I wear tiny girl hot pants, what do you think?

I wear tiny girl hot pants, what do you think?

Attached: venice1910_2.jpg (1200x1570, 753K)

Super cute. Did you buy the black ones by chance?

u look gay

Not yet, they're not yet available, only the pink ones. And I want to try them in the store, so I won't order them online even if they become available

I think you look great!

small penis

I think shaving your legs was a mistake



Well, from my perspective it looks kind of feminine. I dont know if that's what you were going for. But I wear shorter shorts and have hairy man legs, not really skinny like yours. Women dig the confidence to wear shorter shorts, mind you not quite as short as you went.

Actually shaving my legs was a mistake indeed, as I got terrible razor bumps and had to fight ingrown hairs. It was electrolysis that did wonders, and since it's permanent, I now have hair-free legs. I love the smooth feeling without having to worry about itching and all that stuff. I also think they look good with skinny legs and women's shorts

I think your legs look sexy and smooth, makes me want to touch them. Did the electrolysis hurt?

Ok, well then I gotta ask, are you gay? Because if so then bravo that's the vibe you wanna put out. On the other hand if you are not, you are going to have to have an almost comical amount of confidence to pull that off.

I had girls ask me if they can touch, they were amazed that my legs were smoother than theirs. And yeah it did hurt at areas like my knees and it was a pretty slow process, killing them hair by hair. But now I feel the results every day.

Yes I am and even so I need plenty of confidence as I get plenty looks and comments (and some cat calls even) every day


Alright the why are you not putting together an outfit? You know those shoes dont match. I was roommates with 2 gay guys for a couple years, and theirs wardrobe was on point.

How about these ones?

Attached: mom_2.jpg (1100x1971, 1.36M)

Your face is kinda uggo tbh, considered surgery?

I think "How many times am I going to see this stupid fucking thread?"

I mean they match a little better, I get how loud shoes can be hard to match. I guess I never really thought about that. I dress in mostly black and greys, some white. Not a overt amount of pressure on me to be stylish.

Being stylish is not what I want. I like short shorts for various reasons, I pick a t-shirt and one of my vibrant colored shoes

Attached: venice1910.jpg (1200x1600, 738K)

unless it's me you're trying to fuck, you shouldn't care what I think.
who's your target audience?

Dominant tops