Be honest: How mad are you going to be when Hillary/Bloomberg get the Democrat nomination over Bernie Sanders?

Be honest: How mad are you going to be when Hillary/Bloomberg get the Democrat nomination over Bernie Sanders?

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Bernie is a dirty commie. He wants the US to be like North Korea.

which is bad because....

How mad will Libs be when a woman isn't president and Trump gets re-elected and kills them

If this happens I am going to vote Trump. And I am not even American.

Dont care


I'd much rather get my free handjob from Bernie than Hillary. She needs to cut her fuckin' nails.

Been there, done that. The Democratic party are just centrists who only pay lip service to progressive values. If they were actually liberal then Bernie would unquestionably be their man.

Havent you noticed the lack of trump spam, bernie is their new priority issue

bernouts are quite used to being cucked

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Better than Trump

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trump's not competing for the democrat nomination

In these heels ?

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I'll lmao

this type of degenerate shit makes me rage
trumptards are always calling other people degenerates but then they are obsessed with sexualizing everything and they don't believe in the sanctity of the female form and all they care about is vanity

Dems are not even centrist, they are centre right. If they were centre left they would let bernie run, but too much money is at stake for pharma, they will not let it happen

3 years of seething.
5 more years of your screeching.

You're pathetic.

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Sure, kid.

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>they don't believe in the sanctity of the female form
you SJWs really are the new puritans, aren't you?

>centre right
my sides
let me guess, you think Europe is the "rest of the world", kek

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The Democrats would be politically suicidal if they nominate New York's Nanny and America's Ex-Wife.

that shit is disgusting
but trumptards are the ones who bring little boys around naked women and try to make them sexually excited at an early age. It's almost like they want to steer the youth wrong before they even have a chance.

This isn't about social justice, it's about justice.
Arguably trump voters are more social justice warriors than anyone else.

Oh my.

You aren't a functional human being.

>Arguably trump voters are more social justice warriors than anyone else.
my sides


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Am I wrong? Is it not always a "I voted for trump" person who wants to parade little boys around naked women to encourage them to be sexually active at young ages?

You never see a democrat taking their small children to hooters. There's a reason for that.

You can laugh all you want but when your group isn't around to give you your sense of approval, you won't have a single moral value to rely on and you trump voters know it.

>but trumptards are the ones

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The fact that this sort of shit is being posted here tells me that Bernie is lit and will become the next president. Keep up the good work!

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What? Obviously not every single dem is centee right, but the party is. The Democratic Party has turned center right since after Pres. Carter. Corporations felt that the Carter administration was not helping big business enough. That’s when corporate donor superdelegates were added to the system of choosing presidential candidates

Im not debating if it s the right decision, these are just the way things are

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i'm starting to think Bernie will actually get the nomination but that means he will lose harder to trump than any other dem

>but trumptards are the ones

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pretty sure that's not a trump voter
nice try though, i'd give you a participation award but we're all out

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Bernie Sanders will be the next President of the United States of America, and there is nothing you or the DNC can do to stop him.

We are witnessing, in real time, not only the death of the Democratic Party as we know it, but more importantly the dismantling of the two-party system that has long crippled our nation's advancement.

Thank you to all Trump voters, whether you love or hate Bernie, for getting the revolution started. It is time for us to finish the job.

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i'd fuck the one on the center and the far left tbh

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I don't have a group, which doesn't seem to hurt my moral values.

You're making the exact same argument as the godfags who claim that people can't be moral without believing in a sky fairy looking over their shoulder all the time.

you posted a politician and you think that in any way reflects the populace?

isn't the epstein meme dead
I feel like I'm listening to 9/11 was an inside job shit
You can't just keep saying "9/11 was an inside job" or "epstein didn't kill himself" because that does nothing.

Demonstrate that you can actually deconstruct a story and extract some kind of lesson or bigger picture from it.
Trump tards can never do this the way leftists seem to be able to, albeit rather uncharitably.

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>I don't have a group
well then I'm sorry to hear that. You're clearly not the trumptard I should be talking to. I don't mean to get angry at a lonely person, but your words aren't harmless you know.

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yes we all pretty much assumed that user

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Take your meds.

Take a shitload of Xanax when Bloomie is inserted no matter what.

>american understanding of sociopolitical nuances
No he actually wants you to be more like the UK, and honestly you're all british faggots anyways. You're about as smart as a chav
>imagine thinking every one of your allies in NATO is communist

Nonsense, the Dems shifted hard left after 2008.
Note the median party refers to Europe, and this was put together by an extreme leftist.

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The only way this drawing can make any point is by drawing a hammer and sickle pin on bernie, which he never wears.

The only way it can be accurate is by lying. Which means, not accurate at all.

trumps a faggot

>rent free in your head
Words are harmless, by definition.

the hillary report was drudge fake news, get cucked harder. Also trump can suck my asshole, im voting for whatever dem wins.

not him but posting this was obligatory

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It's not your words that cause harm. That's not what truly bothers me.

It's your values and what you choose to encourage in others. The words you say are not the point.

On what basis was this made? Dude it's only natural the more divided the country the more right wing they are. I would prefer the dems to be a little more to the left so we can get proper representation but i understand why the things are the way they are.

Exactly as mad as I already am and have always been: Extremely.

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You do know that trump's name is on the lolita express too, right?

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They have moved a bit to the left, ok, but they are still centre right. (most of them)

I hope Bernie nose what he's doing.

This entire image isn't even inaccurate. It's just a lie.

not very likely

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Don't care at all who it is as long as they beat Trump. I'd literally be fine with Nero and Hitler as VP.

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Then you're an absolute monster.

America is already a shithole.

They're to the left of the most leftist group of countries on the planet, and you're claiming they're center right?

"Nose" wink wink

but i thought trump made it great again ?

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This kind of liberal brain disease has really torn the mask off of the democratic establishment's and the liberal class's face. I made a joke that the only reason dems aren't trying to push a Hitler/John Wayne Gacy ticket is because they're both dead. Donald Trump has just become their Emannuel Goldstein. God, I wish people would fucking read. I wonder how long it will be before these fucking idiots just start "ironically" posting "I love Big Brother" on twitter.

Attached: 1984EmmanuelGoldstein.jpg (285x209, 8K)

1: It was never great
2: He didn't.

The divisiveness of Sanders supporters will get Trump re-elected tbh.


More likely the DNC's constant shenanigans. Mark my words, if Sanders wins the nomination, the DNC will unironically back trump.

Look it up yourself
Note the author is an crazy-extreme leftist who's trying to argue that the extremely leftist Democratic party needs to shift even further to the left.

yeah i did get it but im too tired for my usual sartorial elegance

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ah ok

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>Literally every single democratic candidate: BERNIE IS AWFUL AND RAPED MY DOG! WE MUST STOP HIM MORE THAN TRUMP!!! Also, remember to vote blue no matter who (except Bernie)!

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I don't have to look up shit. If you think either the republican or democratic parties went LEFT after trump, you are a retard and should see yourself entirely out of politics.

>Note the author is an crazy-extreme leftist
And I guarantee you the author is actually a crazy rightwing extremist. Nobody actually leftwing would claim the dems or republicans and the term "left" should be used in the same century.

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Top kek. Any other fantasies you want to share?

Trump will win so it doesn’t matter

Nobody is if Sanders isn't the nominee. That's what you rightist retards are missing. As the DNC is so fond of reminding us: Bernie is not a democrat. It is non-voters, the single largest voting block, who support him.

Lmao the other guy had some points, but you are just misinformed

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so you think that the Democratic party's frontunner for the presidency is an avowed socialist is the sign the party just shifted to the right?
my sides just ascended to orbit

So you're just going to keep writing "vote democrat" over pictures you don't like and spam them.

He's not a democrat, REMEMBER?

If you wanna compare dems with the rest of the world, they would be the right wing party everywhere but the US.
T o p k e k
I love 13 year olds who pretend to follow politics

The "other guy" (you) had no points and is completely misinformed

You literally don't know shit about politics. Typical for a man who's replaced brains with lard.

Old retarded boomer. Looks like he might be coming down with something.

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>There's the US
>and Europe is the rest of the world
>my complete ignorance of the rest of the planet makes me smart and informed!
kek, so dumb

user, do you really believe that? If Bernie is a commie then the Nordic countries are the next USSR.

You literally don't know shit about politics, but you think you do. That's so cute.

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Rest of the world. South america, asia, anywhere where theres electricity. You dumbcunt

looks Muslim to me

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Get the fuck off Cred Forums.

Dem hate themselves so much that they'd try a 3 way draw just to appear politically correct.

>Bangladesh, Thailand, and Saudia Arabia are all leftist


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LMAO dude look at the countries you are comaring the US to. Great logic. This site has memed about autists so much it has attracted actual autists

I didn't compare them to the US, I simply provided examples that disproved your ridiculous claim. Retard.

Ah yes, the US can be compared to those fucking countries. Holy fuck some people cannot hear themselves

Ok lets take it slowly. The dems would be right wing in most countries around the world. I didnt think this needs to be said, but im taking into account only 1st world countries.
Actual retard

>he thinks europe is who america should be mimicking

>The dems would be right wing in most countries around the world.
Glad you finally admit you're wrong. It's okay, you couldn't help it. Some people are just born stupid.

Oh wow, you really got him by not understanding either US or global politics, boomer!

You're really not helping your case by samefagging, retard.

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If he’s smart he’ll go independent and then do nothing with no hold over the Senate or House of Reps... just to prove a point

A politician who intends to help the majority and fuck the rich becomes wildly popular? Not exactly helping your argument, enemy of the people.

delete this thread trumpshit

He's right actually user. Germany and France are much more liberal than the United States and yet they're very much center-right countries.

you think i give a rats ass about what goes on in that naive old mans life

Only in comparison to Europe, which is the point.

honestly every time i hear this man talk it reminds of those crazy religious people you see on street corners in movies spouting nonsense

he's an absolute joke

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anything beats dirty donnie

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Boomers shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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stay ignorant Cletus

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What about Satan riding Godzilla on a mission to incinerate all animal shelters and elementary schools? At this point, I'd be surprised if you said no.

yea, hot chicks are stupid. we already knew that.

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yea, that Epstein had lots of friends

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The South was a mistake.

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still not worse than trump

I know you're probably just trolling, but I expect this to be the new common take with twitter libs. People just setting up the worst possible ticket and libs being like "I'd vote for that", which just reiterates that they don't actually stand for anything.

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