So who was in the wrong?

So who was in the wrong?

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the media

also, skittles

Nigger is being nigger.
Spic follows nigger.
Nigger attacks spic.
Spic shoots nigger.
Nigger is kill.

I see no wrong here

whoever was the killer is wrong.

your moms, you seem like a waste of air

hey, try to post something that is at least recent, if you're going to try to make a troll thread.


You are.

both are from filthy lesser races, so frankly my only disappointment is that Zimmerman ain't dead too

Fucking hilarious edit though, anything to try and hide the fact the man is a spic

The white supremacist neo-nazi George Zimmerman-telegram tracked down and assassinated an innocent straight-A highschool athlete child, Trayvon Martin. George was acquitted by a white supremacist jury in a white supremacist state, in a white supremacist country.

Dat b a tough choice, ooga boog booga

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Spics hate niggers just like us

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>be neighborhood watch
>see someone trying to open random car doors
>call police and follow him
>dispatcher tells you to not confront him
>get out of your car anyway
>get blind sided and tackled by a 17 year old football player
>your old hispanic ass with asthma is getting your head slammed into the ground
>you draw you legally owned gun and shoot and kill the assailant
>media calls you a white sepremisist despite you being a spic
>media calls you a murderer despite you acting in self defense
>thugs brother says thug was selling bibles but had a screwdriver and other tools on him
>be publicly shamed for close to a decade for protecting yourself

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>During a search of his backpack, the report said, campus security officers found 12 pieces of women's jewelry, a watch and a screwdriver that they felt could be used as a burglary tool.

Ah yes, the European approach to self-defense.
Remember to kindly show the burglar your daughters bedroom so he can rape her and move on and don't try to fight back because you might accidentally kill him. If you fight the assailant there is a chance that you or him might die but this way only your daughter gets raped so everything is ok.

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you are probably the dumbest person to live. he walked over to him away from his property. this wasn't self defense until he approached the nog. im not defending the nig for what he did but walking off your property with a gun and the intent to kill is not responsible gun ownership. that's just being a fucking retard. he is the reason liberals are calling for gun bans despite the responsible people putting in work and being safe with their weapons. you sir are a dumb ass for buying the story this idiot threw at 911. Anyone can literally say that about a nigger nowadays and be "justified" by the media and the public in mass because of the 13% and growing number. hopefully you don't bump into some idiot with a loaded gun one day cause then you will know what it feels like to have no rights, dog.

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He had a conceal carry permit. He could walk just about anywhere with it. I walk just about everywhere with mine. If someone was following me the last thing I would do is attack him. Why, because I assume everyone is like me and is carrying a gun. It's why I don't get into shouting matches or fist fights. What is really crazy is how that got all the attention and not any of the other ones.

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lets just be clear here. this guy hunted down a nigger then he busted his shit up to prove he was beaten. end of story. i don't understand the very reasoning behind people believing his story. anyone that was in his situation would cause self harm without any qualms to justify a death. a death is not just some random occurence in the U.S. vs other shit holes in the world.


>then he busted his shit up to prove he was beaten
>just like the poor innocent lil nig was selling bibles for his local church in an attempt to raise money for his poor neighborhood

or wait there is no proof of either of these things

thats my whole point junior. that you can't believe anyone. this guy isn't a credible human and neither was trayvon martin.

The schwoggie didn't do himself any favors with those facebook photos.

I heard Tray was spreading the Good Word the night he was ruthlessly exekkkuted.
