Be me

>be me
>23 years old
>Still in college, I dropout a lot back in the day
>actually getting serious about I should go to study now
>Overcoming my social anxiety
>All professors, ALL classes got cancelled for the second time now without telling me or anyone, for no reason

Are they trying to fucking with me? I know cancelled classes are based but atleast tell me so I don't needs to haul my ass to find out if my professor is lazy today. I didn't paid tuition fee for this.

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Bad luck user

complain to whichever department dean you need to

I did, but I doubt they would do shit though. I hope atleast they don't give me C grade because the professors are lazy lmao and my gpa is shit right now.

Keep doing these things
>Still in college, I dropout a lot back in the day
>actually getting serious about I should go to study now
>Overcoming my social anxiety

And don't let their bureaucratic bullshit bum you out, because sounds like that's not in your control anyway

I fucking wish I can do that user, I'm unironically asian neet who live with my 53 years old mom, who will be retiring in 2 years. She's the only our source of income.

Also my dad is a schizophrenia who needs his pills everyday. Good thing he's divorced with my mom and he's living with my grandma but being an asian, you know, they just want me to take care of them in their old life AND for some fucking reason every jobs here they want a goddamn bachelor degree. They don't care if you're as smart as Steve Jobs they wanted degree. So I had no choice and the time is running out for me and my mom.. sorry for the long rants

I know how ya feel to a point (moved 1000 miles away and had family call the cops to do a wellness check after I didn't check in for 3ish days, 3 years after I moved)

Wish I could say it get's better but some family will never respect boundaries. Still, keep moving forward, and realize that even if they're family you still need to find what makes you happy. Sometimes we need to just admit we can't support everyone in our lives an just support ourselves.

Hope it all works out for you in the end.

Man, honestly I only cared about my mom. She is the only ones who actually raised me since I was a baby (my dad divorced her when I was 2 and he doesn't even give us any financial supports back then) and actually my dad is the ones who wanted me to take care of him, while my mom said "it's okay, I can support myself. All you need to do is just to look after yourself and your mentally-ill dad" but man I feels really bad if I don't actually get a good job and supporting her like what's she doing rn.

All I can really say to that is... well fuck. I guess just realize there's a balance.

Life sucks and sends most of us up shit creek without paddles. What I would focus on is the fact that if you really want to achieve your goals, get a good job, and support your fam, you gotta focus on you first. You can't maintain enough of a surplus to support your dad if you aren't supporting yourself first. If you only support him and never you, you'll burn out and crash.

Right now if I were you I would do my best to ignore the pressure and think about what you need to succeed as an individual. That's the only way you're going to enable yourself to actually support your dad long term. Might be tougher for your dad/stressful to your mom/look "bad" to them in the short term but looking towards the future it's whats best for everyone.

Alright, thank you man. right now I just going to study till I graduate. I used to get jealous of my friends and pathetic upon myself why I can't do that compared to them, at the same age. But at least now I'll try my best and I hope I don't waste my time again like I used to.

The good thing is my dad works in government agencies, as environment agent. and he can relies on the gov's medical aid for now until he has finally retired. maybe for now I guess I'll just prepare myself and my mom first (she works on the corporate company and she doesn't get the same benefits as gov agents do)

Again, thank you. I never talked about this to anyone on the internet before and you really helped me.

I'm glad that I've helped. Honestly wish I could do more. I really feel for you in your current position. I know it's corny and I usually just troll here, but this just kinda hit home for me.

I hope you the best, and that you can achieve all you can in this world. Most of humanity is still dealt shitty hands. We gotta play them as they come. Wish I could do more but that's life. I really hope the best for you.

BTW, I myself am a college dropout (twice) and really relate on the whole "jealous of my friends" deal. I'm 26 now, so a few years ahead of you, and am starting to realize how little that means as long as you keep pushing forward. Your success will not be dictated by whether or not you graduated at the same time as others in your age group in this economy, but more so by the effort you put in and how you utilize the skills you gain. I don't know you but I'm cheering for you dude. Keep up the good work.

I know, I mean I usually seeing most Cred Forums posts as shitposting but damn you're actually nice. I wish for you to succeed too, sometimes life fucking sucks but what else we can do right. thank you again and I hope you for the best and wishing you all the luck man.

You just made my day. I'm here to shitpost as much as the next user, but sometime ya gotta get real and and help a bro.

chads always helping the other chads, it's simple user :)

Yo, we're on /b there's no chads here.

Unironically same

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Same, just dropped out of my 2nd university last semester (depression social anxiety, not fitting in) and most of all the lack of structure compared to being a marine brat and military school.
Just keep moving forward and make sure create healthy routine for yourself outside school (diet, exercise, relationships, etc.) make a goal to turn yourself into a fit robot designed to succeed in school

And most of all have a vision of what you want to do with your degree and whenever you feel discouraged reflect on that

Keep trying dude. I have a homie who graduated at the age of 26 in electtical engineering. He's making mad money now and in only two yrs.

I've already posted a lot in this thread, but I do want to point out one of my dads old college roommates.

He spent his college loans on ski trips and shit, dropped out with a ton of debt, was fucked for a while, now has his doctorate in some form of computer science. Times were different, yes, but I still think this sort of thing can happen

Talking about military and marines, at some point I was just give up everything and wishing that I'll win the US's green card lotto and joining the marines lol. but welp it's not like my luck is that good anyways so..

where u at user? I'll gay marry you so you can come over.

lmao I'm in SEA, I don't want to join my country's armed force because it's so goddamn corrupt and power-hungry generals

Quit being a fucking baby and just go to class and do the work. Decide to finish.

offers open user
fuck you. Struggles are real and this user seems like he's struggling. At least he's not one of the assholes tryna be like "I'm gonna an hero don't stop me"

I used to dream as a kid that I want to be the US marine lol, would be actually badass as hell.

Look I wouldn’t worry about anything. Your right on track. I go to Bama and there’s plenty of people your age and even older I know that are in my frat. You need to take a breather and chill for a second. Your honestly freaking out about nothing. Your right where YOU need to be. Take it from me a total normie. I wouldn’t listen to the other post they’re all virgins who put other people down just to make them selves feel better. I’m a “Chad” according to the pathetic life forms on this website and for someone who has his life completed on track (for the most part) I can guarantee that your freaking out about nothing.

Sounds a bit like me in 1-3 years

But how would you deal with the OP's situation then if it's happening to you?