Redpill me on Windows

Redpill me on Windows.

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its spyware

Speaking of spyware, user, do you have an antivirus?

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Just works out of the box. This one simple trick has most linux and unix users absolutely livid.

how do you know that

Best OS Ever!

install gentoo

* I can never get over that shitty registry subsystem that constantly causes problems and has to be cleaned by 3rd party tools? Yeah...there's no security either. User level processes can read and write to any portion of the database. Since MS encouraged everyone to store everything there, user level processes can literally disable or take over other apps and core OS components.

* Their shitty file system, the only one left in the modern world that has to be constantly, manually defragmented? security there either. User level processes can pretty much bypass the permissions system and do whatever the fuck they want.

* Those MS apps which are tightly woven into the OS itself, like IE? Yeah...that's really fucking stupid from a security standpoint because it drastically increases the surface area which a hacker can target. Crack IE, Office, etc. and you crack the whole damn system.

There is a reason why *nix OSes are used for the millions of 24/7 servers in the world, and Windows is used for mindless cubicle drone business crap (i.e. PowerPoint slides) and gaming.

At this point, Winblows doesn't even take themselves seriously. Their kernel panic ("blue screen") has a fucking emoticon sad face on it. They know they're shit. They just laugh all the way to the bank because they know most of the business world uses their 20+ year old tech because they offer bulk discounts and free hardware in exchange for product loyalty.

Buffer overflow attacks, which can be initiated by skriddies they're so easy results in a system level command prompt access to the fucking computer. Every time. It takes about 10 seconds.

Best OS. Install everything recommended and enjoy the huge performance.

Linux is the Worlds most used OS.

Technically Unix is, actually.

You will learn so much extra IT knowledge with everyday troubleshooting. it's like it comes with a bonus college course.

Obviously never had to deal with Vista

Windows 10 is the fastest OS i've ever used. Everything is so responsive.

Can't see why people complain. Best ever/

that's only because android is linux.

Linux is easier to install than Windows dude.

Good guess but no


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after they made WSL a feature I stopped dual booting to debian. I just didn't need it anymore.

the fact that this post mentions IE is suspicious. i believe this is copypasta with maybe a little attitude at the end.

Oh cool, something I actually have some knowledge on (I made one of those privacy apps for Win10).

Windows 10 is constantly connecting to a whole bunch of servers in the background, uploading enormous amounts of encrypted data. It does this ALL THE TIME, even when idle.
It has so many different components monitoring everything that happens on your system, it's kinda ridiculous. It definitely affects performance.

I legit consider Win10 less of an OS and more of an info gathering platform. Older versions aren't nearly as bad but it still goes on.

its good. everything works. no errors. dont care about spyware

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Microsoft edge is basically IE, I still call it IE. And still nobody uses it.

as a windows admin this is so fucking false. Almost all of it.

While I agree Windows is a total POS, let me elaborate.

Normal users cannot access all reg elements, in fact I've had to do some fucking gymnastics to get certain apps working in enterprise environments because normal users don't have access to many reg keys.

NTFS is archaic, but its also easy to set to defrag on an automatic schedule. Bypassing perms is only easy if your working on the non-enterprise versions of the OS because most home versions give the original user Admin perms. If you want to mitigate that its fuckin easy

IE is honestly a bitch because of how necessary that is, but that's something MS admits to and is obviously fazing out.

Why are *nix OSes used in the majority of servers? licensing costs, nothing to do with security. AND that's why MS is spending so much time to devolop .net core and is also now supporting running linux shit on home OSes.

The emoticon on bluescreens is for the average user, if you know anything you still know to note the error and read the dump file.

If you really want the redpill, I work for a company that has exclusive access.

The true problem with windows has nothing to do with the OS itself. The real issue is that MS want's everything on a subscription model. Office already went there for the most part, but their real goal is to move the entire OS to "You get all updates, but instead of buying your single license key you'll pay us 15 a month."

This is seen pretty obviously with their new "Windows Virtual Desktop" or WVD that their pushing in the enterprise space. Pay a monthly fee to access a VM in their Azure data centers. Windows 10 on a sub based model. I don't know if they've announced it externally, but internally they want to try and convert some 20-30 million (no I am not exaggerating) to this sub based OS model in the next 3 years. Once it's done in the enterprise space, soon the user space will follow.

It let's in fresh err

This. 90% of issues I have my my computers is windows and every support post tells you to do one or both of two things: Run their garbage diagnostic tool that usually finds nothing or tells you the thing you already know is fucked is fucked, or reinstall the entire fucking OS.


while i would never use either Edge or IE (am on chrome) - Edge is now using Chronium and is better than it ever was... Still not gonna use it, but it _should_ actually be working now.

again, Windows Admin (cuz money) here. While IE is no longer their "browser" it's packages are still included on all systems because there is a VAST amount of windows processes that are reliant on it in the background. IE does more than just browse the internet, most of the calls the OS makes to outside sources, like automatic updates, still rely on the IE framework to make calls, get responses... and therefore function. It will still be years before IE is actually gone, even if it doesn't exist as a full fledged browser.

bill gates is pedophile and using windows is for people over 30

IE's never really gone...

Like I said, the company I work for is in bed with microsoft, and by that I really mean they're fucking us with a giant strapon, but I can say that I truly believe that IE is slowly but surely dying. More and more calls dependent on IE are being pushed into .net, and then integrated into .net core so they can be used in MacOS and Linux.

We just upgraded our medical software to the all new 2018 version (kek, no typo). It's ie only

more like Micro$haft Winblows

I've never had to manually defrag what the fuck do you mean

IE is still there and still integrated into the OS alongside its Adobe plugin updates. It's a GIGANTIC vulnerability that cannot be eliminated without crippling the other Internet settings. I'm an IT administrator and cyber security professional. FUCK Internet Exploder and FFFFFFFUUUUUCCCCKKK Adobe Flash on Windows.

It's there whether you're using it or not. You know that right?

I work with med companies, most are still on server 2008 or 2012r2. They give no shits about security or updates.

Oh yeah, we aren't set up policy wise to use it so I tend to forget about Azure. But FFFFUUUUCCCKKK Azure and its aggressive cloud pushing horseshit too.

Seriously. "EAT SHIT! If I WANT to install you and set up a goddamn cloud I will. If not, leave me the fuck alone."

it's mostly a file server issue these days, though it's still there in the basic OS as well.


i loved vista till i punched it

Soon as 7 is finally put to bed it is back to Linux Lite, Sparky Linux or MX. Fuck Windon't 10. Fuck Windon't I'm done

i know, it doesnt matter. i dont mind, as long as i get to use chrome

the only problem with vista is that it was next gen. it required at least a top of the line old cpu or a modern dual core. it required people to replace motherboards and cpus, or at least get more ram. that's what drove them crazy but computers used to be $2300. it was a different time.

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I feel you on this. I think the most obvious move was MS cutting security updates for server 08 UNLESS you migrate your 08 servers to Azure.. that give you a few YEARS of extended support.

They're just baiting to get ent. into their shit so they can push you on more of their cloud BS, require you to pay for your techs to get MS certs that literally get updated every 6 months (az-10x certs) and then rely on them because their back end infrastructure is so unique it's even harder to get out of then to get into.

The cherry on top is that Azure doesnt even have a true console for their VM's which causes you to rely on their tools even more, which has cost me far too many hours of sleep

It's all NT, user. The problem with Vista was extremely poor resource management, they got too greedy with the different kinds of licenses and how they locked it down and the OS was a clunky pile of shit that was pushed out fast to try to compete with Apple in the microapplication market (widgets/gadgets).

an oldie but a goodie and still pretty relevant.

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lol if this were the case you would see modern computers running vista. 7 and 10 do all the same shit, perform better, with less RAM overhead for the OS in both cases. I don't talk about 8.

MS CryptNet

Oh, come on user. 8 was fucking GLORIOUS. Second only to Millennium Edition for showcasing the quality of the NT build!

so much truth here

You literally made me laugh out loud, so I'll give you credit for that.

That shit had me scrambling at full throttle for a week and a half to patch, scan, verify and call idiots and tell them to turn on their computers so WSUS could reach them.

In the end, I only had to quarantine about 12.

Shit hit the FAN. Kudos to whoever figured THAT little exploit out.

"touch here to continue"


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It's pozz'd slow as fuck spyware/bloatware and the only thing it's got going for it now is that is has a big game library but with proton and proton like programs getting easier to use for example Steams internal proton program so simple a baby could use it. Literally just go into the settings and enable it and the rest is pretty much automate.

lee science guy is an iToddler lmao.

>Just works
stfu Todd Howard

They also keep your house warm in the winter if they aren't placed in dumb places by letting sun light in.


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McAfee is a scam, you know that right?

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pajeet programmers ruined a perfectly good OS

poost bajina an boobies pls, i luv white gurls

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I knew a guy working for dell in their mass storage (Pb size shit, software he worked on for data management was used by the NSA) dep and he said things went to shit when they started outsourcing to india. He was "promoted" to oversee them and always said he pretty much just had to rewrite their code himself to make it actually function. Sad state of affairs.

Wingblows a shit

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Wingblows still a shit

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pls be my wifey, i wannt lik you buthole

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i will lik with great force.

>Redpill me
GTFO pill-popping Cred Forumsitard

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Jokes aside I can't blame the smart Pajeet's for desperately wanting to marry into USA citizenship.

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Well duh, we still have the best opportunities in the jobs that matter

>used for basically all work machines
>roughly equal usage in servers as Linux
>top priority for compatibility of software packages

lol, what kind of soy infused tranny do you have to be to pop a police boner on the term redpill?
GB2Rediit, your containment site.

why is it that certain terms trigger anons more than nigger triggers niggers.

Not giving money to that nutjob thief

Lol, true

It's an operating system.

Wow, you just took ALL the cringe in the room. Your post is the stuff of cancer and retardation.