Do retards actually think this guy and his policies will do any good?

Do retards actually think this guy and his policies will do any good?
Or are they all just screaming for him because they know they can be lazy if his shit actually goes through?

Attached: 14E1E877-7A00-4B27-95F7-A8D4892CF68D.jpg (1160x773, 128K)

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I think Trump's policies of pardoning criminals is really going to help out our country.

What criminals has he pardoned.

As someone from a country where shit he wants is not considered far left, and are even agreed upon by the right, and isnt lazy and makes $35 an hour plus much overtime...

No, right winged americans are retarded as all motherfucking hell and fall for the "well people will be lazy" rhetoric when that isnt what people are like.

Most people want to work, be a part of society, make as much money and live as well as possible, wellfare queens are rare ass cases that are necessary to deal with because they are outweighed by the fact wellfare in itself is meant for people who fall on misfortune to get back on their feet and the staggering majority do and pay back what they took exponentially in income tax (which they wouldn't have made if left to die) and universal healthcare for one thing fucking SAVES money for the government in terms of an extremely multi variabled issue.

Stop being a fuck nut. Every dollar of your taxes went to a tax break went to wal mart who is one of the largest richest companies in the world, and receives corporate WELFARE.

So fucking help me if you currently or have ever used the venezuela argument.

Is this actually news to you?
You must watch fox news. Trump himself has come out justifying his pardons of criminals one after another. Check his twitter, then google the names, yeah?

I don't watch the news in general. Has he pardoned more than most presidents or are you going to lack context in anything you type?

>most people want to work


Fuck Trump

So you’re telling me, that if you had the option to live a decent lifestyle and not have to work, you’d still work.
Sure thing pal.

I like bernie tbh he seems like the only sincere one rn

I'm voting for him to see him fail

Anything he supports will be better than what Trump supports.


He pardoned enough people that the government struggled to put away to make Barr want to quit his job.

Actually, this sounds like a good plan.
Might hurt a bit, but imagine the things he tried to do turn to shit, and all the leftists hanging with their mouths open in surprise.
GOLLY! How could this have NOT WORKED!?

And yet European countries seem to have plenty in the work force

im just sick of trump he's turned into a shill

I like this guy. I hope he wins.


If Bernie wins I'll go back to work.

Ah yes, because completely different countries with completely different cultures and standards make a great comparison.

Australia got rid of guns and it worked for them.
By that logic, because it went so well for them, why can’t America do it?
It’s acceptable in Japan to have 60 hour work weeks, that’s the norm, so why not adapt that standard as well?

i mean, you won’t have to.
you can get that sweet sweet “im poor and unegemuhcated, money pls?”

Republicans will lose to Bernie because they mistake radical corporate libertarianism for conservatism.

That's what's great. Free education, free healthcare. I can finally get higher education and get a real job. Smoke weed on the weekends. I can't wait.

Until you can’t because everybody is going to be doing the same thing.


conservatives have left the republican party.thank donald trump for that

Then I'll make new friends!

Birds of a feather.

>Until you can’t because everybody is going to be doing the same thing.

Where is your evidence?

I work skill trades. I make over 80k a year. The work isnt always there. I make large amounts of money in short bursts then sit on mt ass for a week to a month waiting for the next job.
Its depressing af. Live a year in my shoes. People need a place to be and something to do. I have no financial problems, nor do any of my coworkers and peers. And yet if you do not have a job to go to, you become depressed fast.

If you work year round, non stop, take it from me. You really are taking for granted how much the fact work sucks makes your free time so, so much more precious valuable and enjoyable.
Without work you have no contrast. The days run together and you lose all purpose and meaning.
I cant imagine a more miserable life than welfare. Barely enough to get by and nowhere to go.
Plus the fact as i said, most people use welfare to get back on their feet.

I could go into how ive dabbled in entreprenerial work and once made 10k for 10 hours of very easy work that then went autopilot and would then make passive income.. why didnt i continue that, user?

Ive learned and experienced much so pro tip.. the laziest and most entitled people who want to work the least are your biollionaires you probably defend against higher taxes that would easily get you healthcare and education :) accept and let it sink in.

>Japan to have 60 hour work week
As of March 2018, the Labour Standards Act states that an employer should not exceed a 40-hour work week for employees.[17] Exceeding this work week requires an exclusive worker-management agreement, and overtime and this work is to be compensated for with a corresponding wage increase.

He just commuted Rod Blagojevich, the man that tried to sell off Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder.
And he pardoned 3 war criminals at the objection of military leaders.

Spam elsewhere

He's one of the temporarily poor millionaires who see education as an item you receive, which makes it less rare if others are able to access it, and therefore not as worthy of achieving. Since he has no experience in higher education, it's only natural for his baser instincts and simple understanding to discount the value education has to well being.

Yep, this is all factual. In Scotland we've free healthcare, free education and free care for the elderly. Unemployment is 3.5% (US is currently 3.6%) and all this under a centrist government. Right wing Americans are - objectively - fucking retarded.

No one thinks that
He is pitiful

He just got gang raped tonight

President Bernie Sanders

what debate did you watch?
the only one that got raped tonight was Bloomberg

>wHAt cRIMinALs?

I’m voting for Bernie and when he gets elected I’m quitting my job and living off the government

lol only cuck liberals


>I'd rather make 12k a year for free than work and make 75k
Neck yourself Republicuck


fuck you

This user gets it
He's finished

Bloomberg destroyed Sanders
I can't believe I was going to vote for that idiot

>I’m voting for Bernie and when he gets elected I’m quitting my job and living off the government

You're an idiot because you dont understand that a living wage should higher than what the government will give you in assistance.
Making the minimum wage, a living wage is one of the many things Bernie is fighting for.

2 Ruble deposit succesfull

Such weak bait.


Attached: SandersXC.jpg (1600x892, 135K)

Turned into? LOL he always has been... Nigga been "Audited" for 4 mother fuckin years still hasn't shown and or proved he has de-invested from his companies. Can't wait for 4 more years of his Audit...

all that matters is that he claims that he will stop funding to israel, zion don is a fucking disgrace

>Do retards actually think...
...most of them don't -- like you, they merely react.

"free" at least say tax funded