Does anyone have a good study or source that proves there are only 2 genders I am in a heated argument on twitter and...

Does anyone have a good study or source that proves there are only 2 genders I am in a heated argument on twitter and need to debunk this fat ugly fucking disgusting tranny please link some evidence of only 2 genders so I can shut this dog down

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yeah how about the bible

not that fake bullshit some actual evidence retard how am I gonna look saying "the bible" thats an instant argument loss

How about any school biology book. Unless the leftist retards are censoring that as well.

Our language has words for at least 3 genders.
Male:- man, boy etc
Female:- woman, girl etc
Neuter:- chair, rock etc.
Maybe you are thinking of sexes?

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Lmao imagine thinking textbooks have factual information in them instead of shitty info dumbed down so rejects like you can understand the material.

Not genders.

there are more than 2 gendeers, because "gender" itself is the trap.
this word got introduced in the 1950's by the same leftist, sociology ideologues to make the same weird crossover between pronouns identitiy and sex in the first place.

The result are confused anons like this
That think that pronouns are equal to gender.

Fact of the matter is:
There are only 2 sexes, gender itself is a bogus concept, including anything attached to it (like gender roles), and using the wrong pronouns on a person is not a sign for you being rude, phobic or careless, but for your conversation partner to be insane.
2 + 2 =! 5
Deal with it.

Yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness (even tho ICD 10 reworded it to merely be a mental condition, not because psychologists demanded it, but because political interest groups did lobby the WHO), and people suffering from it need to be tolerated.
But tolerance does not automatically imply acceptance, and as you'd reject the insane ramblings of a schizophrenic person as unreal and point them to professional treatment, the same applies to any person that asigns itsdelf to some kind of "gender spectrum". Not because you're "something something phobic", but because you actually care about them and want them to get better eventually.

Try The Manufacture of Madness by Szasz. It clearly shows that these weirdos are insane and should be in looney bins.
You can't just make shit up like it's Halloween and expect others to take it seriously.

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To this to IT: There are 3 sexes, male, female, and other (micropenis, enlarged labia, etc.) There is no denying it, it is scientifically proven. If you want to identify as 100 genders, that is your own thing, like when someone says "Hi my name is user, but you can call me Mike Hawk." He was scientifically born as an user, but he identifies as a Mike Hawk."

It's basically been said, but yeah, you're thinking of sexes. Your heart is in the right place OP, but gender is a social construct while sex is biological. The ones to argue with are the ones saying that there is no difference, and a biogirl and a trans girl are literally the same.

Thise retards are the reason Fallon Fox got away with cracking skulls in the female MMA devision. Literally a man getting paid to beat women lol

Next maybe I'll pretend to be casper the friendly ghost, will you take me seriously and give me a private bathroom?

Attached: Ghost-1383231597861.jpg (460x276, 97K)

Keep telling yourself that enough times and you might start beliving it.

> and other
Its called "Intersex"

There is a reason people are specific and say gender, because gender =! sex.
OP is fighting semantics like a retard.

Gender is sex. Same fucking thing

3 sexes is basically a semantic argument, There is male female and "intersex" but intersex is a condition where you are in between the two standard sexes. The usual solution is to surgery.

Calling intersex its own sex is like calling "neutered" a sex. Why not? There are people living with that condition and their sex lives are different from ours. We're up to 4 sexes now! /s

>literally cannot use Google

intersex, hahahahahhaha!
wtf is that? idiots redefining English for their community college courses. Yeah OK. Sometimes I understand why foreign nations make fun of us.

Is that you people are pushing now on cnn and msnbc? I know they're stupid but are they THAT stupid?

there are still only 2 sexes, and genetic illnesses.
Still our species only needs 2 sexes to reproduce, and without artificial genetic engineering, no person is able to fertilize itself, nor able to swap its sex.

yes, you can identitfy as anything you want, tbut that does not make you functional in this role, regardless how hard you try.

no mtf will ever have a period.
no ftm will ever produce semen.

you can either become a lunatic that demands the whole world to play into your delusions, or deal with them yourself (under professional guidance) to eventually resolve them.

You're right, I don't actually belive it. I beliEve it, Mimsy.

Lol, when you go to fill out med forms many have gender. Some have sex. They are the same fucking thing for all intents and purposes. Go be a lefty fag elsewhere.

Ohhhh, you're really really young and uneducated. Okay nevermind, carry on, I don't like to punch down.

If you make eggs, you're female.
If you make sperm, you're male.
If you make neither, you're broken and unable to reproduce and your genetic material will be removed from the species; therefore, the species consists of two sexes.

>Calling intersex its own sex is like calling "neutered" a sex. Why not?

Neutered is intersex

Not in the eyes of science.
Science doesnt recognize gender which is where all these semantics and fighting come from.

Trannies arent wrong by saying there are as many genders as they want.
Others arent wrong by saying there are only 2 sexes.

Its literally a break down in communication where people refuse to be reasonable.

What is a doctor supposed to call you when you have both male and female genitalia?
It exists for a practical reason, not a political one you retard.

No, seriously, Google it lol, look up the actual definition of those words, you'll be kicking yourself

X chromosome, Y chromosome
Males have one combination, females have another. Any combination outside of those two is a rare anomaly that typically includes detrimental deformaties on some level.

That said, if you fags can spend 8 hours a day playing as an opposite gender space wizard furry bullshit in some vidya then let the trannies have their fun until they kill themselves.

"Neutered is intersex" is a bit contentious. A man gets in a motorcycle accident and loses his reproductive organs, he is intersex now?

I really like you

You're talking outliers there, like an xxy or xyy something like that, that's 1 in 100 million. That's no reason to make excuses for the insanity of freaks that want to pretent to be what they are not.

Try a biology textbook. XX or XY. Pretty fucking straightforward.

No, but if he was born that was as a deformity yes.
Its a catch all for abnormalities in the reproduction system.

It exists so you dont end up with the "gender" problem where people have 90 different definitions.

Oh, I'm totally fine with them having their fun.
But if they come after me because I don't want to play with them, start to call me "phobic", pressure retarded politicians into making up bogus hatespeech laws for all of us, and put their boot on the neck of society that way, you can't resonably expect a lack of response to this bullshit.

Your mistaking gender and sex, retard.
>BuT tHeIr tHe SaMe
Apparently you can't use google

Fun tier bait.

I love when two people are obviously on the same side but some small detail is making one conservative call another conservative a lefty fag, does this happen among the left too? Like does some supertranny ever call a queer a Magabilly because he owns a gun?

>You're talking outliers there

Outliers exist, this is why the term exists and is officially recognized.
>That's no reason to make excuses for the insanity of freaks that want to pretent to be what they are not.

You are LITERALLY trying to deny science for political reasons over social constructs.
Listen to yourself you retard.

Just because you're idiots, don't push it on others, that's the problem. That's always been the problem.

Ohhh, I see what you're saying. I misunderstood your point. We agree on this one, I just think it's semantically misleading to count intersex and say "there are 3 sexes"

>you can't resonably expect a lack of response to this bullshit.

Sounds like you are a little mad, not really a "lack of response".
Dudes in dresses living rent free in your head.

>I just think it's semantically misleading to count intersex and say "there are 3 sexes"

Its objective fact that there are 3 recognized positions.
You only call it semantics for political reasons.

Quite frankly your feelings dont change that.

You left types are gonners, you're so full of shit that your most hated one Trump will win again and you know it. You're just seething.

>You left types are gonners. You're so full of shit that you're most hated one Trump will win again and you know it. You're just seething.

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These are religious nut jobs and you can't convince them no matter what evidence you present. Men and women have different chromosomes and it's proven by science. Men and women have different reproductive organs which is proved by science. But mentally ill people will try to convince you otherwise because they are unable to grasp reality due to their mental disorder.

i think this should show that there are only 2 types of people in this world

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No shit shirlock I corrected it, how about correcting your stupid open faced bullshit for once?

Aren’t we just agreeing with each other, using words with different definitions?

Pure truth

you'd be amazed about how much infighting there is.
currently leftists have a huge falling out, because feminists up and left the ideology chamber to support women who don't want to see mtf trannies to destroy all that is women sports.

And on smaller levels, if you speak about any race and culture related issues without being high enough raked in the oppresion olympics, they'll shut you down how matter how hard you try to defend their ideology.

half the people that took the #walkaway escape were simply fed up by their internal toxic culture.

It happens wherever hotbutton issues get discussed, user.

you already lost, you just dont know yet, deplorable.

I don't worry too much about the whole "you're phobic if you don't date us" thing, nobody will ever force anybody to date anybody.

What worries me is how being percieved as an oppressed minority group is making them impervious to any blame for anything, and my speech being limited because they get offended. That's the reason I like trolling and triggering them, because no group should limit the speech of another. As George Carlin said, we think in language, so the quality of our thoughts and ideas can only be as good as the quality of our language.

And as George Carlin also said, I like to piss off any group that takes itself too seriously.

>No shit shirlock I corrected it, how about correcting your stupid open faced bullshit for once?

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This is English faggot not your gay romance languages

Yeesh dude, somebody's gotta unclench

yea, I am mad.
Not directly about the dudes in dresses, but about the politicians who listen to their bullshit.
can't blame a loony for spilling looney bullshit. All they need is professional help.

So in their hunger for the affirmation that comes with getting outraged and calling people out, they're cannibalizing themselves.

It's... beautiful.

Carlin passed way too soon.
Probably is rotating in his grave.
Or laughing like a maniac.
Probably both.

>somebody's gotta unclench

Yeah, people have to quit worrying about people giving themselves stupid labels. People have tried to give themselves unique labels for generations.

Demagogues pander to their followers, how is this anything new?

u either like 1 or both of those pretending your something are not does not constitute a gender ie. attack helicopter

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Carlin is most likely-- as he believed he would be, and as I'm sure he would prefer it-- just god damn dead. Take care of yourself brother

doesn't need to be new to piss me off.

What's next from you, frog posting?
You lame faggot!

don't shit talk pepe, faggot.
he got trump into office
>or so does the left believe

To try not to be as upset all the time about the Big World, I made a decision a while back. I am allowed to be entertained by things like politics and the news, but I will not invest myself in it. I have decided that even if there is a chance that I could change anything about the Big World, it's not worth all the effort and heartache and stress. Imagine being one of those bitches crying when Hillary lost, or some hard-coping Trump worshipper. Fuck that, man, neither of those people will ever know you or care about you and your vote doesn't count.

Just live in the Little World. Friends, family, vidya, etc. Take the Big World as an unchangeable constant and work around it best you can.

Might as well be shadow puppets from Indonesia.
They do have beautiful ladies.
But not democrat cunts like spooky shillary.

yea, you're probably right.

There are two genders/sexes/whatever you want to call it. intersex isn't a gender, it's an anomaly. Just as there are lions, tigers, but ligers/tigons are anomalies.

No invested yourself in some media term "big world" did you get that from disney or a therapist?

I still get pissed sometimes, I'm not some zen master kek. But the trick is to catch yourself a little quicker every time, and forgive yourself for losing your temper a little quicker too. Then try to find a way to laugh it off and move on. I do shitty open mic comedy and my old therapist told me once that I should take the things that really piss me off, things I think I could never laugh about, and write jokes about them. Not saying do that specifically, but turning to humor in some way usually helps.

You might as well go to San Diego and join a cult, you seem quite ripe for it.


I got it from George Carlin's audiobook right before he trashed feminists

You're something real special

zen master 'big world'
It's cult time for that user.

In what way? Please, elaborate.

Andddd, samefag detected. Seriously, go ahead, explain.

my inner tinfoil spirit animal tells me that this is some elaborate play to make the resistance become dormant and defeated (/s), but truth be told, no one can blame you for wanting a more peaceful life.

Gonna try it myself.

Carlin was a boring repeititve sack of shit, hear one of his things once and I've heard them all... did I repeat BORING. Go worship his dead sorry ass somewhere else.

San Diego, South California is the cult zone, look it up. That's also where the 911 terrorists if they survived would join.



Yeah that's one of the hard parts for me, it does feel complacent and I make sure to stand up for myself whenever I feel I CAN change something. But overall, anger gets you nowhere. It's like switching from actively trolling and hating on niggers, to simply avoiding them because it's not worth the drama and trouble. Call it cucked, I'm happier.

Kek I wasn't fast enough to reply first, I don't think he's necessarily triggered, just trying really really hard to upset me. Maybe he's dehydrated or his balls are backed up

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You have great powers of perception, I be you got a lot As in classes, it's too bad that you can't follow a simple thread.
What's your point?

I don't hate LGBTQ because of their sexuality. I hate LGBTQ and supporters because they are usually the ones who hate cops, they claim to be feminists, they hate ALL men, except black men, everything is about oppression. They are critical of everyone. They are more popular than me. They have friends and followers. They act like they are perfect all the time on social media. They are not open to new ideas. Those people make me want to kill myself. That's why I just hang out on Cred Forums. It's weird, that I can tolerate rekt threads and "kys retard" better than,

"omg black rapists have feeling too. They are oppressed. I'm against PETA because PETA kills animals. 65.4 billion animals killed annually is not the same as killing .006 billion Jews. Killing Jews is worse. Animals are not people. How can you even compare all Africans to bacon, you are racist."

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It's more fun to trigger the carlin faggots and also the bullshit robin williams. They were both homosexual repetitive fags, hear something once from them and you've heard it all.

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If I gave a shit about twitter I'd have a twitter account. Why do you feel the need to repost that shit here?

The person who thinks that deserves anal rape

This is how I feel when there are LGBTQ pride marches.

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Lol imagine being such a fucking brainlet that you specifically ask for sources to prove things instead of using sources to figure out what the truth is, and don't see anything wrong with that. I pity you.

>>a heated argument on twitter
>>argument on twitter
Why tho?

I, too, enjoy winning arguments by repeatedly making false claims to feel good about mysel- oh, but I didn't really win, did I?

But I feel really good about myself and how right I know I am. That's what matters.

There are more than two genders though OP. There is all kind of genetic diversity wrt to sex genes.

Obviously you feel for them not only do you mention it here but you cap their bullshit insanity. Why don't you just come out of the closit and join their bullshit?

Yeah right, if you keep telling yourself that then you might start believing it, like a moron, also defined as insanity.

So you still use make believe terms?

It's annoying because the person who posted that, is an attractive white woman with a black boyfriend.

I'm a pumpkin, I deserve special status, killing me is a hate crime.

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All this nonsense about social constructs is changing what words mean because they have no other way to win the argument.

It is very simple.

Some folk have gone too far and can't return to humanity.

> #
>What is a doctor supposed to call you when you have both male and female genitalia?


But on the subject of many genders

Anywho, imagine I have a 1974 vw beetle and I cut the body odd and install a Ferrari kit on it, when I buy plugs and plug wires or have to get brakes or a carb do I go to the Ferrari parts store? Nope I go to the beetle parts place.

I do love how one day the trans people say gender is genetic and sex is how you act then the next sex is genetic and gender is how you act.
I’m fine with people saying they are whatever they want to be , but genetic gender should always be given if asked.
Me personally I identify as a 1911 White steam car.

You already said that earlier in the thread lol
At least you spelled it right this time

Funny thing is, I have a website with a similar premise.

Two men of culture passing one another on this endless, wearying road.

I love that too, “phobia” is an irrational and uncontrollable fear and is something you cannot control and they want to sham people for a phobia that they cannot control that’s even worse than someone not liking them for pretending they are a (insert string of unintelligible alt speak) and not a vagina bearing or penis bearing mammal.

That's a retarded analogy and you're no doctor unless it's one from haity that worships crystals.

Join haznig and show your own site.

hahaha, there's a fork in the road

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No it’s not lol it like when you orde a steak there are just 5 real grades
Med rare
Med well
Med rare and med well are kinda true but they’re temp dependent so they can exist but when you start saying rare to med rare you’re getting med rare or med rare to med then you’re getting medium. Ect. You can say anything but you’re getting what you’re delt

I don't know if I should post it. I posted it one time and it shows up on Cred Forums archives.

There's more than 2 genders, more than 2 sexes. Deal with it. Apparently truth is offensive. I don't know why people get so butthurt about this.

Related, I'm a supermale.

Attached: KlinefelterSpermPossibilities.jpg (400x253, 17K)

Doesn't it really depend on the restaurant and the chef? Some people are scumbuckets and don't care either way. It's probably liability instead of giving customers what they want, like shithole chains. Real places will do it to order.

Oh please, why would your site be banned and this one not?
It's the nigger zoo.

Is niggermania your website? It looks outdated and creepy. Cool facts though.

I want... sooo badly... to see a picture of you as you are right now, at your battlestation, in all your awful NEET glory, with the caption "I'm a supermale"

>calling a syndrome a gender

Nope, I just saw that interaction and thought it was funny
>Ah yes, I, too, despise subhumans

Its not another gender tho. Also extra chromosome.

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Not that other OP, but some it is classic.
Niggers are niggers, changing some website doesn't change what they are.
Here are the most current coontacts:

kik : alison_herra

My favorite thing about contentious threads like this is figuring out what people are invested in. Are you invested in the concept of gaining knowledge, and being intellectually honest and changing your opinion when new facts disprove it, or are you invested in being correct about your currently held beliefs?

If you are for instance invested in there being 2 sexes, or more than 2 sexes, and THAT is the hill you will die on despite contradictory evidence, close the tab. Go to pornhub. Masturbate there instead. That's all you're doing anyway.

I miss my bright green shirt from South Africa. I overused it and it started looking goofy. It was a gift meant to be used.

It's a shame "cool story bro" is such a watered-down and mainstream retort now, posts like this is why it was made.

I guess all things wear away when they're used too much, huh user

What I like knowing about is your preconceived notions about anyone here on /b. Are you from cnn or something?


Listen. Schizo user. We get it. You think everyone is a CNN or MSNBC shill or a radical leftist. But try to see it from our POV. You are annoying as FUCK. You contribute nothing to the thread, and we all wish you would just sperg out on a twitchy cop so we never have to hear from you again.

So much virtue. I guess people shouldn't generalize because generalizing is wrong and Cred Forums is all about being politically correct.

Fucking dumbfuck.


I get it, you're still seething in your closit in a fetal position because your annointed one shillary didn't win. I get you types quite well.

AIDS making you cranky again?

I'm not generalizing, I'm saying that you are a scumbucket shillary type.

Stomp a tranny to death

So true

Everything is Hillary's fault, grandma. Even if she didn't win and it was years ago, it's always the man (woman) keeping you down. Nothing is your fault. You're still a dumbfuck who tries to politicize everything that gets your panties in a wad.

Wow, you have mommy issues.
Projecting much?

You should seek therapy, fast, before you shoot up a school or something.

Any science book, faggot.

It's called human biology, what you guys are arguing about is mental dissability.

There are only two sexes but gender... Well gender can apparently be anything you like my mayonnaise-kin friend.

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How about a fucking grade school biology book?

BTW, if there are 72 genders, why aren't there 72 different types of bathrooms?

The problem is that two separate concepts have the same word in their name. This is actually a huge pet peeve of mine.

Gender Anatomy
Gender Identity

They are two VERY different tings, one has to do with the physical sex organs you were born with and the other has to do with your psychology. If you were born a man, no matter how much surgery you have, or what pills you take, you will always be Anatomically a male. However, if you have gender dysphoria, then you may have male anatomy, but have the gender identity of a female.

Fuck, they need to do a better job of teaching this stuff. But do be clear, just because you identify as a woman, if you are anatomically a male, you will ALWAYS be anatomically a male, no mater how much you modify your body you can't change your genetic code.

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Okay look go to J-o-v-a-n-n-y-R dot C-o-m without the dashes. Click on the one that say R-a-b-b-i-t-s and R-a-c-i-s-m. I'm paranoid, but since you asked, I may as well advertise. I'm not racist like you are. I don't calk blacks the N word. But I give a warning for the future generations.

>accuses me of generalizing
>takes a shot in the dark assuming I'm liberal and misses by 10 miles

Kiddo, I've been getting niggers fired just for fun since before you figured out what your dick was for, and I have that video of Hillary fans crying in a porn folder.

Samefag lol