I hate this coalburning whore and anyone who likes her. Can't wait till she is a wrinkly has-been

I hate this coalburning whore and anyone who likes her. Can't wait till she is a wrinkly has-been.

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>Imagine hating an 18 year old woman you've never met and never will simply because she's more successful than you'll ever be in your entire life.
oof. yikes.

I don't give a shit about her being successful. I'd hate her if she was exactly the same and not famous at all.

It’s pop music, people move on quick. Lady Gaga has been forgotten, Lorde has been forgotten, it wont be much longer until Billie isn’t in the limelight anymore

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

The Jews just chose her cause she's a filthy nigger lover and they love it. Perfect for them to ruin everything with Trump and the right wing in power.

Shes very unlikable Not funny not particularly talented. Only thing she has going for her is her looks even then she's too dense to smile


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>incel thread

She is a talentless forced musician, however pretending she would sleep with niggers is just wrong.

I used to hate her, but then those toilet cam vids were leaked. After watching her push out some 3/4 pound turds, I was in love. Love is always the answer, m'OP.

She definetly has she said an interview all her idols and people she wanted to meet were niggers

Go to fucking hell you liberal cuck. Liberal "males" get less sex, get cucked and nobody respects you.

What's this, an incel thread? God damn it's been a while.

t. Liberal Jewish faggot who eats black men's jizz out of his girlfriend

was about to ask someone to post these, forgot to save them before thread 404'd

pretty salty for someone who rages about some successful teenager.
maybe if you werent so bitter you would have accomplished something yourself.
i dont give a fuck about that girl, but everytime some loser like you throws this kind of tantrum it makes me like her a little bit more.

she looks like a retarded whore, i don't like her music either, wannabe personality and a filthy nigger lover.

Sounds like you're the one who is salty that I'm insulting your talentless nigger cum dump teen idol.

No one cares faggot

exactly, but you probably dont see the irony in your own statement.

The difference is you're butthurt because of my opinion but idgaf about yours

You are complaining about someone being salty while typing out entire paragraphs to defend some pop star skank.

I go all day without giving a single thought or fuck about people like this.
I think this is a YOU problem. Grow up some.

enough to reply ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nope. Her face is plastered all over Cred Forums all of the time.

Same for you.

writing this little is not really an effort. but i get that you might disargree.

So, you get pulled in to all the logpost and trap threads as well?
Like I said, this is a YOU problem.

no you

That shit doesn't bother me. Nigger loving whores being plastered all over the web and in society as teen idols to little girls does bother me and make me sick. All cause of sick Hollywood Jew pedophiles.

Neither was making this thread.

its a teeny bopper you act like youve never seen them

uh hello, nsync
briney spears
justin beiber
one direction

just shut the fuck up and shell go away.


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Britney Spears wasn't a nigger lover with bags in her eyes who could be a strung out crack head at least when she first got famous.

this. except famous zoomers now OD instead of just fucking off.

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Yeah, like I said, it's a YOU problem.


>Da Jews!!!!

Don’t fight it, there already in your head.

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Post them?

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No it's cuck race traitors like you who are the problem.

Go to hell, Jew bitch. Jews are destroying America. We used to be 90% white. We need to go back.

She looks like a trans guy

At least they were half decent artists billie has one popular song and she's mumbling over it. And her face is just so punchable she tries to look edgy and depressed so ungenuine. And she's fat

so youre saying there is any Justin Bieber song that is better?
gtfo you teenage girl.

She probably is one.

Yeah he has many songs that are better


At least I'm not prasing a coal burner you cuck

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This is why I hate her, for thinking that dressing like one of the Banana Splits is cool.
Dumb bitch, but good voice.

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coalburning aside, she's massively overrated

> cant help thinking about a white girl being fucked by a black guy
> call others cucks

shes probably the most talented pop prospect since kanye west. stop being such a fag. you sit in your computer chair wacking off to lolis and complain about people more successful than you as if you even have a dog in the race

You think she has one popular song? Its hilarious how stupid you incels are. Go spend 30 minutes in any salon and her music will play. Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish dominate pop right now. Billie just won multiple Grammys. Not only for multiple specific track,s but for the album. He brother, who produced the album, won a Grammy. Its one of the most highly rated pop projects ever released. Youre a fucktard incel who just inst in touch with the rest of the world

Her face is punchable as hell though ill give you that one

So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy

salon nigga cx

This is the only one I saved before it 404'd

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When she first broke out, I didn't really care because I don't listen to that kind of shit. She was mildly curious because she was new and I started seeing her face around. Mostly here. Then she was on Hot Ones, and I watched. God, she is a massive asshole. So now I'm kind of rooting for her to fail.


angry faggot incels shitting their pants because an 18 year old is more successful than they'll ever be