Hey guys! I'm trying to learn to talk English because i suck...

Hey guys! I'm trying to learn to talk English because i suck, would you be so kind to drop your discord so we can talk in a voice channel?

Attached: e46250b2edb2ae1e5ec84973cabb02e2.jpg (640x640, 149K)

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You seem okay.

Shut up carl


Where are you from?

this really not a place for you to learn english or am just did a whoosh and die here

refer to us as "niggers"
it's slang for friend

If you want better english, follow people with a strong american accent on youtube. Its a very clear and easy-to-hear lean.

you seem to do pretty well in typing

Yeah, I understand it pretty well and all, but my pronunciation is terrible


How much are you paying?

Prove that you're actually human first

He all ready did the Captcha tho

>be you
>be spanish
>anhero you reject


Koi Mail#0708


Kinda doubt that it's not just some bs scheme to try and get information on people to dox them or someshit

from just a discord name? wow you must take good care with your opsec degen

Yeah true, I'm a little paranoid when it comes to stuff like that is all.
>Remember kids, paranoia is one hell of a drug

I wasn't planning that but ok

No you are a fucking moron, kys.

You've probably already heard this if you're practicing English. But even native speakers will give them some grief try some tongue twisters. This one gave me some grief.

If you must cross a course cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.

Yeah, you never know though. Hell, it's compsec 101: to never give out details about yourself on websites/social media
You do know there are people that link their profiles together, right? Including linking facebook, steam, linkedin to their discord account. Just a thought though

yeah but why would you not take OpSec seriously and make sure most things are secure and safe? worked for me been undoxed since 2009

Here's another tongue twister
Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter’s bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better.
So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter,
put it in her bitter batter, made her bitter batter better.
So ‘t was better Betty Botter bought some better butter.

Already have, but who fucking knows what new exploits are found on the daily. I don't follow the news on that. Last I heard, there was a exploit that made Android phones vunerable through bluetooths

They're really cool! I've been trying to say them, It's pretty difficult hahahaha

*an exploit
and yeah there is always new ones daily. that's life. you really should keep up on tech news, never know when it will effect you also.

drop yours

Yeah, I should. And nice catch on the typo m8.
It kinda depresses me whenever I keep up with tech news though, since to keep up with it, I have to wade through a metric fuckton of "news" on shit I don't care about like "50 ways your cat is sexist and here's how tech in involved in it!"

No problem and imo the best way to stay on top of tech news is make a separate twitter and follow tech news pages then you ll have a whole TL of tech news or what ever news you follow