Anyone know how to remove ppp

Anyone know how to remove ppp

Attached: 620270ED-F834-43C4-BFD7-C3FA52CEB422.jpg (326x356, 40K)

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Wart remover. Salicylic acid. You have to keep at it for at least 10 days even if it feels like it's burning.

What is that? What is ppp?

Yo shut the fuck up 821053530 ! Those ppp are nerves, things that giving you sensations during sexe! What the fuck did you have in mind ?! Asking those /b bastard some medical advices, go and ask your doctor in thoses cases !!! You are stepping on the first step to hell here kid ! Never ask anything to anyone here!

cut dick off
start over
good luck user

Attached: ppp.jpg (247x196, 9K)

go ask your doctor, /b is the worst place ever to ask, i know there exist cream

benis ambutatchum

im so glad my parents had me circumcised

Use a match

have lots of sex and get lots of Blowjobs

seriously though - they are normal and no need to do anything about them

penile pearly poppers or something like that

My wife loves running her tongue over them

200 grit sandpaper

Attached: amputation.png (1101x747, 1.13M)

>heil hitler

…and now her tongue has them, too!

Wash your dick. Filthy uncutfags.


this only happens to penises that never have or haven't in a very long time, had sex.

this is the only solution

all yall in this thread telling this guy to wash his dick better not look at your dicks too closely

Embrace it. It has a bumpy and ribbed texture now.

Hey Cred Forums how do I make mustard gas?

not worth the effort, theres cosmetic surgery where they burn them off but no one older than 20 cares
last girl that asked laughed her ass off when i said "those are my lady ticklers"

beat me to it....