Limewire truly was one of the greatest file sharing programs of all time

Limewire truly was one of the greatest file sharing programs of all time.

Attached: limewire1.jpg (440x330, 21K)

fuck yea!

I guess? I never really used it to be honest.

*bricks the family desktop trying to watch Pokemon*
Heh, yeah. Great times.

I remember trying to download lord of the rings and it was porn :(

Everything was porn, viruses, or family guy episodes

I remember at a friend’s party, I went into the laptop he was playing music from, opened limewire and downloaded beastiality.. I mean, lots of beastiality. It was so easily accessible. Then I just started playing that instead of the music. I’m a natural born dj.

lol nice dubs

Like I’d get anything less?

that's what I really miss about filesharing, the access to porn. I used to have so much young stuff

remember there was a "rape" video on there, this short girl with big tits is wearing a silk bath robe and basically forced into her bedroom and banged on the bed. shes forced to suck him and he slaps her faces a little. very amateur.

found it once or twice online. cant find it anymore

fucking lars

i'm so old I used fucking Kazaa (and later Kazaa lite)

wasn't Kazaa after Limewire though?

I was using edonkey2000 and later emule coupled with tv underground.

can confirm Kazaa, Kazaa lite. remember eMule too?

I think Limewire came first like mid 90s, then Kazaa, Kazaa lite, eMule, Napster, then Limewire had a resurgence, but at that point I was using BitTorrent and UTorrent

u right.. kazaa didn't have as much aids back in the day as limewire tho. irc was better for getting warez and that tho back when.

yeah, emule (edonkey2k network), winmx, hotwire (which was great for warez)


If you were too much of a bitch to wake up at 8am on a Saturday to watch Pokemon like the rest of us then you deserve what you got

You're forgetting Scatman, "I did not have sexual relations with that lady", and the legend of Zelda them song "by system of a down"

I used Ares thoo :/

Attached: Ares_Galaxy_Logo_Transparent.png (120x116, 23K)

Because they aired banned episode. Shut the fuck up when adults are talking, boy.


That wasn't by System of a Down, but yes, it rocks.

Yeah it wasn't. But it was always labelled as them.

So many mis-labelled songs back in the day.

Kazan+pthc-> sort after movies =win.

Whether you wanted to or not you were always running into c p

I must be unique in that I only ever got what I searched for when I was on there. No spam, gore or cp. Lucky or unlucky depending on your point of view.

early days of the internet were the best. 28k/56k modems. AOL. Freeserve. Windows 95. Floppy disks. Man I wanna go back to those times.

Yeah, 2006 & was retarded 15 yo downloading what was suppose to be the latest death note episodes since poor fag who couldn't afford anime import DVDs - turned out being eastern European / Russian porn with girls that looked of very questionable age. Scared the shit out of me & deleted that shit fast, expected cops to come busting down my door any moment

The fear was queer

You didn't know there were banned episodes until you read an article 10 years later stop fronting

Step1. Download limewire
Step2. Open limewire
Step3. Use limewire to download limewire pro

Limewire pro was government tracking you.

I remember my dad thought he was a wizard when he found out you could download limewire pro through limewire. "Pro version doesn't let you download viruses" he said.
He downloaded a virus the next day