"Do yourself a favor and forget you heard that."

"Do yourself a favor and forget you heard that."


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Girl who stands at attention's mother.

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Welcome to hell!

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It is our theory this is where they got pyramids from, that mountain in the background.

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Ive seen this on some acid trips


Not safe in the lollipop guild for her.

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Makes sense.

I met someone on acid who tried to possess me, but my cat scared him away. Some envoy from some dirty bastards who thought they were going to take turns using my body.

No mas.

Told them to meet me on the dark side of the moon because that is what was playing.

Havent seen them since.

sold to me by a guy who had no fingers on his hands.

That is how you know its good acid, when the dude who sells it to you, has no fingers on his hands.

"Just take a half."

"How many did you take?"


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Excuse me what the fuck is going on in this thread

Then some people came into that apartment, and they could tell I smelled their bullets.

So they let me walk out.

Went downstairs, hid behind a pillar and some guy was sneaking up the stairs with a machine gun under his jacket.

The challenge was finding my way home. MEt a friend of mine who knew the way.

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Let me leave because I calmly got up and walked out and smiled at them at the door.

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It was a huge full moon that had just risen.

And I was laying on the porch outside.

The old 'buddha's' had plans for me.

Won't see them no more.

My recollection was that I soon as I was fukced up those people were going to do something to me.

Those people, probably Jill's friends.

Jill Roberts

the people that came to get me out of there

Since she wasnt dead, since I had to do a death run where apparently we killed some folk.

Good fighter that one.

I could however kick her ass.

Walking down the road and I saw the headlights coming and she could tell by my face what was going to happen.

So she waved me back and said I love you. They stopped them and started fucking with her so I walked up on them.

Not easy to run through mountains in the dark unless you have done it before.

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The big problem was, I was just at her funeral a few days earlier.

And I could tell by her mother's face she wasnt dead.

Saw her like a year ago, looks just fine.

Worried though.

"They thought I was a free lunch."

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What is ironic is that this looks like Conifer.

Where it took place.

She saw me stop when I saw the headlights and just kept walking and said I love you, because apparently she was going to take my place.

someone else did the honors

She kept the guy on top busy whilst I killed the dude in the ravine.

Who had already fired on me.

emptied his clip and I got to him while reloading

Fight ensued.

Then the run home started, but they gave up on that.

"No chance."

This is my fault, I just wanted to see you again.


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She broke me out of a holding facility that no one was in where I was supposed to die.

Disembodied voice opening doors and turning on lights for me.

There was a speaker system.

"Do you know who this is? This is Jill."

"Do you believe me?"