Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?

Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?

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I think so. I usually tip the bare minimum. The most I would ever tip is probably 4 dollars. I aim for 5-8%

If the waitress is a trash ball like this girl, yes.

nah its not

Should be happy she got a tip, fucking ask for a raise if you're gonna complain about shit.
I came to eat not pay for my server to eat

i never tip, why should i pay someone extra for doing their fucking work


then stay at home and make ur own food fattie

tipping is for retarded american'ts

Fuck tips. They get paid a wage.

ok reservoir dog, calm down

be greatful you got anything you dumbass whore, get back in the kitchen nigger

Could they be on a limited budget? Old people tend to be. A tip is a tip. Beggars can't be choosers.

I over tip. Even if it's shit service. You just have to. It's the decent thing to do.

shut up incel, they are getting paid already, maybe i should start to call for their boss if someone fucks my order up again ...

im the one arguing for tipping here, but this stupid, if the service is shit dont tip

This ameribreed fkn zoomer would complain about getting a tip


lmfao triggered ass

Yes. They're not entitled to any type of tip. Fuck them.

The retard waitress didnt make my food you retarded faggot.

when they want more money, they should maybe do some better job, but they are too stupid for such work because they are just subhumans and slaves

ye dumb, and ur broke

A waitress who isn’t terrible will earn a decent amount.

If she has huge fucking tits she will earn an amazing amount.

I say this as someone who ass fucked the shit out if a big tit waitress.

Let a nigga enjoy his fried chicken


Tip starts at 20% then adjusts down or up to meet particularly good or exceptionally poor service.

A $2 wage

Then they should unionise!

A black waitress?

So, $13 is your starting tip for a $65 dollar meal. What's the "bottom" of your adjusting down? If you have the worst service you've ever had, what's the lowest you'll tip? 10%? 5% 0?

I tip 15 if you did your job, 20 if you actually did something to make some kind of impression on me and 0 if i think you're a cunt. I also only tip at all because of social pressure. Tipping is obviously retarded and no other industruy relies on you to directly pay their own employees

also im some random guy chiming in, not who you replied to

>Fucking this.

Just because you brought me my eggs without falling over your poor-ass-generosity-reliant feet does not mean you deserve more money. You literally walk 50 feet and expect more money. Eat shit. Get a better job if it's such an issue.

The fact that everyday you retarded dipshits keep replying to the same thread really makes me wonder that maybe Cred Forums should be deleted, no one will miss you dumbasses, you're all blight fagtards jerking and spamming same thread over and over for (you)s. you guys are worse than Reddit. fuck you chumps. sage.

>Get a better job if it's such an issue.

yes because of the huge abundance of alternative employment in every corner of America. Sometimes I wish people would think about the stupid shit they're about to post before they post it. I guess this board would be pretty much empty though.

And? Go make your own damn sandwich hamplanet.

>yes because of the huge abundance of alternative employment in every corner of America

There is a huge abundance of alternative employment in every corner of America.

IF ANYONE DESERVES A TIP, ITS THE DAMN COOK! WHERES THE COOK JAR TIP, OP?! WHERE IS IT? NOWHERE, THATS WHERE IT IS. Any tip is good enough. They, those who wait, should get payed more than 2-3 bucks an hour, I wont disagree there.

Unemployment is literally as low as it's ever been. Suck it the fuck up and be an adult, you whiny bitch.

Nah ill give them 2$ if anything at all.

Servers get paid a lower wage than other employees since it is expected the customers will tip. Now, the girl behind the counter, I don't tip her (I don't care how gorgeous her ass and tits are). They make a more than what a server would. The "tip" cup next to the register is not necessary and actually pisses me off.


And they don't deserve money for bringing me a meal they had no help in making. God, I fucking hate servers. If it's SO TOUGH OMG I CANT FEED MY FAMILY, fucking kill yourself or get another job. I worked two jobs for years and never had an issue. Jesus fuck you guys are autists. You wonder why people don't tip you with this attitude.


Enabling shitty service, where giving those fucks the idea that shitty service will still equate outstanding tips isn’t decent.

tipping is for faggots

The problem is that any tip isn't good enough. If they don't get enough in tips they might not be able to pay for food and shelter (which are important). I also agree they should just be paid a normal wage like literally every single other industry does. However snubbing someone on a tip isn't going to bring about this change, it's only going to make you look like a cunt and your waitress spit in your food the next time you eat there.

>Also based

get a real job and bullshit problems like this go away

Okay so you expect a mass exodus from the restaurant industry to go over well?


How can people knowingly fuck themselves over like this and get butthurt about it? Blows my fucking mind lmao.

ahem work for yourself then that is what I do FUCK "REAL JOBS" I make waaaay more working for myself than i would as a teacher or something just market yourself stop being a sperg learn to speak with people and you will make dosh I used to a basement dweller that went homeless so yeah ive dealt with the hard shit but you just gotta not give a fuck and keep pushing you can do it user anyway
tldr stop being a wagecuck

They say that about the UK, it all they did was change the definition, now anyone that works over 16 hours a considered in full time employment and have the rest of the money topped up by the government, so the government is paying for shite companies to have more part time employees...a good blag if people believe your lies.


We're in in the U.S. you loyalist redcoat.

>16 hours a week

No wonder your country is falling apart. Faggot.

Why should I tip the waiter/waitress they didn’t make the food, all they did was bring it to me

is that really reasonable? just everyone who works off tips should get a different job because the people they depend on for financial stability randomly tell them to get bent?


I'm so proud of you user


yeah i know about this guy who made way more money than me too cuz he became a rock star. just become a rock star all you need to do is be good at singing and playing a guitar.

Yes, it is. I worked as a server and busboy for years. I now work a fulltime job 50+ hours a week making $19.49/hr and don't rely on people "being polite" to maintain my life. You should try reality sometime, user. It's bliss.

they also took your order and wait on you the entire time you eat, offering you refills and whatnot. Basically you've got a little footman working for you for an hour or so which is fucking extravagant. It's not like being a waiter can't be hard work and stressful.

I mean I'm not about to join the service industry in any way shape or form. I want as little interaction with you savages as possible.

I don't have the time or enegry to explain why "just get a new job" isn't a reasonable expectation on such a large scale. There are hundreds of thousands of waiters and waitresses in the USA.

I just tip around 15%. No it's not enough imo

>hurr durr i have no energy

You sound like a lazy piece of zoomer shit to me. I'm not tipping ever again because of you, congrats.

There are also hundreds of thousands of better paying jobs. Get your head out of your ass and realize you're worth more than people's generosity, you fucking idiot.

Every day.

This dog whistle bullshit is posted every day.

And you still replied. Nice, user.

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Nothing better than doing the good old $1 fold trick.

Lmfao such wprthless cunts. Its your job to bring me the food i pay for.

Its your managers job to pay you. Not me you cretins

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> I would give you 13 max
if you let my drink level go dry you get 6.50. If I have to flag you down I leave 6.50 and a complaint with your name.

Most places I've been in the world that don't tip have a 10% service fee. You are forced to tip like a bitch. Here you can chose to tip. Land of the free FTW!

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Burn in hell, you sloppy creampie accident

Kill yourself, expectant faggot. EARN YOUR KEEP.

u mad?

You're the fucktard that insults the people who handles your food. Hope you enjoy your taint flavored sandwiches and spit soup.

Nah, I don't rely on others to feed myself because I work a big boy job.


I used to get fooled when I worked at the airport. There were these religious assholes who would fold what looked like a dollar in half, when you picked it up it had what looked like a dollar on one half and on the other it would say "disappointed? God is disappointed in you as well. Join X church to be saved" Fuckers got me more than once.

Exactly why I don't tip you faggots. Your job is not hard if a literal retard can do it. Live with that.

>Lost hard

Still laughing at your petty expectations of the human nature.

You really want to piss off these ego filled waitress bitches.
When she comes over for the plate say to her

WOW here's a tip, give it to the cook for making such a good meal, gets them absolute fuming

>assuming boomers are always right
okay boomie


>expects service
>doesn't expect to pay for service


Gonna do this more often. Or even better, go to the kutchen and ask for the cook, tell them "This is for you." And don't give a cent to the parasite server staff.

I never saw a 10, but this is basically what it turned out to be.

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>Assuming you're right

Okay, Zoomie.

P.S. Learn to use punctuation, you uneducated faggot. No wonder you're a fucking server.

>Expects food
>Doesn't pay for a simple action

Eat shit, pussy zoomer. Get a real job. There's a reason you get paid less than minimum wage.

Oh lawdy

Wow, so you don't wipe either cuz retards can do it as well? Man, if you don't want to tip cuz you're a cheap bastard just say that. Don't come up with some bullshit reason like "The corporation should pay them!" Right. In corps we trust.

tip you fag

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When tipping aint in your culture. And theyr getting paid For doing their Job you retard. FUCKING kys.

Ill only tip if their seeving is top class

Stay mad, I'm still not tipping you lazy piece of shit.

tip you bitchass whitey

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>So much this

Defend these actions, you fucking worthless assholes.

>Inb4 hurr they made me mad

You're there to get paid, not to be treated nicely.

It's a pretty shit tip but at least you tipped. I work for tips and I may be like damn what a cheap ass. But I don't sit around and get all pissed off about it after and think they're a bad person. I figure sometimes people have their reasons for not being able to tip enough. And other people don't know what's considered an appropriate tip. So I don't groggle over it. Just ya know I understand some people have their reasons

Actually i work for 711, relay for the deaf, which i am sure is another job you think is shitty and gay and whatever because of reasons. I just like poking incels like you and watching them squirm in oily indignation. Is fun

Wow, an actual intellectual server. I would tip you, but no one else.

15% for bad service, everyone has a bad day.
20% for standard.
21%+ if I'm feeling extremely nice.

Nope, still think you're retarded for voicing an opinion over a job you don't/never have worked.

Kill yourself, you have no value in this society.

Whats this hoes tiktok. Wanna see the comments

Diddo, user, diddo.


but why?

>Says the guy expecting money for such a simple task.

Because reality, you fucking retard.

tips were invented by restaurant owners to pay people nearly nothing legally. be grateful or get a better job

Litreally never understood tipping the waitress. All you do is bring me a plate you are not receiving a fucking penny from me just for walking to a table.

Be the better person and give it to the hard workers. Which is the chefs

i tip $3 for every 20 i spend
dont like it get a fucking real job you lazy fuck

Whores that bitch about tips r the worst.

die in a fire, cuck


imagine crying about receiving free money waiters are litreally the worst

Lmao you're the one depending on men for you welfare. You are the cuck here, user. kindly kill yourself and fuck off

The chefs make more per hour than the waitresses most of the time, tips included

I rarely got ripped above 10%.
Tips are a factor of personal generosity.

If everyone was like you there would be no good waitstaff because there would be no incentive. In reality you just want everyone else to subsidize the industry that you benefit from. You sir are exactly the definition of a Nigger. Congrats.

They're actually compensated for their work. Trust me I worked in a lot of restaurants, waiter and as a cook/chef. Waitresses on good days MAY make as much as the chefs but usually don't

Tell your mother to swallow next time.

here's how I do it. If I get average service I tip 10% if it's slightly above average but still somewhat dissatisfactory I'll tip 15%, if you have a vagina you just maxed out your tip, but if I get a guy and he's a really good waiter he's not getting by on his looks he's getting by on his work so I will tip 20% if the service is excellent. and if your service sucks your tip consists of me taking a ballpoint pen and writing on a napkin next time give better service. by the way when I go out to restaurants to eat I'm always with my wife so I'm never going to tip some pretty little titty popping bitch a bunch of money when I'm with my wife because I'm not stupid

What a fucking asshole, black or not fuck this wasted cumpile of a human. His ass deserves to be dead, or behind bars and not with the general public.

I'm not the one being greedy, are you a Jew?
LOL why I'm even asking. And no, I don't work there anymore, but greedy jewish rats like you are the cancer of our society

>Didn't even read that
You are a literal cuck.

This guy gets it


caps implying you mad

And you are a literal kike.

You are a faggot. Good to know you whither in the face of bad service and pussy. Faggot. Think for yourself.

>Nice cop out, cuck.

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Stop posting this shit

Hitler dubs checked this user is based

>says the greedy jew cuck
Rabbi, don't pay if you don't want. You wouldn't anyways

I refuse to tip anything over 5 bucks.

I do not pay you

Your employer does

If you don’t like your pay then get a better job.

Fuck you

Ayeeeeee my boi

fuct use anyway shoving their opium poison down everyone's throats when there are far better medications like that clofanec

No, he's a cuck that expects more for less work.

Fuck jews*

A reduced wage reliant on tips. Reduced meaning less than minimum wage. Less than minimum wage meaning significantly less than livable wage.
If "they get paid a wage" is your argument, you deserve to be treated like absolute shit by the worst garbage of society just to regularly bring home less than you can live on.

>not my problem
Sure, you're just exploiting an unethical system by shitting on people who provide you with a service you obviously fail to provide for yourself, all the while crying like a whiny-ass bitch because you treat people like shit just for doing their jobs and expect to have your ass kissed for it.

>should've gotten a better job
And if they all did, there wouldn't be any sit-down restaurants and you'd have to get all your food from drive-throughs or suffer because you clearly can't cook your own damned food.

The cognitive dissonance of exploiting a shitty system and then trying to take the moral high ground saturates this thread like all the cholesterol in your depression-binge-eating, take-out bloated arteries.

inb4 no legitimate counterpoint

this really depends and federal law requires employers of "traditionally tipped employees" to meet the difference between the sub-minimum wage and minimum wage.

the $2 an hour is literally propaganda to guilt people into tipping.

>Using Cred Forums's general hate to hide your cuck life

Nice, user. I'm glad you feel good about yourself. Enjoy never getting tipped by me.

shut the fuck up Jew all you do is sit around in a room under fluorescent lights, twirl your sideburns like a thot. Jesus Christ at least thots are aesthetic

If you are a shit server don't expect good tips you are not entitled to a tip.

see my post

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I tip based on attractiveness of the waitress.

Eat shit. You suck at life and probably your job. I hope you and your family starve on your shit morals.

We should be trying to fix the institution of tipping as supplemental wage. Until then, as long as your answer is "fuck them", you're objectively a trash human being.


when I was in my early twenties I waited tables and I can remember people trying so hard to be nice to me even though I was like the worst waiter ever. One time I got a 16 top and I'd only been working as a waiter for like 2 weeks. I got my drink orders right I got everybody's meals timed perfectly and then realized I had forgotten to bring them their salads thought they were very nice about the whole thing and said you know what we'll just do it the European way and eat our salad at the end. Still tipped me 20% very nice people. Needless to say I didn't ask if they wanted dessert

Lol you act like they are entitled to a tip.. A tip is meant as an optional form of gratitude not a mandatory thing.

>A trash human being

If you're a shit server, you don't get a tip. Why is this so hard for you to understand, zoomer?

You pay every single employee of every single business where you spend money, you dumb shit.

>get a better job
Farm your own ingredients to cook your own food.

Fuck you.

i dont tip

like I said in my earlier post when I tip it's my way of showing my wife that she didn't marry a greedy Jew faggot. And then I base it on the level of service. And if the weather is better looking than I am I took the guy good because it's my way of showing her yeah you might be able to find a better-looking guy but I have more money.

Fuck You, cliptip. At least I have an intact dick

>tipping more than $1

Fucking 1 percent scum

I'm voting bernie

Waiter, oops

honestly this really irritates me, servers at denny's in california make minimum wage+tips. they do less work than a typical fast food worker and then want to be like "dont come her if you wont tip"

most chains dont utilize the reduced wage and as I've already stated your employer is required to make up the difference between the reduced wage+tips and minimum wage. no one is making less than the minimum wage unless they are actually being robbed.

Yes, as is $0. Stop spamming this every day.

The majority of servers are required to tip out a percentage to bartenders and the cooks. That's why when they don't receive a tip, they still have to pay out a percentage out to the bartenders and cooks. So can you understand why getting stiffed on a tip when you provided great service would be annoying?

I'm voting Trump because we are still in the middle of a hot war and changing presidents in the middle of a hot war is literally the most retarded thing anybody could ever imagine.

if you are living in California and eating at Denny's on such a regular basis that the servers know you don't tip I've got some bad news for you. Maybe you should go try living somewhere you can afford.

>is it acceptable to bitch about a 7.7% tip?
...naah, I don't think so. You?

If you have to bust out or calculator and calculate the tips to the 10th you are either a Super Jew or just a terrible person round that shit up it's a couple pennies.

>reeeee give us free money
fuck off

but tipping for a service is fucking dumb
if im providing a service like fixing your aircon should i expect a tip as well?

Lol your two jobs were probably taking your mom's empties to the bottle depot and then walking her dog. You probably only eat at Denny's and get off on treating people like shit so you and your neck beard can feel powerful

if the guy shows up in an extremely timely manner and provides you with excellent service and tosses in a couple of extras oh, yes it is acceptable to tip for that. what kind of broke ass motherfuker are you? What you like sweating your nuts off all day

federal law only requires that tips be split if they are payed electronically, and then only among servers, hosts/hostesses, and busboys. any cash tips given directly to you are yours and it is your responsibility to report them on your taxes.

a company may have a policy you are required to accept as a condition of employment that splits your wage, but that not something anyone should agree to. and I can't imagine why anyone would stay in this position.

>If you have to bust out or calculator and calculate the tips
to the 10th you are either a Super Jew or just a terrible person...
...or a Mathematician.
Checkmate, user.

You know it's called incentive pay and if you Google what the word incentive means oh, it's a reason to do above and beyond what your normal job responsibilities would be. If you want excellent service from somebody make it worth their while and they'll probably do a little extra for you

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I'm lmaoing at you

Who gives a fuck if you're good at math you're still a stingy motherfuker

People who work minimum wage jobs are typically heavily reliant on federal tax returns (for things like much needed car repair, and other such things that are required to effectively keep their jobs).
The less you earn in wages, the less that is returned.
The difference between minimum wage for a tipped employee and federal minimum wage is not counted in a federal tax return.

you sound mad


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>Who gives a fuck if you're good at math... employer, faggot.

I used to live in the Los Angeles area and I was quite fond of going to Shakey's Pizza because the buffet wasn't too bad and it was cheap and they had that whole game room thing but you didn't have to deal with niggers like you do at Chuck-E-Cheeses

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>Is $5 tip on a $65 bill acceptable?
Don't know.
I only eat at places where I know the person preparing my food washed their hands.

If I was a faggit I'm cute enough that I would get paid for it. you know instead of sitting around under fluorescent tubes getting headaches crunching numbers all day I would just be doing drugs and fucking

Never once in my life i tipped anyone and i dont think i ever will,if my waitress complains about getting no tip im just going to call her a retarded cheap whore n move on (without tipping ofc)

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tip moar

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>sitting around under fluorescent tubes
Our lights are LED, retard.

unless shes working hard for a group or something its usually 5$
im not gonna tip her more for the same service id get in a cheap restaurant just cause the one im in has higher menu prices

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ok buscemi

I'm the retard because you are the one who can't pick up on a Doug Stanhope reference. Kek edumacated nigger

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lawl five big ones

>I'm the retard
I agree.

yeah 5$ is okay, tipping 5-10% is acceptable

Well hey at least you're smarter than most retards, you can admit it

Tipping is not required. They make enough money through other people who don't even know that it's not illegal. I almost never tip. Sometimes I do. But rarely

yeah but the less you earn the less is taken out. and besides, if you reported your cash tips you'd get more return on those as well. but the benefit of not reporting cash tips likely outweighs the benefit of reporting them.

nigs b nigs

What is the average salary pr hour working as a waitress in the US?

It's sad they whine about tips when the thing they should do is whine to the employer who pays them a couple or dollars an hour

when you do your taxes they assume that 8% of your credit card tips is what you made in cash you don't have to declare a cent more than that. I always tip in cash even if I pay with the card

It varies greatly, depending upon the State wage laws.

$2.13 an hour it hasn't changed in over a decade

>I know what they should do
L0Lno fgt pls

or this person lives in the EU where waiters get paid properly in most countries. I earn 15.80 USD/hour without tips in a fuckin low paid job. Taxes and health insurance are already deducted. Socialism rocks.

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Without government intervention the employer who isnt bound by morality doesnt have to pay you a livable wage, gg cuck

u r moron tipping anything based on amount is retarded. if u have to do it based on some expense account then fuck but never out of your own money.
Don't be an idiot.

so not declaring is better? not getting taxed on income is better? what next? water is wet?

just save some of that none-taxed income and you wont miss that tax return

Tipping these kind of assholes who delibratly mess with your food cause "muh social justice"

Fuck no.

>u r moron
no U

u r mor u tip

100% accurate

no U R

I do construction work, my employer does 1099 taxation so trust me I'm fully aware of what you're talkin about. I also itemize all of my lunches and my gas and my tools as business expenses

this is before tips and before your employer makes up the difference between either state or federal minimum wage.

for example, if you lived in california it would still be at least $13.00 an hour, between the $2, tips, and the difference paid by your employer.

good man.

>your employer makes up the difference theory.
In practice, no.

I did live in California but I didn't work as a waiter there. Actually I worked in a strawberry factory for a while and then I worked for colour-pop making the Kylie Jenner line of makeup. And I also worked for a landscaper cutting fire breaks in Simi valley.

so the price for service should be the same regardless of the price of the meal? is the service not the same?

suckers in one way but another way to look at it is this, the budget is done so needs to be spent. As long as it's personal then fuck it. That's a real problem though and most people are too stupid and dishonest to realise it.

u r goofy facke
so there

That has to do with tipping assholes doing tax shit?

Haha... 20% is usually fine.
Unless the waitress is an entitled millennial, then the percentage begins dropping.

I don’t go out to eat anyway. It’s a waste of money.
Learning to cook whole foods is healthy for you and your bank account.

Yep. Get a real job, cunt.

One pink elephant in the room that no one is addressing is the fact that if you don't pay your restaurant employees enough money to live they literally work in a place full of food so they are going to steal it. and if the employer has to worry about his overhead because somebody keeps walking away with $20 porterhouse steaks it's his fault, he should have paid his employees.

if this is happening your employer is breaking the law and you should report them to your local department of labor, there are minimum damages you and your fellow employees are entitled to, including back wages. if this is happening to you do something about it.

no U

20% you stupid sucker blockhead idiot.

Y Y U Vag

I don't tip accountants that make their living ripping people off why would I do that

when will we tip the truck drivers that deliver the food to the restaurant!

Do your fucking job and don't live in america where society's stigma says that you have to tip on any sort of service

>rat off your employer to local Dep't of Labour
>get fired
>spend the next five years fighting the employer in court
seems legit

Why are you stupid enough to tip anyone for doing their job you fucking idiot.



truckers get paid *way* the fuck more than waitresses, user

That's $5 more than necessary
So be happy you got $5 for doing things you already got paid for
How much did you tip the last time you spend $65 at a store?

No that's not the smart way to do it, you just take high-ticket items and sell them on Craigslist

fucking old grammar nazi

The Clash - Full Concert - 03/08/80 - Capitol Theatre

>Why are you stupid enough not to tip some one who does you a service, user?

For instance let's say a case of sushi grade ahi tuna comes in snatch that shit run home put it on Craigslist for 60% of current market retail in a major metropolitan area and see if anybody snitches. They're not going to

almost sounds like that's the job description. which they already get paid to do. your argument can apply to literally every other job. what makes this one special?

>just take high-ticket items
...that is called "Grand Theft", user.

but if i show up late and did my job bad i wouldn't be employed for long.
if you really feel inclined to tip people for just doing their job then by that logic you should give hobos money because they're homeless

>If everyone was like you there would be no good waitstaff because there would be no incentive

so how much incentive did you give your doctor? nurse? dentist? Or is it OK for you if the dentist fuck up his job?

Another thing you can do is literally steal their recipes and write them in a book and have it published get you some dividends man.

>you should give hobos money because they're homeless
News Flash: people actually do that, user.

If the total value is under $400 it's a misdemeanor. And on misdemeanor theft cases cops don't look very hard

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>write them in a book now everyone is a writer?

>high-ticket items under $400

There are people who can't even spell the word writer who have books out.

I'm not a mafia type that has to give money with every movement. If someone feels that to be necessary then that's their problem, not mine. I find tipping is bullshit the culture of it is bullshit. A few bills for someone that doesn't make a lot of money is a lot different than a fucking expected tip.
Do understand the difference.

why these values?

I'm talking about high-ticket items from a restaurant. You know porterhouse steak, ahi tuna, black truffles. Shit like that

if you can't even give a 20 buck tip on anything you shouldn't be allowed to eat outside you poor fuck
go eat like a good troglodyte in your den

>There is a huge abundance of alternative employment in every corner of America.
Literally this. Make yourself fucking useful. A goddamn retard can do your job.

Attached: autofireext.webm (640x360, 550K) who?
Go ahead, name one. I'll wait.

No one gives a tip to the cooks you cock sucker.

Nigger values

>I'm not a mafia type
...but you write like a mafia type.
Why is that?

what do you work as?

Mike Tyson.

do the same with your taxes

What amount do you tip after you buy this?

Attached: a_jar_of_awesomeness.jpg (1242x2090, 719K)

I tip 20% because I can fucking afford it by the way. Raise the fucking menu prices and pay your workers you Jews.

How much porterhouse steak, ahi tuna, and black truffles does it take to exceed $400?

Also Paris Hilton

Attached: diversityisourstrength.webm (480x848, 918K)

Leave the gun, take the cannoli!
What the fuck do you think you goofball?

The black truffles go for around $200 a pound, the porterhouse steaks if you buying in bulk will retail for about $10 a pound and the ahi tuna will retail at about $20 a pound. you can make a nice little Haul and still get a few dollars once or twice a week without breaking that limit

a drop of indian food, so a drop of shit

>There is a huge abundance of shit-tier employment in every corner of America

you literally made this up. fees and taxes added to the stated price of something is also a purely american thing, no one outside the US does this. try to travel outside your country dumbass

helps if your a skillless indian or paki with an h1b

yeah or you and all of your similarly ripped off coworkers file a class action suit. besides it's not chains that are doing this, its mom and pops that can't afford a protracted legal battle either. better to just all quit and tell everyone about it so they cant hire anybody.

this guy has a point, some places will charge automatic gratuity if you have x number of people in your party and I avoid those places because I'm not paying for shitty service

and those people either do it to feel good about themselves and/or they actually believe they are helping i dont give a cent to my local homeless because they congregate like niggers and theyre niggers

>Mike Tyson
>Paris Hilton
L0Lno fgt pls
Lrn2ghost-writers for celebs, retard

Of course it is, $65 sounds like a meal for two at a decent place, and if its just for one that's technically less work she would have needed to do.

I don't care if my steak costs $1 or $1000, that's not dictating the amount I'm tipping.

You are not entitled to more money just because the menu prices are higher.
At the end of the day, your job is the same as the waiter down the streets and his place is cheap as shit.

You write down the orders, you give it to the person who makes it, you bring drinks. you walk the food back. High class place or shitshack, thats what it boils down to

but they deliver the food order! why should the hourly wage matter. if they do the service should they not get the same incentive pay?

>What the fuck do you think
I think you're a fckn criminal, user.

That's precisely my point. You asked me to name the people not their paid employees

What're you, fucking poor?

Sweet Christ. This is the fucking United States. If you're tipping less than 20% you either got cum for brains, or shit for piss.

lol what a dumb spic

>get a few dollars
...which looks like more than $400 to me, user.

H1-B implies skills, user

Jesus Christ you don't take the whole fucking case you just take a little bit. Take five porterhouse 5 ahi tuna and a pound of black truffle do the math on that. comes in at about a value of 350 retail you can easily get $200 for that if you sell it as a lot.

>file a class action suit
...and wait maybe ten years for a resolution, as the employer drags it out with continuations.
Seems Legit

dumbasses like you were thinking about Mafia level shit where you take a whole entire freezer truck full of stuff that's not how you do this. You smurf that way you don't get caught

but if you can tip 20 bucks you might as well donate to charity instead of tipping scubs who dont have the skills to work a better job

>they congregate like niggers and theyre niggers
...just so you're clear on the topic.

yeah sure give you money to people who do absolutely nothing instead of ones who are trying to be productive. And don't even bring up kids because if you can't feed it don't breed it

The criminals are the fuckers expecting tips. now everyone is a celebrity.

No, the criminals are the fat Nigger bitches who order a baked potato loaded and a water with lemon absolutely destroy the table take all of the condiments and don't leave a tip.

Have you any of you suckers ever lived in a doorman building in Manhattan? They give you lists of expected "christmas tips" which is pathetic crap. I got out of that shit FAST!

Well Andy Warhol did say in the future everyone will have 15 minutes of fame.

Depends on the service if they are shit then yeah.

...this is sounding more and more like some Mafia-tier activity, user.

Anybody that lives in New York City is a fucking idiot anyway, shit weather and it costs more than California or Florida, why would you even bother?

>The criminals are the fuckers expecting tips.
...aaand what is their crime, user?

That's disgusting and they should be shot on site, it really shouldn't have made me crack up but niggers are a part of life unfortunately.

It might be but as long as you act alone no Rico laws apply to you. Ain't really much different than selling dime bags of weed when you buy quarter pound at a time

That cunt was a digusting peado, of course you didn't live near him but a cousin and I noticed him in the morning always with his little asian boys in creepy ways. That was in the 60s UES Manhattan. I couldn't make this shit up.
Why do you faggots worship that sack of shit?

>almost sounds like that's the job description. which they already get paid to do. your argument can apply to literally every other job. what makes this one special?
Funny how you didn't get an answer...

I don't worship that fucking douchebag I was just quoting a well-known comment that he made like 30 fucking years ago

oh well I guess dont get a better job just post on Cred Forums

That cunt should have been dead and buried like 40 years ago, like woody allen and all of his boring movies.

How does this make sense? How is this a revenge or a statement of any kind? Someone still received free money, be it one or two dollars. I don't exactly know how this trick works though.

they are paid what their labor is worth. don't like it, don't work there. it sucks to be low skilled.

Yeah we can definitely agree on that, Woody Allen is probably the most annoying Jew I have ever seen unless you want to count fictional characters like Kyle's mom from South Park.

>imagine crying about receiving free money waiters are litreally the worst

didn't expect one

>just get a better job

Attached: get_a_job.jpg (500x333, 156K)

I don't understand why the price of the meal is the deciding factor. IMO, you shouldn't need to tip a lot if you're eating alone, and not being demanding regardless of the price of your meal. If you're in a group things are different.

Except you're giving someone 5 dollars for free. I don't understand how you're showing anyone anything with this...

One thing I do think is bullshit is having to tip at the Golden corral or any Asian buffet. all they do is bring me one glass of water I'm not going to drink I even have to get my own plates

I spent six weeks holiday in the us, didn't tip once. Go socialism!

the whole system isn't really based on anything so the rules just get made up as we go

well hopefully you were able to eat enough McDoubles to put on enough weight to survive another year in your shitty no food country

you are scum

this is literally a nothing statement you can take this statement and apply it to literally any fucking thing.

back to canada with you. borders closed.

At least my shitty country pays it's workers enough

Scumfuck outlaw, and that's mr. Scumfuck outlaw to you

Apparently not, you can't even afford to be capitalist

One is real and the other some lame animation.


ok so explain why we tip 20%? why does a more expensive meal require a larger tip if the work was the same?

Actually Matt Stone based that character off of his own mother, so there's that to be said

Jesus Christ Boomer don't try to help me and turn off your caps lock

That's nothing to be said, he likely did the casting couch disney thing. That's not B5.

>faggot even with trips didn't get the joke

if you eat at golden corral and don't leave a tip you might be a redneck

I'm officially bored with this thread, I'm going to go to / Pol and start a thread about Shilling for black people to claim that they are Jewish so that they can be the one percent.

In the end no, no tip is necessary on a $65 bill unless you're trying to look good in front of others.

I am a redneck, thank you very much for noticing. Up Dixie

Take that to Dodge baby

1865 will rise again
