It's estimated that about 84% of the world's population believes, in some manner, shape or form...

It's estimated that about 84% of the world's population believes, in some manner, shape or form, in one or more deities controlling us humans - the masters of our own destiny. Imagine that. 84%. It's both hilarious and disheartening to think that those 84%, who've never once been able to give irrefutable, unassailable evidence of said-deity living among us or even visiting us, STILL believe in the religion they've been brainwashed with from an early age - religion designed to keep humanity's natural inclination to be hedonistic, in check.

Imagine that. 84% of the world's population, being utter morons.

>buh-buh-but you cuh-can't prove that Guh-God ISN'T real!
Go FUCK yourself. You're the cunt who made the claim. I don't know a GOD DAMN THING about the origin of our existence or what happens to us after the heart expires. But NEITHER DO YOU. And yet here we are and you tell me your fucking SPACE FAIRY is real. Show me, then. I've seen some weird shit. I'm sure I won't fucking die of SHOCK.

Now give me all your "tips fedora" pictures and moronic replies, you DUMB FUCKS.

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Other urls found in this thread:

they belives cuz they scared they fear the death and what ever just GET OVER IT fkin morons

Cant wait till all those 'knights Templar' memers have to live in the world they create....

in my country they even fkin copy KKK a CHING CHONG ver of KKK buyin holy water for fk ton of money and so on These idiots

define "controlling us".

you can't even philosophy, i'm sure. try this shit:

"That the components of a proposition are the symbols we must understand in order to understand the proposition; That the components of the fact which makes a proposition true or false, as the case may be, are the meanings of the symbols which we must understand in order to understand the proposition."

this is from russell's "logical atomism". the thing is, i would argue that if the universe DID start from a "big bang", then it would be like a firework set off by god and our existence happened as part of it. you could say that god "controlled" the explosion but not that it can control what happens to resulting particles, processes and reactions. that's how i see it. it was owned by god but god can't further "control" it.

i'm working on my book and i'm actually really good and cool with the head of the philosophy department. philosophy is just my second major though and i won't see him again until october.

There are places that dont believe or even push religion. One of the biggest places like this is California. How come it doesn't look like OPs pic?

Why do you care so much? People choose religion for many different reasons so why is it your fucking business what they choose to believe in? You think nothing happens when we die. Cool, that's your choice. Some people choose to believe there is an afterlife and that this world is a test of whether or not we're worthy of entry. It gives morals and discipline.

Sure, extremists fuck it up for everyone and some of the teachings are a bit ridiculous with their stupid fucking rules and shit you can/cannot do, but how does that affect you?

If you think religious people are dumb af, you're on Cred Forums mate, quite literally the centre of retarded fuckery of the internet. Let the cunts have their beliefs and go back to your shitty meaningless life.

i can feel you both well life ? Cred Forums ? they all just a shitshow from start to finish end this and go on with our life then tell them "You can do what ever you want just dont bring that shit near me" problem solve.

Jokes on you, if god wasn’t real he wouldn’t tell me to sacrifice people

Lol wut? 40 million people in California and 73% are religious. Uniformed fucks I swear.

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When the heart expires you go night night forever not that hard to understand

Most of what you know is a lie. There are no other planets, galaxies, etc. 'Aliens' are really fallen angles or their offspring

Many bones of giants have been destroyed/covered up

The people who run the world worship Satan.

You also have no objective sense of what is good or what is evil without God as well.

Final point is addressing you specifically. You're probably an unaccomplished loser who apparently thinks they are intelligent enough to determine if there is a God or not, like all hardcore Atheists. Even the 'great' philosophers of the past could only criticize what they thought they knew about God while offering no real solutions to the problems they criticized

Man, in his foolish attempt to abandon God, will inevitably realize that he needs God but instead of turning to Christ, he will attempt to create God in his image. This will most likely be a technological/biological AI system of sort that will govern the new one world order.

Your irrefutable proof was here, is here, and will come again as promised, his name is Jesus Christ

>irrefutable proof
>stories in old books
Your belief system hardly reaches one third of humankind, and even that one third separates into countless churches and sub-religious groups, in some of them Jesus Christ is not the center point. Come back when you have the absolute majority of two thirds.

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Imagine that op isn't a fag. Imagine he likes pussy. Imagine hes a mans mans. Well now thats over with op still a fag slurping on some cock right now.

Jesus doesnt need two thirds.

this shit is best comedy

Great post, fellow redditor! WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!

Grow up. Ever heard of the illumanti? No not the meme. There is a secret order that want to lead humans away from Jesus' message of salvation.

Humans have had over 200,000 years to explain away life and it's origin but they failed with bad arguments. The reason for this is because the answer is in The Bible.

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Who cares?
No one on the planet cares what you think. Why do you care what others think? Why not live your own life and be happy?

Cry more atheotard.

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Spurious statistic
Don't join this Discord server.

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Your view on the world comes from christianity and their neoplatonism. God is self evident in creation and geocentric cosmology.

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Sounds like you just need to be apart of a nice Christian community. What's so bad about having a place to belong?
Don't join this Discord server.

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This faggot is really trying
Don't join this Discord server.

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Everyone knows what happens to us after our hearts stop, OP. It's called clinical death.

If you're right, we will share the same fate and there was no point anyway.
If I'm right, you're going to burn in hell while me n the space fairy make space fairy weed brownies.
Better safe than sorry, even if you look kinda odd while on this world. Bc in the end the world doesn't matter, only God.


Your way is foolish.

Imagine a world were you can use your crypto everyday.

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appeal to novelty and appeal to popularity in one post. sheesh, you atheist morons breathe fallacies.

I got this weird kind of depression that isn't chronic but its fucking annoying and doctors can't really do shit.

Say for example, im out enjoying my job as an electrician which pays good, going home banging my wife, watch some sci fi and shit and somewhere in between i get this euphoric feeing about life but then i get really depressed and anxious like a mega panic attack realising that life will or day end and i feel my heart in my chest pounding and start rethinking my life and should i do more health shit.

I got some tablets to counter the anxiety i can take when it happens, luckily it only happens 1-2 times a week but it's sort of changed me like I realise I don't want to die and shit. Doctors think I am developing a mild anxiety disorder all based on the concept of death.

I honestly wonder how people can just pretend death doesn't exist and be happy because its getting me down dude. I dont wanna die, and im like 34.

you're telling ME to look at some shit about western religious influence or something?

i'm on the LAST course, which is elementary logic and definitions we should have all learned multiple courses ago, to get a philosophy bachelor's with a 3.7+ gpa. i was actually recommended by my last professor for a course of philosophy of religion and how it deals with science, to be courted by the religion department as a star student. whatever. i know more than i can prove in my book. i KNOW we have no free will and that the future is predestined. my issue is that i believe that it took god to SHOW me. my other degree is computer science. i don't have much time for this broken god argument crap.

Really gonna bank on Pascal?

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You didnt even read the post. bad bait.


cant say i disagree. that said if people want to believe in some fantasy novel thats their choice. though i hate the fact that one is born into religion without ever getting to decide for himself. also how the religion is often tightly connected to politics.

No religion, wowies, finally I can go for a drive and kill myself in a crash anyway thanks to there being no God. Thanks to the infallible insurance no one anywhere ever will have to pay towards funerals. It will just miraculously fix itself with no explanation required, it will even tag my big toe, that's all the validation I needed to justify my life. Yipiie there is no god and no reason for anything. Feel bad for no reason is stupid and doing anything right is stupid.

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Imagine believing In abiogenesis, LOL

That's the secret, user. Some don't pretend.

They know.

They know it's coming.

For me, it's a blessing in disguise. It means there's some kind of resolution to all this. After life is done, after the sun sets, after you drag your sorry bones atop the hill, an old friend will be waiting. And you'll reminisce. And then, in that final moment, you can rest.

And then you let go.


>Imagine that. 84% of the world's population, being utter morons.

Not morons.
Its ignorance. Religion is structured in a way to lock you in, convince you to not think for yourself.
Its hard to look objectively at your beliefs when its explicitly hammered into you that its a sin.

They have all the answers, why would they need to look anywhere else?
Sad but true

As opposed to "well there was this guy who always existed, even before existence existed, so then he created existence and the earth and people because he was bored"

Please site source

>I know words: the post

Most people need something to believe if it isn't religion it'll be feminism and multiculturalism and saving the world and helping everyone. I'd rather they believe in God.

This is exactly why nobody likes religious nuts.
As if treating your peers as equals and making the world a better place is a bad thing.
Its much better to pray to god for good health instead of providing everyone with healthcare.

>It's estimated [by whom?]
>that about 84% [5 out of 6]
>deities controlling us humans
[citation needed]

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>your nonreligious view is religious

Religious zealots always need proof unless it's the proof if their god.

atheists are worse then christians though.
Christians at least know that they believe. Atheists unironicly think something can be proven.
105-120 IQ range trash...

>Christians at least know that they believe
This sentence is meaningless.
>Atheists unironicly think something can be proven
As demonstrated.

Why can't we help them in their own countries? And with the right kind of help like education, infrastructure and birth control so they can develop their own countries. Not a believer.

It’s a lot better than assuming matter magically turns into antimatter on random planet in a random galaxy in a random part of the universe and that random planet, one out of infinite is just close enough to a start to harbor life that can sustain itself on other life from the planet, how strange that we’ve never met ANYONE like us, it’s weird how nature does thay


Implying being non-religious suddenly made your IQ rise, you're still the same dumb fuck OP.

>105-120 IQ range trash
if you're so much better, then why are you posting on Cred Forums?

>Religious zealots

Yeah, but I could find carbon and antimatter in space, anyways. Can't really find God.

Or, haven't.

Ironically, the smartest people are the least likely to believe in fairy tales and imaginary friends while the mouth breathers take solace in fantasy

>atheists are worse then christians
This is not a contest of psychopathy, user.

There are all sorts of avenues that you could do.
Religious tend to side on the "lets do nothing, stop what we are doing, our missionaries will do enough work by teaching africans that condoms are evil!"
Its literally not a discussion of what we can do, but an active push to stall and do nothing.

If the big bang happened that's creating energy from nothing and that's not how the law of conservation of energy works

If you were objective and looked at how vast the universe is, and how long it factually has been around it makes more sense.
If you believe what some goat farmers wrote 2000 years ago about the world being 6000 years old, yeah I could see why its hard to fathom.

what is meaningless about that sentence?
Knowing that your opinions are based on faith rather then naivly believing that your opinions are logical is very sensible.
But of course there are 105-120 IQ range trash in christcucks aswell. The ones who think they can prove God (or objective good for that matter) a priori, lmao.

>as demonstrated

The observable universe is not all of existence. The big bang is the universe collapsing in on itself and blowing up.
Thats where there are theories of other universes, we just dont know whats outside.

But hey, its where God was hanging out before he made the universe.

His dad can beat up your dad

i bet every common "i think i'm intelligent" atheist holds, as their main tenet, the following argument:

1. if god exists, it is omnipotent and omnibenevolent.
2. bad things happen to good people.
3. god must not exist.

this is the first argument you learn in philosophy 101. guess what? it's retarded garbage. this is LONG before you really learn about logical systems and whether an argument is sound or valid. that argument is neither. it's sloppy masturbation.

I might be high IQ but I need some rest and fun aswell.
This is not true. Einstein didnt say "Gott würfle nicht" because he was atheist.
There are more less famous quotes including, "Our faith in God has to wait during the experiment" (I dont know by whom this one is, but I heard this many times)
I explained why, dont be silly

OP can't into logos

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deus vult, cunt

>I explained why
You "explained" nothing fgt pls

>this is LONG before you really learn about logical systems and whether an argument is sound or valid

Who cares
Empirical evidence trumps all. Do you want to be honest with yourself, or make a shot in the dark based upon where you were born?

Abrahamic religions need to be tossed on an island where they can murder each other all they like. Then we nuke the winner.

Can you even read?
Understanding its faith > thinking you know whats real

The analogy in your image is shit
Evolution selects for what passes on the genes

Erosion selects for jack shit

>empirical evidence
the retaration of the atheist knows no limits

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with out god america never gets its inception or freedom. thus your future will never come about

user, the Big Bang is imagined to have started from a singularity. That entire singularity would be all of the energy, ever. That entire singularity would have caused the entirety of the laws of nature to be such that that same energy couldn't be, allegedly, created or destroyed from anywhere else. What do you mean, violating the laws of conversation?

It was the law.

>what is meaningless about that sentence
That Christians know they believe. What does that actually... mean? I know I believe. Okay, so, what do I believe? And why does that matter? Do I just, believe? Believe, "________" "_______"? What? What am I supposed to take away from that sentence? What is it supposed to say, what is it supposed to contradict, or support, or contrast... what does it even do?

"Knowing that your opinions are based on faith rather then naivly believing that your opinions are logical is very sensible" is a sentence that means something. It's flawed, but it means something.

If you know that your opinions are based on faith, then you know that your opinions aren't logical or falsifiable. They're not things that can be examined in any meaningful way. They're like tachyons, in that they don't interact with the rest of the world of "ideal forms". This would, actually, be the more naive of them. Genuinely, "idealism".

Now, here's the problem. You started off by saying that you have the first option of
something about your opinions. Then, you say that you have to
and that just doesn't seem right. Aren't you supposed to know about the other thing as well, than simply believe it? Isn't belief for the other thing? If there's a distinction between belief and knowledge... why did the faith get the sole claim on the knowledge aspect?

So, let's fix that.

If you know that your opinions are logical, then you know that your opinions aren't unassailable, that they're falsifiable. They can be proven wrong, they can be examined. They can be torn apart, they can be complimented. Sometimes, they could even be proven right. But, the matter of fact is that their truths are dependent on an ever-changing contingent, something that essentially forces you to reexamine those very same opinions whenever something changes. You don't get this with faith alone. The belief in an opinion that is "logical", is the belief that forces you to routinely face the music, no matter what.

A belief with faith alone... well, you never have to contest anything. It simply is. It's a phantom. It's a myth, It's comforting, but maybe for all the wrong reasons. Now, that's not to say that just because you worship logic, that you're better. That would still be naive. That's not how it's supposed to go. Truth is, this is a lot more nuanced than you give it credit for, user.

As for when I said
>As demonstrated
I was demonstrating that an atheist will, reliably, try to prove something. Because, you know, they think something can be proven.

Like what's happening right now. No?

Nor that of the theist, fuck them all.

evolution consists of mutation + feedback. New findings also suggest genetic memory and mutation of the offspring being dependent on the life of the parent.

>do I want to believe what we humans observe and see objectively in the world around us
>do I want to believe the supernatural by picking one of the 40k different christian denominations that all believe different dogma, just because I was born in a christian country. Not to mention other religions.

Simple as that. No need for some deep philosophy past that really especially if you wont bite hook line sinker into the supernatural.

Can you even write?
faith ≠ thinking

>If you know that your opinions are based on faith, then you know that your opinions aren't or falsifiable.
that is just wrong, faith absolutly can change if proven wrong.

the rest of what you wrote is just autism
>why did the faith get the sole claim on the knowledge aspect?
I am not a christcuck and did not claim this.


I am an agnostic atheist

>buh-buh-but you cuh-can't prove that Guh-God ISN'T real!

Please explain why there is absolutely NO CHANCE than ANY concept of a god or godesses is 100% impossible (this includes , he just created the big bang and fucked off)

Yea sure , a claim made without evidence can be dismissed with out evidence but the thing is...

Russell's teapot most probably isnt there , but unless we check for ourselfes , it COULD be there... it whould be unreasonable to say its undenyable there.

Now , God might not be anything close to what we think he is like , we can make some assumptions with our limited understanding and brain capacity (in comparison) , for example that it is not omnipotent , omnicient and omnibenevolent at the same time (the paradox of evil)

If God wants to play interdimentional peekaboo he/she/it can, and we whould never know about this gods existance.

are you autistic or something? Know that they believe? That means nothing. Believing in a fairy tale book, written over centuries by stealing older myths, is retarded. I can understand that it looked cool and mighty 200 years ago but now, at the age of science, it's idiotic

So, we play the semantic game; define faith. I was under the impression that if a good Christian believes, that they don't need to know. Their, uh, belief is enough. I'm thinking you can't prove God wrong, and that you just have to believe in God.

>the rest of what you wrote is just autism
Autism would make it hard to understand what I typed, more than it would author it. Thus, the following
>I am not a christcuck and did not claim this
is a bit...

Given that it says, in plain text
>Knowing that your opinions are based on faith rather then

And I mean, this guy just comes out and says it in his first sentence.

>i base my life around what some goat farmers jotted down in a book 2000 years ago

lol bible has been proven to be written by humans and has more contradictions than sentences, somehow no christfag doesn't want to read any of that, why is that I wonder?

>New findings also suggest genetic memory and mutation of the offspring being dependent on the life of the parent.

Soo... lamark was also right?

your schizophrenic babble doesn't make any sense buddy and I'm sad that you think it does

>define faith
define "define"

>Like what's happening right now. No?
so you just realised why I think you are not that bright?

>logical opinion is falsifiable
wrong by definition
>faith just is
I know people share this opinion although I dont, its the second best you could do.

It seems that you define faith to strictly and logic to loosly. You are better of doing the opposite.
>objective world
doesnt exist as proven in quantum mechanics
I also didnt claim to be christian. And "truth" so to speak is subjective btw. So picking a region bound religion isnt to far off.
I didnt claim the opposite you bumhead

i think the point of religion has been so messed up over the years it has gotten rather ugly.
I think of it as intentionally vague unifying idea, it is difficult to unify under a government for very long because well humans are equal thus judgement will be passed, but a vague being is not and more difficult to judge making it easier to unite large sways of people under one banner. the morals in the book have ecome basic laws, but unfortunaltly that much power corrupts.

>books made to control masses
>controls the masses

I think religion as a whole is working as intended

so since objectivity doesn't exist in quantum world, it's reasonable to choose talking snake religion, instead of saying "I don't know what's going on, let's continue research"?

>I didnt claim the opposite
You didn't "claim" anything, you bumhead.

well maybe to clarify things.
My only postulate that is based on faith only is that humans dont need to justify their will. Its the only thing which is truly devine.

your point being?

I am not some biology fag, just saying what I heard and what I think is feasible. Cant give you any explanation.

I think you dont understand. Experiments suggest that reality itself depends on observation. You cant research it further in that direction.

Op's pic is hardly what a Communist gulag looks like.

Being a slav myself my childhood had a backdrop of science, dreams, and understanding that logic, industry and energy are the only thing that move us forward.

Then all of that crashed down with USSR and it turned out that most of the planet is infected with memetic viruses in their brains.

Now even most of the slavic countries are fucked beyond repair by kleptocracy and there are more churches than schools in every city.

People need to teach themselves some mental hygiene.

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Deep dude, so deep you turn literally every word into semantics and cant find any concrete sense of pretty much anything.
Nice minor you have there, im sure itll work out for you.

I did claim that belief in objectivity is worse then belief in a set of morals valid for yourself.

you'll have to explain why you think objectivity doesn't exist in quantum mechanics. you're smoking some bad shit.

i thought the problem with quantum mechanics was that things get fucked up when perceived i.e. when they are taken subjectively. for quantum mechanics to even operate--that they are quantifiable--means that they are objective.

you've got a serious philosophical and logical deficiency.

To state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of something.

>so you just realised why I think you are not that bright
No, I'm just making a self-depreciating joke, you know, at my expense... ? To not come off as hostile in a place that's not only known for its inability to convey tone unambiguously, but also over a topic that some may feel personally attacked over?

>wrong by definition
Yeah... I kind of already said that. Opinions can't be falsified. But if you're forcing your opinions to rely on facts, then if the facts change, your opinion has to change as well. Can't have one without the other.

>I know people share this opinion although I dont
Well... that's not my fault? It's more or less the standard opinion for the most common Christian you can find on the street in North America. I'd think it'd be pretty wise to clarify exactly what you mean by your terms, before you disseminate them to the masses... than, you know.
>you just realised why I think you are not that bright

>maybe to clarify things
Well, something's changed your mind.

>My only postulate that is based on faith only is that humans dont need to justify their will
So... isn't that just what I'd said earlier about faith? You don't need to justify your will- it's divine, and that's the end of it. You can't touch it. You can't, and you're not supposed to.

Naah -- you merely stated that atheists are worse then christians -- a hollow shout into the dark, at best.


my point being, you can't prove anything to a christfag, because they do not want to abandon their belief no matter what

>mental hygiene

Check out the introduction on qm from Alan Adams.
It is a full size lecture but as you post on Cred Forums I think you dont have anything to do anyway.

>So... isn't that just what I'd said earlier about faith? You don't need to justify your will- it's divine, and that's the end of it. You can't touch it. You can't, and you're not supposed to.
where is your problem with that? Obviously if I should encounter something that cannot be explained with a derivation of that postulate it has to change.

I agree and didnt claim otherwise

well someone did, see

>where is your problem with that
Originally, you'd said that
>believing that your opinions are logical
would be naive.

What I'm not concerned with, is what you'd obviously do when presented with a problem that requires such a solution. You know, because it's obvious, right? What I am concerned with... is that it would somehow be naive to share the opinion that opinions can possess logical qualities- and that opinions lacking those qualities are somehow less naive.

Opinions using bad logic can be taken apart rather quickly. That's the consequence of forming judgements using statements of fact. Once you start using opinions in that fashion, they can become wrong. You can't really disprove an opinion, but you can disprove a fact. That's as good as removing the foundation for the opinion in the first place. Naivete, is the opposite of that.

This really needs to caption a Soviet gulag.

For all the propaganda, every nation that celebrates the denegration of the highest ideals - God - has historically been only a few years away from genocide and tyranny.

In almost every case God is replaced with the state, as represented by psychopaths on a power trip.

>a world where topless nun's run around the streets
if only all that other shit weren't attached.
religion is a good thing, but it shouldn't be strictly adhered to. people need things to believe in.
hell, as someone who's claims to be nonreligious, i've been given many reasons to believe there is a higher power. on the other side of the coin, i understand the human mind as well as 'intuition' are tricky bastards and i understand certain events and coincidences could easily be construed as 'divine' or whatever.

i just started reading the bible and a lot of the things god tells abraham could easily be handwaved as slight delusions-of-grandeur based off his intuition and prowess as a leader.