Right wing fags. Bernie cannot win without your exposure, lies and rage...

Right wing fags. Bernie cannot win without your exposure, lies and rage. He's offering you everything you want but you're too retarded to see it.

The reason you think lefties are stupid and can't follow your points is because we treat you racist faggots like retarded animals. I'm not going to listen to my dog justify why he should get steak every night while I should eat his food while he's in the corner sucking his own dick with the other dogs.

I work. I get to enjoy the fruit of my labor. Not my boss. I want return on my taxes and Bernie offers me that. Taxes are great. Corporate subsidy is completely fucking retarded.

Attached: ariana-grande-bernie-sanders-1580418130.jpg (480x481, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nice bait thread

I would prefer if nobody replied tbh. I don't care to engage with the same three easily btfo faggots who suck trump cock in these threads like clockwork.

>he's offering you everything you want
haha yea almost like he's a fucking liar that would say anything to get into power, like every socialist that ever existed

I just want to know how grund becomes gronday? Can Americans pronounce ANYTHING?

You mean Donald Trump?

Attached: 636455635869140924-110617-trump-promises-Online.png (700x1416, 46K)

You can have all these programs. Everything here is reasonable.

Which socialists didn't keep campaign promises, specifically?

Attached: l9LBQZa.jpg (759x746, 142K)

This a casual website millions of people come to daily. It blows my mind that there’s still people who think Cred Forums consists of a small group of autists.

How did the Tay become Zonday? We may never know fam.

have him go back to his closed borders stance and we will talk.

when I log on to his site and the first thing I see is how he is going to let anybody walk in, then pay for their health and education my wallet starts to bleed.

Even a retarded leftard like you can figure out that there is no way to pay for health treatment of 7 billion people.

Just wait. Shut up libtard guy will be here in a minute followed by white nationalist pagan guy and look at these nigger videos why won't you engage with me guy.

There's a poster count at the bottom of the page. This website doesnt have a million regular users and this thread will not have more than 70 posters, half of whom post in these threads every day.

Nah he doesn't support open borders at all. You're being dramatic again.

>lie lie and lie again
fucking leftist scum

"If you open the borders, my God, there's a lot of poverty in this world, and you're going to have people from all over the world," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

open borders is literally the number one issue on his official site issue list.

Attached: s.jpg (2297x1241, 241K)

So when he says things like this
Then what?

>He's offering you everything you want
yes, fucking niggers comming to our country in mass, that is what i want, fucking central american faggot in my country

Free doesn't really mean free. It just means that someone else is paying.

>Taxes are great
Won't even scratch the surface of national debt under a commie administration.

Oh you can't read that's the problem. So dramatic. :)

Then you know hes a fucking liar just like you hahaha

KKK get out
also wrong

Nobody said free other than you. Are you 11?


When he says things like that in 2009, then says the exact oposite when running in 2020? then what?

You are not the first voter to realize that he has flip flopped on issue.

Attached: s.jpg (1679x1430, 198K)

>not scratching the surface now under a republican administration
>haven't scratched the surface since a democratic administration

I just want healthcare fixed. I’ll vote for anyone that offers a solution.

That's great. But do you not realize that your vote doesn't count during a presidential election? Dumb Nigger

He said he doesn't support open borders in 2019.

Bernie's the guy my good dude. He'll at least fight for it like crazy and take steps that way. If you really care you should volunteer for the campaign and grab the app.

>quick I must concoct more lies to cover for his lies!!

Why post if you don't want replies? You just want us to be obediant and listen? Fuck off

My vote absolutely counts during a presidential election and during the primary. My state is mandated that all electoral votes go to the majority candidate.

You really should get the fuck off this website and go get necked you fucking shill

Attached: 13212451986s.gif (125x125, 486K)

>can't read
Let me give it a try.

Moratorium on deportations
Expand DACA
remove ICE
remove detention centers
make climate change a reasonable asylum request approval reason.

still sounds like open borders to me. Can you give me an idea of who exactly can't enter?


Newsweek article from 2019 with 2019 quotes from Sanders saying he doesn't support open borders.

is the trump liar like always

Bernie is ethical and doesn't need to lie and that's why he deserves your support. Imagine voting for someone who has to concont all kinds of ridiculous nonsense just to seem like a person.

Attached: EMVdK3uXYAIlpcQ.jpg (1125x1614, 163K)

>I'm totally not a desperate paid shill for his dumpster fire campaign or anything, i'm totally authentic comrade

Attached: 1343034762190.gif (170x150, 1.37M)

ok you don't know what open borders means that's fine I'm not arguing with a dog about dinner

>Bernie is ethical and doesn't need to lie

Seems like you, Trump and Bernie all have something in common:


see . Open borders is literally his number one issue on his official site.

if seeking asylum because of climate change is valid, if there are no detention centers or ice. The borders are fucking OPEN

I am impressed that you are able to type with Bernie's cock shoved down your throat.

boy, you might be legally retarded.

False. We didn't have open borders before ICE existed in 2003 and we will not have them after ICE is gone.

>how to lie without lying

Not desperate. Just posting. Does it bother you? :)

An open border would be like the border between France and Germany. Or the border between Maryland and Virginia. Bernie Sanders supports healthcare reform. Not any of that made-up trash that you single minded dogs can't see past for some reason lol.

Yeah I'm retarded you should go post in a different thread.

Attached: gdp-per-capita-real-median-wage-and-corporate-tax-rate-1979q1-to-2017q2.png (584x425, 94K)

>How to pretend to be retarded in one easy step

>be you
You're basically saying there will be open borders without saying there will be open borders. You're taking it a step further by suggesting that it absolutely will not lead to open borders but the big problem here is that well, the only logical conclusion to there being no ICE or border control whatsoeveris that... Get this... It's open borders!

Not hard to fucking grasp if you're not intentionally being a disingenuous cunt. Kill yourself.


Watch this it's very clear what he supports and doesn't support. No need to have anyone interpret it for you.

The concept you're referring to would be 'defacto open borders' which it also would not be. Border checkpoints remain. Legal immigration remains. People are still denied entry. All under Bernie. That's not an open border by any stretch of the imagination. Now Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Never happened. Never gonna happen. Somehow this is ok with you.

It's almost like you don't care about the truth at all!

>disingenuous post

If Bernie is that great surely you wouldn't need to lie through your teeth to get him elected?

>Still being a disingenuous faggot
creating technical terms to differentiate the same thing from the same thing is literally the height of disingenuity and is absolutely a staple of Communist rhetoric

Kill yourself

thanks king

go back to lereddit faggot

You don't need to b8 dude. No one here was gunna vote bernie

He has literally said he's gunna charge more taxes



Yes words have different meanings and subtlety exists. Sorry you don't get it fido. Maybe you just aren't that smart. Leave it up to master ok?

No, you're making shit up to get what you want

Kill yourself.

You have to be 18 to post here.

I wish he supported open borders but he definitely doesn't

-an antifa

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I cant wait to hang out with my friends and wait on our bread every week.

Attached: breadline-bernie-bernie-2020-45499181.png (500x673, 121K)


>an retard

based king

I no longer give two fucks as to who gets in.
Doesn't really matter as much as I once thought.

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You think an 80 year old man will singlehandedly take on the whole government apparatus and flip the US establishment into totalitarian communism. Interesting. Seems a LLLLITTLE dramatic though bud.

It sounds like the word "open border" is confusing you.

Bernie wants to make sure that anybody who crosses the border illegally is allowed to enter the US, get free health care and free education.

In 2019 with Trump as president, with ICE, with detention centers and without free everything we had 1.5Million people do exactly this. How many will we get when Bernie starts encouraging it?

So you just posted to troll like a typical liberal cunt.
You work a job? Listen dude, fast food doesn’t count, that’s why you want Bernie for president.
You are a loser who cannot get ahead in life without a hand out. It’s why you support a multi millionaire jew who has benefited off of capitalism his whole life.
Kill yourself Cuck, please for the future of America.

Attached: F1A9DD44-26A5-46E9-95C1-2F33122F3FA8.jpg (370x480, 20K)

So besides the echochamber victim who's being deliberately ignorant of the definition of "open borders", what else is up?

I'm really impatient for Texas and Nevada but I'm stuck in a hospital room hearing the same Styer for President add on TV.
Why hasn't that guy dropped out yet? Who's honestly supporting his run at this point?

Attached: 1472771403135.png (337x193, 19K)

It's confusing you. You have no idea what an open border is. Sanders doesn't want open borders. The end. Period.


Illegal immigration increased dramatically under Trump.

I'm a senior software developer. I make more money than you ever will. I want you to be able to afford dental care and insulin so I don't have to stumble over your toothless pirate ass on the way to pick up my kids from school.

Bernie is a pathetic old man. He knew his loss against Hillary was bullshit and that the vote was rigged against him and did nothing about it, and worse, he started supporting her even after knowing how much of a corrupt scumbag she is. Regardless of what side you're on, Bernie Sanders is a weak spineless old man who can't stand up for himself. Much less an entire country.

Haha styer is cool tho. He just wants to be a Bernie friend. I'm excited for Nevada and Texas too. All will become clear soon friend. We will be saying blue no matter who and it's gonna be Bernie if we keep busting our asses. :D

Hope the hospital sitch whatever it is is manageable and if it isn't I'm sending you vibes Cred Forumsro

Not me. Us.

That's his slogan.

I wonder why?

Oh right he's not a wannabe dictator

fuckin this

>Bernie wants to make sure anyone who illegally entered is allowed to enter, and given free healthcare and education
[Citation needed]


>I work. I get to enjoy the fruit of my labor.
kek, you wouldn't with Bernie, and that's the point.

What is alienation of labor


Posting this shit at the dogs is like trying to teach a turtle to read for real. Namaste comrade.

>Can't cite sources

My taxes will be way higher.
I do not use any social services.
Bernie's messaging through mainstream channels has really only been "orange man bad".
Massive corporations like Amazon are more powerful than US gov't, he can't do much about them.

It'd be cool if Bernie won, but I can't say I'm excited.

Attached: why.gif (250x178, 499K)

Nice troll.

Only the incels/autists reply. Most are underage lurkers.

Face it man. Bernie's toast. The DNC doesn't want him so he's gonna get screwed again.

Hahah. You are one retarted dude. If you can't understand simple politics you should stay out of the discusion, kid.

I like Bernie but he's too big of a pushover.

He sympathizes too much with the safe-space segment of lefties.

Attached: bernie-interrupted.gif (320x180, 1.56M)

>baseless statement
>made by an actual newfag
also if your statement is true then you are an incel and an autist no?

Either way get fucked you retard

>these two things are the same because I'm too much of a nigger to understand!

>Lack of understanding
>False equivalency
>Name calling
Yup, that's a trumptard

>remove ICE
>remove detention centers

Someone watches too much Huffpost Live.

That’s not how it works. Stop being such a gay retard

Disingenuity at its finest

if you have to explain the differences, the differences are so minimal as to be NONEXISTENT you absolute fucking liar

It's like you said; a dog (or in this case nigger) brain is incapable of understanding simple logic. Republicans are either rich or retarted

>Slippery slope fallacy
I wonder if this child's parents remember when we didn't have ICE?

He's lying! Source; my ass.

Attached: 1553763081501.jpg (978x1248, 127K)

Going on a tangent about communism doesn't make you any less btfo'd. Either provide evidence of what he is saying is false or go to school already.

This is why you can't have a discussion with niggers. The right's argument always boils down to Nuh uh!

>I do not use any social services
This is how retarded conservatives are.

>Totally millions of visitors!
>thread has 70 anons in it
>be retarded

A shit theory that has little to no basis in reality.

An employee in a purely capitalist system is free to negotiate a salary per skills. As a skill grows the salary can as well; if not via a current employer then via someone will to pay more for the skill.
The business is trying to pay a little as possible for the employees because it's a big expense
The worker is trying to receive the highest pay.
Business may pay little and 'alienate' the worker who then goes to work for more.
The business is eventually forced into paying more to keep workers or risk dissolving
Ultimately, anyone can make what they want by sheer effort and intellect

In Bernie's socialist wetdream, the worker is 'alienated' by working for pay that's ridiculously taxed by the government. The business is 'alienated' by the over burdening taxation and regulation.
The worker has no incentive to move forward since only more will be taken
The business has no incentive or ability to grow due to government regulation
The may eventually concede that living on the handouts is more viable than living on what requires hard labor
The business may eventually dissolve or leave the country due to an unsustainable business model in which case the workers lose their jobs.

Nah you're retarded and conflate common terms fallaciously, rex

>People who try to explain concepts to diffcult for my nigger brain to understand are lying!

No one has answered who would be denied entry via and leftist "open borders"

Lol right? They aren't even aware of public works despite being literally surrounded by them. Fucking Labrador ass motherfuckers.

The same people being denied now? What about the policy do think would change dramatically?

Criminals would be denied entry. People with invalid Visas. Prior overstays. The same people who are denied entry now.

Soooooo, none of that policy describes open borders. Just a roll back on crimes against humanity currently taking place.

We need to literally shoot every brown person in the head for socialism to work

Hell yeah brother

>Business may pay little and 'alienate' the worker
>No basis in reality
So which is it user

Lol is Fox News this good? Can they really perform a complete lobotomy through news segments? I know reading comprehension is not big amongst trump supporters but damn son.

Shutting concentration camps and acknowledging that climate change is ducking happening does not mean that your precious 401k is getting vaporized. Why don’t you head back to Cred Forums to nurse your weak ass boomer anxiety.

You don't even know what you are talking about, also Bernie is a communist, all communists deserve to be decapitated.

KKK out

That was a big rant that said almost nothing about what I asked. Wanna try again or should I just go into explaining it to you

Attached: this is you.jpg (226x223, 5K)

Your gay checklist leaves out the other 400 promises that he kept in regards to slashing regulations, and cutting taxes.

>Sanders Derangement syndrome

>Bernie is a communist
[Citation needed]

"Kids in cages, ignore the fact it was Obama that made those cages and also ignore the fact Trump signed an executive order to stop it." I hope the entire globalist system burns with your ugly body when we kick this civil war off once and for all.

I cite it from Bernard's own words ya dumb cunt. He vacationed in the SOVIET UNION.

Were you the same faggots who worked on the yang gang threads? Benie is your last hope? I genuinely feel sorry for you, he is an independent who never registered as a democrat until 2016. Why you ask? He is too far left for the general elections. Have fun with 2020, I sure am already.

>Corporate subsidy is completely fucking retarded

Advocates for someone who's platform is nothing but corporate subsidies. Are pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and the insurance industry going to be nationalized or at least made non-profit? Are the universities going to be nationalized or at least made non-profit? Maybe you haven't noticed but every time the government gives monetary "assistance" the price goes up.

not an argument
not an argument

stay mad and stay wrong you lying faggots, Bernie will NEVER win LOL

How insular do you need to be to think there aren't a huge amount of Sanders supporters in the country?


lol delusional

You know what? I’m pretty disappointed in 2020 memes. If this is all it takes for trump yards to continue to spew uninformed bullshit then no wonder ever country with an internet connection is trying to influence this election.

>muh trump

come up with something new lmao
I think Trump is a faggot but there is one thing that makes me give him just a tiny itty bitty tinge of respect: the man is a fucking LEGEND among Trolls

You're confused about what corporations are. They are entities operated for profit. Subsidizing them is a bad idea. Removing the profit incentive is the point of nationalization and in all cases nationalized not for profit industry is a better value/costs less than for profit industry. Look up inelastic demand and educate your brain, fido.

Agreed. It's trendy to bitch about taxes, but they are imperative. Just need to spend the money more wisely, as in more for health and education, and waaaay less in defense.


His approval rating is higher than Trump's ever has been. He has a lot of supporters but you should definitely ignore that and don't worry about it. Trump is gonna walk away with this thing if smart Americans don't act.

>insults the intelligence of others calling them dogs
>thinks anybody will listen to him or give any kind of a shit what he thinks or says
>genuinely thinks somebody is going to just go OH YEAH FUCKING BERNIE SANDERS IS THE BEST GONNA VOTE FOR THIS NIGGA BRB after you insulted them and demonstrably lied many times
>Being this fucking delusional at all times while espousing a political ideology that has killed more people than religion

This is a special case of cognitive dissonance here.

The tax understander has logged on :)

namaste conrad



Holy shit

Clinton had the popular vote
Gore had the popular vote

You idiots still really think this is a popularity contest which I guess is why you can't figure out that someone like Bernie Sanders will NEVER be president LOL

Stay delusional tardcake

CONGRATULATIONS! You do NOT understand politics!
Please kill yourself, if you need a reason to do so; it'll make our nation a better place!

Attached: average4chanposter.jpg (281x499, 21K)

Shit like this is why people are voting for Bernie. Thanks for the help kkk fag.

>not an argument: the post

Attached: (You)2.jpg (601x508, 31K)

Do you believe you should pay Tithes to the church?
Then why treat Government likewise?
>I get more of my money back.
Why not end taxes?
>Taxes are great!
This is the cycle of stupidity both left & right continue year after year, decade after decade.
>Facist or Communist Government
>Right or Left
>Chose your enslavement

>thinking trump voters are salvageable
they aren't
>still being a dramatic child
they are

If you want to be courted you should at least try to argue in good faith. You believe Bernie will single handedly turn the US into totalitarian 1966 Russia and I'm telling you that you're being VERY dramatic lol. If you were capable of thought you would realize this. I love you Mr Pickles but you just can't drive the car I'm sure you don't understand but dogs just cannot do it.

imagine thinking a majority of people are actually going to vote for Bernie Sanders lolo

>dramatic cope

>all this shit
>that I'm not reading

lol stay mad faggot


Bernouts are great for a laugh

Ah yes the US is a monarchy. Good point. Votes don't matter which is why you will be crying in November that Bernie cheated and a billion illegals voted, right fido?

Are you giving cope lessons or just parading your coping skills around to brag?





I love this response. Fuck Obama for opening them.

Pretty blatant disinformation insert though. Trump has NOT signed an executive order to close them. What the fuck are you talking about lobotomy bro?

The issue that I have is that whereas under Obama the facilities were created to hold individuals who were being assessed for crime/disease/etc. and had time limits attached to holding children, under trump the practice has expanded dramatically. There are more people being held in cages including children for longer than 72 hours. I have personally spoken with the lawyers who represent these children. This is something that will be a national shame for decades as these kids grow up. There are tent cities on the us border made up of parents who were deported without their children.

Yes Obama started it and duck him for doing that, but that does not dismiss the textbook grnocide that is taking place in our name as American citizens without our consent or oversight.

Get necked you propaganda guzzling fuck.

You mean mad like this?

Attached: Baby_Sleeping_1296x728-header-1296x728.jpg (1155x648, 78K)

where is the rage again lmao

Yeah Obama was a dumpster fire too but he wasn't a flaming trash barge. Bernie on the other hand is a Krispy Kreme donut and a cup of coffee after a long day at work. :)

You keep posting it not me XD

>Fucking Bernie fucking Sanders murdered more babies than religion in all of history fuck
>U seem upset :smug:

I didn't think we'd ever see cope from trump supporters reach these levels but here we are. The 40-second-im-not-mad-im-laughing-actually-hahahahaha keyboard bash.

Attached: Katy-Perry-Small-Talk-News-Image.png (1366x768, 920K)

Idk OP Bernie seems pretty good but without the DNC he might be in trouble.

you are genuinely upset and we can all tell
This is how we know


yeah that's why you gotta get the app and phonebank

Not in the left right paradigm
Here's my thoughts on Trump
>"I like take the Guns first" Red flag laws breaking 2nd amen
>Supports Saudi Genocide of Yemeni & Houtti peoples
>Declared support of Banker Created Israel
>Put chains on 1st Amen With Antisemitism Ambassador
>Supports Private property confiscation by Law Enforcement breaking 4th amen
>Flipped script on Shillery, Bill, Epstein and the others he said would be in jail
>Furthers the War in Mid East counter to his promise to bring our troops home
>Changed the policies of Post GI bill
>can't pass my college funds I earned to my wife unless I re-enlist
>Va budget cuts have made it impossible to be seen for my service disabilities
>Nearly all of his Cabinet are ZioNazi War Hawks & banker assets
>Still allows dual citizens in Congress
Need I go on? Or am I just supposed to
>Trust the plan?

Fuck you and the horse you road in on. Trump isn't draining the swamp, he built a wall around it and hired more security.

The DNC will definitely try to fuck him but based user is right. If we put up big big numbers it will be undeniable. Get into the phone banking/text queue and get it on.


Attached: 4592-no-u-isnt-a-real-comeback.jpg (500x375, 100K)

>big big numbers it will be undeniable

they said this about hillary as well

They must've set re-elections 4 years apart because 4 years is the amount of time it takes your average moronic citizen to forget everything that happened in the last election cycle

more irony
no self-awareness I see

how old are you?

Know who takes guns? Republican fascists. Know who bangs out AKs? Leftists.

Nobody is buying it.

>please pay attention to me

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Fuck me? I agree with all of those points. Trump is a complete disaster. I was just agreeing with lobotomy bro that it’s fucked up that Obama started the policy but that we as Americans should be fighting to shut these camps down. Fuck trump and his cabinet of criminals

Brady bill/awb > Reagan
Bump stocks > Trump

This is a based fucking post my dude and you should post more like it in these threads.

Fucking right. Gotta save that shit it's top tier.

thanks for the (You)

The circle jerking itt is kind of sad considering it's a product of complete and utter COPE

You know who voted AGAINST the Brady bill?

Bernie Sanders.

[citation needed]

>when you consider a person replying to you to be a win

It's the small victories guys. xD

So no subhuman dogs could come up with any legitimate criticism of Bernie? Cool. We got this one boys, remember to put in your phone banking hours and shit.

Nah people came up with plenty of legitimate criticism of Bernie, you just ignored it because this is a troll thread and you're desperate to keep the charade going

sage btw


Bernie likes guns. He's a leftist not a liberal.

Where? He'll take all your money? You will be waiting in breadlines? He wants open borders? All dramatic shit that don't represent his position or beliefs.

No legit criticism just dramatic nonsense as always :D


Fair point, I apologize for insulting you.

Not to excuse my words, but there are waaaaaaaay to many Trump worshipers out there blowing his dick like a trumpet.

And don't get me started on those fucking qtards.... That gives me a head ache!

So in the prevailing allegory trump supporters are dogs, loyal but very very stupid. Qanons are shit beetles living in shit and rolling shit around and getting everyone to try to look at their horrible shit. They're pestilent.

>Bernie has advocated for Communism back in the day
>Once thought highly of SOVIET UNION
>Jewish Bolsheviks created USSR after murdering several million Christians in former Empirical Russia
>Bernie gives support for most of our War on Terror
>Supports Zionist Talmudic Lecud Party in Israel
>Says he will tax the rich
>So did Soviet Union
>Oligarchs ruled soviet UNION
How does empowering a flawed system of state violence give this one shriveled up Jew a chance to fix everything for the rest of us?
>Banking Cartels
>Secret Societies like FreeMasons, Templars, Jesuits, Skull & Bones
>Pedo rings
>Media & entertainment oligarchs
One man can force all the above to do the right thing?

Can a Psychopath stop murdering after the taste of blood?

Will a pedophile stop rapping children after indulging in the most unforgivable act?

Will a Politician actually carry out his words and not fuck the people?

Common man.

Did you not learn any history?

No worries brother. Legit post though. Thank you for sharing that.

There are way to many red caps here. I remember before this plague started years ago when I was first here in 2009. Cred Forums was still fucked up but there was more irony and venting of frustration. It was in 2010 and after people lost track of where jokes began and full on hate speech started. We tried to rely on the containment board to get rid of these useless moaning incell fucks, but 2014-16 was non stop propaganda posting. It’s nice to see the political tides shifting here again.

Fuck the red caps

Indeed, that is a better sum up than I could have made.

Thank you.

Very dramatic description of trump.

Also stormfront is that way if you want to post insane conspiracy


One man cannot change all of that. There's no reason to pretend he could. He does support good things though and has a large movement behind him that wants the same things you want. He's the most Israel critical candidate we've got by far.

(Pic related, self proclaimed "king of Israel" and Benjamin netanyahu moments before engaging in a 69)

Attached: 90.jpg (840x472, 41K)

Based and redpilled

Based and redpilled nigger faggot that is

Cred Forumsro, we will win in the end. But more chaos & change will befall us all before that sweet victorious day.

Left and Right are the same fight.

The left gives credit to the fear mongering Trump spews on the right.

The Right is becoming more fascistic in their efforts to combat the left.

But the left is equally taking a more empowered state stance. More Socialist/Communist in form.

The head of the Left, Shoemer is an Israeli Firster, dual citizen.

Bernie may want "Good" for people, but to get it we have to completely start from the ashes of a dead empire like the USSR or try like hell to clean house with all our corrupt Gov/MIC/Secret Societies & Media/Entertainment Oligarchs keeping this Roman Empire Replica in action.

Lastly, we cannot have anything socialist with war on drugs, terrorism etc.