How do we get both these pieces of shit out of politics and save America ?

How do we get both these pieces of shit out of politics and save America ?

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Hate to say it as I agree with alot of what Bernie stands for, but his shit and many of his supporters are the flip side of Trumps bullshit. Maybe without the blatant law and constitution breaking but still. I'd rather neither was anywhere near the white house


Op here, bernies heart is in the right place but he is a dreamer. Trump has gotten some better trade polices but he’s a raging tool. Both of them will increase deficits

All trolling aside I’m starting to think it’s the way to go

That is not true at all, obviously a Bernie bro in disguise

it's too late for that goy

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Don't worry, Bloomberg will buy your ass

Considernig the US has the most fucked up medical system in the western world and most of us are one medical emergency away from bankruptcy, I'd go with the hippy.

Wait until 2024 after Trump's second term. Bernie will return to his backbencher status and shut up (or he will be dead) and Trump will be done with the presidency and go back to his garish lifestyle.

what's so bad about bernie? Im from europe and every proposal i've heard by him is just standard shit

you will wait until 2024.

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None of his plans work. Imagine voting for a guy who says everyone should make $1 million per year because it would solve all our problems. Sounds good but how in the world would someone implement this plan without severe consequences? Free healthcare, free education, increased minimum wage, tax the rich, etc, etc. All this will literally bankrupt the country if implemented.

Universal healthcare works in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING COUNTRY besides murica. Does america exist in some parallel dimension than the rest of the world?

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By killing people like you, for starters. Then the trumpanzees. Then the neoliberals. Shit will be much better after that.

Vote Trump, he'll be gone in 4 years and Bern will probably have had a stroke/heart attack by then

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awwww we have a sad cuckboy here.
cry, bitch. cry some more

You elect one, and then elect the other.

After all the criticism of the democratic candidates for being too moderate, Bloomberg is a left leaning republican. What if everyone stays home in the election too demoralized to turn out?

Kek :)

“None of his plans work”

Get a load of this genius.

fuck you're stupid

Well said.

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What about for people that arent fascists?

Wow. What an exaggeration!

Assistance w/ higher education makes us more competitive.

Corporations and the mega-wealthy NEED to pay more. Sorry LESS profits.

AND clean up health care costs.

From the best economy in decades?

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not sure if trolling or just retarded

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One's an American Nationalist, and the other is a Communist Jew.
I think it's obvious which is better of the two.

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yeah, the jew

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Meat puppet and your propaganda.
