Is it gay if I'm a girl (female) and want to fuck a trap? Not that I care lol, just a thought

Is it gay if I'm a girl (female) and want to fuck a trap? Not that I care lol, just a thought.

Also where do you even find traps in real life? I have met exactly one my whole life and she was taken

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you've probably met more than you know, they're just too far into hormone treatment for you to notice they used to be male.

yes. traps are gay.

Idk tbh

You would think if it's not gay for men to fuck traps "it's just a fetish bro" then the inverse would also be true for just doesn't feel like that's true

But tbh traps just dress up as girls because they are extremely insecure, depressed boys with identity crisises who use becoming transgender to avoid the ruthless sociosexual hierarchy

Basically "can't get a gf and I feel like a worthless man so might as well be a girl and try to live an easier life"

It's a mental illness

Well, no its not.

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Count your fking chromosones
XX / XY = gay
XY = not gay (post operation doesn't count since these things aren't people anymore)

>TFW transbian who has given up even finding a cis girl who is into traps

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WTF did I wrote... XX/XX or XY/XY gay
XY/XX not gay

been a while since ive seen that gif
used to see it all the time on 420chan

why not just date a mtf trans?
Like almost every mtf wants to date another mtf

Trans really aren't as common as the internet makes it seem and those I've come across are either insane (furies usually) or not into other traps

I'm transgender. But I'm also in Canada. Which as I feel you its not common since it's mostly open space here and Trudeau.

Do you want to fuck a girl? If so, that's gay.
Do you want to fuck a transgirl? If so, that's gay, because transgirls are girls.

Do you want to fuck a boy dressed in girl's clothing? If so, that's straight, because clothing doesn't determine someone's gender.

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yes and it's disgusting, you are disgusting

Oh well basically
Tis life

Like every trap or mtf trans I've ever talked to is open to dating other mtfs
But yes literally every trap is mentally ill and majority of them are furries

as long as you say "no homo" before you start, theres no shame in going balls deep in that

I'm a cis man living in Toronto, and it must be trans city here. I know 6 mtf, 2 ftm, and 2 nb people. That's still a very small amount of people I know, but I wouldn't call trans people rare in cities these days.

It's straight. You want to fuck a guy with long hair, make up and a cock.

Why can't normal people think straight anymore???????

If you say youre a girl there is no need for (female) men are not now nor will ever be considered a girl by anyone other than mentally ill.

because cities are literally sodomy manifest

kys for knowing nonbinary people

I think me knowing all these people just proves that Magic players have extremely low self-esteem and will do anything to feel better about themselves.

As for nb people, one of them is a completely awful person I don't talk to anymore. Basically extorts anyone they can and is just waiting for the government to somehow explode and bring about an anarcho-communist utopia.

Second one is actually pretty cool and is basically just a dude who wears tights under their shorts sometimes.


You must leave now.

They aren't gay they're faggots

>Basically extorts anyone they can and is just waiting for the government to somehow explode and bring about an anarcho-communist utopia.

You said they were non binary. This is all redundant