You have to be a real fucking idiot to want this communist piece of shit as president

You have to be a real fucking idiot to want this communist piece of shit as president

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He seems like he has good intentions.

Enlighten us.
In Europe, Sanders would be considered a "far right extremist" yet you stupid ameriturds call him a communist. You're probably baiting though.

Either way OP should go eat a dick.

I'm voting for him. Try and stop me!

>I need this old jew to get me my pay raise to 15 an hour that I'd never, ever achieve on my own.

When? He isn't going to be the nominee.

fuck off commie shill

Gotta love anti-intellectualism.
Maga chuds are deeply outnumbered by moderates and centrists who've been watching this Trainwreck for the last 4 years.

>Hard work good. No think only work. Improvement bad.

If he’s only pushing for something as left wing as Denmark. Does that mean Denmark is communist?

Anybody who isn't America is communist, especially the darkies and queers

shut up derek

Looks like BLOOMBERG is taking home the gold

>makes idiotic assertions that have no basis in reality.

You had nothing to add you fucking sperg. Kill yourself since I know for a fact you're a non-functional dipshit.

Hahaha. Is that how it all works? You sound super smart I should vote for whoever you vote for.

Bernie is the best choice simply because he'll legalize weed nationally by executive order, which is really what our nation needs. Tell me which other candidates will do that?

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When? In April when the primary comes to my state. When else? I do think he's going to be the nominee. If he isn't that's just the way it is. I'll be voting in the Presidential election for whoever gets the nod for the nomination on Supertuesday. It's that simple.

Imagine thinking Bloomberg has any chance in hell at securing the nomination. It's really easy to create an illusion of power when you've got billions of dollars to spend on ad blasting the fuck out of every single media platform.

Legal weed, protect abortion, universal healthcare. I think that’s a national winning ticket.

I think Bloomberg is a joke. Just like how they tried telling us Biden had a national lead. I hate the argument that Bloomberg can beat trump but Bernie can’t. But nobody can name a state that Bloomberg can win vs trump that Bernie can’t.

>Beep beep. Error. Work is the prime directive. Must serve the Masters.

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Why are conservacucks always hypocritical, angry, emotional, crybaby cuz "muh change is scary" little faggots?

You pieces of shit are worse than the libtards. At least the lefties don't pretend to not be bitch made. Not to mention most of you faggots are religious and act NOTHING like your savior, like at all. So basically you all want to bitch, whine, fuck other dudes, hate on those that fuck other dudes, cry, and go to hell while you do it.

If I was a fucking alien, and I saw the left and the right, I'd totally eradicate the right like a stage 4 malignant cancer.

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Bernie has my vote.

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Or just be sick of billionaires fucking the country in the ass and having MAGA bitches lick the shit off their dicks.

Hey guys, are you really that delusional? Bernie can’t make it, he’d be almost 80 years when starting as POTUS. You in his right mind would vote this?

He’d had a chance in the last election ...


>shitskins fuck my sister and mother

We know.
We don't care about your opinion regarding american politics.
Make a thread about your 3rd world shithole if you'd care to discuss it.

If you hate socialist programs then why don't you start paying for the police and fire department. While we're at it, you should go and fix the potholes in your local neighborhood.

You're still here?
I just laid it out for you, I know your mommy brings your tendies in your basement and you think that will last forever.

Please stop testing their indoctrination, poor right-wing fags are why "liberal" techfags like me are rich af. They hate us, but their leaders love us, which is great for business and my portfolio.

All my right wing friends back home think the stock market being up is great and techfags suck even though they don't own any stocks and all use smartphones and laptops.

Really shows who the high IQ people are lol.

Maybe instead of Bernie we should have real communism.
No Ford or Dodge, just govmnt car.
No Coke or Pepsi, just govmnt cola.
No billionaires, no poor.
No taxes, no paycheck, everyone works for the govmnt.
You retard Republicans want to cry and whine about healthcare and taxing the rich, maybe we need real socialism and not Bernie.
The pendulum swings hard right and hard left.

I don't get the whole billionaires threatening to leave argument. Seems to me like a big bluff. We've seen Chinese kleptocrats try to launder funds through bitcoin before they leave, and ask them how well that turned out. If there is one absolutely functional arm of the governemnt it is the IRS, this week they're onto Facebook like rottweilers for their double-Irish play.
Even if they could somehow repatriate funds, where are they going to go? Somolia?
A billionaire with a lootbox full of gold coins is going last about 10 minutes until the locals have them hanging from a tree, and their lootboxes emptied.
No it's just a big bluff. Everyone wants to be a billionaire in a country with great infrastructure and services. No one wants to be a eastern blok billionaire with a life expectancy of two hours. So tax them, make them pay their fair share to live in a functional society, and sure they will bitch & moan, but in the end they will pay it. No one is moving to the drought plagued Congo to avoid marginal tax rates.

You know your real socialism failed wherever tried (maybe except China)?

>where are they going to go? Somolia?
Their answer is always "somewhere else" because they don't think in logic, they think in emotion. Right wing faggots are emotional crybabies and hate the leftists because they cry louder. Both are retarded, we need more logic and less emotion in politics.

>inb4 hurr durrr centristttt
I'm the silent majority unrepresented US patriot

I guess you like sucking billionaire cock.

Bernie is a big phoney.
He doesn't believe in the shit he spews.
It's all an act.
He's playing s character and it's paying off for him.
He's the king of hypocrites.

Honestly this

>he'll legalize weed
POTUS executive orders can not over rule state laws. Jeez-

I'd like to point out that no one is asking for full on Socialism, just an expansion of things we already have like Medicare and more funding towards public education, you know like the rest of the developed world has for their citizens.

>replaces Bernie with Trump and it still works out

Vietnam too

I'd have agreed with you but apparently you don't know the difference between communism and socialism. What you described isn't socialism and (for the most part) neither is Bernie

a man can hope

why you conservatards always make Bernie out to be better than he actually is?


Wait, and you think trump isn't all those things? He literally has a website of him critizising himself.. What fabricated reality do you live in?

Corrupt corporations got most to lose if Bernie wins. Thats why they try their hardest to label him as some radical left communist using their corporate media. Dont be a sheep and fall for that garbage. Bernie would be considered at most center left in countries that got their shit together.

stay mad lib
also lmao hes a social democrat, id like you to see a real communist

Explain this to me because I genuinely don't know how gay marriage was legalized nationwide and every state had to abide while marijuana would only be legal depending on the state

Perhaps you should read some Karl Marx and the stages of socialism, which communism is one of.

What about anarcho-communism? it doesn't depend on the fucking government for everything, we can rule our own communities if we have the means

Ohhh but everyone has such high hopes ffg or Bern.
Where's the idealism?
Now it's just. NA NA NA Look at others. Ignore Bernie.
Fuck that.
He's a fake.
Stop trying to elevate a fraud

Bernie is too old, he’ll be 80 next year.

Bloomberg or that chink won’t make it either.

The only chance I’d see is Michelle, but she doesn’t want to.

His brain would explode

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communism is when my taxes are raised he screams as the maoist zoomer executes him


Who gives a fuck. I mean seriously

I know Trump lives in your head rent free 24/7 365
I know you seethe daily about the orange man.
I know your TDS is in full effect, but please try to stay on subject, which was the communist that isn't even going to be the Dem nominee.

And what about it?
So Bernies as bad as Trump?
What's the fucking point then?
He should have walked the walk instead of faking it.
It's nothing but a fucking act. Wake up

Look at any country that is close to anarchy. Somalia, Afghanistan? Anything close to anarchy is run by truckloads of young men with guns, working for a warlord. Been done a million times or more in history.

If the Dems were as "smart" and "enlightened" as they claim to be, they would notice that around the western world the far left is a sure loser in general elections. The stories of right wing governments across the west aren't stories of the right winning, but stories of the left losing. Sanders is going to get crushed in November if he's the Democratic nominee. Socialism is a bad word in America. While voters might agree with Bernie's diagnosis on several issues, they don't like his prescribed treatment.

Screenshotting this so I can post in /r/agedlikemilk in a few months

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Previously undecided voter that recently decided for Bernie, here.

Can one of you Trump supporters tell me why the U.S. is #1 in per capita healthcare spending, but we're #35 in life expectancy? I know at least 3 people that have been fucked by a random $1500+ medical bill. Something is clearly wrong with our system, but the Republicans claim things are fine. What is you guys' answer to that?

If you say it's because of Jews/Black People/whatever, I'll just know I'm right to vote for Sanders.

Oh he'll run up huge margins in NY and CA but he'll crash and burn in PA, MI, and WI. He'll probably win the popular vote, but lose the electoral college.

B-b-b-b-but black people are a massive plague on the US, user.

He's literally worse than Stalin. Stalin didn't give felons voting rights and believe men wearing dresses are women.

Some would leave, they'd go back to their own countries because the taxes would be similar. Billionaires come to the US because they pay squat for taxes, John Lennon moved to the US for that reason and he didn't employ too many people.

Your answer to that is a guy who said he's giving free healthcare to everyone who crosses the southern border. lmao. there won't be a country left.

He doesn't know what a communist is.

Yes the kind of Socialism that lets you take a half a million in campaign contributions, and use them to buy copies of your stupid book.
The kind of socialism that lets you vote against having to use the same health insurance options us peons get so Congress can keep there super golden plan.
Must be the kind of Socailism endorsed by
Bernie "the fucking hypocrite" Sanders.

Imagine thinking that if somebody says they're going to do something, especially the POTUS, it'll actually happen. Where's that wall again?

Right here
Book mark it. It keeps going up.

Trumps failures belong to Trump, no one else. Thanks for another reminder about why he needs to go in November.

>I know Trump lives in your head rent free 24/7 365
He's actually tax free, and he's my president so of course I compare Bernie to him, what kind of retarded piece of shit wouldn't?

>I know you seethe daily about the orange man.
He's an embarrassment, but I don't "seethe" over it. Any real American patriot would be embarrassed by what our politics have become. Also, you don't know shit about me, what an emotional thinking argument.

>I know your TDS is in full effect
OK, I'll be an emotional thinking piece of shit too, "I know your TDSS (Trump dick sucking syndrome) is in full effect"

Dope ad hominem, also, Bernie isn't a commie lol. Taper off the estrogen pills, go learn middle school economics, and come back and try again. Also, stay in school little faggot.

Just pointing out how hilariously easy it is to contradict you. The right pretends to be christian, fiscal, and patriotic lol. It seems everyone is just pretending now adays.

A power vaccum leading to warlords is not anarchism, is an imposed situation, not at all brought democratically throught a revolution. And I mean a real revolution, winning a civil war is not a revolution.

> In Europe, Sanders would be considered a "far right extremist"

Well we're not in Europe you stupid fucking retard

And where is the failure?
The economy?

Nope record low

Wall being built?
Nope being built.

Energy Independence?
Nope we're a net exporter.

Trade negoiation?
Nope. Improved trade deals delivered.

Right? We're divided and conquered, hate our fellow countrymen to the point we don't care about their wellbeing or education, would sell out to china or russia if they paid us enough ez, and go against everything the founding fathers wanted for us.


He's not a communist, and actually you have to be a real fucking idiot to not be able to easily follow the money and realize that he's fighting against the corrupt establishment and all the bad shit said about him is shilling and propaganda from those faggots scared shitless that the people are actually going to revolt.

The kind of socialism that gets your wife a job as "Alternate Commissioner for the Texas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission" whatever the fuck that is. Or a job as Dean of Burlington College where she can literally bankrupt the whole school after somehow taking out loans to buy land and funneling money into her daughters private business and the businesses of her trustees kids.

Fuck this old commie

I don't think you realize that people with money can pay shills very easily to spread misinformation. Please stop arguing with bots, we all know he's not a commie.

Borris and Chang are making $.05 a post and need to pay for bread and alcohol.

Hyuk hyuk yeah we need more gubment to take our money and tell us how to do things, like the regulations on healthcare, education, and housing in the US that made everything so cheap and competitive and affordable for everyone oh wait

Even if he does win what are the chances his policies will make it pass the senate

Suck it up, Putin cock sucker.

Oh yea, that wall that had part of it fall over because of the wind, amazing.

Hyuk hyuk yea we need more corporations and banks to take our money through monopolization and destroy our environment, healthcare, education, and housing in the US that made everything so cheap and competitive and affordable for everyone oh wait..

Housing is the highest it's ever been compared to wage in modern history, we have a 20+ trillion dollar deficit with no attempts to reduce it, our fellow countrymen can't afford healthcare, we have shitty education because we can't pay for good teachers.

>He's literally worse than Stalin.
You cunts are fucking hilarious.

No, you see what we really need is for the *states* to do this shit, not the feds. The feds can't do shit, not with this large of a scale involved. But if the states focus more on themselves and have the power and autonomy to do so, and make the federal government less powerful and more of a "Here are the base guidelines" sort of organization, then we might actually be able to create change.

Best part would be that the lib states and conservative states could stay in their own damn lanes and we could stop fighting this war of "owning the other party"

I thought you russkies still warship stalin... did that hurt your soul to write? Was it worth the bread and vodka?

Anybody who thinks Sanders is a communist is the dumbest fucker on this planet

Well, next to people who unironically think trump is doing a good job

Get your LOGIC, COMMON SENSE, and RATIONAL THINKING the FUCK out of this thread. This is a right wing emotional thinking thread, and you're fucking it up.

He's fucking in it for money.
He can't help it. It's in his DNA.
"Redirecting" campaign funds to purchase copies of his "book"
Padding his family income with commissions from buying campaign ads.
Accepting, well, a bribe, for not putting up a "fuss' and endorsing his opponent last election.

He's a fucking cartoon.


I'll be honest user, this made me kek much more than it should've.

So that's your response?


I mean, I'm not wrong.

Not paid by Mexico, also most of the "Wall" already existing was built before Trump, also putting fucking fences and calling them walls is stretching the term beyong recognition

Explain why every commodity in the US allowed to flourish in the open market is markedly more affordable than the alternatives? The poorest people in the US have smart phones, fridges, air conditioning, cars, wifi, TV, playstations, all kinds of shit

>housing is the highest blah blah

its almost like layers upon layers of increasingly untenable government regulation stops developers from supplying enough homes to meet demand

California mirrors the federal government in a cyclical descent into more and more regulations and subsidies that put too many barriers of entry for new developers to respond to ever increasing demand

>we have a 20+ trillion dollar deficit

Yes, so lets fuckinh add to that by giving everyone a free fucking house, a free car, free tuition, free healthcare, and a free fucking unicorn

>i don't have an argument


Reading over the thread, you're really not. Everyone here is too concerned about owning Bernie supporters for being "commies", or trying to call right wingers capitalist bootlickers. No one is more concerned about the bigger picture of "Fuck you I want/got mine," which is exactly where a corrupt system wants us.
What we should really focus on is fixing the systemic issues, which can only be fixed by redirecting power towards the areas that can actually cause change, that being the states. Obviously, the federal government still needs it's own power, and arguably should be able to override the states when it comes to basic things like human rights, but overall, if the states were each like their own mini-country, but with open borders, then maybe a lot of these issues could be at least mitigated.
>The poorest people in the US have smart phones, fridges, air conditioning, cars, wifi, TV, playstations, all kinds of shit
Wow, it's almost like half of the shit you wrote down is nearly essential for basic fucking survival in the modern age. What do you want people to do? Walk 10 miles to work both ways? You basically need a car to get anywhere meaningful, not to mention smartphones and wifi being a requirement for basically everything now that everyone is mostly switching to digital processing for things like employment applications.

No they don't. And even if they do possess such things they likely don't even own them, they're on some kind of payment plan extracting more money that it's worth. Most americans can't even come up with 500$ in an emergency situation.

When you nationalize any industry and eliminate the private sector, there is no competition and while the cost may go down, so does the quality and speed of service.

Politicians who campaign for a public option know that it will drive the cost of private health insurance up dramatically, making it so 98% of Americans have no choice but slow, beaurocratic government healthcare. Little Timmy might be dead before he can get that liver transplant, but hey at least its free!

Americans like the sound of public healthcare but they wont like the increase in taxes. We don't tolerate taxes here like in Europe.

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Better than Agent Orange

Replacing two foot high vehicle barrier with 30 foot high steel bollard is improving existing wall.
Replacing 10 foot high corrugated tin and cyclone fence with 30 foot bollard is an improvement.
125 miles of NEW wall completed so far is an improvement. 400 miles to be completed by this fall will be an improvement.

Mexico is already helping paying for the wall, the new USMCA deal is bringing billions back to the US.
And to top it off, Mexico is actually stoping migrants from coming north now.
So yeah.

fuck off eurotrash,worry about your own shit country

> Wow, it's almost like half of the shit you wrote down is nearly essential for basic fucking survival in the modern age


So the government needs to leave it the fuck alone and let THE PEOPLE, who so far have made every other fucking necessity in the country cheaper and more accessible, make those things cheaper as well.

i miss when republicans cared about the constitution,do us a favor and fuck off trumpshit

The fuck are you talking about, the poorest people don't even have houses you fucking piece of shit, altough a lot have phones from before being poor or because you need fucking internet to find a job.

Second you don't explain the mechanism why regulation stops developers from supplying enough homes, that's just bullshit, developers know houses are a essential thing, so they just increase the price ad infinitum because people will pay, there are enough houses to house everyone, landlords are just greedy pieces of shit.

Also actually nationalizing an industry rather than buy individual instances of a product like a house doesn't increase deficit, so you are wrong, regardless the other person doesn't know that deficit in itself is nothing to worry, that's a product of the making of money based on debt, it will increase always, is only bad when GDP doesn't increase at the same rate

>housing has never been cheaper

I shall correct myself.
Socialism is a stage on the way to communism, according to Marx.

>let the people

lol,americans are to dumb to do things to improve there country.just look at the presidents you idiots went to barack obama to donald fucking trump

2 failures back to back.yeah,you arent smart enough to vote for people who are gonna improve your country

europe isn’t a country amerimutt

You mean, like the workers owning the means of production and not being robbed of their labor value so the costs go down without parasitic CEOs sucking all the wealth?


whatever socialist moron,ive never met a eurotrash id consider educated

the guy who fucked the siamese twins is a regular here, isn't he?

The statistics on unemployment don't cover homeless people, as they have no address to be counted.
Of the 500,000 people counted as homeless in 2018, how many do you think have jobs?

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define "conservative"

and no,it isnt a trump supporter

Not rare considering the US is the definition of Dunning-Krueger

You're wrong, though, at least in this case. While that line of thinking is true for non-necessities, there are certain things that are, well, essential. And it's hard for the people to band together to make these things cheaper when they all need it. You can say that about, say, a product that isn't essential, like high end clothing. But when things like housing, transportation, nutrition, etc are owned by private corporations that are only interested in their bottom lines and profit margins, and who are basically propped up by the government and able to do these things without recourse, there's a problem there.
You're BOTH retarded. How about you go to the little kids corner until you can stop acting like spoiled children?

Awww disproved your point and the butt hurt flowed.
Time to go fuck off to your safe place huh?

>the economy


economy is a pile of shit right now


guess your to stupid to realize its fake just like when obama was president

>wall being built

dont care,republicans should be more focused on the constitution that you trumptards have shit on

>trade negotation

you cant even spell negotation right which proves how stupid trump supporters are.secondly,trump's version of negotiation is throwing a tantrum when he doesnt get his way,just like he did with the goverment shutdown

you snowflakes should just fuck off and realize nobody with a double digit iq wants you in the republican party

>safe place

says the people who cant stop throwing fits over immigrants,sports players and the media

How many live in Democrat controlled shit holes?
How many are capable of even holding a job?
You do know there are more unfilled jobs than applicants right?

> the pain you feel when tiny little ancient ex-feudal states that were ransacked by countless giant wars over millennia are better at anything your ~250 year old fresh continent is.

believe that there are refugee problems here. Maybe tell yourself we have very long wait times in hospitals too. The designation of "third world", a cold war term, actually currently describes nations that can't provide their citizens with basic human life needs. Metrics such as murder rate, incarceration rate, healthcare cost / efficacy ratio, addiction prevalence, recidivism, fair representation, corruption in politics, budget deficit and state debt are used to gauge how developed a nation is.

Now if you could read or comprehend, you'd have no problem finding mountains of evidence from many dozens of reputable, verifiable sources that the united federation of amerussia is dead last in the 1st world. In fact, you have far more violent crime by refugees than our haunted house overrun by shitskins.

That brings me to my final point. If your chauvinism, patriotism and sanctimonious arrogance were even remotely valid and justified, you would not be scared of refugees for one second. To speak for myself, I have no doubts about how well I can protect my family from the untermensch, whether it be middle eastern or american.

It is alright to be scared and to be envious of people for whom your nation's challenges and strife are trivial hiccups solved by common sense. Just know that anyone who hears your ad hominem fallacies ("i'm right because niggers rape your daughter") sees that as confirmation for you not having any facts, data, logic, science or morality to back up your convictions. It is also fine to be too uneducated to grasp the difference between Khmer Rouge communism and Nordic model based social democracy. The world will keep accelerating away from your stagnant swamp.

He has a slim fucking chance. I'd bet money that his campaign has a week or two after tonight when he will almost certainly get absolutely nuked by everyone else on stage.

The reason for his "surge" in polling is just because of the retarded amount of ads hes running literally everywhere which is dominating the conversation right now. It's temporary.

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Part of the reason for that is unreasonable hiring practice, though, not just people not wanting to apply. Every single job that isn't unskilled labor requires at least a bachelors nowadays, and no one can afford the degrees on the shit starting wages they're given. And as for the unskilled jobs, there's always a massive flood of applicants, so even if there's 10 jobs to be filled, there's going to be at least 100 people with the same credentials scrambling for those positions.
Also, it's almost like both sides of the aisle are fucked beyond repair and that Dems vs Republicans isn't the real issue because both parties serve the rich oligarchs and not the people they're supposed to be serving.

[ #TRUMP2020

dilation will be free when bernie wins and gives you healthcare bitch boi

Im voting for Bernie, maybe it's time for class warfare to go our way

You nailed it. The problem is, most people aged 18 - 35 are real fucking idiots. Idiots and communists are a dangerous combination.

> why regulation stops developers from supplying enough homes

Impact fees, zoning regulations, union pressure, time constraints, distancing minimums. The cost of building a single-family home is 1/4 fees. A $350,000 home comes with $86,000 in fees. That's what my house cost.

> so they just increase the price ad infinitum because people will pay

Are you fucking retarded? There are tens of thousands of vacant homes in one of the most popular cities (states) in the country. California housing costs are astronomical but can't be lowered because developers would lose money after all the fees they're paying.

California is the most heavily regulated state in the country and coincidentally the most unaffordable. Impact fees on an entry level "affordable housing" house is $77,000 in fucking FREMONT.

Fuck off, you don't know what you're talking about

Can you back a statement like " the economy is shit" with any semblance of an argument?
Exactly how is it shit?
Is it because an African interpretive comedic dance major is having trouble finding a job in their "field" ?

It's astounding to me the lack of understanding americans have of the advantages given to them by simple things like geography and not having warring neighbors.

He's wrong. Fed law supersedes State law. States can just choose not to adhere to them in which case, someone sues them, and the case makes its way to the supreme court who then decides whether the Fed law is constitutional or not. It's exactly what is happening with abortion rn. It's federally protected, some states are outlawing it anyways knowing full well that they'll get sued for it and it wont actually be signed into state law unless it wins in the Supreme court. Thats why a lot conservatives voted for trump even though they despised him. Issues like abortion are so important to them that they will hold their nose and check the box for anyone as long as it means more conservatives in the supreme court who are more likely to rule in their liking.

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Bernie has my vote

I will love the increase in taxes when my monthly premiums disappear. I might actually go to the doctor regularly when I don't have to pay an 80 dollar copay.

Escape the Iron Age!!
90% of the wealth/ resources owned by 4-5% of the population is no different than feudalist Europe.
Humans can't move forward with Iron Age politics run by Iron Age religions and Iron Age social organizations.
Vote for someone that doesn't take us back in time!

he's not a communist

do you have any other arguments to support your position?

# 2020

How about when your tax increase is more than double what your premiums used to be.
Then will you be happier?


When yours do I will be :)

>Be America in the 19th century
>All dumb degenerates emigrate to America
>Have lowest education level in the world
>Elect the dumbest person on the planet as Chief of Command.
Kudos America


This user actually has brain cells and sees the bigger picture. As long as the conservatives can leverage the federal government, they'll not only vote in whoever is on the ballot for their party, but defend them like rabid dogs. Once they have control over the Senate and Supreme Court, all it takes is getting to the Supreme Court to get whatever changes they want, and anything they don't like, they can deadlock in the Senate.
Solution: Don't tax the people who can't afford it, and tax the people who make 1000000x more than them because they have objectively more wealth than they could spend across multiple generations even if they made literally nothing else.

I'm an evil businessman, Ill just pass it on to you.

Bernie is by far the Dems strongest candidate. I hope he wins the nomination. Trump will annihilate him in a landslide and all you left-wing faggots will be butthurt for another 4 years.

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what kind of "businessman" doesn't earn his first paycheck till he's in his fucking 40s? No, Bernie's just a marxist leech.

You should take a middle school civics class you dumb ass...

>Siamese brothers
>They aren't even asian


>will be butthurt for another 4 years
Their propaganda will tell them Trump stole another election. Hopefully a better hoax than last time.
Their hate knows no bounds.

I Voted for him. I hope it pisses you off.


This time next year, I'll have guaranteed healthcare, higher wages, admittedly higher taxes but not nearly enough to offset my higher income.

Fuck this popsicle stand. My visa should get approved in a few weeks, and maybe you fuckers can figure your shit out. Trump is a disaster. Most corrupt politician in history. He makes Nixon look like an angel.

If medicine becomes nationalized. You the individual will not have to pay for health insurance, also no 'person' liability car insurance and businesses won't have to pay liability insurance either. Why, because it's one healthcare system that covers everyone.
Certainly you still need property damage insurance for your car.


>He makes Nixon
Nixon won re election in 1972. He carried 49 states.

>Be me
>Realize that Bernie is a democratic socialist not a commie
>Realize that Bernie is taking money that the rich corporations STOLE from us and using it for things we need
>Continue to not be a fucking idiot
>Vote for him to piss this fag off

Still waiting for one of you parasites to name one thing you earned that the big bad corporations stole.

And all the healthcare workers work for free. And all the equipment they use is donated for free.
Free free free free free.

I guess this is the internet and baseless assertions are the name of the game. Even the most critical of analysis doesn't show that. Total spent on healthcare in 2018 was roughly 4.5 trillion dollars. The absolute highest estimate for a medicare for all plan would be 55 trillion dollars over 10 years, or 5.5 trillion a year. Which is only a 18% increase in total spendature. If you also bleieve that average costs will go up because more people have to cover the very expensive procedures, I mean it's hard to guess what that distribution is to the entire population, but it can't be more than, what? 50%? Given these worst case scenarios, the most the average premium would go up is in the 70% ballpark, and that assumes that the decrease in administrative fees and the profit margines that insurance companies rip out of the system are zero. It also assumes that there would be no increased bargaining powers to lower drug prices since it's all one agency. It also assumes that nobody would be going to the doctors earlier and wouldn't be detecting medical issues when they're cheaper to treat.

This is the most bad faith estimate, that my relative spending on healthcare would go up 70%. And you know what? Even if it did? Fucking don't care. If that means someone who would have died, didn't, or someone who would have been suffering, wouldn't? That's fucking worth it.

And remember, that's the highest estimate. Most estimates put it in the 3.1-4.4 trillion range, which is a total decrease in total spending on healthcare in the USA.

You're a retard if you think either candidate will sweep the other in a landslide. It's going to be close as it always is. Bernie has a fuck ton of support that is only growing making him a real threat to Trump. Especially when considering the populist crossover voters. Trump has an inherent advantage for being the incumbent and possibly more importantly; for overseeing a healthy economy for the entirety of his presidency. That said, he is objectively super unpopular amongst many voters and is an unorthodox politician in almost every way (for better or worse) so it is unclear if these indicators which have been reliable in predicting winning candidates in the past will apply to him. he has shown political precedents don't apply to him by the mere fact of him winning in the first place. Who the fuck knows what is going to happen.

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Why do you idiots say free?
Nevermind, I know why corporate shills say it.

... But he's not a communist though. He has a real chance of winning in November and I hope he does.

Adding on, I forgot to mention that the costs are expected to be higher for 2020, and go up wiht the current system. So the 55 trillion might even be closer to a lock step if medical costs continue to rise. (which they look like they will.)

Man, you got real mad that this guy called you out on being a drone. It sounds like the reprogramming was a success.

Not a fan of Bernie, but even he never says it is free. It's Medicare for all. You pay a premium for Medicare. You will pay a premium for universal healthcare, and if you have higher income you will probably pay more in taxes. Only fucking retards don't understand that.

That said, I would vote for fucking Rand Paul if he got the Dem nomination rather than Trump.

How about that other republican, Bloomberg? Would you vote for him?

>You pay a premium for Medicare

He's the 'other' rich meat.
Keep it in the family, the rich need a guy on both sides.

They don't mean a literal premium I don't think. I think they mean "You pay a lump of money for it, like a premium package."

That's because we didn't know he was a criminal scumbag yet. He also did a lot to improve the lives of Americans. He's probably the president most associated with improving American standards of living. He opened China and got rid of the retarded gold standard.

He's still a scumbag.

Even when they're on the same side, lol.

it's not "free"you retard. Just because the money will come from somewhere that it usually doesn't (From massive corps and the elite who steal from us all by avoiding taxes), does not mean it is free.

I'm fucking tired of elites and their corporations reaping the benefits of doing business in the US without paying back into the system. For example, they make massive profits from using our public infrastructure while at the same time directly contributing to that infrastructure's degradation without doing anything to pay for it. Working class people who pay taxes are subsidizing the ultra wealthy. they're fucking leaches and I don;t understand how anyone that isn't a million is ok with this.
>B-b-b muh welfare queens
Fuck you.The amount of money wasted on welfare leaches is pennies in comparison to the amount of tax dollars lost to overseas bank accounts and corporate fucking welfare. You're not a "financial conservative" for cutting social safety nets, you're a fucking elitist prick who only cares about tax dollars being wasted when its a brown person doing it.

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Are you saying if you're poor it won't be free?
The poor will have to pay?
Who determines what is poor?
How much is free?

If you're expecting Robin Hood.
You're sadly mistaken.
Once you go down this rabbit hole, you're going to find the road to Hell truly is paved with good intentions.
By then it will be too late.

>You pay
no, you don't have to.

If you're so poor you pay no taxes then you won't pay for it.
What is "poor" is defined by tax code. Basically if htis tells you that you don't need to file, then you're so poor you don't pay any taxes, and thus pay nothing into the medicair for all system as proposed by Bernie Sanders.

The galactic butthurt would be glorious

Currently Medicare is not free, like it won't be if it is universal.
If you get a paycheck, you and your employer pays money into the system. It's called taxes.
This tax would come with the added benefit of ridding you of health insurance.
The poor, which is currently defined by the government would continue to be. Now the poor would get, perhaps to them free, healthcare but they would no longer 'tax' our systems by receiving 'free' critical care at county hospitals. Likely they would receive much cheaper preventative care before it becomes critical.

no worries the soviet union is gone and cuba is cool now user

So if they need more money, they just lower the bar.
And keep lowering it until they have enough.
But there's never enough once you go there.

>I'm right because I say it with confidence.
Way to not support your argument at all. You post was boomer-on-facebook tier with no actual substance. fuck off you sophist

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OP will have to finish off the several other dicks that he is sucking-off at the moment before he can go roaming off in search of others.OP (who is most likely a russian bot or shill) is a huge faggot.

if enough states legalize anything the feds have to recognize it as legal

More like
Rare Millenial clarity.

You people are delusional if you think there will be medicare for all. The GAO haw calculated the cost at $5,3t per yr. More then the government takes in from all sources.

If you take all the wealth from the top 10%, it would not pay a year by itself. Then there would be nothing to tax afterward.

If you believe Congress will pass something that leaves no discretionary money to spend, you are too stupid to talk to.

If you leave the bar flat, that generally means that a larger percentage of people will pay taxes due to inflation, but traditionally that bar has been raised more often than lowered, and republicans routinely cut taxes and increase spending and are hailed as a martyr for doing so while the deficit blows up, but it gets ignored until a democrat is in office. Not saying Dems don't spend a fuckton too. They do, they just generally slightly increase taxes to try and pay for the usa's rampant spending and get a lot of shit for trying to be fiscally responsible, or at least moderately more responsible than republicans.

There's might be flaws in the way the GAO calculated its costs. If you look at other countries using universal healthcare they don't pay anywhere near as much as we do.

There is some type of scam between insurance companies and hospitals. Americans routinely pay upwards of twice the cost of other countries.

If we incorporate better prices along with universal healthcare I would not be surprised if that bill was cut by more than half

Shill, Trumpbot, Russian lawyer you are!
GAO top findings were a 1.8% increase relative to current expenditures.

believe what ever you like-

too stupid to reply-

Also, State and local government spending would go away and private business/ household expenses would drop to almost nothing.

rather have an old jew with good intentions than an old retarded orange faggot who eats putin's cum on the daily

at this point if you still support trump you're clearly a russian cum guzzler.

get fucked

"We estimate that total health expenditures under a Medicare for All plan that provides comprehensive coverage and long-term care benefits would be $3.89 trillion in 2019 (assuming such a plan was in place for all of the year), or a 1.8 percent increase relative to expenditures under current law. "

found this one maybe post your source too user maybe one of us is being mislead.....

>>Mexico is already helping paying for the wall, the new USMCA deal is bringing billions back to the US.
>>And to top it off, Mexico is actually stoping migrants from coming north now.
>>So yeah.
look at this retarded spin...jajajjajaja

nvm just googled this

In 2019, the federal government collected $3.5 trillion in revenue.

def can't afford this one

nigger confirmed

It wouldn't be because any Paco and his family of 10 can go to the E.R for treatment and not worry about pesos.
Or would that be a reason for higher rates.

To all the leftist here- watch the debate tonite. Biden will bring up the cost of medicare for all. I have heard him do it twice. Nobody answered either time.

>>citation needed

I am honestly too dumb to explain the details. The summed up version is the more money insurance pays out for any visit the more
everyone involved profits. (patiant exempt)

you simply can't have a profit driven system mixed with necessary medical care needs. Leads to death from poor being routine.

Only for morons, lazy niggers and potheads.

Can't tonight, working two jobs to pay for health insurance, Congress's salaries, the roads for corporations, and Trump's golfing.

>working two jobs to pay for health insurance
Obama said, your premiums would go down $2500 a year average. What happened. Obamacare not working?

If you don't think it is possible, just ask Greece.

Cherry picked one item like a true Trumpanzee.

And why would we want to step down to their level?

>just ask Greece
ask the New York governor about 2019.

>muh russia

Take your meds, you non-functional schizo.

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You realize that what you said is an oxymoron? Two opposite meaning words pressed together as a description.

no worry OP we prepared

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There's two ways I see for this to be done. Better negotiated costs for medical services. Cutting the bill by more than 50% is key, and we need to be collect taxes. Those loop holes are costing us money and if we this to succeed we need every penny.

The only other way I see is a world effort. 17 countries has done it. Most of then are 1/6th our size. We simply have to big of a popluation for the current amount of revenue created. Even the blue team estimate is too high.

(see previous comments)

This solution sounds like a pipe dream but a world effort is required for universal health care. All countries across the globe most cooperate with one another if we want to generate the tax revenue required to cover the cost.

One world gov required, or a one world alliance.

Too many Bernie threads.
Repubs are spooked.

Not who you are replying to. You do realize you are posting on /b.
Leftist here will state opinion as fact and believe the electoral college is elected. Believe that or not-

The left invented cherry picking.
Obama perfected it.

Ooooo please please please let Bernie not cuck out and get the nomination.

God you are a super moron, just spewing oxymorons like diarrhea. Shut up before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

Trump already has the nod

>In Europe, Sanders would be considered a "far right extremist"
Lmao no the fuck he would not

we should really ban all IPs that are under Russian (USSR) control.
then watch how these anti-Berie, pro-drumph/Bloomberg threads disappear
I don't blame OP
I'm sure Putin will kill him & his family if he doesn't do this

Attached: Bernie.ttF.jpg (1080x1256, 195K)

there you go, people. Your modern democrat party.

Played out dude.
Even Mueller thinks you're deluded.

I know but I can't help but laugh at the anarcho-communist.

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Try harder, faggot.

He is. Look it up A socialist is a communist. Check out all the socialist countries dipshit.

lmao "communist"

Troll harder.

On top of this, hospitals and healthcare centers will no longer need to be so extravagantly expensive because the number of people who get hospitalized and then walk out the door fully aware that they will NEVER pay off that debt drops dramatically. Yes, even for you other chucklefucks that decide to go beyond the usual medicare and get further private health insurance that covers even more bases the costs SHOULD (not saying they ABSOLUTELY will because it's a proven fact that insurance companies love scamming the fuck out of their customers) go down.

Another thing that is never mentioned is that this one change isn't going to "completely GUT the private market of health insurance". It will still be there. It's too big an industry to just let itself die. The private market just won't have a complete stranglehold on your healthcare anymore and will have to compete against a system that isn't "just another insurance company"

naw b, hes our jewgger

>A socialist is a communist
I could straighten this out. Would be wasted effort here-

I'm going to vote for him just to trigger you cucktards