNC can do to stop him.

We are witnessing, in real time, not only the death of the Democratic Party as we know it, but more importantly the dismantling of the two-party system that has long crippled our nations advancement.

Thank you to all Trump voters, whether you love or hate Bernie, for getting the revolution started. It is time for us to finish the job.

Not everyone wants to be white. That's a fallacy. There are plenty of people that wish to be black as well. And yet another idiot that believes that Jews rule the world...

Im white and proud but i got a question, have you ever crossed a street to avoid a group of black people?

I don't hate black people. As a guy who grew up in Baltimore, the majority of girls I dated were black, and the majority of childhood friends I had were black also. I think a lot of the hatred you see towards blacks is from white people who don't live around them. The Jew media is set on dividing Americans and making them hate each other (divide and conquer), and what better way of doing that then creating a negative image of black people? Think about who created MTV, and rap music. It was one of (((them.))) Blacks 50 years ago were nothing like they are now - now they are shaped by this totally nihilistic and degenerate culture. This culture was designed by you know who.

I dont like too dark skinned girls tbh most of them r ugly af

Because they hate us and treat decent people with disrespect.

It's nice to see your baseless racism against jews making sure you don't form any baseless racist against blacks.

In Canada everyone kisses their ass like they're royalty --or the special kid in class-- and it goes to their head. The men, I mean.

most of the people who hate black people are black people

We hate niggers not black peoples.....

Nigger is just a way of saying black trash. Every ethnicity has its trashy minority, the ones who give them a bad name.

Because most of them Are retarded, evil, ignorant, unreasonable and take their forefathers pain and try make it appear to be their own and keep pushing hatred of whites on to the innocent whites of the world instead of the evil one's they themselves Are being ruled by, and by pushing this hatred of innocent whites that have done Them No harm, they make new, whitesupremacists, nazies, and evil White People Who go after the innocent Blacks that Arent that way, and the retarded Blacks get pitied and used by People to make more of Them to make more fucking nazies, and that is allowed to happen by alot of People, because in their subconscious they "pity" Them and "hate" themselves

There is some truth to what you say in terms of victim culture, but you're wrong that most blacks are like this. A small portion of blacks compared to the rest do not promote degenerate culture. Do you even associate with many blacks at all?

Sure, there are fine dark skinned lads but, statistics.


It's not racism against Jews. I'm just talking about a small percentage of Jews that run the show. Most Jews are decent people who just want to be left alone like everyone else. But we have a small sect of Jews (called the Sabbatean-Frankists) who are hell bent on destroying America; and there's no better way of doing that than dividing the races and making them hate each other.

Sorry, I meant most african-americans i forgot to write that,
I know that globally it is not most of All Black People that Are evil like that, and it is mostly in areas where they immigrate, and Are poor, that they Are, and not at the moment No but i have met a lot of Blacks