Hello B – I'm a War Reporter / Photographer – Ask Me Anything

Hello B – I'm a War Reporter / Photographer – Ask Me Anything.

Just returned from my last conflict zone (barely) and am taking a break before I roll the dice again.

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can you post some more pics? also ever had anyone pull a gun on you or are they always fairly pleasant?

Who do you like more, the Palestinians or Israelis

Can not post any pics of my work as I dont want to get doxxed.

And yes, just the other day. Depends on the place and people.

can you post some gnarly photos?

I worked for a month on the Palestinian side last year. Got to say, while I dont dislike any side, I left being less supportive of the Palestinians than when I arrived – or at least of the media narrative behind it.

every fucked a loli in exchange for food?

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I actually dont really have any, just a few bloodied bodies and burnt corpses. To be honest the people who are still alive in some areas have it worse than the dead.

the other day where? and by whom? give details or some semblance of details ffs

Do you larp as an operator like in your pic?

2 weeks ago in Donetsk (rebel held area). I had worked a lot with the Ukranians and they almost threw me in jail bc they thought I was a spy.

Almost lost my car, and all my gear because of it.

Do you take pictures during conflict?
How close to conflict?
Is it dangerous in any way?
Does it have any risks?
What do you search for in a picture?
What are the most common types of pictures you take?

How many child prostitute's did you fuck?

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1) Yes

2) Right on the frontlines, preferably with the soldiers or in front line villages.

3/4) Yes, depends on the day and on my luck that day. I has a bomb land next to me last year (2 meters), and did not go off. I cant decide if I was lucky that it didnt go off, or unlucky it landed there in the first place.

5) Good composition, and intimacy. Please letting the guard down, or scenes which connect to us all...

6) Portraits and fucked up buildings.

why is that? and what do you think or know about the kurds?

Thanks user He skipped over my question.
>tho i meant more general and less professional

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One day when I arrived at a tiny village which had been 'badly effected" one of the kids started posing in really 'useful' places. When I aksed my translator she said that yes, he has seen soo many journalists he now knows where to stand.

That shit, plus the fact there is a NGO on every corner, plus some general stupidity made me change my mind on the conflict a little bit.

How can a city expect peaceful treatment when line their streets with photos of jew killing jihadists. While they are not to blame they are not making it easier for themselves...

that's fucking wild my man. lucky they didn't throw you in the gulag

Of course not everything is black or white, that's for sure.
And about the kurds? I'm asking because you might have worked there too, and I'd like to know an honest opinion.

Post your pictures dude

Yeh mate, scariest day of my life.

I have not worked there. My mother does not allow me to go to the region hahahahah.

Plus, middle east is wayyy to hot.

I dont know enough to be confident in an opinion

are the loli's hot too user?

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I can only post shitty pics that never made it online

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So did you fuck anyone?

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why didn't you join the military, faggot?

I plan on doing so i 2021 cunt