I miss having a decent man in the white house

I miss having a decent man in the white house.

Attached: obama drumpf.jpg (735x985, 106K)

You love BBC 2x over.

Barry and Michaels. I bet you'd love to be spitroasted by them you pathetic nigger worshiper.

All I see is personal accountability.


>Top: total Chad says fuck this fat bitch
>Bottom: total cucked negro caves to his trap wife's demands

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Me too

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holy shit this is my friend sean to a T

This times 1000

I'm 40 and there hasn't been a good man in there while I've been alive

why wouldn't the president have two umbrellas?

None of us were alive last time we had that

You miss a silly fag in the white house thank God a mans there now.

ask the bloated shitbag who cant even be bothered to even offer his own wife some shade.

me to,except your dumb liberal ass never posted a picture of george w bush

You pursued identity politics and simply no longer deserve a good man in the white house. You don't deserve to have your opinions recognized at all, you've lost that right because you are both intellectually dishonest and a racist.

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there hasnt been a man in the white house since george w bush left.suck on that snowflake,i know how much you trumptards hate it when you see a real republican get respected

>making a judgement based on a picture

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so like never ?

Well that was an expensive weave... All those people on the top picture have real hair that can dry

Where's his umbrella?


There has never been a decent man in the white house as long as you've been alive.

Doesn't apply to me.

Try and fail again, disappoint me like you disappoint your parents.

Put your money where your mouth is and post a pic of yourself

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I'm in NY. You can come here and I'll kick your little internet faggot skull in.

You're so pathetic lol

>his own wife
Imagine shit posting so hard and being this ignorant

new york is full of liberal fags,i bet you would run away after dropping your soymilk

?george w.? the man-boy. the guy who couldn't get the war on terror to end because keeping people in fear made it easy for him to profit off of everyone?
you thought highly of HIM? and now you worship trump?

as a snowflake yourself, do you ever vote on an issue or do you always just follow the rest of the sheep?

gods even reagan was a way better choice. at least he worked for a living.

LMAO even on the president’s salary, nigga can’t afford an umbrella.

>and now you worship trump

how retarded are you? people who supported george w bush hate donald trump.he's even insulted the bush family,god you trump supporters are so ignorant it hurts.go back to your nascar and your opiods in your trailer park,leave politics alone

>genetic affinity for thin framed glasses

Attached: jack_spicer_screenshot_by_supuhjailward6_d50bg11-fullview.jpg (400x300, 18K)

that solves it

Navy Seals, anyone?

>vote for an issue

yeah,the constitution.you know,the thing both your negro king obama and the orange man you think is bad has shit on

at least bush supporters acted like republicans

Why are there so few umbrellas? Trump was the only person to plan for weather?

Is there a good video about Michelle Obama being a man?

You miss a man to hug and kiss.

you know the absolute best thing about this pic? since the left and msm lie so fucking much about everything trump related the average person's first response is to automatically assume this pic is either fake or taken completely out of context lol

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one is a pussy to afraid to get wet

one is a man who can handle water on him

This has got to be the dumbest conspiracy theory around. Even if she was a man it would have zero god damn impact on the world.

You know what the best thing about this reply is? "The left" and "MSM" don't exist and there is absolutely no evidence to prove that they do, nor that their supposed claims about Trump are false. It never ceases to amaze me that people can literally deny facts by claiming that they simply aren't real and that their own ideas, supported by NO EVIDENCE, are true.

i can't believe i'm the first to notice something very strange in the first image. i don't see any rain, just trump holding an umbrella on what appears to be a sunny day.

maybe he thinks he looks less like a fat moron when he's holding an umbrella