What are you sad about tonight?

What are you sad about tonight?

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Niggers exist and are holding back the human race.

Hey I'm not doing anything I pay my taxes and don't use food stamps like my fellow white man

My girlfriend is at colllege cheating on me, she thinks I don't know.

My gf and I might be done 3ish years. Over something stupid. Never cared about somebody like her. Feels gay.

my stupid NEET ass being too depressed to make any meaningful changes to my life in my current state

dwindling back into drugs in a way i shouldn't be

cant drink beer 24/7

What was it over?

I have no friends who wanna hang tonight and I’m bored as fuck.

Can’t drink because I’m abstaining from alcohol for health. Fuck me

Its almost 10pm and ive done nothing today except masturbate
I had the whole day to do something and ive done nothing at all

I have to put my kitty and friend of 18 years to sleep on Saturday.

That Cred Forums has become so rife with jewish propaganda, but everyone is too much of a newfag to realise it

I was born a sperg, and I will always be a sperg.

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i wanna eat where the white folks eat
'cause i'm white on the bottom of my feet

realised am a gay trap in the middle of my 4 extensional crisis today so take that as you will

Retarded monkeys infest the planet.

The realization that humanity is nothing but parasites, feeding from the labor of its fellow man. The fact my ambitions outweigh my complacency yet I'll be another Mozart to die on a farm, an Einstein to be killed by forced mediocrity, and a Vincent Van Gogh to expire in a pit of filth and fleeting aspiration. It's the understanding that success is nearly impossible.

I'm sorry man hope everything can get better soon that's some heartbreaking shit

The vastness of the universe has been giving me a bit of an existential crisis.

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I keep eating and I can't get full

i'm a crack addict, and i dont have any money to spend on that's make me so sad

That you made this thread.

Cred Forums is worse now because of Trump. Lots of people who produced content left because they don’t want anything to do with his circle.

Denied by bf sex cause my weight gain makes me feel disgusting. Was trying hard not to cry during foreplay, but now I'm just silent crying next to him while he sleeps.

You're beautiful, love yourself

Can't stop thinking about my ex even though its been so long.

I'm free for the first time in years. I feel great and nothing can stop me ever again. My dad's music is playing and... I CAN'T FIGHT THIS FEELING ANY MORE


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The only thing stopping me from masturbating all day is my low stamina. Consider yourself lucky.

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I'm sad because a bunch of medical bills are coming up soon.

Somehow I've herniated myself and have prostate issues and who knows what else. Hoping it isn't cancer or something like that.

Lose the weight fattie.

Good luck with all that. Hopefully its nothing big.

Thanks user.

I've been stressing out over all this while dealing with constant pain from my entire groin area.

It feels like I've been hit in the balls mixed with a deep pain like being cut with a sharp knife and also like my insides are going to fall out.

Get a side piece, and suck his cock

Not being brave enough to dump my gf just because I don't wanna be alone

And your point is?

Show tits to settle if you are still beautiful or too fat.

Holy shit

That I wrote a novel and it didn't pan out.
I need to write more but my mind has been plagued with the usual bullshit.
Just trying to keep my head above water.

Share pics user

I’ve never had a date and I know I never will

Fuck off schlomo, definition of fake news. Trump's election was the only thing in the last 6-7 years that reignited this place. The content producers were the ones behind the absolute flood of pro-trump memes. This place has gone to shit because of you fuckers endlessly spamming automated porn threads and spreading pro-nigger pro-trap degeneracy propaganda. We had one based mod try to shut your shit down and you replaced him in a matter of days. Fuck yourself you're the reason for practically everything bad in the world.

I admitted I was attracted to children to my wife while she was pregnant, she knew I had anxiety about having kids. (I have a mental disability but I would never hurt a chid) she divorced me and now I seldom see my son. I expressed to my friends that i had a fear of having kids...they always said you wait...when they're born it will just click, and you will love them without hesitation. and thats exactly what happened. but opening up to my then wife was a mistake... she told me to hit the bricks and I never see my son...I love him more than I ever thought I could and want more than anything to be a good father.

You can't trust women user. Ever.

I don't have enough alcohol to stop the shakes tonight.

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Bloomberg is getting roasted

really wanted a democratic nominee with a sprinkle of republican in him to win.

lol america sucks
I had prostate issues too, went to the doctor, waited in line for literally 10 minutes, and got it all taken care of. Turned out it was nothing to worry about.

hope yall get bernie and you can end that archaic medical system you have.

I've come to realize that running a small business is 90% dealing with nigger tier bullshit

bloomberg only knows money he is neither republican or democrat he is a reptilian.

I’m four days into my new job and starting to regret getting it. I’ve actually contemplated going back to my old job that started my anxiety issues.

Explain those digits then.

My high-school sweetheart gf of 11 years broke up with me and I lost my job in the same week. I was looking at rings a few days before.
It was really more the way she completely didn't care and had no feelings for me at all. Never mentioned she was unhappy. I cried like a bitch for months over that girl.
Found another girl who fucked my brains out and she dumped me too, completely out of the blue.
Guess I'm a fucking loser lol.


I've been sober and I just relapsed. Drinking right now

Eat shit, I'll never be that much of loser.

Just general not happy with my broke ass life even tho I should be feeling way better now... my head is clear and I'm just trying to write some more music

One girl broke it off we didn't make it official but we had a emotional relationship. Think she screwed around with a mutual friend. Cant get a hold of her to try to figure it out.

never worked before, I fucked up one course ( is that the right word? ) last semester and now can't take any of the classes starting March this year
had to writte a letter and say I would come back to Uni starting second semester this year
dunno what the fuck Im I supposed to do the first half of the year, it will probably spiral into porn, dissapointing vidya and sadness

at least I cant cry about relationships because I dont have any.... thats good right

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I'd rather die a painful death than have a communist destroy my country

Cred Forums existing

Girlfriend is a cheating slut!! That’s not what I’m sad about. She’s not a hot one. That makes me sad

This hits home like a mf

Tbh, I rather enjoy this dynamic. I love watching Cosmos with a buddy of mine. Him and I usually chill and talk about existential concepts. Sort of helps bring me back around when I’m down. Taking a break from the fatalist mentality of how shit the world can at times, the vast majority of the world is in shit, chaos.

I often struggle to remember I have clean tap water, a house and a decent family. Sagan’s breakdown of life for some
Reason always brings back the equilibrium in my life. How amazing it truly is, that we’re nothing more than a conglomeration of deposits, minerals, organic compounds of the literal universe. We are all made of Star-stuff, and we are all children of the universe.

You fags are my star brothers.

>what am I down about

Job has me beat down. Boss is a cunt and I’m trying separately to find a new job.

lol richcuck
youll either day from your ass bleeding out, or youll go into so much debt from your medical bills the banks are gonna come around and start auctioning off your body parts

good luck

I just watched the debate and realized Trump will easily win a 2nd term...

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Let this be a lesson.
Never - - ever - - show your vulnerability to a woman. Not unless she's a sheltered piece of work out of a Faith Based Community, and even then be careful with what you would dare show her.

lol at all the women haters
incels ruined this board

fyi telling that to 90% of people is not a good idea. them having a vagina has nothing to do with it.

Honestly just been trying to bust a simple nut. Fiancé has been glued to her phone these past few days looking at wedding bullshit and we barely talk.

A few days ago my girlfriend finished me because she apparently doesn't like me anymore, and she has been very indifferent to the whole situation saying that it is not her fault and really this stinks brother because I could swear that I would give my life for her and she more than anyone He knows what it meant or means to me and it is sad to see how all your dreams and all those promises that we once told each other are no longer that they do not even want to speak to me for having said that perhaps I should not have fallen in love in this way all this situation is a mess if I can recommend something is that they see well who they give themselves to who are willing to give them everything and if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend you never promise things that you will not be able to fulfill
and additional to all that shit I'm unemployed in a country of fucking shit

21 years
ccs - vzla

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shes kinda in the right though

>"hey wife, i might fuck our son"
>"okay cool, go ahead and see him whenever you want"

like what do you expect? a mother not to be concerned about her offspring?

Yes, as much as a scumbag he is Bloomberg was our only hope. Everyone loves Bernie but no one who thinks socialism is a bad idea will vote for Bernie. Which is stupid. Because he's literally better than trump.

he should of never used the word socialism, its been backfiring on him hard
We have elements of socialism already, bernie essentially just want to move around the elements we already have to better support the middle class. Which is fine. But we are already "socialist" by the definition bernie is using

using the world socialism though is a good way for the right to mock him, and for centrists to be scared of him. When in reality none of the ideas he is proposing are all that extreme. Like medicare for all? Thats literally a thing in every country, thats not a crazy idea

>Bloomberg was our only hope.
Let's hope 2024 is better

that my solution to issues is becoming apathy and it's wearing me down psychologically. it may be relieving and effective, but it feels like mild depression and a lack of desire to do anything beyond routine.
feel like i'm being hollowed out into a mindless drone that will never be of interest to anyone, socially or romantically.
it should bother me more, but i'll probably just pick up drinking on top of apathy for a compound effect of self-annihilation

found my girl on SnapperBabes and confirmed it was her in the #snapperbabes Kik group

I'm getting divorced and I don't get to see my kid. It's probably going to cost me a lot of money too.

youre not missing anything everything turns to shit

not even on satudays?


Not so far. It's been 2 months. Another 4 months before court stuff happens. I'm disabled so that doesn't help. My car is also falling to pieces. I got the shit end. Meanwhile my ex got gifted a free house and car. lol

sounds like marriage was a great idea

I ran out of cookies

once you legit dont care its hard to see why you ever cared in the first place. one way ticket

grab her phone and scroll around a bit
small transgression of privacy offsets the potential of marrying a bitch that might already be cheating and shit talking you behind your back


haven't found good content to watch while baked
any recs? docu, vice, conspiracy, memes

shit son first quads

It is man! my ex destroyed me... my life sucks!.
The best advice I can give you is, "She didn't ruin your life, she has set you free to make your life what it could't be if she were a part of it.

I am not currently eating pussy.

So I've been talking with this girl for just over a year it's been bumpy and been a long distance thing right before I plan on going to see her suprise move I'm 19 shes 26 we both have our own emotional problems, I love her we have similar intrests and get along well sexually, however deep down I know it wont end well, weve had breakups before and such, but i know no matter what we just wont work out i think we could remain friends but not much past that idk what to do, I'm the type of person who hates loosing friends and such cant stand it hell before I moved there was a barcade I used to go to when my uber pulled up to head home I was in near tears saying goodbye to everyone it fucking sucked, sorry for the rant

For real. I'm free. True true. Same for you. Hope you make it through.

Everything. I’m actually on the verge of becoming an hero.
>Be me
>In uni
>Failing all my classes
>It seems like everyone around me has clicked into that critical thinking mindset, and I just feel like a basic NPC
>Had weight problems since I was 11
>Feel trapped in a situation that I can never get out of
>Never had a gf
The only good thing that has happened recently is that my mom died. I feel like she is the one to blame for all my shitty problems.

The days are going by and I'm starting to realize that maybe the feelings I have for her are mere puppy love. I'm young, so is expected for this shite to happen.

fireworks by the same directory
leviathan is a good documentary

Ill post my watchlist to honor the quads
The Mourning Forest
Liquid Sky
A Cure for Wellness
Penda's Fen
Memories of Murder
Post Tenebras Lux
World on a Wire
Boro in the Box
The Phantom of Liberty
The Gold Diggers
Tales of the Brothers Quay
That Obscure Object of Desir
eDimensions of Dialogue
I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse
Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life
Singapore Sling
Celine and Julie Go Boating
Julien Donkey-Boy
The Decameron
The Endless SummerScore
Yi Yi
The Temptation of St. Tony
The Boxer's Omen

964 Pinocchio
Nude for Satan
Funeral Parade of Roses
Goodbye to Language
The Man Who Sleeps
Mysterious Object at Noon

its mainly weird shit, so take it as you will. but quads demanded it

wen day is dark alway rember happy day

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But you do know. So that means there's something you can do about it and you're not powerless. That's a good thing.

Three years? So you got off easy then. Imagine if you had married this woman, built an entire life together with her, and then she broke it off.

I've never met a crack addict before in my life who could not find a way to get crack. You'll be fine.

He's your boyfriend and if he didn't find you sexually appealing, he wouldn't be with you. "Beauty is on the inside," yeah, but it's on the outside too and no guy is going to be with someone they don't find physically attractive. Go have sex with your boyfriend and tomorrow you can stop eating so many hohos.

Ouch OK I've got no silver lining for this one. You done goofed.

Sad that you're not happy

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I'm still in the drinking and drugs part. working my way up to deciding what I want to do with all my free time to stave off lonelyness

Day got betur

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Thanks friend

> 24/7 anti tump posts
> his circle
yeah, the absolute state of the left. "Everything we do all day long actually is not us, it's Republicans."

I can't afford alcohol or drugs.

Sorry fam. About 3 months ago my ex (who I was on and off, mainly on for about 9 years) said she was seeing someone else. That shit killed me inside. I think I'm over it and then I dream about her. So idk. Just keep pushing man.

uni is getting really hard and i'm not sure if i can pull it off but i'm more than half way through so i have too much invested to quit

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May I ask, is your bf overweight too? It might be him not wanting to dissapoint

A girl "rejected" me to formal by saying that she doesn't want any commitment. I didnt even tell.her, her friend told her I like her

What makes you say that

Why the FUCK do people live in the snow. Why.

Florida exists. Florida literally exists. And fucking idiots say oh hey I better go where it’s cold windy brutal sad and dark all the time. FUCKING RETARDS!!!!!!!! Tropical islands are literally called paradise. You can literally move there. And fucking retards move to fucking small towns in the cold and trap me here.


Fuck bro. I'm so sorry to hear that. Stay strong brother

Joos are faggits

Never posting

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Nah man, people are just assholes. You'll find a keeper my man

You're better off. i would have been 2 years ahead if i wan't spending my money on drugs.you're gonna be fine i you remember you're money is better spent making hem regret dropping you.

>fucked 2 women
user's over here bragging

Lol, I don't want to do.shit after 2 times in a day so I just fap more

black people are actually extremely intelligent

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you've gone against every rule in the book by saying that


Thanks man. her and I still get along great (we got married for a reason) but she feels a moral obligation to be the "good mother" so she can't justify letting me be around hime without her... it's torture. we still have that "love" but she can't let me have anything to do with him alone...the worst part is I don't blame her...I feel like I finally grew up.and stopped thinking about kids that way because now I have my own... and only want good things for him. she gave me an ultimatum...either we have kids or we break up. I loved her more than anything... so I was willing to torture myself mentally. but my son turned out to completley change my life

Amen brother. Same here. 9 year relationship down the toilet

Thanks bro. Maybe you're right, but can't imagine it happening for me right now. It's been a year and I fucked 2 women since then but I still miss her tbh.

GOOD. use that as motivation. Start with walking. Minor adjustments. I'm 3 months in and about to be about 65lbs down. You can do this. It took me a decade to realize this shit. But here I am.

why would you be happy that your mom died

I still dont need to be here.

All you can do is just prove that you changed. Be there time after time after time. Time heals wounds fam.

whats snapper babes?

yup. 10 years for me....i'm very hesitant to get into another.

Nobody can blame you. 10+ years in my case, and bonus, she got fat as fuck.
I never had a problem with it though, she was still hot to me and I loved her to death.
Apparently that wasn't enough, and after trying numerous times to get her back (dumbass move, I know), I decided to stop tearing myself apart over a person who doesn't give a shit about me.

So fuck her and fuck 7 other bitches who look like her. We deserve more.

lol, everyone does dumbass moves. women make you're brain tie itself in knots. great quote fom game of thrones "A man expresses his feelings to a girl, she rejects him, he was not sad. His friends ask him why he was not sad. Why should a man be sad? Man have lost someone who didn't love him. But she lost someone who loved her.

idiot why give your life for someone who doesn't care

i relate to this more than i should.

My nintendo switch dock died...

its not hard to get laid retard, its finding a woman worth starting a family with thats almost impossible.

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Cool quote bro. I'll remember that.

Tom Steyer got cheated out of the debate :(

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Hearing about some of you guys getting your 7+ year relationship end, really helps my case
My gf just ended a 6 month relationship due to lack of time studying.
Claimed that the last semester of school really did a number to her grades and really stressed her out.

I’m getting by but you definitely learn something new after a relationship ends

Found out a week ago my Girlfriend of 5 years has been cheating on me throughout our entire relationship with her ex boyfriend and other guys as well she then broke up with me when I wanted to talk about it with her she was the only person who showed me any love and didn't make me feel bad about my looks

if you think success is impossible then your ambitions in fact do not outweigh your complacency

A fucking shemale sent me to the fucking friendzone

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She has a nice cock post more

You can do it user, you've come this far! You can do it.

> mfw thinking of you hurting