It’s a death for no reason and death for no reason is murder

It’s a death for no reason and death for no reason is murder

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the inhuman treatment of animals should stop!

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Guess what these animals have in common.

They need meat to survive. Humans don’t. I haven’t eaten meat for 9 years. I’m 100% fine

Turn to cannibalism, problem solved.

>Be me
>Pediatrician who specializes in helping babies that are born premature have a fighting chance at survival
>One of the most effective treatments is an infusion of hemoglobin into the bloodstream boosting their oxygen and nutrient absorption
>Human blood doesn't work, it doesn't hold enough oxygen to keep a tiny body going outside the womb
>Pigs blood works great, extract the hemoglobin from it and you've got an infusion that will increase your chances of survival by at least 20%
>MFW I see all these animal activists who may have been born premature after 1990 and almost certainly received this treatment

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People have been sent to prison for starving their infants to death by giving them a vegan diet.
Humans need animal proteins to develop correctly.
You may honestly believe that you're healthy but you're not.
Your hormones and body chemistry can not achieve normal levels.

That’s a good goyim keep shilling for meat

LOL I had a delicious sirloin steak tonight. That was all the reason I will ever need.
But if you need another reason besides that, do it for the lulz. The lulz need you.

Go eat your estrogen burgers, cuck.
The oldest cave paintings on the planet depict white men hunting animals.


Then call me the meat slayer

>pediatrician on /b

Post a pic of yourself you 5'2 yellow skin gangly fuck

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Correct and that's why I like it. Food tastes better when you think you're killing it in the process. Thats why I like the idea that cutting grass makes it scream.

we kill billions of rodents a year in grain-silos. for no reason.
life is consumption of life. such is life

Morrissey would be better off if he had stayed celibate but ate meat.

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Does this include fish/mussels/clams etc? Because if not then either you're lying or you are seriously destroying your body and aging prematurely. post pic if you dare

Humans are obligate carnivores stupid.

all herbivores are opportunistic omnivores.

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If we didn't eat cows and chickens, then those animals would have never been born.
The meat industry brings life to hundreds of millions of animals every year.
Are you saying you don't want those millions upon millions of animals to experience life?

I agree, cows are sweet and harmless. We should start consuming soy drinking, vegan fed hippie communists. Shit, I'll even volunteer my time on the kill floor just for shits and giggles

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Shut up nigger

they all have the letter s in it

Murder is the killing of a human, not simply killing.
Animal cruelty should stop, but meat consumption is important. Without meat consumption, there would be no reason to sustain cows and other live stock. Either they go into the wild, damage the environment, then go extinct, or we systematically exterminate them so that doesn't happen.
Would you want all of these animals you care about to die, or continue to feed us?

What a complicated way to say something stupid.

you are a meet slayer


>death for no reason

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This is your reminder to kill animals, even if you don't want to eat them.
Now it won't make a difference since everything dies in the end, but you can have fun and trigger the petafaggs.

Fuck , that's very good reason.

Nah, you can put your cat, dog, fish, and other pets on a vegan diet, so you could force those other animals on a vegan diet too if you really wanted, the problem is that their prey populations would explode and cause all sorts of ecological damage, so you would just have to cull way more deer and other herbivores every year so that all the extra crops society needs for a purely vegan diet can grow.

That isn't true, meat tastes yummy

yeah and they dont live as long

Animals in the wild have much shorter lives, so if you are constantly monitoring them and their diet and keeping them out of dangerous hunting situations, that would more than offset lifespan differentials brought on by diet change.
Plus according to OP's logic, there is no reason animals or people need to live long or comfortable lives.

Eating is a reason, therefore it isn't murder.

>Death for no reason

I like meat, and I can buy meat. Thats the only reason I need.

Yeah... And?

There is a reason retard
I. Need. To. Eat

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>death for no reason is murder
no. you fucking retard.

If I came to your house and stabbed you 47 times in the face for the reason that you are a complete fuckwit, I would still be tried and imprisoned for murder, despite having a reason for my actions.

Murder is the immoral act of taking a person's life. It is inherently immoral because it violates consent.

They are predatory aninals that need meat to survive. But we don't. We are intelligent enough that we know killing animals for meat is suffering, and we have a moral option to stop eating it. These animals don't.

>>Humans need animal proteins to develop correctly.
I'll need a source for that

The moral way is to take care of them until they die out. Making them breed will cause more suffering for the babies that will be raised for food.
Not even going to bother. Those are excuses, not reasons

If trees could scream, would we feel so free to go out and chop them down?

Yes, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.

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Until humans are able to survive on photosynthesis or something, we have to kill to survive.

who wants to bet op has never worked on a farm or anything involving farm animals?


It’s for human sustenance retard

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Your life has no reason KYS

jesus christ i cnt stop watching these retards, nice post OP thank you , are these tards not eating beans?

>But we don't.
How can we be in the exact same biological family, order, class, phylum, and kingdom with those animals that necessitate meat yet through supplements and vitamins we have such drastically different nutritional needs?

>Citing videclips
Have you ever read a book, waspy heroin addict?


All deaths are for no reason. Grow up.

>Implying the top 1 pollution meat industry isn't the main reason world is collapsing


Where would we get saturated fat, protein, iron, and various vitamins if not meat?

>I’m 100% fine

He said posting on Cred Forums.

>implying that is not a result of providing for a finicky overpopulated public and much of the perishable food getting wasted rather than something inherently bad about the meat industry itself.

>overpopulated public and much of the perishable food getting wasted

Indochina region meat consumption was relatively inexistent until recently due to middle class appearance. It is a recent created necessity. Everybody knows murrican consumism lifestyle is unsustainable and if all the world started that style it will collapse in a few days. So the waste and need to feed overpopulated planet with mainly meat is a myth, only happening in high income countries. It is rather a localized issue with merely cultural (consumism) roots, not a human need. Evidently excessive and not justified by any medical reason. You eat meat because it feels good, and you try to justify animal cruelty by the same rationale poverty, child prostitution, slavism is and have always been rationalized. Why don't you just admit you don't give a fuck and stop pretending you have unbiased morals and your behavior is related to ethical views? Is it that uncomfortable, heroin addict?

this pick makes me wants to go eat a cheese burger right now. GOD I LOVE MEAT

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The death isn’t for no reason, the death is because steam makes my brain make the happy chemical :DDD

*steamk the meat from coww

Most repetitive comment in the thread.
>Hurr durr look at me am disruptive and edgy, am a living meme

>Evidently excessive and not justified by any medical reason.
Then why are all these vegan infants hospitalized or dying from malnutrition and their parents being put in prison?

>You eat meat because it feels good
It feels good because it is the most efficient effective way to meet your wide range of nutritional needs and avoid deficiencies.

Sugar addiction is the more akin comparison to heroin addiction and it is mostly plants, cane sugar, and corn sugar contributing to the population's sugar addiction and making you so grumpy that you take your sugar jonesing out on meat.

Could you even make it out? OP just saved a thumbnail like the cum guzzling faggot he is.

>Animals in the wild have much shorter lives
>2020 still thinking "natural" is something

>The year of our Lord two thousand and twenty
>Not knowing how to properly greentext
Fucking nigger...

>Avoiding to admit you are a murrican, hence heroin addict and blaming sugar lel

Who is talking about feeding babies with shitty diets? See how I touched deep fibers and you unilaterally radicalize my views and add words? You are having a conversation with yourself, waspy heroin addict. Going for the easy catchy meme is the way retards are exposed most frecuently. Take another shot and go to sleep, Tonny. Everything is fine, you have your morals, you voted for the right choice, meat us good. God bless mmrrrrrrica.

Keto here. Pretty much steak, eggs, and cheese. You my friend need to try a rare steak.

The diet seems sensible to me. I try to keep to some sort of keto/atkins/etc diet, but I just fucking love rice/pasta/bread too much.

>Who is talking about feeding babies with shitty diets?
You are since you are trying to deny them access to meat.

> you unilaterally radicalize my views
Your views are radical, you are radically opposed to people liking things you don't like and make radical claims to try to justify your radical views.

>add words
No, you are just short sighted and too radical to view babies as people because considering a broader view of humanity than you and your girlfriends interferes with your radical worldview.

No, if I were having a conversation with myself it would be like, meat sure is pretty good, yep, uh-huh, okay, thanks, good point me.

Speaking of shots, you need to get yourself a shot of soy espresso because your plant based sugar high is wearing off and you are getting grumpy.

awwww the time and effort you put to your post due to functional illiteracy. Don't even need to repost, read the previous reply waspy.

ok deficient
Go have a snack, come back, then maybe you will be coherent. More so if you snap into a slim jim.