Anons -

Anons -

We are on the ground in Nevada and let me tell you what happens when you turn on the television:

Pete Buttigieg ad (click, change channel)

Pete Buttigieg’s super PAC ad (click

Super PAC ad attacking Bernie (click)

A billionaire running an ad attacking Bernie (click)

Cable news pundits attacking Bernie (turns off TV)

It is... a lot.

But with less than a week to go before the Nevada caucus, it is what we’re up against. And Bernie needs your help — desperately — to cut through the clutter. It’s our only chance:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign to help us catch up to the spending in Nevada trying to defeat our campaign? This is so important.

If you have been waiting for the perfect day to make your next contribution to our campaign, I am here to tell you that THIS. IS. IT. For sure. We need your help to win this thing.

Attached: berniewins.png (1296x706, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: 2019-06-27 23_16_46-Inside Venezuela's Socio-Economic Collapse - YouTube.jpg (930x690, 49K)

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You meant cock us and Pete's buttplug.

That nigger faggot ain't going anywhere except to the er for complications of AIDS

Attached: breadlinebern.jpg (746x664, 109K)

>Obvious bait.

I'm still voting for Bernie especially after you shilling faggots have made yourselves so obvious on this board.

Attached: 1552265226499.jpg (750x498, 86K)

Attached: download (1).jpg (1200x963, 408K)

Democratic Socialism ≠ Socialism

Attached: Bernie.ttF.jpg (1080x1256, 195K)

>likening democrats to communists
jesus fucking christ

fuck this old commie cocksucker.

Attached: retard4.jpg (750x540, 33K)

Attached: uls29.png (498x626, 233K)

This text is from a capitalist faggot family who would take everything from you if they had the chance.

>don't fall for this nigger shit

Attached: lkhj1521co.jpg (860x736, 87K)

Attached: breadline-berniee.jpg (800x648, 139K)

miss the old Cred Forums? join based shitposting server, no rules

miss the old Cred Forums? join based shitposting autism server


Attached: image0-4.jpg (1242x1495, 552K)

>giving ppl more money for their work is COMMIE

Attached: 1%.jpg (767x847, 72K)

Pretty much
They went so hard so fast all Its done is show how scared they are that he's going to win

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Trap faggots and log posters UNITE!

Imagine being so retarded you don't understand how tax brackets work.

Thank you.

Attached: 15758371252fqq2729.jpg (1425x581, 121K)

702 here.
No. I will not help Bernie.
Or any of the other retards in office


Bernie will win.

Attached: 1579721181981.jpg (594x355, 26K)

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This is the argument for funding public education more.

>you whites are starting to have nigger intellect.

>being this ignorant

Ya well bernie sux so fine by me

Anyone who says "trumptard" or "nigger" automatically has their opinion invalidated. Use your big boy words.

>double the minimum wage
>take half of every dollar earned from people making minimum wage
lol. also, government subsidized healthcare is slavery for health workers. grow the fuck up you fat nigger.
>doesn't even know his own candidate's "economic policies".
imagine my surprise.

Attached: 1581552318375.png (598x630, 249K)

Bernie Sanders will be the next President of the United States of America, and there is nothing you or the DNC can do to stop him.

We are witnessing, in real time, not only the death of the Democratic Party as we know it, but more importantly the dismantling of the two-party system that has long crippled our nation's advancement.

Thank you to all Trump voters, whether you love or hate Bernie, for getting the revolution started. It is time for us to finish the job.

Attached: Bernie-Sanders-2007.jpg (682x864, 93K)

So he's braver than faggot-trump in releasing his emails and more accountable than most weak politicians yet you still choose to gargle the GOP jizz. Goddamn, user. Your parents are going to be dissatisfied.

I guess that disqualifies 90% of Trump voters.

that's right you stupid fucks..they're "democratic communists"

I guess you, like 90% of the populace, really don't know how the economy works.

Thank you, white nigger.

Except for change the rules, get Bloomberg in there with VP Clinton, and dick Bernie over for the nomination....again. This is inevitable as the DNC is corrupt and Bernie is making the same mistake again. He should run independent and crush the Dems for fucking him over in 2016.

yet you're the only one here using that language

Attached: 1580168537236.png (585x565, 254K)

Right, cause you fucking incels aren't on here 24/7 spamming cringe shit. Kill yourself, you worthless faggot.

not a chance unless every other candidate dies from corona virus..then they'll still give it to bloomberg.

>Bloonberg 2020.

Still won't change that fact that you're a Chinese virgin.

>a socialist outraged about someone's shit being taken from them.

they'll fuck him again and bloomberg will be all up in there with that cunt hillary as his VP

all the democrat party is are a bunch or wealthy old people telling me what a horrible person i am for trying to become wealthy.

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Why is he extending his left hand and not his right for a handshake?


Attached: blue.png (585x565, 257K)

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Bernie cant even command a stage, what makes you think he can command the most powerful country in the world?

Attached: bernie give back the microphone.jpg (499x397, 68K)

probably because he doesn't come from india and therefore doesn't need a designated "wiping" hand

Attached: 1561249523899b.jpg (648x750, 20K)

Bloomberg vs Trump is going to be interesting race

The artist wanted the character to face toward the final panel but not have the extended hand block the cross he is wearing.

Ding ding ding, we have our winner