I manage rental properties. Ask me anything, you whiny-ass tenants

I manage rental properties. Ask me anything, you whiny-ass tenants.

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Do you live off rent money or do you work a job with the passive income?

My company handles the management of the properties for the property owners, handling the operations (rent collection, mainhand requests, tenant questions, legal issues, etc) so the owners don't have to. Our management fee is 10% of rent, which goes into our overhead and salaries.

I just wanted to say fuck rental management companies.
I own quite a few properties and the fee you try to charge is 3/4 of what a realtor charges when you do even less.

It might be a regional thing. Our fee is less than any other realtor or management company in our county, and the cast majority of our property owners never even have to lift a finger.

I'll be the first to admit that there are a lot of really shit property managers out there. Just make sure whoever you used is licensed and legitimate rather than just some dude working out of the back seat of his car.

What race is the worst tenant

Non op here but im ganna go out on a whim here and say niggers

I sleep with one of you. All I hear is whining about how a car has crashed into some clients' living room, or some tenant went away for 4 weeks and they left the bath running and now the property is a sinkhole. etc etc.

There are bad apples and good ones on every tree. Generally, the less income someone has, the more handouts they expect and the more bitching they do.

upping his blacklist to within 10000km


Sounds like a light week, honestly.

Do you ever get the opportunity to trade discounts or extensions for sexual favors?

Female tenants have definitely hinted at it, but I never have. Don't need the drama or attached strings if I ever end up in a legal situation with them.

Do you exercise racial profiling when choosing tenants to rent a vacant unit? Asking as a black man wanting to move somewhere warmer.

No. On top of not being a shitty person, I'm also required to abide by anti-discrimination laws. Everyone has to meet the same requirements regardless of race, gender, etc.

Is it true that one blowjob will buy you an entire month of rent?

Hypothetically, a blowjob might get your late fees waived if it's a good blowjob, but if I have to reach down to finish the job then deal's off.

Here's one for you: what are some good tips for finding a damned good property to rent, say I'm a single, working white guy in his early 30s, good references etc. Are there any loopholes or resources that the general public aren't aware of?

Same advice I gave to someone earlier who wasn't happy with property managers: find a manager who is legitimate and licensed in real estate. Website, business cards, physical office, etc. They have more to lose than the Chad working out of his car if they do bad business.

Also, for god's sake don't ever get involved with sexual favours OP, barrister here, those kind of women make up 90% of the nation's rape&sexual assault cases. They aren't even lying half the time, they are just mentally ill women.

Right now, literally today I was working on a case where a property owner is being sued by a batshit crazy lady with a backlog of accusing men of rape because he used her toilet to wash his hands while installing a new bed/ she claims he rubbed his penis and asked her to take a shower with him. Stay very professional user.

I strive for professionalism for exactly that reason, and I've earned a stellar reputation during the times I have spent in a court room because of it. I even tell my long-term friends I'm not comfortable renting to them because I don't want to mix personal with professional.

Any jew related work stories? I hear they are every letter's nightmare.

Why are you too lazy to do your basic job? There is no way you can be too stupid to do it, because it's tied for easiest job in the world.

Jew-shit, like expecting the tenants to do maintenance on their apartments, such as changing light bulbs or the batteries in the smoke alarms?

I moved in with a friendand im not on the lease. about three months ago he moved out, but im paying the rent/utilities. Can i get in trouble for this

I honestly don't know the religion of any of my tenants, so I can't say.

I'm exceptionally good at my job, sorry.

If you aren't on the lease, you have no legal rights or obligations to the property. You could move out tomorrow and the legal backlash would be on your friends. On the other hand, they can label you an unauthorized tenant and you would have no real defense if they decided they wanted you gone. It would be safer to be protected by being on a lease if you plan on staying.

>I'm exceptionally good at my job

Nothing to be proud of

Sounds like someone is salty because they got kicked out for not paying rent. Or being a whiny little bitch. Either or.

How does it feel to offer nothing to the economy, and make housing more unaffordable?

I have little to no control over rent prices. Property taxes are on a steep incline currently, which is causing rents to go up in order to compensate.

Home owner here, age 29. How does it feel deep throating morons who can't invest or money manage while pissing away their checks on useless shit like über rides to the club and Nikes?

Only had landlords, never a property manager. But I represent enough clients with lazy property management. They aren't even inept. They're just don't care. I even feel for landlords who fall for your pointless industry.

Show pix of the panties you have stolen

>because it's tied for easiest job in the world.

dealing with difficult/stupid/black people is the most exhausting job in the world, I have poured hot tarmac in high summer and worked in a similar field as OP, I would pour tarmac for $10 an hour any day. You either need to have the perfect personality type or be a hard bastard 25/7

Some people just don't like the hassle of maintaining the day-to-day, dealing with vacancies and tenant calls at midnight, and making sure they're aware of the constantly-changing legal landscape.

Four out of five property managers are absolute shit human beings and make the entire industry look bad for it.

I never have.

How many times is pic related? Ever get pussy or dick for rent?

Had some female tenants hint at trading favors in place of rent, but I've never done it. Not worth the drama and expectations of future leniency.

had to check on a corpse yet?

Three times in seven years. One self-hanging, one overdose, and one shotgun-in-the-mouth.

Good call, friend. I would be tempted to, but would rather jerk off at the fantasy. Better to rub one out than risk shit.

But whats the point if your in america
Do or don't the bitch wins anyway regardless of proof

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