I cant wait until pete bootyjudge is president

i cant wait until pete bootyjudge is president

eat shit trumpers.were gonna make america gay again

Attached: pete-buttigieg-mom-anne-montgomery.jpg (790x530, 47K)

America is plenty gay.
>That's part of the problem.
Pete will not be allowed to proceed.
It's Bernie vs Bloomberg
Bloomberg wins the contested convention
Take the night off from work when that goes in btw.
Don't get killed by the Bernie Bros.

>the night off work

>he thinks americans work for a living

there's a reason why the only person you wanted as a republican president is a billionare daddies boy

the jobs and people willing to work at them left your shit hole country a long time ago

also,bernie got fucked once.he'll get fucked again

I don’t think the superdelegates give it to Bloomberg in a contested convention. Pete or Biden would likely get the nod in that case. Big mistake though. I think Bernie has the best chance to beat trump.

rent free

Attached: 1582174422511.jpg (552x679, 49K)

>dont get killed by the bernie bros

>he thinks the left owns guns

thankfully i live as far away from these left wing retards as possible,and even if i didnt.i own guns because im not some faggot trumpshit or a commie leftist


We don’t care about Donald trump, we’re focused on the future.

I’m a leftie with a few guns.

I see the
>Seething Euro Poster

Hey, did you enjoy getting turned away from the NHS you seething Racist/Sexist?

retards who wear hammer and sickle bandanas dont count

but at least we can be proud of one thing.eventually you lefties are probably just going to use your guns to kill yourselves with

I think Bernie could beat Trump. And I'm voting for Trump.
I suspect though that they Dem Elite Super Donors, who asked Bloomberg to come into the race, will have the Super Delegates (Under the auspices of the contested convention) to give it to Bloomberg in exchange for his fiscal fun.
Thus blocking Sanders.
Pete is basically done.
And Biden was never running in the first place.

I can't wait until jews fully take over America. It's time to end the charade.

In my state there is a Commie Gun Club. The Far Left has their 3d printed Ghost Guns. They used them in the attack on the ICE Facility. I don't know who spread the dis-info about the Lefties not having guns, but the Far Lefties have them and they will kill you.
You're the Oppressor.
This is a Revolution.
God you are low tier.

A Jew in office, did you see what the nigger did?

niggers can be jews to

Despite all his rage he is just still just a rat in a cage.

bootyjudge can't win.
Dems need 90+% of the black vote to win, and blacks won't vote for a gay president.
Oh don't you love internal factions of a party that still shit all over each other? Its almost like the republicans all over again.

>blacks wont vote for a gay president

tell that to barack obama

besides,who else are blacks going to vote for? donald trump? LOL,a sack of dogshit could win the election if its against donald trump

eh, don't ask me, research the numbers for yourself if it all interests you, don't shoot the messenger.
