Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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They dont.

We don't . we want compassion and humanity.

So they vote democrat, same reason they want no id voting.

Why did they vote a nigger in office?

to troll you

They do

It's called charity, faggot. Ever heard of it?

I see, so what do we do?

They Don't? [citation needed]

Sanctuary cities for one

That's not open borders. Just protection from overbearing, CBP that want to just take out fuck up the lives of immagrants just trying to navigate a confused system.

Try again?

Nice spin, except those "immigrants" came here illegally. And now your team is openly protecting people who commit crimes after the fact, EVEN THOUGH they say oh no no we're not gonna do that. So what's your next spin for that bullshit?

I don't speak Taco Bell

Is this faggot talk for "I lost"?

The crime is that they are desperate, willing to give us their labor, blood, sweat, and tears, and the "rule of law" doesn't give a fuck about compassion, and sends them off to the "back of the line". Then uses a broken underfunded system to basically keep them out by making them wait some fraction of a lifetime till they give up.

Nice way for the richest most powerful nation of the world to behave. This is not how i want the system to work in my name.

That nigger transported almost 2 million wetbacks back to their country. Way more than any republican president ever has. Make sure you dont fall for the political kool aid

Dude shut the hell up. No immigrants should be here. The u.s. should stay where it is and control national jobs markets and economics. Upgrade infrastructure and deal with poverty. Get the schools running a lot better and fo something about the homeless. I say yea fuck the immigrant issue but keep a firm hamd on it while protexting our national interests/citizens

To watch the civilized world burn.

Why has nobody given the answer yet?

Oh please, so they should all be allowed here because it's not easy to migrant here. What a ridiculous argument. Bet you only feel that way because they're all brown too. Would you say all this bullshit if they were all white? Probably not. Same fag who thinks it's "racist" to expect minorities to take math courses higher than algebra.

There's no reason we can't do all of that. Why are the illegal immigrants even able to find work? Why not root out the problem by going after the employers? Why attack the most vulnerable so fiercely?

We are the greatest nation. why the fuck do we have to be so punitive?

Why not do both? Oh right, because your team would prefer they all be on welfare instead. Is that right?

Frankly i don't care what fucking color they are.

I care that they want to be productive members of society, and add to our labor pool to make our economy stronger.

No, we would prefer that they work hard and have the ability to work hard. ANd not have to hide and scurry like little cockroaches.

They need to be treated like the humans they are.


The politicians want it because eventually the illegal aliens, or their offspring, will be citizens, and they think it's a massive voting block for democrats
Some minorities are hoping to make themselves less than a minority or a majority. It's like if as a white american you move to Japan and then advocate for open borders, hoping to get more americans and europeans in there.

I'm not sure they did until orange man wanted a wall. they are a reactionary bunch considering how leftist they are

Because regardless of the people hiring those people, the illegal migrants are /ILLEGAL/. Meaning they broke the fucking law. Knowingly. So yeah, punish the people that are hiring (oh wait we do) and send the illegals back to their country and they can try again in a few years. And by the way don't try and make it out like they're coming here and breaking the law and risking their children's lives to go with coyotes or cross the desert. They're not. They're coming because they know they'll get away with living in a sanctuary City and that they will make enough money to send it over the border to others. They aren't here for us. They're here for them. I feel no sympathy for someone breaking the law and risking their lives so they can subvert the system. Oh yeah, I'm a LEGAL migrant. I did shit the correct way, it didn't cost much and took about a year to get residency. Anyone who comes illegally is a piece of shit.

Basically this. White genocide is very real but ultimately the politicians just want to cement a permanent slave class that in-fights and relies on the government for everything. Saying kill whitey and tax his shit is the carrot on the stick for all of those short sighted faggots

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They should have thought about that before scurrying across the border like cockroaches. Act like a roach, get treated like a roach.

Whatever orange man supports, they are against. Even if it was something they used to be for 5 or 6 years ago.
Orange man wants to pull troops out of middle east and not have all these needless wars and now it's "oh no, so wreckless, muh middle east stability". Even as they raked Bush over the coals on it.


This right here is the problem. There should be no "Teams". we'are one country. we're one team. Splitting off into teams is what is breaking this country apart.

You wan tto make ameriaca great again? Don't let yourselves be divided.

I needed to blow off some steam before bedtime. Good night, and good luck.

you mean, cucaracha


They can't if people choose not to hire them. I see slow lazy fuckers taking ages to get shit done. Secretaries not touch typing. All the workers around are a bunch of posers, and I'm wondering why I don't get employed. How the fuck do retarded assholes get hired? I spend all my time educating myself and exercising at home. I try to take as many tests as I could to show for it.

It's like stupid is the new smart. I wish I got any kind of degree before I got expelled from college.

It is vital to understand that there are no collective solutions to these unconscious, collectivist problems. There is no political movement, collectivist messiah, or legislation that will rout out this evil from humanity. Recognize that the world is unconsciously supporting debt and death. Humanity empowers these cunning men with all of their consumption, careers, votes, views and thoughts. What is worse, humanity is so inured in the debt and death paradigm that they would kill their brother to keep them in their own chains. The ONLY solution is conscious, individual solutions. Realize that you cannot change the world to be happy and free, you can only change yourself to make your world happy and free. By understanding this you focus all of your attention and persistence into things you can control. Your friends, family, skills, and real tangible wealth.

So you want them to "be productive" but you also want people who hire them to be punished? How the fuck does that make sense? You're just saying literal bullshit at this point to justify illegals being here. Because that's the official position your team has taken.

You being a legal immigrant makes you "privileged" to the left, that's the problem

Perpetual Trump NPC troll thread detected.

Status: ridiculed.
Disposition: retard ignored.

Why is Trump a criminal enemy of this nation who just pardoned 11 other conmen and tried to cover up Russia's involvement in the 2016 election?


Voter ID is voter suppression. It does NOTHING but eliminate lots of seniors, students, poor and other demographics from the vote for crooked subhuman Republicans to try to rig it.

for more cocaine

>This right here is the problem
>Even though my side is screaming vote blue no matter who

Why is Biden's son on the board of a Ukranian oil company, then when the company is under investigation by the Ukraine government, why does Biden fly over to Ukraine and say the US will only give $1B of foreign aid if they fire the prosecutor looking into that same company?

ONLY way to get people ignorant enough to vote Democrat. Also, they're looking for a new minority group they can call "niggers," since Black Americans are waking to how they've been used by the Democrats since 1964. And some Black Americans even are beginning to understand that the KKK was/is a Democrat organization.

What is American dream if borders closed?

Everyone can dream in their own bed, in their own shitty country.

To be fair, the democrats of today are not the same as the democrats of 100 years ago. That's like saying you won't buy a Volkswagen because Hitler helped start the company.

Then you should find one of those other shitty countries to call home.

You need ID to drive, to use student facilities, to buy alcohol & cigarettes, to get a loan, to get your welfare and other subsidies, to rent an apartment, to borrow from a library or use library computers. Why exactly is it such a hardship to bring an ID to vote?

Seems to me it mainly prevents people from voting using other people identities. Without voter ID all you need is to know the persons, name, address, and whether or not they are coming to vote.

Can't, they won't let me live there. I'd be an illegal immigrant.

anyone got that webm of the bitch with the ukulele singing about building the wall and deporting mexicans? been looking for days

"American dream" was never based on "come here illegally and the democrats will not only protect you, but will give you services and privileges our own citizens don't even have"

>Voter ID is voter suppression
This is the same fag who will cry about muh Russia in November folks

How about "There's a hole in the sky where a tree once was"

Trump just tried to bury the fact that Russia handed him 2016, by the way. Did you read about that? He tried to bribe Julian Assange with a pardon if he'd lie about Russia's involvement.

Yes, and I'm sure there is hard evidence of this, besides a "source" in the "white house"

Sam Hyde is so damn prophetic
>asians will inherit the earth and that whitey is done
I thought that was true before Corona Chan started fucking up Chyna now I'm not so sure. Its pretty sad that people don't know what the fuck is actually going on
You need an ID to drive you dumb fuck. You're basically saying that certain groups are too stupid to go to the fucking DMV and should be exempt from the most basic laws of a civilization while also receiving welfare from the tax payers. Kindly neck yourself

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How do you figure? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only students voting should be college-age, and they require identification for registration. Seniors should have state-issued ID or license, especially considering most receive some type of social security or Medicare. As far as the poor go... If they get food stamps, section 8, etc., they SHOULD be required to be identified in order to receive them.

Convicted felons lose their right to vote despite being born in this country, yet Democrats want to give those same rights to people who, technically, commit a criminal act by coming here through the wrong means. Now, think about this... If you smuggle an immigrant in and get caught, you could be hit with a felony charge, stripping you of the right to vote and that very same immigrant could legally vote.

As far as naturalization goes, I've heard that America is much easier to gain citizenship in than other countries.

>You're basically saying that certain groups are too stupid to go to the fucking DMV and should be exempt from the most basic laws of a civilization while also receiving welfare from the tax payers
That's exactly what that fucking faggot is saying, that "poor people" are stupid and can't figure out how to get IDs. But when it's come to collect that fucking welfare check and food stamps, BOY they sure can find that fucking office real quick. You gotta love how that works out.

buy guns. wait till race war.

If you think ID is so important, why have the Republican trash never suggested to make them free and able to get at any time from many places? It's because their Voter ID retardation is nothing but minority suppression and an illegal poll tax. No. kill youself. Even the Supreme Court bitchslapped them down for their blatant rigging attempts. It's on the fucking record.

Oh, speaking of records, there have been 17 investigations into so-called "voter fraud"--every single time the conclusion was the exact same: it doesn't fucking happen. Even the enemy shitgibbon had an investigation into it and all they found was two Trumpanzee rednecks who voted twice.

instead of fixing their country bring uneducated spics here and ruin our country. wow such good idea.

>don't want border patrol to keep them from getting in
>don't want a wall to stop them coming in
>want to defund ice and praise sanctuary cities so they can't be kicked out once they do come in
>wants citizenship for illegals living here for a while

Sounds to me like open borders with extra steps.

3. get mowed down by fed up members of your own "race" and/or used for target practice by cops when your Tard Uprising fails comically.

so are you saying niggers are to dumb to get ID? thats pretty bigoted.

Dude, a state-issued "Real ID" is dirt cheap. Driver's licenses are far more expensive than just a standard-issue ID.

Nobody really wants open borders.

So now the excuse is that IDs aren't free? Funny though how they have money for cigarettes and lottery tickets though.

.t nigger

We can have open borders or we can have a welfare state. We can't have both. America is rich, but not free healthcare and benefits for the entire 3rd world rich.

Call me racist all you want but i want our jobs to go to Americans. I want housing to be affordable for Americans, instead you have beaners competing with us for housing because they're happy to live with 10 roommates. It's disgusting.

In reality "poor people" just means illegal mexicans that can't get ID's because they're illegal. Can't have all that cheap labor if all the cheap labor keeps getting itself thrown the fuck out
They just want a damn slave class that votes for big government to turn the USA into the USSR. Getting their lawns mowed and tacos made cheap before communism is implemented is just the icing on the cake for them. Those fucking commies know they need desperate illegal votes to get into power and they'll get it any way they can. People that are self sufficient or at least not licking sewer pipes for nourishment don't vote for communist governments. illegals voting for gibs and champagne socialists voting for power vote for communist governments. America is fucking dead. One half of the country hates the other half and its goes both ways. The 2020 election will most likely be the last election for this republic because entire families fucking hate each other over politics at this point. The demographics are also completely fucked with entire sections of america being polar opposite to the other parts

ICE are racist, unruly criminals. They need to be erased and rebuilt as a legitimate law enforcement agency instead of the official Klan chapter of the police force.

Sanctuary cities are PROVEN to make cities much, MUCH safer for the people and easier and safer for cops to do their jobs.

If we could trade the worthless welfare queen red state white trash for the current illegals who just want a good opportunity for their kids to grow up and who pay taxes and hold jobs for year after year in this wonderful country, I'd do it in a fucking attosecond. The Right and retarded dead weight and always have been.

It's open borders with steps because the dipshits that put the steps in place think they're fooling the "dumb redneck Trump supporters", but it all goes back to that meme of the dipshit putting the stick in the spoke of his own bike and blaming someone else.

Biggotry of low expectations in action folks. Literally everyone has a fucking ID you mong.


Nice Faux News stereotype, asshole.

And did you miss the bit where poll taxes--any cost incurred against the citizenry to vote--in blatantly and explicitly unConstitutional?

Don't you get it, dude? It's the era of "gibsmedat"... They expect everything for free. All these safe spaces and antidepressants have motherfuckers floating around in a euphoria where money grows on trees and shit just appears in their hands without a single ounce of sweat or effort.

White liberals in metro areas don’t make enough babies. Also Mexicans are naive on constitutionality & free markets so they’re easier to bribe with socialism

watching my liberal faggot uncle getting chastised at christmas and not being able to defend his position on anything besides spewing buzzwords and shit he heard on the daily show was the best part of the holidays.

Only me mentioning drugs huh
While you guys feed whole Mexico with your cocaine consumption haha

You're retarded.

>everyone has an ID
You're also wrong.

Why can't huwhites go back to Europe?

It's ILLEGAL, Asshat. Kill yourself.

>CE are racist, unruly criminals. They need to be erased and rebuilt as a legitimate law enforcement agency instead of the official Klan chapter of the police force.
Yeah, all those hispanic border patrol and ICE officers, a bunch of hispanic Klan members for sure

Morality as they say leads them, but what they really are after is more people to vote for them as they have seen that their black base is starting to catch onto their free shit mantra. Now that more blacks are catching on hopefully they will not vote for either side that deserves they spot & not decide based on the letter alone.

ya illegal spics don't have ID. except in california where those mongoloids can go the the DMV and get a drivers license.

A lot of them don't

Insurgencies are fucking impossible to fight effectively what the fuck do you think happened during the vietnam war?

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Cubans and Venezuelans learned the hard way, so they're good. The ones that made it here are pretty anti-socialist.

You are such a lying nigger. Either your a troll or you are out of the loop. Even if someone does not support it when you say nothing you are being complacent & your part of the problem which is what most Democrats have been doing.

>If we could trade the worthless welfare queen red state white trash for the current illegals who just want a good opportunity for their kids to grow up and who pay taxes and hold jobs for year after year in this wonderful country, I'd do it in a fucking attosecond
Yet there are literal dozens of spic countries your stupid ass can move into right now. Of course you'd have to leave mommy's basement to do that. No more free tendies so that must be why you haven't done it.

Dude youre literally arguing that because ID costs money, minorities are being suppressed. I dunno man that sounds pretty racist to me. But literally if you go up to anyone in the US who is here legally, they have fucking IDs. It's easy as fuck to get an ID, it's cheap as fuck, and if you're here legally you have no reason to not get one considering how even WORKING requires an ID and SSN. Just stop man. If you're going to hold that argument you may as well buy a white hood.

I'm a white dude (not a liberal) in Baltimore, the simple fact is that we're outnumbered here. I could knock up girls like my trailer-park counterparts and there STILL wouldn't be enough of us to outnumber these motherfuckers. They even contribute to their own population control here, but the goddamn Shaniqua's won't stop shitting them out.

Because we're all here from fleeing other countries too and it's what our country is based on you xenophobic asshat

>You're also wrong.
Right, we have to remember your black "friends" don't like carrying around IDs, because they likely have warrants out for their arrest

Sounds like it to me user.

>This retard is so confused he's mixing meme targets

Medium kek. Is that you again, Ivan?

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?

Why do American whites have to go back to Europe? Why do latinos need to come to america when they own the entirety of south america? Do latinos just hate being around other latinos?

I guess all those countries they pass through to get here can't support them right? We have to do it? Especially before we get our own shit together 1st.


>>I spend all my time educating myself and exercising at home.

Have you tried filling out applications instead?

>Do latinos just hate being around other latinos?
As a latino, fuck yeah I hate being around other spics. They're loud and retarded.

Oh I'm sorry massa, what I mean to say is
The overwhelming majority of LEGAL residents of the US have ID.

Fuck off retard. It's more racist to imply that minorities can't get an ID than to require it for voting to make sure that people who legally can vote are the only ones voting.

Think about it like India. They shit up their country and wanna come up here.

Ok, Schiff.

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I didn't confuse anything buddy. If hispanics are such great people and this country is filled with white trash, why doesn't that idiot move to South America in that case? It's a very simple question.

Savages can't think in complexity, and when one is elected then he robs and steals everything he can, pushing everyone into endless suffering (except of course friends and family - group/tribal thinking).

Seniors are the #1 affected minority in Voter suppression, then out of state absentee students and the working class poor. Yes, there are people in this country outside your little "privileged retard bubble" that have to choose between food that day and putting some money into their bus card continue to go to work. THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO GO GET A NEW ID, and its incredibly cumbersome for them to get to the DMV in the first place. Plus, like I said several times already, charging in ANY WAY for the vote is ILLEGAL. It's in the fucking Constitution, for fuck's sake.

EVEYONE KEEPS AN ID ON THEMSEVLES! Why? Because what happens if you need to prove who you are? If someone is not carrying an ID they are in trouble. That trouble is 99% the Teeth of the State.

Source = Eric Ciaramela

You do realize you need an ID when you go to claim social security, right? Or do you think any old boomer retard can just walk in there, say hi I'm here for my money and they get a check, no questions asked? And how much do you think a fucking ID costs, you gigantic faggot? But money for lottery tickets, beer and cigarettes all of a sudden they have money for that bullshit. With fags like you saying nothing about it. The privileged faggot here is you. Bet money you've never even met a fucking poor person in your entire life, let alone interacted with one for more than 5 seconds.

>instead of fixing their country
Bro you say that shit as if it’s that fucking simple

You realize an ID costs like 20 bucks right? And that they don't have to travel to the DMV in most states because the internet exists and you can renew an ID through it. Oh and there's also the fact that most IDs last for YEARS meaning that they have plenty of time to save up if somehow they don't think they're going to be able to afford that twnety bucks. Fuck if they just save their change they'll have what they need come renewal. Your arguments are trash dude, and you just can't accept it.

It's amazing how selective you're being about the Constitution. How about you refresh us about citizenship and naturalization since you know so much about it. I won't cite or look up anything for you. I want you to work for once, you better get used to it. After you get done checking that out, then come back here and let us know what you've learned. Let's see if you can admit where you're wrong, instead of just spewing bullshit.

Same as in Africa, most part of Asia, and the former soviet east european nations.

They are the reason why we cant have nice things. And these countries/people are the vast majority of the population of our whole planet.
No wonder we have constant wars and suffering.

kek, thanks op

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What an ignorant statement. That's why San Francisco and other sanctuary are so safe! Tell that to the family of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco, who was murdered by an illegal alien shortly after being freed from deportation by the San Francisco County Sheriff. Same for the family of Maria Fuertes in New York who was who was raped and murdered last month allegedly by an illegal immigrant.

Your either a troll or someone who doesn't understand what was just said. Obviously if you do not take care of things in your house first how can you even aid others coming into it?

maybe wetbacks should stop implementing socialism everywhere. maybe they should struggle and become better for it. maybe they should all die if they are truly that subhuman. maybe cucks with a white guilt complex should do something.

Same reason atheists can't define atheism.

Orange man is an insane, braindead, out-of-control liar, criminal and bully. He's the worst president in US history, he treats our allies like shit, he's exploded the deficit, he never takes advice from advisors, he take credit for shit that has nothing to do with him, he whines like the biggest spoiled bitch in the Universe, he's an abject failure as a businessman, he destroyed the midwest agricultural industry and he's made the US a laughingstock worldwide.

Yes. Sane people who have brains are against him. He's pretty much the worst enemy this country has ever faced.

Cause they need voters

It is like reading Styx speak to text, but w/ so many typos it kind of takes away from the truths stated here.

how else could we meet people like you sneaking in?

agree 100%

Why not both? Fine people who employ illegals 150k per illegal per year AND kick them the fuck out of our country. That's the only tenable solution.

TDS. The sad thing is when someone has a few things to point out w/ a President that need improvements just like all Presidents do, but then spout drivel. You have TDS user.

TDS is not a thing. It's called having a BRAIN.

>Why not both?
Keep reading, this same faggot wants them to be "productive" and have jobs, BUT at the same time go after the people who employ illegals. Hence why he suddenly stopped replying.

You mean the part where all babies born on US soil are automatically citizens?

>You mean the part where all babies born on US soil are automatically citizens?
Hope it was a fun ride for your amigos while it lasted. After Trump wins in November that gravy train is coming to an end.

Cheaper drugs

Let's agree to disagree Mr.Shill. I wonder is more sad being a shill or actually just being uninformed. At least the uninformed can be shown something to help educate themselves. Which everyone can be enlightened on a topic. I like to be up to date too user. But those who get paid or god forbid a faggot on here for free acting like they know what they are talking about? That is some kind of low user.
Don't be useless your whole life. I'm being sincere when I say that too.

Trump is going to prison, not to our White House. We the People are fucking ENDING that subhuman enemy maggot.

sure would be a shame if someone asked a retard like you to point out where in my posts I've been "uninformed" and can be "enlightened" by someone with 1/4 my IQ.

Another person larping as a revolutionary joins the thread.

What people, your butt buddies at the gay bar you frequent?

Are we talking about opinions or the facts you listed?

Why are you such a racist?

This guy is a big fat fucking dumbass

I know, but sometimes you bite the bait like a jack ass knowing.

The LARPers are the retarded Trumpanzees cucking about "boogaloo".

The democrats want to turn the US into a socialist country.

My guy I haven’t done shit. I’m just chilling here lurkin**

Yelp one that isn’t socialist for rich people but also for working families



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Talking about the other guy user.

He lies. What Politician doesn't. I'm not condoning lying at all, but what I am saying is that out of the past Presidents in our life time what kind of lies is he saying? Boasting about random things? Or are we talking about what he is doing in policies domestic & foreign? Not that I agree w/ all of them, but you make it sound like he is more than just a BS artists that actually still does his job at the end of the day.
Criminal? Outside of your opinion on how he runs the office what has he done that is criminal. Not opinion. Please be specific on how he is a criminal. Maybe I have missed something.
Worse president in US history? You just don't like him & are tired of winning. Or maybe you are tired of losing because your are on the losing side of the debate. This is how I say your either uninformed or a shill.
He treats our allies how they have treated us in the past & how they are now. They do not adhere to treaties they have set forth for the past 50+ years. Why would we waste time w/ people who are not ready to be grown up about trade agreements?
I will concede the deficit is out of control & that Gov spending needs to be pulled back.
I will also agree that he does not take advise from his advisors & leftovers of the Obama administration who should have not been there in the first place.
Taking credit part I will 1/2 agree w/. Lots of things have been set in motion because of him, but that is also like saying a butterfly can start a Tornado by flapping its wings.
Whining like a spoiled bitch is just an opinion so you can shove your opinion like everyone who has an opinion & that includes me.
Abject failure as a businessman...…….. Really faggot? Don't even start w/ the he has filed for multiple times in backruptcy. How many business have you made work? Now how many times have you had backruptcy? Well his success out weighs his failure to such a degree your just wrong.
He didn't destroy the Midwest agriculture. He just isn't helping it.

Yeah! Because in all the Socialist countries the Rich aren't even more in power than they are here right?

It's this. This, and only this. If you think Elizabeth Warren or even Bernie Sanders gives a fuck about the plight of the poor overweight Mexicans then you're terminally naive.

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I'm native you fucking bitch my people didn't flee from nowhere

Actually one of the smarter posts on here

C'mon Miguel. At least try to assimilate.

AKA Open borders.

How many people have you sponsored into the country?

you're delusional. it's well understood that people in wealthy nations covet wealth and don't appreciate their splendor and want to give it away. they're also unhappy and figure that if they've got it, and it isn't that great, anyone else can have it for nothing.

making 15 an hour puts you in the top 1% of the WORLD. here, you whine about OUR 1% but then you demand to get the money of the true 1% of humanity, with all other luxury amenities of the US, and THEN, you have the fucking gall to want to GIVE THAT TO ANY MOTHERFUCKER THAT WANDERS IN HERE?

Cuz I dont believe in having separate states.

Maybe you should move to Europe? Not that they'll take you

I would probably actually like it there more if we're being honest. But family is here and they're more important to me than pretty much everything else.

Take them with you. You all sound like commie faggots anyway.

Because they want borders as open as their thighs