Scotfag here, read about Trump helping Blagojevich get paroled earlier

Scotfag here, read about Trump helping Blagojevich get paroled earlier.

The democrat guy in Illinois who sold a vacant seat left after Obama vacated his US Senate seat.

So didn't Trump say something about cleaning out the swamp? But yet he helped free someone who committed corruption and a democrat no less.

Do Americans actually think he is doing good for their country?


Let me hear some genuine thoughts on this from Republicans, how do you defend this type of action?

Attached: Teresa Trump.jpg (540x341, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he's the chief law enforcement officer

Honestly, I have no idea why President Trump is doing this.

From what I heard that the punishment didn't fit the crime. Given the fact I don't much about selling Senate seats I would consider that a huge crime, but I don't make the laws here either.

I hope there is some type of political angle to it, but I don't approve of it.

Not a republican but I've been telling everyone this since forever: He's a Dem in wolf's clothing. The Pubs thing it's blasphemy and call me a faggot, the left spergs out no matter what you say but they certainly don't want to be lumped in with him. He is a lefty Dem from like 60 years ago.

He withheld funding to a hospital because he didn’t like the person in charge of the hospital. Doesn’t matter what side of the fag coin that is I politics, the guy is a huge piece of shit and belongs in jail

So, he's the king?

The angle is sending a signal to all his corrupt friends and criminal scumbags in the country: be loyal to me, support me and you can keep doing your dirty work, making money and avoid the law, just like I'm doing!

Take this to/pol/ asshole

Vaguely agree. While he grew up in New York, he still has a lot of values that make him conservative than a Republican or Liberal.

i.e. Most Pro-life president ever, reducing Welfare, less red tape for corporations, and others. However, I would like to see less government that he has already cut.

>So, he's the king?

He has the power to pardon people, and nothing we can really do about. We can argue about all we want, but doesn't take the fact away he is the chief law enforcement officer. And that grants him powers.

>i.e. Most Pro-life president ever

I think you meant most Pro-criminal president ever.

I always get amused with lefties reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee over the powers that Trump chooses to use, the very powers that they thought were the greatest and the bestest under their "based nigger". It shows such a lack of foresight on their part.

Attached: Angry NPC.gif (570x537, 48K)

>orange man bad
>orange man make me mad
>orange man make me seethe about everything

5 more years for you to seethe. Enjoy!

Attached: !crywithtrump.gif (768x768, 347K)

i was trying to be ironic, he is the chief executive of the united state, there is no chief law enforcement officer. he does have the pardon power though, for whomever he wants except himself.


How is restricting the use of abortion a criminal act?

He commuted the sentence but didnt expunge his conviction. Blagojevich was disbarred and impeached (no pension).

Hes litterally fucked however you spin it.
He also is a friend of Trump. He appeared on the Apprentice


Does that assuage your butthurt typing that?
He's such a notorious criminal, which is why dems had to contrive articles of impeachment in lieu of real high crimes and misdemeanors.


>Most Pro-life president ever
Don't give a fuck about this.
>reducing Welfare
Is he? Show me.
>less red tape for corporations
Again, is he? Also states kinda run the corp gambit.
>and others
Like what, tariffs, increased spending, higher immigration? I know that he's cutting some regulations, but not conservative-style.
>I would like to see less government
I would like to see 90% of it gone and he is barely inching toward 1%.

I do like how he is rebuilding the military, though. I don't agree with these pointless wars in the sand nations, but we have bigger threats coming up.

Blagofag didn't actually do anything, he just talked about it.

I dont give a fuck. As long as he keeps the money flowing to my bank account, he can pardon Charles Manson and Satan for all I care..

Who cares about Rob Bdudqbndkesqlek.....this doesnt impact my life.

dude, how much do they pay you to shill like that?
it's obvious that nobody here is upset,
i get that on Cred Forums, triggering others is the golden rule,
but you just look like a retard claiming it when it's clearly not the case
>inb4 "you're mad!", nope
anyway, just thought i'd let you know, so when others laugh at your transparent shilling, you might get an inkling as to why

Blago wasn't part of the federal swamp that Trump is cleaning up. He's part of the Illinois swamp that Trump wants to make worse because Chicago is a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants.

As president, he technically has the power to pardon and commute sentences. There are no real guidelines on using this power.

>Honestly, I have no idea why President Trump is doing this.
>From what I heard that the punishment didn't fit the crime.
Yeah, the media coverage painted the prosecution as excessively harsh. OTOH, Rod pissed off a lot of people in high places, so kind of follows.

>most Pro-criminal president ever
No he's fucking not. It's not like he let 1000+ drug dealers out of prison. I don't like what he did, but your claim is fucking retarded.

Shilling for what? Not everyone is a fucking robot working for corporations online you paranoid fuck go eat a Paxil

chief faggot, ftfy


>unadulterated seething and screeching

Keep it up, it has been an endless string of entertainment for the last 3 years and I look forward to the next 5.

Seethe and screech to me baizuo, I love making pathetic little internet faggots like you squirm like the little cuntrags that you are.

>misses the point entirely

>still this desperate to claim something
sure kid.

Every president issues super dodgy pardons, the difference is they usually do it in the last hours of their presidency before skipping off out of the limelight. Trump is unique in that he’s done it in an election year in broad daylight, giving the finger to everyone who doesn’t like it. I’m not sure if it’s lunacy or fucking brilliant; time will tell.

>Went over your head

Attached: president.jpg (479x479, 40K)

Keep responding, but before you do next time make sure to dilate.

I don't give a shit and you shouldn't either. why the fuck do yuropoors concern themselves with american politics, is it so boring in shitholefuckistan?

Cutting Food-stamps to 700,000 people.

Also, with low employment allows the opportunity for people to get off other welfare as well.

>Reducing red tape
He is reducing the red tape, as for the exact number of red tape he has cut Idk exactly. However, he hasn't kept to his pledge for ever law he makes he cuts 5. I think the actually figure is for ever law he makes he cuts 3 or 2. (Laws meaning executive orders.)

I’m a republican, used to be a Democrat until the dnc rigged the election in 2016, and honestly it’s Dirty, the guy really turned around and released a corrupted official for no other reason than to piss in the mouth of democrats. I like his style, and honestly I’d probably do the same thing, but he’s the damn president. He needs to be held to higher standards than the rest of us. But there’s no good democrat either. Their both shit eating corrupt bastards who all need to go fuck themselves till they die. I’m even steadying to get concerned about Bernie Sanders. Long story short, it’s fucked up, but what did you expect? Their politicians

I am not American, don't care who is in power, I came here with a question, the only person who is seething is yourself with your tryhard attempt.

>hurrr trump make liberals cry

Apparently this is the only thing drump shills care about

>Marine, CPL 2011-15
>Ordered to send munitions to ISIS by DUAL ISRAELI CITIZEN
>Trump was clearly winning election
>Israeli infiltrator demanded my unit declare loyalty to "America's greatest ally, Israel"
>I said no & refused reenlistment
>Trump wins & wars escalate
>Antisemitism Ambassador declares critism of Israel or Zionism antisemitic
>Trump said "I like take the Guns first" for red flag laws
>Hes a Jesuit who owes debt to Rothschild asset
>Got help from Adelson
>Does anything Netanyahu or Chabbad wants
What do you think Scot/b/ro?

I'm told I'm free and here I am taking orders from a foreigner on my own damn soil. Calling everyone"Goy" at that.

Fucking bitch has no honor. Several Marine's "Suicided" under his command.

Fuck Trump and fuck this ZOG!

But he also helped the following

Ed DeBartolo junior
Bernie Kerik
Michael Milken

All 3 of them got commuted also. All 3 corrupted as hell.

Attached: How to Build a tryhard post.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

What I think is he is a puppet for the corporate heads controlling the strings backstage.

The 1.3 trillion Military Budget increase he declared not long ago confirms this. Where the hell that money is going to come from baffles me, considering right now at 800bn a year budget they don't have enough to give to states to deal with issues such has poor housing etc.

>Cutting Food-stamps to 700,000 people.
Not TO but BY 700k. I did not know about this (thx user) but I feel this is a drop in the bucket when it comes to 200 mil people, or whatever the number is. I'd like to see it cut completely.
>ever law he makes he cuts 5
Yeah, I've seen this in multiple places. What regs is he doing away with? Is it that "you can't sell gum on Sunday" kind of bullshit? I'm glad he's getting rid of shit, I just don't know what he's getting rid of.

>I am not American

Make a thread about your 3rd world shithole, you pathetic cuntrag.

What makes you think I live in a 3rd world country?

Is that the level of ignorance a chunk of Americans have these days?

But again you can stop tryharding, nobody is seething but yourself.

He is a criminal and he is pardoning criminals. Filling the swamp good and full with people who owe him.

>The 1.3 trillion Military Budget increase
I personally agree with this and think it's a good idea after Obama stripped it out. If we got rid of all these behemoth broken social programs, maybe we could focus on some of the smaller areas.

Attached: Tax Spending.png (602x618, 116K)

Nah, it's fine right here. You're free to go back to /pol though.

Hi is a criminal pardoning criminals. Let's see how corrupt he can make the U.S. Make the government just a stinking swamp of corrupt people.

I hope he gets elected again. It's quite the show.

>Obama didn't pardon 1,927 criminals
Yeah, this is what you get with shitty lefty presidents. How do you not fucking know this?

You're not terribly bright. The Left REEEEEE at everything, but the Right should be equally as screechy over some of the shit he's done. Conservatives just have a terrible time admitting they've made mistakes.

I thought all you fags were upset a few months ago about all the crooked people he was firing...

Way to miss the point I made so you can try to weasel in your own point.
Hint, it would have stood on it's own.

he didn't get to sell it, he just said he wanted to

Why is state and local spending included in the pie chart? Why not a federal spending chart instead, would seem more appropriate for the discussion.

>The 1.3 trillion Military Budget increase
He didn't increase it by that much. It's at $738 bil, which if you look here is down.

>"You're seething, not me!"
>"I only REEEE because you are!"
>"Leftists are the only ones at fault for mistakes they make, we're infallible on this side!"
Republican Conservatives 2020

This person is stupid.

Because you don't pay fed taxes to your local shitty schools and you don't pay Obamacare with your property tax. This is what you pay overall.

Say! Who's this semen demon?

Attached: Trumpery.jpg (766x960, 64K)

> facts are stupid

lol kikes are mad

Imagine some Scottish pos having the audacity to ask questions pertaining to a real country where men don’t wear skirts and where notable historical figures weren’t easily captured and killed. Go home to your sheep faggot

Just because you're ignorant and refuse to educate yourself doesn't mean things aren't happening around you. If you shove your head a little farther up your own ass it make come back through your neck.

>you're ignorant and refuse to educate yourself
Oh, show me the truth wise one.

Drained the swamp, filled it back up with bud lite and big mac sauce.

Some random pie chart made in Office 2010. Defense spending has has increased in each of the last several years so how can you and your pie be correct?

No shit Sherlock.

>The only power I have in life is pretending I'm an internet toughie.
Sheesh my boy, perhaps you should start hitting the gym for some confidence?

Blagojevich is alright. The right kind of democrat and Trump knows this.

Explain this, please?

Explains it all.

I can attest to this:

I more than likely outclass you in every important demographic for being a real man you pathetic tranny.

He said a few weeks ago that he would increase military spending to $2.1 trn a year, right now its around 800-850bn a year.

He is trying to increase it by 1.2-1.3 trn.

Libtards wouldn't understand. You could use some Trump University my friend.

Fukin wot m8? I'll plug ya rite gud ya lil cunny

Attached: 1579895675339.png (540x748, 708K)

To make America Great Again libtard. Mo money, Mo bombs, Mo freedom. Get used to it.

>Defense spending has has increased last several years
show it.

Your retarted dead dumb and blind he is a criminal and all of his administration are too should be in prison for the rest of his scumbag life so how many of his administration are in prison already

>if I try using the current 'meme' response (dilate), maybe i can prove how witty i am at using the Cred Forums lingo of the month!

Attached: pathetic.jpg (1200x740, 72K)

1. Your president is 50% Scottish.
2. A number of successful businesses and funds are Scottish based.
3. Your meat industry relies on Black Angus Cows, which is a Scottish breed.
4. Communications helped America come out of the recession in the 1930s, thanks to Scottish inventions.
5. Your Declaration of Independence is based on Scottish Rites Freemasonry.

And so on and so forth.

Just because you are ignorant to anything out your own country, doesn't mean you are more successful.

Prove me wrong without resorting to the childish "hurr durr Londonistan" or some other stupid rubbish.

You got to spend money to make money. Of course, liberals fail at economics so...

$2.1 tril/year? Yeah, I don't believe you.

So have the last 20 presidents. What should we do? I know, VOTE BERNIE!

Not liberal for a start, so you would potentially let your government strip funding from other sources to scrounge up the $1.2 trn needed to build more Stealth Fighters that will hardly be used, because it will make you feel safer from the evil ISIS, when Americans kill more Americans because they get upset so easily and instead of compromise they attack.

Nothing to be proud of.

Also to point out not Liberal.

Nice try libtard. MAGA 2020!

you souind pretty uninformed and your shit's all gay, which makes you a liberal.

>I'll attribute his whoring as a GOP figure based on vague bullshit he did as a white trash media mogul
Do you really believe Trump came to this positions after long contemplation of his values, or what he thinks get him the most votes.
He can't name his favorite bible verse, he never goes to church besides the odd holiday, and on day 1 he squatted his fat ass and found new ways to deficit spend during a stable economy.

The world laughed at us before, now that we've showed everybody half of us is receptive to open fraud opens the age of our decline.

>from other sources
Like healthcare and education?

Blago is a deal maker. Trump is a deal maker. Doesn't matter if R or D, players hang together.

You should do whatever you want just like I do . I don’t like him so I can say that . I don’t tell anyone what they should do . I just bitch on here about him

How come dudes like blago didn’t get his ass beat in prison?

If Trump is out decline, I am ready to go down just to ass fuck the cuck libs.

The ass gets a treat, not a beat.

I don't like him either, but I'm not going to pretend that he's the only one who does it, or even has been the worst at it. Out last admin was one of the most scandolous ever. Doesn't mean I like the current one, but it's nice to not have a complete hoodlum in office. I hope for much better, but I know we're not going to get it.

Not a liberal, also that is true if you are a business and creating more products etc.

But F-35s aren't really a commodity it's a weapon, and they haven't sold much a few to Norway etc. The rest are sitting gathering dust and rust.

Guess economics isn't your forte, or are you projecting?

He did early January.


Anyone corrupt is Trump allie.

>our last admin was the most scandalous ever

you're hilarious.

Attached: crackfox.jpg (236x155, 8K)

Already told you all I am Scottish, and not liberal.

You can screech all you want, it doesn't change the fact you are wrong.

That's it nobody is sure, but 1.2 trillion has to come from somewhere. I can guarantee they wont put up the corporate tax rate (which is only 300bn a year out of 22trn they make which is BS since it should be 10.5%), so people will suffer instead.

>He did early January.
Shit user, just because I'm on Cred Forums doesn't mean I'm here to fight. I am unaware of this. Got anything for me?

Trump is making bank bitch. You become president and you too can skim off the sheeple. Don't be jealous just because you don't have what it takes.

>was the most
I said "one of the most" fake-news faggot. There was Clinton. There were a few others before that.

My cock, down your throat. MAGA

>Scotfag here
Go worry about your own shitty welfare state of a country.

Attached: noonecares.png (528x485, 386K)

OK, cuck

>not liberal
pick one

Ah, so didn't happen. That's what I thought.

This is hilarious coming from a mexican. Go back to your slum shitskin. MAGA

>I agree
>i have no lib rebuttal
no shit

You are not the boss of me libtard. Go nurse on Pelosi's dried up tit bags, cuck.

Why are you using a picture of a democrat?

Even in the official budget paper he asks for the increase, 750bn of it going to the pentagon.

I shouldn't have expected a libtard to understand. Good luck with Bernie, cuck.

I completely disagree agree with you about trump being the worst I think he is by far the worst ever . Also disagree about the last administration I thought at least they tried to do the right thing and they cared about the American people . trump always wants to break the law and rub our noses in it and he absolutely does not care one bit about us only himself always

That wasn't me, OP, just some tryharder trying to be edgy, I gave you a couple of links, wanted to give you the Fox one I read, but of course that has been deleted.

I will hunt out the BBC link when I get a chance.

Not like there is anything you can do about it. Trump is your God now. Learn to deal.

Trump is 50% Scottish. What now?

That wasn't me responding either.

What does that have to do with current day Scotland which is a sad country full of bums living on the doll?

I think he's a shit head. I would love to fuck him hard as shit tho. Make him squeel like a piggy bitch. SCREEEEEEE SCREEEEE hehe

Doll? You mean Dole as in Benefits?

Scotland actually has a low amount of unemployment. We can afford subsidised healthcare, free prescriptions, free tolls, free further education with grants costing students nothing, and among many other things.

Prove me wrong. And also it has everything to do with it, because Trump's mother was Scottish, the majority of your country's history and inventions is based on Scottish people.

Or are you one of those people who think history is only the last 20 years of your existence?

>Honestly, I have no idea why President Trump is doing this.
Really? You've never even heard of money?

hurr durr

You can think whatever you want. Obama didn't care about anything but himself. He wanted to transform America. How obvious can you get? Obama has been placed down at the bottom, most wargoing, worst recession recovery, most unconstitutional, least transparent... he takes most of them.Trump looks like a regular Dem compared to him.