Does anyone give a shit about piracy anymore?

Does anyone give a shit about piracy anymore?

I've been constantly reporting one particular channel to YouTube, pretty much weekly but also reporting every video that's uploaded for containing illegal content. They're effectively showing people how to pirate switch games and play them on PC and as the emulator improves it will only become more popular.

This is the channel

Yuzu Emulator | The Complete Guide to Nintendo Switch Emulation

As you can see they have several videos not only advertising this fucking emulator, but also guides on how to set it up. Does Google not give a shit about this?

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Hey faggot

Stop snitchin

It's for educational purposes

You nigger

Then don't be surprised when all games are soulless shit. Hurting good companies like Nintendo hurts the industry.

Also I bet if Bloodborne was ported to the Switch you'd cry like a little baby

Why would anyone cry if a great game was ported to another system for more people to play?

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Grow up

>Hurting good companies like Nintendo hurts the industry.
Lol, get real Nintendo is filled with a bunch of soulless Japanese Jews that only care about getting rich. If you really supported good games then you'd play indie games and boycott all the AAA bullshit that is the cancer killing gaming.

Fuck you, bitch ass snitch.
You're a worthless consumer that has created nothing in his life and can only destroy.

Do these horrible pirates what that caused you insufferable grief and torment mention system specs for their evil emulator?

Kys nigger

You just gave me these urge to try it out lmao


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According to their website, there’s a fuck-ton of titles that don’t boot or progress past the title screen. I’d give this a few more months before bothering with it. Play! Wasn’t built in a day, you know.

Are you really that much of a boot licking faggot? Holy shit LITERALLY kill yourself, or go outside, or get lai... or nevermind just fucking kill yourself. Do it. Waste of oxygen

I'm guessing that this is just a plug for that YouTube channel that you're poorly disguising as an attack against them. But I'll bite, why have you dedicated so much time to reporting this channel and it's videos? Do you enjoy feeling morally superior? Do you think Nintendo will somehow reward you for your efforts? Genuine question, not poking fun.

I'm not using an emulator myself but I don't think it's for pirating per se. PC is the masterrace and Nintendo is exluding us their Games. We just want it in our PC's and not have a million consoles lying around.

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Emulation needs more than what you're emulating.
so if the switch has 4GB ram, 4 core CPU, low-end GPU for 720p gaming.
You'll want at least a 8GB ram, 8 Core CPU, mid-range graphics card and PC for the same thing.
Depends on how well the game is emulated as well, so no guarantee.

i don't think it's really illegal either. there are companies like general dynamics that reverse engineer tech for the military and are masters of signal decryption. THEY could emulate the switch in a week but it's not worth their time; just like google or amazon could focus their server clouds on mining all remaining bitcoins and have them all in a few weeks but it would cost a couple of billion and probably not be worth it in the long run.

i failed to mention HOW something like a console is emulated. look up SNES copy protection videos on youtube to see how they dump and disassemble code from chips.

OP, you are such a colossal faggot.

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No. Nobody gives a shit nigger. Faggots that want to enforce no piracy on others need to die out like the Jewish rats they are. In your case though you're a soylent rat.

Nintendo shills BTFO

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Emulation isn't piracy however individual emulators themselves can potentially be illegal if they use any specifically copyrighted code from said machine in the emulation. Provided the company that owns the code wants to persue it.

What the fuck is wrong with you. Shit like this hurts the industry, the industry you claim to like, and rather than side with someone who is trying to save the industry you just call me names. Yours a fake fan.

you know that emulation is legal right? as long as you own a switch and a copy of whatever game you're "pirating" it's perfectly legal. granted not everyone is doing just that with this software, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it you retard

Well aside from a miss click there I believe.

However emulators are not piracy. Its only piracy when you use copyrighted software you don't own on it.

Emulation itself is used for a mirade of legit and legal uses most used in government and commercial uses, mainly to keep legacy code thats still functional and mission critical working.

The next common uses are educational and preservation reasons.

t. Furakawa on suicide watch

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dumping straight roms ALONG with the warez to play it is illegal.

fuck. i mean, some of us knew this in spring of 1997. when i got my first decent job, i bought an actual IBM PS/2 from some guy at work for $400. the first thing i did when i got home was install an mp3 player and NESticle. emuparadise died for some reason but i have all 9 billion kajillion old school roms and emulators. i haven't bothered with anything past N64.

that might have been unclear. the old school websites knew they couldn't release BOTH the emulators AND the roms but the rom data alone was fine.

1. Roms/warez same thing
2. You are legally allowed to backup any software you own for personal use only. Otherwise permission is required on software that hasn't been released into the public doman by the owner of said copyright or it has expired.
3. Emulators are not illegal unless they contain and use copyrighted materials in order to function. This doesn't include the software that is being run on the emulator.

WAAA WAAA waaaaaa

bruh ur stupid

This is what going full autistic looks like. Killing yourself is the only way to salvage your honor after this trash post.

yo nigga snitches get stiches

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