It's my birthday today and each year I feel more lost

It's my birthday today and each year I feel more lost.
Is this what growing up feels like?

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Maybe you're stagnating? idk Just do what you like and accept the outcome. Don't try to be something youre not. Don't try anything that doesn't come naturally to you. Don't try.

I can't even drink on my birthday due to some liver damage I got from the depression pills I'm taking. I just wanted to be happy, shit.

Happy birthday user
>I'm turning 32 this month i'd say it gets easier but it doesn't

I'm saving this one, I really liked it. Thanks a lot.

Thank you, user, I wish you a happy birthday later on and a happy life.

Yes and happy birthday user hope it gets better.

sorry to hear. why did it not get easier for you?

Happy b day. How old are you today?

Why bc your mommy doesn’t suck your pee pee on your birthday anymore? Nobody brings you cupcakes anymore? No card/s from the class anymore? KYS faggot. It’s called growing up

Welcome to the real world. Where no one has anything to do with you, unless they want something or attracted to you. It's a sad state of things, but it's reality. Just do something you enjoy and fuck what anyone thinks. Happy birthday you depressed faggot.


buy a compass

No I'm not samefagging. I have no idea who that faggot is.

happy birthday user just hang in there

Getting used to it still. Thanks for the heads up.

Thank you, I turn 26 today. Not young, not old.

I would reply something mean, but what's the point? You do you, I have to go to sleep.

Yeah, life is just skill bartering until you die, but I have them skills. I'm not worried about having skills or being useful, I just don't see the point in doing this forever and at the same time wish I could do something meaningful. I'm just confus

Literally threw away my compass+thermometer keychain yesterday bc it broke inside and I got scared of the mercury inside the thing. I should get a new one soon.

Trying my best. Thanks a lot, user.

Could join the rest of us who commited suicide once its done its done

my birthday too :)

I look forward to spending it with you next year as well.

can confirm. im 36 now and more suicidal than ever. it gets worse rather than better.

This question really really depends on how old you are.

Hey, happy birthday. I'll be looking for you next year.
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