What happened to Milo? It seems like he was nuked from the internet

What happened to Milo? It seems like he was nuked from the internet

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who really cares? he was good for the keks but he fell off and prob died to aids from getting buttfucked by blacks

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Good, he was a dumb faggot anyway

He was a left leaning person who pointed out the flaws of the political left. Cant have people telling others why you're wrong.

I think he was cancelled over some vaguely pedophilia-supporting remarks. I think around the same time it was revealed he was abused as a child. I could be wrong, though.

typical faggots

that joe rogan thing blew up and he sort of died a slow death from there.

He hung on for a little while, but eventually fizzled out of existance.

Probably didn't help he kept mocking Ben Shapiro, then backing away from a debate.

who is this? story?

Some right winged jackass who wanted attention.

he got banned from FB and Twitter n shit so basically had no way to reach people to stay relevant.

Pretty sure he did an article with vice back end of last year saying how he had 0 money now and was broke.

Kek, was a little faggot anyway.

He got cancelled by big tech to protect the woke. Thank dog for that because we can't possibly have any incongruity in our culture.

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He got what he deserved

He is sucking sargon’s tiny little cock

The surge behind Milos fame was thanks to russian propaganda pumping up his followers and coverage. Now that Trumps in office the little faggot isn't worth shit.

See now this is what a realll conservative thinks about enlisting the help of homosexuals as political pundits.

And that’s not a compliment. Literally hilarious how it was the first reply. First reply is the soul of Cred Forums

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Don't you realize that WE WERE THE RUSSIANS?

Anyways, he hemorrhaged money and faded into obscurity, like many celebs

he's too busy gargling old man semen in west virginia to uphold a steady online presence nowadays

This is your brain on cnn

He was a one trick pony, once they got him on something that was the end. He should've kept it shut on Father Michael.

Jesus christ you faggots kill me, LITERALLY WHO???!?!?!?? And stop bumping the thread i dont want to see this faggots annoying face again


He flew too close to the sun. Should have just cashed out after Trump won.

Announcing sage is a bannable offense.


Didn't they get him before Trump won?

He was annoying and now he's an annoying old has been. Point and laugh at him.

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Milo didn't brush his teeth. So the ocean took his bones.

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He hosts a late night show on Gavin Mcinnes' network, doesn't seem like he's doing too bad now.

please call your wrangler. your retardation is palpable.

he's not wrong, u know

He live streamed on YouTube yesterday. Anyways his five minutes are up. Nobody cares about the faggot saying off color things to get a rise out of ppl.