Does Cred Forums have any experience with higher beings?

Does Cred Forums have any experience with higher beings?

Pic very much related.

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You don't understand how lucky you are

Today I looked up and saw someone working on their roof.

Actually about to drop 2 grams of shrooms tomorrow, first time with psychedelics.

I'm high right now

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Done it only twice before but trust me, I do know how lucky I am.
Also, you can just get it straight from mexican ebay. It's so missunderstood that it's practically legal in mexico.

Are you high now?

Does this look like a good batch?

What is it


si sinor.

How tf does one load that kind of shit in a pipe? Are you gonna snort it?

Also I would never do it because my intimacy with life in my dna caps out at a certain level. Ketamine all the way

Burn it all in one pull and I guarantee you big money an entity that isn't god, but merely you and everybody you know personally, all historic figures, celebrities and important people molded into one creature will pull you into the realm of darkness that is nothing but everything at once and slap you in the chin while calling you a nigger for posting this

freebase (glass) pipe. Not too complicated, just heat it up enough to melt, not burn.

That sounds about right. I'm just interested into reading about any experience user might have had before.

what is mexican ebay
where can i get

the mexican version of ebay. You can get it there for around 40 usd.

What search term you using to find it on mexican ebay

I've only ever punched 2 people in the face in my whole life. One was a bully at school, the other a guy who believed he could summon orbs when meditating

Is that DMT?


What search term are you using.

A couple years ago when i first did dmt i didn't melt it properly and a bunch was left in the bottom of the pipe, I added more for another hit hours later then started to vaporise it and realised i needed to heat it up much more i did then took one big toke and everything went so bright i fell onto my bed and passed out for a while all i remember is waking up laughing and amazingly happy over what id seen and what i had communicated with.

Another time i took a fairly big toke but not breakthrough level and i saw an entity which looked like a mass of robes (best way i can describe it) i felt total happiness and love, no communication though i just watched,

I love my morphine but want to try DMT. Hope they go well together.

naw man, this isn't just a drug. Do not underestimate it.

Just 2? You'll probably feel it but won't see a whole lot

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wrong thread

Reminds me of salvia trips

right thread man

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That the dick cheese of an interdimensional being op?

Salvia just made me sweat like a bitch and some dull zigzags when my eyes were closed. My idiot trip sitter wouldn't shut up (" ok? YOU OK?? Hey...Hey... You OK?!") but for some reason his voice felt intensley nostalgic, like something I remembered by mom saying to me when I was really young.

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so the listing is down atm but tomorrow it will be up, just asked the guy. Just search for "DMT la molecula del espirity" and it should turn up for 900MXN (around 40usd).


This, and is it literally eBay but Mexican version?

sorry, it's mercadolibre . com . mx

So like a crack pipe?

other markets should learn

I can totally see my higher self slapping me around for doing some dumb shit

how does one go about obtaining or making it? I feel like it's not something random drug dealers are gonna have on deck, at least not in my area

>trusting some random dude off Mexican eBay to actually deliver real DMT.
You should send it into a drug testing lab

Yup, pretty much.
Pic related, literally same as I use.

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An angel told me dark matter is consciousness and our souls are trapped here by Earth's gravity.

where is the web site?

Buy some Mimosa Hostilis or certain Acacia Species
Learn about extractions on DMT-nexus
Buy supplies (nonpolar solvent, lye, basic equipment, scale)
Nada Bing bada boom

I met him in person in Xochimilco beforehand. He's this shaman type kinda guy. Also, has a lot of positive sales with positive comments, including international buyers. Ran pictures of it and a general description through different sites including dmtnexus and they all agreed it seemd legit. Tried it, and it deff is legit.

Yah how do you get one of those without coming off as a crackhead, I don't just happen to have those lying around ...

mercadolibre dot com dot mx

So I haven't used one but I get the idea, I put the DMT in the bubble part and put the heat on the glass next to it, but not directly on it right? I've also read you could do it on weed and was planning that for my first time, but you think this is better?

Never blasted off entirely but did get some phenomenal experiences from the stuff.
Had an experience with a Serpent God that was a manifestation of external reality intertwining with my consciousness in a seamless ebb and flow. Another time, for whatever reason, the thought of a Djinn came to mind as I was surrounded with perceived holy smoke emanating from the seams of reality. Then another time I was sucked into the vacuum of space until I was contracted into a singular point of light hovering above dark waters of my mind and surrounded by a profound silence, then each thought produced a burst that molded my world to my liking, reminded me much of Genesis.

That's about it.

You did it wrong my guy, honestly I find it better to just do it alone if you cant find a GOOD trip sitter. I saw some real crazy shit man. My method for doing it was water bong, lighter torch/blow torch, hold the smoke for 20 secs..BAM whole different whole(completely dislocated)

They sell them at smoke shops

also got it from mercado libre dot com dot mx. 5 for 4 bucks lol

Have you tried re-x-ing in heptane?

How would I do that?


Get some pure heptane, and dissolve the crystals in it at a relatively warm temperature. Then you can cool it in a Pyrex dish (freezer) and evaporate it off to make the DMT precipitate and crystallize out of the solvent. The point is to lower the temperature slowly and don't disturb the dish so that you can grow big crystals


Before I started doing drugs I remember seeing shadows running across my bedroom walls. I shrugged it off by telling myself that it was probably someone outside till I realized that wasn't possible seeing how my room was 2 stories high lol
Done acid a few times and meth a whole lot, I've probably experienced only a handful of anomalies. Too busy fapping to care tbh ps I got some strange recordings from a Ouija board session me and a few friends participated a few months back

I think it's better and easir to just go with the pipe and the spice on it's own. Just heat the pipe with a torch kinda lighter, don't burn it just wait for it to burn. After some seconds it'll produce a milky smoke. Hit that and hold it for at least 10 seconds. Get a second hit. 3 is the magic number, if you can get there.


yes i was on acid and unfortunately there is only one way to describe what i saw

imagine if you took a flat piece of soft clay and a piece of black paper the same size and painted everything that you can see in front of you onto that piece of clay. that flat piece of clay would be your entire field of view
the clay painting is how you and I see normally

now imagine that you warped and molded the painted piece of clay into a somewhat human shape except with unnaturally long skinny arms and legs and laid it on top of the black piece of paper
this is what my vision became

the being that I saw was reality itself incarnate
it knew that i could see it and i could sense it did not like that
so it began to walk away and took with it literally everything
i closed my eyes from the horror and when i opened them my senses were restored

of course this was just an acid trip i dont take these things seriously

Have people successfully got this stuff to mail into the states?

I do. I once had sexual relations with an alien. She was here illegally, from Mexico.

According to his client’s feedback, yeah.

Siempre he buscado esas keywords en mercadolibre pero no lo he podido encontrar, solo me salen libros y la mamada. Tienes el nombre del vendedor?

Ah y hola hermano mexifag.

What is it OP? I've tried many things but never felt presences. Only a little feel with salvia 100x the first time and with overdosed black mamba. I would like to believe there must be something special in drugs and are not overrated but that's not how I feel

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salviamexico, mercadolibre, etc.


Get outta here Joe Rogan

Yeah. That cacti behind, probably San Pedro. Those mexican plants are other level

Seas meco, le ponen la foto del libro pero si le investigas la encuentras. Sale en 900, namas buscale. Mañana la sube de nuevo.

This is not a drug. This is literally unlike anything you’ve seen or experienced before. More real than reality.

Stop being a hippie and tell us what it is tu puta

Tiene logica, gracias bro

Be careful, OP. My friend did Parmesan cheese and died.

DMT, aviarius, salvia and alike are not regulated in Mexico. Also they are about passing laws to allow drugs in general for any porpuses. Cases have been won in recent years constitutionally allowing recreational use, but normativities are ongoing

Okay so the best way I can describe it is maybe a gateway to where we all really come from? You gotta read about it and draw your own conclusions. Nothing I say will make sense if you haven’t been there before bruh.

Lick a sapo

more like meth pipes, crack pipes are straight but they're called oil burners and can be used for other stuff too

Have a friend that love drugs. But when he tried salvia (100x) first time, nothing happened. He smoked a lot attempting to feel anything. Same thing when he tried DMT. Poor guy. Me and other friends enjoyed got wasted.

Maybe he didn't use a hot enough flame? Salvia is best with a blowtorch lighter.

Nah man, he really tried. With those drugs you only need a hit. He was smoking like there's no tmw. Something similar happened to me with peyote, tried in two occasions, one guided by authentic nahual. They say some times it rejects you, which sounds bs, but I guess is relayed to digestive state and receptors

I have mimosa hostilis bark powder.....haven't gotten around to processing it.

5 dried grams in silent darkness.

This is mimosa actually

Makes sense.... plenty of easy and safe Teks out there for mimosa hostilis

Op good luck.

Once i took something like 120 capsules of San Pedro catus and tripped balls.
I saw some lady that resembled mother mary.

And im not even religious

This happen to one of my buds too

DMT is overrated

THIS is how one becomes enlightened with their higher selves

Go on
Shitpost me you know I’m right

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I think my sister has those. Except her ones are all joined up like a chain and she keeps them in a drawer.

Parmesan cheese

I'm waiting for someone to invent an entirely new drug with completely original effects


How is it like?

Victoria and Foster's do it for me, mate. That, and everything under the kitchen's sink, as long as it contains alcohol

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Don't you have to take like 40 of those to even feel anything?

Salvia doesn't do that. All it does is slow you down for a short period of time and you hear your your voice and other people's voices really deep. Also some giggling maybe.

It feels like hearing all the different parts of the psyche talk to each other in tongues, creating conversations too abstract to be tangible to ordinary consciousness. And yes, but only because of the additives. The pure versions in extracts etc are more logical from a dose standpoint

I drank the liquid version of these (about a pint) and made the mistake of not checking the ingredients first. Turns out they contained stomach made weird noises like groans from the gates of hell then followed the most explosive diarrhea I've ever had.

Telegra m vendor @ MShulgin
Have Vapes of that, and powder.

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Lol yeah they put that in there on purpose to discourage you evil drug seeker you

Try robocough or extracting the extended release version

Been looking for dmt vapes actually.


Try diphenhydramine if you enjoy spiders, heart palpitations, feeling of impending doom and pissing every 10 minutes

That shit doesn’t even work took 600mg.

How do I know you're not a cop??

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In case you're a cop, I'm in mexico. Good luck catching me. If not a cop then I want vape kthx

Just ordered 5 bottles. Been a while since I've done it, but never had such a concentrated bottle form before.