Why did Rome fall other than Christianity it was so far ahead Technologically had beautiful architecture why b I feel...

Why did Rome fall other than Christianity it was so far ahead Technologically had beautiful architecture why b I feel sad

Attached: Flag_of_the_Roman_Empire.png (243x215, 24K)

Because they were accepting of homosexuality. They became too consumed with sucking dick to stop their decline.

because they stretched their armies out too thin

Pretty much christianity, fucking Constantine.

Bad leadership and they doesn't kill the jews

Lol Rome survived in the Eastern Empire for hundreds of years. The Western Empire crumbled because of immense pressure from the Goths and other tribes, and mismanagement in the capital.

Attached: 82vea7L.jpg (750x1463, 236K)

Decadence, corruption, complacancy, stagnation.
A thousand years was a pretty good run though.

Christianity destroys, just like the other abrahamic religions.

The dark ages, the constant war, pedophile priests being an accepted meme.

Everything Christian's complain about, not only are they guilty of, but they created the very problem of which they complain.

Do you how could they have saved it and keep their gods and culture user?

Instating laws to prevent corruption perhaps?
Because that seems to work so well nowadays.

Yeah you know it works very well hell episten the guy who had dirt on the most powerful people on the world died because of suicide some retards go and say episten didn't kill himself

Wasn't Christianity. The empire's ruling class became increasingly corrupt and inept. The ruled became ever more marginalized and lost their allegiance to the empire and not willing to fight for it. As a result, the empire had to employ barbarians in there armies and trained the people who would one day end the Western Roman empire. Contrary to Cred Forums incels, the roman empire didn't die with the fall of Rome having moved east to Constantinople where the Roman Empire continued until the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

it became too big to govern in peacetime. when a nation of republic is at war, it is dynamic, can grow, and more people make money. during peacetime, the country becomes stagnant, people make less money, and they become restless and see more willing to rebel or go elsewhere to live.


Yeah but Christianity divided the empire

Wealth inequality and slavery cannot be maintained in a vast empire.

Christianity had nothing to do with the fall of the western Roman empire. It was the move of the Emperor and the administrative apparatus to Constantinople that did the western Roman empire in more than anything. With all the best and brightest now in the east there was little governing ability and economic power left in the west.

well op if it makes you feel better, the American government was based on the Roman republic, but the founding fathers toook measures to ensure that our government wouldn't fail where theirs did. they had an easy way for their republic to become a dictatorship. in America, we have tons of 'checks and balances' from each branch of the government to avoid any one branch instantiating a dictator.

We'll see about those checks and balances. trump and his conservative cult followers are making a pretty good assault on those checks and balances.

It's a weak religion; fit for slaves, weaklings, and victims. That the WRE lasted so long after Christianisation is remarkable.

I'd posit that if Rome survived into the present with the same sort of slavery, we never would've become an industrialized civilization. Oftentimes innovation is the result of some need, and if you have no lack of barbarians to do manual labor there's no reason to develop new technology.

Lead poisoning making everyone go nuts

But weren’t they Roman Catholics?

Trudat. Of course that's mostly in the cities, but then cities were where the power was concentrated.