I hate women

I hate women

They honestly are cunts, they are decietful as fuck and are all so fucking bland and the same. Girls are so boring because none of them differ in personality. Its just a fucktoy and they all look different. But they all act the same.

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You're the fucking same cos all you want to do is fuck any half decent looking girl, one you're even mildly attracted to. Do you see the irony you fucking perverted cunt

Don't worry, I'm 100% sure that no woman will ever find you attractive and interesting enough to actually want to spend time around you anyway!

Find an incel forum and weep about your mommy issues, small dick size and the fact that no woman has ever found you interesting... it's all their fault...right?

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Lose weight fatty

OP - you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate women, because you are weak. You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby - the RIGHT hobby, a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.

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Nobody wants to hear your upvotes and downvotes, fuck off retard

They're not all bad see

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>all you want to do is fuck a half decent looking girl
You know the qualifications for being 'half decent' as a girl is? Fuck all, dont be overweight. Done

Girls have much higher standards. Have to be tall, have to be an actually handsome guy, have to have money and have to have at least a 6 inch dick. Theres others among that too but it would take to long to list.

Women all like the same shit, all hang out in similar status groups, all dress the same. They arent human, they are sandwich makers breeders and fucktoys

Im not even incel lol. I pretend to care about girls to fuck them and then throw them out and never talk to them again then move on to the next slut.

Nobody wants to hear your upvotes and downvotes, fuck off retard

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Thats why I turned gay, I just hate women so much. Its Not even fun dominating them as its their natural position

I just shove their head into the pillow and suffocate the bitch. They love that shit. Stupid hoes

If you actually Look at couples you See that isnt true even the Most ugly poor dudes can get good looking Girls its Not that Hard, thats why I dislike Girls even more its fucking easy to get them

If hes ugly or short, he probably has a big dick, or has money. I garantee you that, women are cold. Its never the personality

I have a friend ugly and poor fucking a 8/10, was in rehab seeing those dudes getting visited by really good looking Girls. Actually shared a room with this good looking retard, walked trough the room naked cus Im a jock I Do sports its normal to be naked. Nice dick, good looking one of the few there actually having money no gf no fuck Most annoying dude I ever met tho

You avoided to answer the the post directly and wrote a bunch of shit about Standarts and how no one wants to fuck you.
I fucked so many women I lost count and I'm 5'7, you just blame everyone but yourself for your shortcomings. Are you working out every day? Are you making good money? You got your life in order? No? Then fix those things before complaining about how no one wants to fuck you. If you look bad, you'll have to work harder for women. But instead of doing that you just complain and cry on fucking Cred Forums. If you're so fed up with them then go celibate but stop crying if you're not doing anything to fix it.
Tl;dr u a pussy

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Lol Ive already said i fuck girls. I have only fucked 2. Got sick of having to put up with their shit. The 2 I fucked i ghosted after I did and threw them out of my house right after I came on their tits. They just had a winge and a cry and left. Stupid bitches

Same with me, I regulary date women get them to make out with me then drop them cus Im Not even into Girls Kinda nice to know theyd smash tho

You could just start faggot thread. its easy.

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One of them was a niggerloving white girl, she litarly called herself a fucking snowbunny on her tinder, I double bagged my dick so I wouldnt get aids and made sure the condom was all the way down. I got a big dick so thats the only reason I scored, she was hot as hell but such a fucking boring and really stupid slut. Just laid or kneeled there taking it put no effort in. I ended up smacking her head into the wall, pulling her hair out, biting her clit, punching her ass. After I was done I grabbed her by the hair and threw her out the front door.

And guess what? The slut wanted seconds but i didnt give. Thats why women are such stupid cunts lol, litarly the nigger of gender

It's really damaging to live your life full of hate. So either start sucking cock, or buy a sex doll.

OP you need a whitewashed Mexican girl. I'll never date a cracker bitch again. Make sure she's raised Catholic, but not too religious, Worked for me, I used to be like you.

You reckon?

I typically go for white girls but Id fuck a mexican

I wouldn't lie about good, loyal pussy user.