If a war were to breakout between the United States and Communist China anytime soon could the U.S...

If a war were to breakout between the United States and Communist China anytime soon could the U.S. justify Genociding those dirty little commies becuase they might be infected with the Corona Virus? Can you Imagine how beautiful it would be! F15's AND F22's CLEARING THE SKIES OF THE PLA! B52's NAPALMING AND DROPPING GAS CANISTERS ON WUHAN! NAVAL SALVOS AND CRUISE MISSILES ON SHANGHAI! U.S. MARINES IN MOPP SUITS EXECUTING EVERY LAST LITTLE COMMIE INSECTOID! IT WOULD BE AN AMAZING SIGHT! THEREFORE I PROPOSE THAT COMMUNIST CHINA MUST BE DESTROYED!

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The US has been genociding people since the Spanish American war would be no different with the Chinese.

we need to clean out the commies here first

At the rate they're going the USA wont have to do anything. They're literally falling over dead in China as it is
>fucking bat eating cunts

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>More like.

>based and edgepilled

Yeah but its still redpilled.


Go back to Cred Forums, schizo

Learn what schizo means you fuckin' retard.

It scares me that humanity makes an anime girl for a lethal virus within HOURS of news breaking

>wasting resources and time to fight a sick country
Stop being retarded.
It's not that surprising considering we've done some form of it throughout the ages. The internet age has only expedited it.

All the signs seem to be there, dipshit

No they weren't schizos make incoherent Gibberish. OP was talking about Genociding commie chinks not incoherent Gibberish.

US army would retreat as soon as a drunken chinese farmer fire a shot.

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List them

Oh god I'm becoming a footfag arent I?

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Except the drunken farmers were disarmed by the CCP

The disease was actually from a cute little aardvark looking fuck called a Pangolin. Which is used in their "medicines" and naturally endangered because of it.

>Justify genocide because your enemy on the other side of the planet has a plague
Jesus christ you're autistic.

>Boots on the ground in mainland china wearing MOPP suits specifically and only because "china have disease therefore kill all china"
>This would look cool to me therefore we should destroy china
>Not a schizopost

> I swear that's the 8th time I killed that guy

A war between them would probably crash the global economy, it's not in anyone's best interest