Users of Cred Forums

Users of Cred Forums,

You have ONE opportunity.


If Donald Trump wins re-election— it will be the mark of a new era, that the president can break the law and get away with it. The same ability that dictators have (name a dictatorship that isn't a 3rd world shithole.)

Trump is not an inherently evil man, but a product of his environment.

Much of the older generation and the rural population will stick with the GOP and Trump's actions without question. We will see the complete deconstruction and ultimately the demise of our great country if we do not vote in opposition.

Why should you vote Bernie Sanders?

1. The end of private prison systems.
2. Tax equality— everyone pays their fair share.
>70% tax on the wealthy?? Doesn't that meant that the government will take 70% of their income??
3. Federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. (This hasn't been updated since 2009.)
4. Public college/university tuition paid by the Wall Street Speculation Tax.
5. Elimination of the Electoral College. A system that was best suited for the 1800s and not the modern era.
6. Universal background checks for weapon purchase and a ban on anti-personnel weapons. Weapons that are designed for killing humans as effectively as possible. (The current system is not protecting us.)
7. Universal medical insurance. Healthcare is a human right.
8. Marijuana legalization and the rescinding of previous convictions.
9. The military budget reduced. We will still be the best-funded military in the world.
10. This is a man that cares about YOU and wants to see our great country flourish. The system and plans that Bernie has in-store will accomplish a lot in his term and will get us moving in the right direction.


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Fuck off i got work to do

how much are you being paid to shill for ole Bernout?

Hear, you! Peoples of the Cred Forums!

Heed Veganism!
Respect Jesus!
Revere God, Yahweh, The All-Knowing! The INFALLIBLE!
Be kosher! (Including but not limited to NO PORK OR BACON.)
Cast out thy sins!
Commit to sinlessness!
Shut down this place of sin!

If you keep sinning, or if you keep supporting sin, you shall learn the very definition of getting sinned against. >:|

And best of all,

RULE #34 is: "Never give up on God!"
That's a rule.

telling people not to vote
nice job democrat
haven't done this since the slave days

Rule #34 is "There is porn of it. No exceptions."

Fucking newfag.

how can a politician care about me if he doesn't even know i exist?

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You fail, i'm not a Trump supporter, nice try tho.

I don't know what the old rule 34 was, but it should be "Never give up on God."

What you said is just stupid.

ITT: Libtards, Republitards. Same old 2 sided shit. The 1% is against the 99% and winning easily because of retards like the ones In this thread..

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Who is the 1%? :)

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He's a hypocrite to every stance he fights against. No thanks.

Hell yeah, voting Bernie 100%. If I'm going to pay taxes, they may as well be spent on things that make my life better. I disagree that people shouldn't vote. We need to get that irredeemable diaper filling out of our white house at any cost.


If you support Bernie, or even if you don't support Bernie, just vote for him. Do it for me.

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Fuck off to /pol

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Trump 2020! Eat no dicks, faggot.

This just in: duh.

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Well now I have to vote for Trump.

Bernie won't make it out of the primaries, the Democratic Superdelegates will all vote for his opponent, tanking his campaign.

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I love his failure.
>Whoops, turns out that not being Trump wasn't enough to get people to be okay with another asshole pedophile running for office

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What's the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars? Do you know? It's about a billion dollars. He'll have absolutely not problem paying his taxes.

Also how can you be a hypocrite about universal healthcare unless you are already on government insurance and you want to abolish it?

How can you be a hypocrite about a 15 dollar minimum wage when the lowest pay your staff gets is 15 an hour?

Bernie is good. He likes guns. He voted against the Brady Bill. He likes people. He's ethical. If you have a problem with ethics cause you're a bad person vote for someone else I guess? ??? ?????

>votes trump just to say fuck u to all the transfags and snowflake libfem cunts

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>paying our fair share

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>Gets Trump
We've got a genius

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>is a reactionary who is depressed and can only find solace in the suffering of others
cool story bro sorry you haven't figured out this 'life' thing yet

I'm definitely voting for a progressive. These centrists are timid lobbyist shills.
I want to see big change.

>muh champion of workers rights

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almost trips of truth 666

>when you gotta make shit up cause you got nothing

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fuck transfags and niggers :)

its not made up, google it asshole

Duh, He would raise his own taxes. Paying taxes is patriotic, there is even a group called that Patriotic Millionaires which advocates to raise their own taxes. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have publicly said that they wish for higher taxes

Bernie's wife bankrupted an entire university by engaging in a rather shady land deal that fell through.

Bill Clinton and his five caddies.

These people posting the Bernie is a 1%-er memes don't realize they're proving Bernie is the real deal. He's literally fighting to implement legislation that will directly cost him money so the common American can have more.

>it will be the mark of a new era, that the president can break the law and get away with it.

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fuck off faggot my vote my rules cunt

Only downside on his thingies are the weapons to be honest. By pushing too hard on weapons he is pushing away a lot of potential voters.

It's not an issue he should be pushing at in this election, since a lot of people who'd rather have bad healthcare system than lose their guns.

Could they keep their guns, they'll be fine with the healthcare thingy. It's just too much at once.

Made 560
Paid 150 federal

Not 13%

What's the difference between a million and a billion? It's about a billion. 10 figure millionaires aren't killing this country. Most doctors have that kind of money. 14 or 15 figure billionaires definitely are though.

> since a lot of people who'd rather have bad healthcare system than lose their guns.
Gosh I wonder why.

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lol thinking your vote counts

Bernie loves guns. He voted against the Brady bill. You're woefully misinformed.

And? If he wants to increase taxes on the 1%, him being part of the 1% show if anything that he is the real deal. He don't want to push on to others, but is also willing to take the hit himself.

> 2020
> still believing election is something more than a superbowl-tier entertainment show
> still believing president can do shit at all
Sttupid burgers

Bernie is definitely pro 2A to a degree that libs do not like. He's a leftist not a faggot.

>Users of Cred Forums

And all the European, Asian and African users wondered why they needed to hear about the stupid problems of the backward feet-and-inches fascist peoplefarm.

Can't wait for when Bernie gets the nom only to lose so I can see you cucks cry.

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>His life is dictated by hate
Yeah I'm gonna have to call based on that one

you'll be happy to know that sanders is pro second amendment and voted against the brady bill every time

Definitely voting Trump now.

I’m voting for Bernie, he will legalize marijuana. Feel the bern conservacucks

If true, after he becomes president he'll have to pay more. What is it to gain for him in him becoming president?

Same here as above. If he becomes president he'll force himself to pay more. Again, what does he have to gain in making the country a more fair place?

He economically only have to lose by what he proposes. If anything this proves that he is the kind of person you want, someone who is willing to make things worse for himself for the better good.

The right will never bounce back from having had Trump as their guy. You guys really did yourselves it.

I don't care about the guns personally. But I've seen others that hate the current healthcare system that refuse to vote for him due to "mah guns".

Well those people are dumb as hell and ill informed because he is a pro gun motherfucker.


When your whole platform is about getting billionaires to finally pay up, don't be surprised when billionaires start entering the race just to de-platform you

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"now" cool reactionary fiction bro

Does the truth scare you.

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Not at all. He paid 26% federal in 2019. Does the truth scare you?

% tax on the wealthy?? Doesn't that meant that the government will take 70% of their income??

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>Woah dude what if real life was like a tv show?
Pay no attention to the man trying to convince you not to vote.

The idoot on the left owned 8. He is getting divorced and says he isn't one of the 1%

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Funny you say that as we watch the Dem party implode. Bloomberg is being brought in to knock Bernie out of the race even though Bloomberg has been recorded talking shit about women, minorities, Muslims, and LGBTQ.

Oh and most Americans are baffled by all the “Trump is a white supremacist dictator” hysteria because it just doesn’t stand up to reality.

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>MFW when I can only derive joy from the suffering of others

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No. You don't understand progressive taxation and probably aren't old enough to post here.

As you make more money, only that money is subject to a higher tax rate. If the tax rate of 70% kicks in at a billion dollars per year, you can make a billion and pay the normal 35%. If you make a billion and one dollars you are taxed at 35% for the billion and 70% on one dollar. Not 70% on your total income.

This is how taxation works in the US. It is called progressive taxation and only recently have republicans rolled the tax rates for the super wealthy back. Incidentally shortly thereafter you might have noticed empty stores in your town and people without shingles on their houses.

f e e l

t h e

b e r n

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Marginal tax rate. Wikipedia

Wouldnt mind seeing him win.
Could be a good show.

So sick of political faggotry. Left and right.
It doesnt matter at all, you dumb cunt. America is israels lapdog, and always will be.

>Scary Jew man steal muh money and guns

Reminder the right can't meme

Look at this pitiful Facebook grandpa bullshit

Not a lol to be had

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Sick meme bro, the right really knows how to meme good

>If Donald Trump wins re-election— it will be the mark of a new era, that the president can break the law and get away with it.

Nigger, literally every president ever has broken the law numerous times.

misinformation macros. cringe worthy memes.
these are a few of our favorite things.

Sir, facts are not welcome here.

Bernie 2020!

>G-guys the party is imploding, right?
Bernie is getting the nomination, user. Turnout will be much higher than 2016

>"Reminder the right can't meme"
Pathetic as it seems, even this statement itself is just an immitation of a right wing meme.
You're a pitiful bunch aren't you?

>Trying to self justify your own ignorance this hard.

What keeps anti-Americans in America.
Why stay in a place you dont want to be.

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Which means that when the president is clearly breaking the law, we should just sit back and let him do it.

That's what everyone does normally. Why change now?

>hacker tells microsoft about vulnerability he found in windows
>microsoft don't care
>hacker shares vulnerability with the world
>microsoft suddenly care
>microsoft fix problem

I think of trump as a neccesary evil in that sense. Clearly 1 year of trump hasn't done anything to make people realize the problem is ourselves. If we don't let trump go for another year, we would only be covering up the real issue at hand in this country.

We're a country of pussies. No one does anything anymore, and people are eager to keep it that way. It's pathetic. I've been unemployed for 4 months, but you don't see me blaming trump. I study independent. I run up my local mountain. I separated myself from all my friends and my girlfriend because they either bitch or waste time. I quit social media. I don't watch a video about anything I could just read instead. I read actual books.

Meanwhile all these fags are complaining about trump, while they act like corrupt little politicians in their own life, being deceptive and shitty overall to people around them and blaming it on not being born with a "perfect soul".

Everyone's a fucking entitled prick. People want to be smart but they want to have a social life and have fun. People want to be strong and fit, but they don't want to feel pain. People want to see change in the world, but they don't want to see change in themselves. I make people cry talking to them about their bullshit. They're way too sensitive. I'm supposed to just understand that they want to believe whatever the fuck bullshit they feel like?

If they believe a politician will give them everything they say he will and that it will do anything to improve the REAL issue, am I just supposed to just put a gold star on their head?

People that believe people can walk on water or that snakes can talk, we just allow them to vote?

People that don't know shit about anything, we just let them vote like that too?

What about people that abduct kids and vote?

How do you retards get baited so easily?

So in America people should clean the street by themselfs?

Voting Trump, can't stop me. Say bye to bernie, democrats won't let him have it anyways.

What about the near majority of assholes that get persuaded by the mass media like little children? They're still going to be around, whether we vote for trump or not.

Most of people's thoughts and ideas aren't even theirs, nor unique. They've been given their dreams, and they've been given the things they fight for. They didn't choose it. They didn't really think about it. They just stumble upon these things in life like forrest gump, and they think it was their own choice. They think everyone that the causes they're fighting for really are actually good. Most of these people aren't even aware of their own shadows, much less the country's shadows. They're unaware and ignorant of human nature. We are a country of stupid and ignorant fools that has been distracted by being made to fight itself while the media modulates the nation.

Stop being a fag waiting for superman to save you.

Trump must ask himself the same thing.

you are one fucking DUMB nigger

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It's not breaking the law it's called an executive order.

>the mark of a new era...

Every president since Carter has been a criminal. This has to be bait.

you mock trump for fake news, yet you engage in it yourself?

lol, it was Pete threads while he was leading, all that matters to OP is a dem wins

this astroturfing campaign is funded by David Brock's "Amercian Bridge 21st Century" PAC and is probably a general purpose tool of the DNC given that they change to spamming threads about whoever's leading

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it's their only "argument", and it doesn't even work on half the people who don't agree with them. they're literally too fucking narrow-minded to conceive of a universe in which someone disagrees with them but ISN'T a trump supporter.

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They support their right to vote Democrat, not exist.

it's not even fake news--it's literal propaganda. i actually thought it was real back in 2015 the first time i saw it. too bad for them the internet exists and it took about 5 minutes to fact check. either way, i wasn't planning on voting for Trump--but unfortunately for the dumb piece of shit who thought it was a good idea to circulate it (effectively illustrating exactly how fucking dumb the base had become), it sure as shit sealed the deal on me not voting democrat.

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Unions aren’t compatible with socialism/communism.
Workers will be provided for. The state will determine what the worker needs to survive and stay productive.

>Workers will be [maintained]. The state will determine [the bare minimum] the worker needs to [continue fighting the constant impulse to surrender to death's warm embrace] and stay productive.




Dude I make more in a year than you make in a day, there's no way I'm voting for anyone other than Trump hahaha I'm going to be rich one day you'll see

How many criminal republicans will it take to keep Trump above the law even if he gets removed from Office for trying to steal the election with his criminal republican team?


Will vote for him without question this is a chance of the lifetime.

The Founding Fathers approved of the Electoral College.

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There are so many of them here.

I’m voting for the patriot in chief, not some Stalinist cunt who wants to tank our strong economy and starve his dissidents for having a different opinion
Fuck off to hell

oh yeah i'm totally voting for the old degenerate jew

>posts a 13 month old article
That’s a positive, if you ask me. Fuck the whamin xD


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go to bed Boris

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CNN, you're drunk, go to bed or commit suicide already.

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You just scored big in God's book for writing that.

Full year of this shit ahead of us.

Im voting for Bernie because it would cause utter chaos
Boomers and media moguls will be yelling in the streets.

Same exact reason I voted for trump the first time.
The asshurt would be so godlike.

>second verse, same as the first

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CNN doesnt want you to vote for Bernie, they want you to vote for Bloomberg or Trump. Its in their best economic interest.

Imagine the shitstorm when Bernie gets elected.

Bernie Sanders is a pussy that lets people walk all over him

The 90% of the media normally backs any democrat moves, are you retarded?
Also if Berni gets elected, I'm sure Trump can hire two fat black bitches to make him resign from office.
Kek, you candidate is a little bitch and there's nothing you can do to make him look appealing.

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see No one is voting for your kike faggot. Even his proxy red Cortez doesn't mention him at the rallies.
Fucking commies.

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>false sense of machismo will make me suck media cock

Dont think so Tim
The Jews hate Bernie because he goes against their economic interest, they will have a complete meltdown once he is elected.

>No one is voting for your kike faggot

So you are going to vote for other candidates that actually enable and encourage the actual Kikes with actual money to keep being kikes?

Interesting logic!

No one, still, is going to vote for your spineless piece of petrified human waste. You'll have to try harder faggot.

The kik and faggot comment is there to hang you up. Clearly you're okay with the commie comment though.
It's pretty telling, good job!

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Congress will block anything he tries to do and be chalked up to "Obstruction" by republicans. Everyone shrugs, "Damn gridlock!" and business goes on as usual. We need a war to fix this.

Keep saying that same thing over and over again and maybe I'll believe you.

The only need that need hung up are the kikes that run all of wall street
Its up to you whether you want to vote for candidates that will enable them, or the candidates that will cause them serious asshurt.

Its almost like you enjoy the corporate kikes controlling your lives.

>Congress will block anything he tries to do and be chalked up to "Obstruction" by republicans. Everyone shrugs, "Damn gridlock!" and business goes on as usual. We need a war to fix this.

This is politics no matter who gets elected.
The fact that this old radical man is going to charge head first against the kikes and make them look bad is going to cause chaos.

It wont get anything done but it will be immensely entertaining.

You lied. Bernie is a rapist.

Unlike you, I don't need to, I'll just let reality and the facts do the talking for me, enjoy a Trump 2020 ya little bitch!

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A vote for Bernie is a vote for Communism. Period.
Better dead than red.

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>thinking I give a fuck about labels

Its all about the lulz, and whats going to be more lulzy than watching kikes cling to their shillings as one of their own tries to publicly cannibalize them?


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He knows swathes of Americans voices remain unheard. He knows you’re out there.

Why is it ever since that Zoe quinn incident years ago, Cred Forums has been infested with these fucking idiot extreme letists?

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I'd rather live in a non-communist country, go fuck yourself with a rusty iron spike and die of anal tetanus.

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I don't know but I wish they would all get the fuck off and stop flooding Cred Forums with their retarded bullshit.

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>putting kike cock into your mouth and pushing it deep

To destroy it and replace it with something that aligns with your beliefs. It's war tactics.

When did Cred Forums become a safe haven for teenage closet christians looking to rebel against their mom?

Unironically of fucking course I'm voting Bernie.

If he doesn't win we need to arm ourselves and go to war against the establishment before the planet is fucking destroyed.

Trump 2020 all the way

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>>"Everyone who doesnt share my mentally ill politics is a religious pre-pubescent"

Looks like you have a lot of growing up to do, boy.

Shouldnt you have called me a communist?

Sanders Derangement Syndrome

You know Bernie is literally the only candidate that keeps speaking out AGAINST israel, right?

Yeah this is my secret club where I can post swears and mom doesn't see. :(

Why? Is that what you are?

So are the majority of this website.
Cred Forums faggots and the paid shills are a vocal minority. Brigading every board and shitposting in every topic makes people tired, not excited.

>I’m voting for the patriot in chief
So... literally the guy supporting the people having a revolution against the tyrannical 1%?

There is literally no one more patriotic in the running than Bernie, he's a modern day Washington. His movement is the Boston Tea Party of the current era.

If you actually think Trump is "patriotic" then you are the dumbest faggot piece of shit imaginable.

>>"Everyone who doesnt share my mentally ill politics is a communist"

Yeah, from what you guys have been saying for months and months now.

People dont care about policy
Half of them are unironically paid shills, and the other half are in too deep to see how retarded they are.

The irony is great though.

Yup it's almost like it's obviously a handful of btfo stormfront fags on disability posting propaganda 24/7

Remember when we would raid stormfront and laugh at westboro and then they moved in and pretended like they were user? Lolz

Kek look at this faggot thinking Bernie will change shit! Nothing will be diffrent and all his socialist bullshit will be blocked or removed as soon as he is gone from power.

Keep saying this please. Nobody cares about policies at all. Everyone will vote for Trump anyway. He's the obvious front runner. No need to be worried. No need even show up to vote really. Other people have it covered.

But what about the bread lines you are always crying about?

>Hey kids, I'm edgy and post in Cred Forums! Bernie Mc' old fuck is super cool and totally gonna trigger all the things! Remember all the things our manager told us you likes about Trump 2016? It's that, but Bernie!
It sucks when no one buys your cheaply made fabricated bullshit huh?

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Im not from America, I dont think you're a communist. Putting yourself in a side to begin with is fucking moronic.
That being said, this Bernie fella would let his voter base run roughshod over him and presents a weak image. As much as a bufoon Trump appears, he has strengthened Americas standing in the short time he's been in office. How much of that is due to his advisors, I dont know but the results speak for themselves.

Nobody ever changes shit on either side.
Thats the entire point of identity politics created by the Kikes

Notice how nothing actually changed under Trump and the Kikes loved it.
Notice how the Kikes love Warren and Bloomberg

Notice how they fucking hate Bernie because he wants to put them on blast. He hates wallstreet and Israel
Its up to you whether you want to see the kikes happy, or the kikes scrambling and buttmad.

>It sucks when no one buys your cheaply made fabricated bullshit huh?

You must get that feeling a lot huh?

>I'd rather live in a non-communist country, go fuck yourself with a rusty iron spike and die of anal tetanus.

Yikes! Pretty dramatic!

Your opinion about american politics is invalid. You learned everything from the TV. That's enough posting for today.

Uh Trump gave billionaires a trillion dollars tax cut. You're gonna feel that when you can't afford your insulin, fat boy.

If your state hasn't had its primary yet, please remember to vote for Bernie.

For someone who hates "kikes", you sure do want to keep enabling them.

Why is it that we used to raid stormfront constantly and now you think you live here?!

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>Uh Trump gave billionaires a trillion dollars tax cut.

But I hate kikes. Why would the anti establishment man do such a thing?

bernie is anti American. if you like him you should just pack your shit up and head somewhere like Canada.

Kikes you say?

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Poe's law

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The only useful thing that might come out of a Bernie presidency is after the world economy is crashed and technological progress put to a halt, we might transition to a cryptographic society resistant to government control.

It's impossible to say really but I think it's because he's playing the toothless retards and gutting the national coffers for his own personal gain? Or that's just the republifag party in general I guess.

>go to Cred Forums
>all of the worlds problems are caused by jews

>trump loves jews and has done nothing but help them in his 4 years

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>why are you saying I'm antisemitic?!?

Every time lol

Don't put a lot of stock into who is hating who. Bernie is a kike himself and communism will still benefit the 1%. Tax goes to the government, to people, people buy shit and it goes right back to the 1%, maybe even faster than it does now. Their plan is evil beyond words, but it is VERY well laid out, to work no matter what we do. Every solution we come up with, they have likely planned for. Even the final solution, blood, will just have the left and right killing eachother, for no real reason at all.

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You think Sanders is powerful enough to make this happen singlehandedly? Interesting.


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If you think American politics is complicated, you're in for a shock.

How bizarre Americans appear to the rest of the world where most judge based on a leaders personality and looks rather than policy.

It is superficial politics at best. You're being laughed at.

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You quoted the wrong person, but I think it's an extremely reasonable response to communism and communists.

>wants to tax wealth like crazy
This will somehow make them more money

(which is what we want by voting for trump except it's bad when Bernie does it)

Your brain is as smooth as the head of an uncirced cock

uh oh

You arent living in the real world. People like the WBC are a fringe minority. You dont have to be on the right to recognise a group of surface level thinking hypocrites.

Because you're hysterical and dramatic. That's you. You think insane drama is 'realistic'. Sorry about the childhood trauma.

>You're being laughed at.
Yeah, other world leaders have literally been laughing in trumps face since he got elected.

So then why do you agree with them, Socrates?

*~°deeper reasons°~*

fuckin lol

>the world is laughing at you
Nobody cares and that sentiment isn't helpful in the least. Even divided and malfunctioning, the US is still the best country on Earth, which is fucking pathetic. The main problem is, globally, we are all facing the same exact problem, the 1% running away with all the power.

>WBC and the KKK are fringe groups and they're entirely retarded. Yes I agree with them 100%.
>But I pretend I'm different so it all makes sense

man try using Google and do some research. I'm not a Trump supporter but god damn, you dumb.

Make an actual point of fuck off commie. No one important is voting Bernie and your bullshit isn't changing anyone's vote here.

This is correct. It's a global problem and electing Bernie is a signal to the rest of the world that we are on the side of right. America can be inspiring and ethical and correct again.

Thanks OP, I'll be sure to vote for Trump.

I dont agree with them at all. See, this is what im talking about. You lack any sort of critical thinking skills so your default answer is "this person doesnt agree with this dogma, therefore this person agrees with opposing dogma"

He actually said this.

You could take ever penny on Earth and divide it perfectly equally, to every person in existence, perfect balance. Within a day, the first millionaire would appear and poverty would restart. Within a week, there would be billionaires. and within a few months, everything would reset exactly like it was. The cash itself is just an illusion of power. The systems in place to get that cash and who control them, are the problem.

Here's the point:

When you say
>fuck your fucking commie ass with a rusty railroad spike and die of tetanus

You're being dramatic

The end

>Even divided and malfunctioning, the US is still the best country on Earth
No it's not, and honestly the americans are the only people who believe this stupid lie.
There are so many other countries with social democratic systemes that perform much better than the us in basically every every mesureable statistic.

Prove it.

See how well it's working for Canada, Sweden, Britain and Germany.

ausfag reporting in
i hope bernard gets in

And which candidate is interested in disrupting those systems? Bernie.

Which candidate is interested in strengthening those systems? Everyone else.

Perfect argument.

Yeah all those places own and are happier and have more disposable income than the US.

massively this

the only thing the us manufactures is the illusion of success


Attached: Trumped Don.jpg (480x360, 23K)

You have funtioning eyes but are still blind.

Just think this homeless looking, old, wrinkled donkey dick, geriatric, pickled nuts of a faggot is the best the Libtards can do.

Attached: Dead within two months.jpg (890x501, 106K)

So what if we said "no billionaires" and if anybody became a billionaire we let them either hand over their money or get the chop in the guillotine? Then there probably wouldn't be any. Maybe people should pick their brain out of the toilet, put it back in their head, and stop worshipping them and going to bat for them when it provides them a negative return?

Attached: redditmoment.jpg (760x750, 78K)

Okay, take Yang's plan, $1000 a month, just for existing. What is that going to do for actual people? A new car maybe? And that cash will be grabbed right back up. Free healthcare? Do you all really go to the doctor enough to make up for the taxes spent? Free school? They control the jobs and salaries. The overall economy can adjust to any movement it taxation or social benefits by interest rates and inflation. It will all just reset and in an even more chaotic fashion. The problem is far deeper than simple wealth redistribution.

Regarding that last point:

>If he not only solicited but accepted dirt on his political opponent in '16...
>If he did everything to obstruct and discredit the investigation into his actions listed above
>If he solicited an investigation into his projected '20 opponent
>If in the process of above, he abused the trust of the office he occupies by extorting said country into said investigation
>If he AGAIN did everything to obstruct and discredit the investigation into his actions listed above...

Explain to me again how he's "successfully" eliminated foreign lobbying?

Attached: Trump & sons.jpg (564x579, 60K)

Attached: EMVdK3uXYAIlpcQ.jpg (1125x1614, 163K)

>eliminate the Electoral College
Yes because normal functioning people with brains want the US ran by dumb ass idiot shitbrained commifornians

Just fucking kill yourself you bernie kike

Attached: now son.jpg (216x225, 7K)

A system that pulls everyone up together, would be the best solution, but that would genuinely hurt the 1% and they would fight that with all they had. A good first step would be to get billionaire money completely out of politics. They are basically buying every single politician with "donations" right now.

Your argument is based on flawed reasoning that the wealthy are inherently smarter, and more capable than the poor.

It is the foundation of an elitist mentality and its been disproved by those who have earned their wealth without being born rich.

Oh really? Not saying that's not a bad thing, but if you wanna discredit Bernie for his wife's financial mishandling of things, we ought to just fucking DEPORT Trump.

I nominate Russia. He seems to have a lot of friends there, and what with Brexit & all that, he might not be too welcome in the UK.

Attached: fawefaef.jpg (252x200, 13K)

Yang is a retard and there's no point discussing his plan.

The problem is deeper than wealth redistribution which is why Bernie supports policy that addresses the core issues instead of UBI. Why should Bernie defend Yang's position when he doesn't agree with it? Dude you are poisoned by TV. You need to actually listen to Bernie. Watch him on Rogan. You agree with him 100%

Better than wrinkly jowled fatass retard Trump lmao. Also Berniecrats aren't libtards, we're just taking over their party and kicking them to the curb.

A hundred percent. There is no reason the richest person should be in control. We had that. It was called monarchy and serfdom it fucking sucked we cracked out of it. Retards want to put us right back there by voting for billionaires.

Except the people clamoring for the "guns > bad health care" are the same ones who, if they were around when that picture was taken, would have been in the jodhpurs.

Nice historical revisionism though.

Attached: Republican definition.jpg (500x500, 61K)

I agree that this is a stupid move by the liberals. This guy isn't appealing at all. They also think that America hates trump, where just talk to anyone NOT in New York, or California, The Midwest, or The South, and they'll say that Trumps doing great stuff for the country. I'm going to vote democrat, whoever it is, and I think this is a dumb pick of a candidate.

Attached: Rather be American.jpg (500x566, 20K)

>Just think this homeless looking, old, wrinkled donkey dick, geriatric, pickled nuts of a faggot is the best the

Attached: 3000.jpg (3000x2000, 1.07M)

Also Bernie has always been vehemently pro 2A

How was gender studies today? Did you need to go to you safe space 5 minutes into the lecture?

Attached: Typical Lib.jpg (1280x1280, 341K)

Attached: Bernie.ttF.jpg (1080x1256, 195K)



>Left can't meme

Nigger faggot

Attached: you are here, bitch.jpg (1236x1246, 269K)

>ban on anti-personnel weapons. Weapons that are designed for killing humans as effectively as possible. (The current system is not protecting us.)
I'm guessing this means handguns and what you pANTIFAggots call assault weapons? Chicago has a strict gun ban in effect and it seems to be working so we'll! Oh wait, it's still the murder capital of the us, kek. Also, fuck open borders.

God forbid president Bernie has a donkey dick. You fuckin baby dicklets would never recover.

No, that guy was stating that he thinks you should fuck your fucking commie ass with as literal rusty IRON spike and die of anal tetanus.
At least quote the post right and I too think that seems reasonable. Please go fuck yourself with a rusty iron spike and die of anal tetanus, you massive commie faggot.
It'll be a cold day in hell before anyone who isn't a commie cuck votes for your shitty bitch ass democrat.

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Their system is nearly flawless, yes. They've had generations to get it in place and it is amazingly bulletproof. I've been wrestling with it forever and every solution I've thought of, there's a system in place to counter it. The only and I mean the ONLY step that can be taken right now, is to get 1%ers out of politics, completely. And that would just be a small first baby step.

You fucking retards are so busy being mad about dumbass SJW landwhales you're letting that get in the way of voting for the only dude who can actually save your ass from global catastrophe. Shut the fuck up and stop worrying so much about the idiot tumblrites when we have much more serious problems.

Bernie loses

Bernie's pro 2A and voted against the Brady bill. Please if you're going to shill recognize your target isn't the same as it was in 2016. She lost. Get over it.

yeah you're still being dramatic lol

Hate to break it to you, but you can thank Trump, McConnell & the "our way or the highway" GOP. Goes back to Newt Gingrich and his insistence on only Republican policies being implemented and has only festered ever since.

Remember in Nov 2008 when McConnell proudly proclaimed "our entire platform is based on the idea of making Obama a one-term President"? And then everything with Obama's name on it (or anything remotely Democrat) that came to the Senate chamber was immediately refused consideration?

That was "ya' boy" Mitch McConnell. He whose definition of "compromise" is:

>I get everything I want, you get nothing you want

So for those on the left, they're kinda used to the idea anymore that if someone opposes them, they're Trump voters.

Compounding things is the fact that, with the exception of Mitt Romney, not a single Republican voted to convict Trump, in spite of all the evidence presented and in spite of historical precedent. Yes, EVIDENCE. Not hearsay, not rumor, not speculation, EVIDENCE. And the GOP would rather comfort and shelter someone that, if they were a Democrat, they'd be pissing themselves for the opportunity to attack them like rabid wolverines from hell.

So yeah. If you don't like the fact that people on the left assume that if you don't support those on the left that you have to be a Trump voter, fucking blame Trump.

Or McConnell, actually. He's the one who set the stage for Trump. Trump is just riding it out.

This is the problem with you Fascist cucks. Your hate may seem intimidating on the internet. But you fuckers can't do shit out in the real world. You guys are fucking shut down the moment you start lighting your fucking torches.

Fucking this.

Attached: Not the tolerant left.jpg (624x487, 68K)

no sorry i vote only for andrew yang

this except unironically

Not what Bernie wants.

Agreed though fuck open borders. From now on you should have to show ID to go from city to city. (This isn't a weird authoritarian thing to have to do. Papers please.)

I mean yeah...

Attached: WnEMLJL.png (1501x1024, 1.4M)

I see your anti-left historical revisionism and I raise you one anti-right historical revisionism, with the reminder that the anti-right ones came first.

Yes ONES. Because the only silhouette in your image that's remotely relevant (ie: REAL) is the shaded one in the back.

Attached: Stop The Alt Right.jpg (640x677, 58K)

>I sincerely hope they pick old Bernie, he deserves to at least get the nomination.

But the debates are going to be a slaughter. Trump is stroking his cock now in anticipation of the live anal rape hes going to perform on poor old Bernie. I hope in good conscience that Sanders health gets him until then.

Attached: Smug Winning.jpg (2048x1365, 337K)

More proof that the right can’t think logically and are just a pack of emotional thinkers. Unable to think clearly and logically they descend into this emotional and frantic form of ad hominem attack that denotes their low iq and obvious difficulty in coping with real-world situations.
Once Bernie becomes president, clear thinking and rational thought will once again take place in the Whitehouse and America can start being great again.
To all the alt-right emotional snowflakes out there, please try to keep calm and cope with the change, it will be for your benefit too. Unlike the current president, Bernie will be president for all.

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Fucking guy rules kek

No, I'm being direct and proportionate with my response to communism. Communism is one of the most dangerous, deadly, and destructive ideologies that humanity has had the misfortune to endure.

Attached: Trump draft dodger's club.jpg (1945x2081, 444K)

For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.

Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.

They were the Confederacy.

They were the KKK.

They were on the side of the Robber Barons.

They were anti-suffragists.

They were anti-civil rights.

They were anti-LGBTQ rights.

They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.

With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump
accountable for his crimes, they're also now anti-democracy.

They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to
fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the
abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion,
or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on
civilization after a few years.

And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their
Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't
come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or
wrong. What's true or false.

They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy
structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the
burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified
of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding. Unfortunately for the rest of us,
they don't know it. That's what makes them so insidious.

wewlad no slashfic pls

There’s a reason all these hot chicks love him

Attached: 055EAB56-B7D3-408F-BEBB-241A41018469.jpg (575x576, 58K)

epic thisery

Gonna be hearing this song again on election night.

Attached: DonaldTrumps.jpg (621x414, 32K)

Stopped the gun grab in Virginia just a few days ago. And make no mistake, when you say "nazi, fascist, racist, bigot"... You are saying straight white conservative, who are simply your political opposition, your fellow countrymen and none of those things. Left or right, people are mostly the same, it's an artificial divide that you guys are embracing.

The fuck makes you think I'm right wing you retard? I"m a centrist and no matter how you stack it, communism's body count far surpasses any nazi body count. Alos, how many steps away from communism do you think national SOCIALISM is from communism you brain dead muppet?

Yea jews own the porn industry

Those trips don’t lie.
This pic shows the mindset of the average trump-lover.

Attached: B0345CCA-C359-4F0E-BBF6-9F29E2BCEAA6.jpg (1080x471, 216K)

Yeah there aren't any communists around that's precisely what makes it dramatic. Do go on though you'll wear yourself out and sleep good tonight little guy.

Attached: Noam.png (511x388, 162K)

Funny word to use for Democrat

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Attached: 1.7164258.2463154623.jpg (609x343, 22K)

Who’s the biggest kike bootlicker of them all?

Attached: 657BD047-056C-4852-B5C6-A43710B155E2.jpg (1016x698, 197K)

Oh fuck Chomsky? Fuck, I'm in nigger. That guy is a fucking legend in my field.

He's got a piece on him for sure. I think they actually called him Donkey Dick in school.

the video game industry is three times the film (like, that shitty billion dollar "joker" movie) AND music industry combined. it's 150 billion a year.

do jews own THAT? it makes movies and music look lame.

Uncle Bernies election night song.

Attached: Colnel Sanders.jpg (2012x1341, 329K)

Saying commies deserve a less painful death than that of those that will suffer such under their rule is hardly dramatic.
I don't see a single argument against what I'm saying though, so I'll just assume you agree and want to see it enacted on a theatrical stage.

Attached: 427.jpg (600x600, 89K)

>Muh jooos

Attached: AF9581F7-713E-4FFC-84D5-559AB036A58F.jpg (363x380, 55K)

Powerful poster energy here

Huge lactating nipples latinax swollen milk dud long stretch nipple

Legitimately based

>No one is voting Bernie 2020

Attached: 1557274815145.jpg (686x515, 103K)

He owns too.


Attached: F9BFA60B-B646-416C-AA7B-3E8DD5006DD8.png (1132x664, 1.45M)

Looking forward to the heart attack on the debate stage when trump calls him a communist and he has to denounce it.

Attached: 1478566250620.jpg (900x612, 64K)

Holy shit that whole pic is just criiiiinge
Fuck you trumptards are embarrassing

>Man these fucking aliens need to get hung upside down and have their genitals mutilated it's just what they deserve. To drink their own cum if they're gonna treat us like that.
Bro there aren't any aliens around stop being dramatic.
>Yeah but if there were I would be right right?!
Yes you're right. Lay down little one it will be ok if you breathe.

>ITT Bernie faggots think they have a chance against freedom and liberty.

Attached: 1478566364626.jpg (640x637, 79K)

And of course the alt-right will accept Bernie as president and honor the office of the President as they demanded the left do during trumps reign?
They did that during Obama’s time didn’t they???

Attached: C6005CC3-FDBA-4652-9478-6BDED300D8DD.jpg (640x917, 168K)

Ive seen a lot of videos from africa of people being hacked up by machete and set on fire.. Huge rocks dropped on people's heads in a communal celebration... Ive seen a lot of muslim beheadings and refugees saying... This food is for dog *spit this food is for wooman..
We have to help these men make a better life they need our welfare... We need the diversity... I love seeing black men with curry armpits with strange balls of white shit tangled in them... We need more feral black men patrolling our streets defending us against the police.. Oh and the women are fucking hot.. Ohhh yeaaa

Attached: 326a51-20111020-hawo-mohamed-hassan-and-amina-farah-ali.jpg (400x400, 20K)

> so I can see you cucks cry.

> cry.

Trump supporters are only capable of grasping *emotions* and *feelings*.

Look at that guy for example. He didn't mention walls, taxes or immigration. He just wants some strangers to CRY. For him, that's a big win.

Berniebros are the only ones fighting for freedom and liberty you dumb cunt. But keep guzzling down that corporate cum like a good brainwashed republitard whore.

This has only solidified my suspicions that Americans as a whole, regardless of affiliations are some of the stupidest people on earth outside of South Africa

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Attached: fags.png (500x654, 144K)

Fuck these trumpets are hypocritical little snowflakes.

What do you mean? Did you miss the literal palace with the trumpnazi flag?! Someday I'll have a private estate just like that if I embrace KKK optics and ideology.

Didn't this guy get platformed AGAIN and this time by a small frail woman?

Attached: 1580516581926.jpg (683x1024, 106K)


Don't knock their appearance or even their country.
They can say it's what they wanted to escape.

Knock the primitive, cruel, destructive Sharia ideology that they're tied to.

oh hey stormfront nice of you to stop by how's the childhood trauma therapy going? did they up your dosage yet? want me to talk to your doctor?

But trumptards never get upset at little things.....

Attached: 37AC6EA8-E8DF-4856-BB5B-E6C3165DC3C1.png (720x576, 589K)

Remember that time Trump flinched like a scared little bitch kid from that eagle while he was tryharding to look badass?

Meanwhile every single day he keeps talking Bernie is knowingly putting himself in the 1%s crosshairs that killed JFK. Dude is a fucking champion.

>I'll raise your taxes
>Make more restrictive laws
>open the borders to who the fuck ever
>you have to pay for those people to have benifits too
>oh hey, communism!
Keep telling yourself that cuckboi mc faggot face. Dude had a heart attack when he actually looked at the constitution.

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Attached: 4FC5D14E-C8BC-4107-9C32-55078E16D03E.jpg (1024x1024, 168K)

This. Religious extremists of all types are cancer. Misogynistic anti liberty purity warriors who mandate what people do with their own bodies. Wait are we talking Muslims or republifags?

>cuckboi mc faggot face
You have to be 18 to post here.

Attached: rwtwrtwr.jpg (1280x720, 197K)


Oh look, I have a picture of super tough Bernie, being a "fucking CHAMP"
I couldn't laugh any fucking harder, I assure you.

Attached: 1544298608887.jpg (1560x930, 277K)

More ad hominems and emotional thinking from the emotional right.
Yet again they prove they are unable to think it’s the logical and rational part of their brain, instead able only to use the emotional centers of their brain to form ideas and replies.
It’s most common in conjunction with a low iq and learning disabilities.
Once they realize they are facing a logical and rational person, the emotional right will often be triggered into a violent rant or ‘sperg’ that can be unpleasant and sometimes require medication.
Hopefully once sanders becomes president his universial healthcare will help these low iq right wing disableds get the help they need.

Attached: tumblr_olch64ILit1rbam90o1_400.jpg (400x400, 30K)

>>I'll raise your taxes
He's not raising shit on me, he's raising taxes on the criminal billionaires who fucked our economy. I save money under a Sanders administration, and so does 99% of the country. He's stopping people from ROBBING our fucking taxes you stupid shit.

>>Make more restrictive laws
This is the most generic meaningless statement of all time. More restrictive of what? If you mean more restrictive environmental protection laws for the corporations raping our planet into a polluted unlivable hellscape, and more restrictive laws on what kind of disgusting unhealthy shit they can put in our food when cutting corners to make profit, then fuck yes. If you don't see how this is a good thing you can just kill yourself now.
>>open the borders to who the fuck ever
Literally a fake meme.
>>you have to pay for those people to have benifits too
Were already paying like a hundred times more for wall street crooks to snort coke off a hookers asshole on a private yacht.
Unironically a good thing if you're not an uneducated brainwashed stupid little twat.
>>oh hey, communism!

You don't know the first shitting thing about fuck. I almost hope Bernie doesn't win so I get to shoot all the cumguzzling cucks like you in the face during the civil war.

>Thinking Butthurt Bern has a chance against Trump

Attached: 1477665478627.png (700x700, 208K)

haha. thats a good one. Saved.

See even Attenborough likes Bernie

Attached: DsZOscc.jpg (1200x831, 77K)

Who the hell votes for communist in America?

Attached: 1478576067981.jpg (1170x781, 216K)

No one.

Bernie is a democratic socialist.

I really like this image.
Mind if I save it?

It’s all yours friend(s) :)

Attached: B00CD092-5E9F-441C-8629-5769EECF081B.jpg (631x574, 249K)

I would but Bernie isn't a communist by any stretch of the imagination. You're being dramatic again.

Attached: IMG_20200219_122715.jpg (599x654, 92K)

Isn't that the dude who endorsed Hillary after the DNC fucking him in the ass and he got the stage stolen from him by two BLM bitches? I can't remember, was that before or after a little girl stole his mic ON STAGE.
How the hell is this guy supposed to defend America when he can't defend himself from fat black women and little girls?

Attached: 1484174805670.jpg (1000x618, 51K)

Attached: 737839B0-05F0-49AD-A2E3-B25DF2B7B617.jpg (631x574, 251K)

Wait I thought nobody likes this guy?

Attached: 1D047EA7-922B-43BD-8704-67018835CDCC.jpg (631x574, 243K)

>lived in a fucking commune
Dude has AOC and people supporting gulags in his camp.

Omg this image is the funniest shit ive ever saved!! Proof the left is the meme king. Anarchy!!

Attached: 1580762796159.gif (800x371, 183K)


>Quick, push out the 'memes' faster, no one is going to vote for the communist fuck at this pace!

Attached: 1477920651731.jpg (400x378, 41K)

Glad I saved it if it is going to continue to have this effect lolol

Supporters /= the candidate. You aren't very smart. Trump has KKK support. Is he KKK?

>not knowing when you're outclassed and outmatched

Attached: 1537316604932.jpg (1000x707, 151K)

>lived in the zoo
This fuckin deer is a goddamn zookeeper!
Don't join this Discord server.

Attached: 1582133685.jpg (1173x1258, 125K)

Attached: sfOTSBH.png (600x600, 138K)

The cringe is starting to affect my whole body please stop with the faggotry

He pays these people, he employs them, he put them on his fucking payroll you moron.
I love how you can't deny it either. He has yet to fire them or denounce them.

AOC is based as fuck, did you not see the vid where she proved it was entirely legal for the rich to buy politicians.
Don't join this Discord server.

Attached: 1582133760.jpg (1370x1430, 155K)

way to address and refute nothing, you're doing the old faggot justice user, keep up the good work, you'll surely win enough votes for him

Attached: 1477920143580.jpg (243x208, 6K)

Being dramatic is another hallmark of the emotional trump thinker.
If you continue to push your rational, logical reasonings then the emotional right will eventually have an episode or be ‘triggered’ and will probably default to ad hominem attacks including calling one a ‘cuck’, telling one to ‘dilate’ or to ‘cope’.
(Even though ironically it’s the triggered emotional right thinker that Has been metaphorically ‘cucked’ by his false idol president-god trump, thus feeling cognitive dissonance when faced with logic and facts to this effect andis unable to cope. This results in their sphincter spasming or puckering uncontrollably with the rage he is feeling)


Attached: 1551467152701.jpg (400x268, 22K)


>can I please have permision to save this?

I've literally been pissing and shitting myself for the good part of ten minutes and have already forwarded this image along to my gender studies professor to use in our next lecture.

Attached: Im a real Trans.jpg (193x261, 9K)

That’s called cooooming baaaby

Hope you Bernie faggots are ready to cry and moan

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Attached: 1580992698851.jpg (703x878, 200K)

But Fuckoff that Bernie maymay is dank as fuck

yeah we are

Dubs checked
Also Kek that’s fucken funny cos it’s true!

>tfw no one chants USA at a Bernie rally

Attached: TrumpAllAmerican.jpg (1425x1002, 706K)

Lol at waiting until the reply limit to dump your trash like scared cowards


Attached: rfarfaefdea.jpg (478x324, 35K)

At first I thought you were a leftie, then i read the bit about you pissing and shitting yourself and realised you are a trumptard.

Be honest, half of you Bernie faggots are voting differently come the next election

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Attached: 1478781079516.gif (350x240, 1.55M)

>start another thread

Attached: TrumpTrain.gif (680x849, 1.14M)

nope, I fact I voted trump last time cos I didn’t like Hillary and am switching to the Bern this time cos trump has been so fucking abysmal


Attached: 1549391103959.jpg (441x494, 19K)

Kinda feels like the trumpanzees got btfo’d this thread. It’s been happening a lot.
Almost feels like Bernie might be /ourguy/

Attached: 4349BC70-F901-491C-B167-01769F530064.jpg (1030x593, 95K)

lol kinda

Yeah and I know a whole lot of ppl in my own circle of friends and family who are doing the same this time around.
All moderate/centrist democrats who didn’t like Hillary that voted for trump cos we got sucked in by the hope he actually would ‘drain the swamp’ and stuff like that.
Now we are all Bernie, all the way.

Haha other way around, Libtard. Everyone knows you skinny skimpy poof, soy latte sipping, retarded retard, gender studies friend zoned limp wristed faggots cant keep your shit in.

Attached: libtarding.jpg (809x853, 159K)

>Thinking Bernie can make it to the debate stage and won't have a heart attack even if he does

You faggots know the DNC is going to fuck him in the ass and he's going to thank them for the pleasure again right?

Attached: 1506489392618.jpg (419x421, 129K)

Did you see this pic? Are you fulfilling the prophecy lulz

400 posts boys. The trumpfags come out in force where nobody will see to pretend they 'won' XD

Here we have a case of an extremely emotional alt-right trumper effectively being ‘triggered’ because someone logically and rationally offered an alternative view.
The sheer number of low-impact, crude insults denotes this particular emotional thinker is of low-iq, immature, underage and trying desperately to hide his rage (to use the common vernacular - butthurt’).
This kind of ‘sperg’ is often accompanied by real life consequences such as a high pitched ‘reeeee’ that will get the emotional thinker kicked out of his high school class room, or possibly cause him to throw his limited edition anime mouse across the room, causing damage.

Another easy victory to God Emperor Trump. Just like it'll be again In November.

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u mad, virgin?



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You have to be 18+ to post here son.

yep just like it'll be again in

I am fucking livid.

Well done comrade you sure showed him/he. At our next gender studies class its jazz hands for you.

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Just sayin........

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I think we know what most of these butthurt trumptards look like

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How does it feel to know that I have sex with more women in a week than any of you friend zoned poofs will ever have your entire lives?

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>actually cringed
Dude just stop