If you don't dip your chips in mayonnaise, you have missed out on one of the best things ever culinary

If you don't dip your chips in mayonnaise, you have missed out on one of the best things ever culinary.

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Eh it's okay, but I'd prefer tartar sauce instead of just plain mayo.

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If you don't season your eggs with white cheddar popcorn seasoning, you have missed out on one of the best things ever culinary.

Those are french fries, retard.

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Fucking nasty

Never even heard of that, sounds intriguing.

How do we get even more oil into these french fries? I know, let's whip up a bunch of oil with some egg whites into a kind of paste, and then we can smear it on the fries.

not in bongland.

Fucking brits


>ketchup is too spicy

this is why white people are disgusting

>Royale with Cheese

All of you criticising are idiots. We do that here in Belgium and we are the country of fries

way better than mayo

nobody cares about you fat fucks in belgium

Those are crisps, numb nuts

I do not consider mayonnaise to be an acceptable food product, so I disagree with your categorization of "culinary".

All about that miracle whip sandwich spread

Mayo mixed with ketchup beats it. And I fucking hate ketchup.

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What is it, a fucking skin care product?

Malt vinegar is the absolute master race for french fry dipping.

Oh, that takes me back to simpler times on Cred Forums, user. Thank you for that.

Why the fuck would bbq potato chips taste good with mayo

Fuck is wrong with you? You drizzle vinegar, never fucking dip

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I've done both. It's two roads to the same Flavortown destination.